@@ -1,2231 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# MMGen Wallet, a terminal-based cryptocurrency wallet
-# Copyright (C)2013-2024 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-xmrwallet.py - MoneroWalletOps class
-import re,time,json,atexit
-from collections import namedtuple
-from pathlib import Path
-from .objmethods import MMGenObject,HiliteStr,InitErrors
-from .obj import CoinTxID,Int
-from .color import red,yellow,green,blue,cyan,pink,orange,purple,gray
-from .util import (
- msg,
- msg_r,
- gmsg,
- bmsg,
- ymsg,
- rmsg,
- gmsg_r,
- pp_msg,
- die,
- fmt,
- suf,
- async_run,
- make_timestr,
- make_chksum_N,
- list_gen,
- fmt_dict
-from .fileutil import get_data_from_file
-from .seed import SeedID
-from .protocol import init_proto
-from .proto.btc.common import b58a
-from .addr import CoinAddr,AddrIdx
-from .addrlist import KeyAddrList,ViewKeyAddrList,AddrIdxList
-from .rpc import json_encoder
-from .proto.xmr.rpc import MoneroRPCClient,MoneroWalletRPCClient
-from .proto.xmr.daemon import MoneroWalletDaemon
-from .ui import keypress_confirm
-from .tx.util import get_autosign_obj
-xmrwallet_uargs = namedtuple('xmrwallet_uargs',[
- 'infile',
- 'wallets',
- 'spec',
-xmrwallet_uarg_info = (
- lambda e,hp: {
- 'daemon': e('HOST:PORT', hp),
- 'tx_relay_daemon': e('HOST:PORT[:PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT]', rf'({hp})(?::({hp}))?'),
- 'newaddr_spec': e('WALLET[:ACCOUNT][,"label text"]', r'(\d+)(?::(\d+))?(?:,(.*))?'),
- 'transfer_spec': e('SOURCE:ACCOUNT:ADDRESS,AMOUNT', rf'(\d+):(\d+):([{b58a}]+),([0-9.]+)'),
- 'sweep_spec': e('SOURCE:ACCOUNT[,DEST[:ACCOUNT]]', r'(\d+):(\d+)(?:,(\d+)(?::(\d+))?)?'),
- 'label_spec': e('WALLET:ACCOUNT:ADDRESS,"label text"', r'(\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(.*)'),
- })(
- namedtuple('uarg_info_entry',['annot','pat']),
- r'(?:[^:]+):(?:\d+)'
- )
-# required to squelch pylint:
-def fmt_amt(amt):
- return str(amt)
-def hl_amt(amt):
- return str(amt)
-tx_priorities = {
- 1: 'low',
- 2: 'normal',
- 3: 'high',
- 4: 'highest'
-def gen_acct_addr_info(self, wallet_data, account, indent=''):
- fs = indent + '{I:<3} {A} {U} {B} {L}'
- addrs_data = wallet_data.addrs_data[account]['addresses']
- for d in addrs_data:
- d['unlocked_balance'] = 0
- if 'per_subaddress' in wallet_data.bals_data:
- for d in wallet_data.bals_data['per_subaddress']:
- if d['account_index'] == account:
- addrs_data[d['address_index']]['unlocked_balance'] = d['unlocked_balance']
- yield fs.format(
- I = '',
- A = 'Address'.ljust(addr_width),
- U = 'Used'.ljust(5),
- B = ' Unlocked Balance',
- L = 'Label')
- for addr in addrs_data:
- ca = CoinAddr(self.proto, addr['address'])
- bal = addr['unlocked_balance']
- if self.cfg.skip_empty_addresses and addr['used'] and not bal:
- continue
- yield fs.format(
- I = addr['address_index'],
- A = ca.hl(0) if self.cfg.full_address else ca.fmt(0, color=True, width=addr_width),
- U = (red('True ') if addr['used'] else green('False')),
- B = fmt_amt(bal),
- L = pink(addr['label']))
-class XMRWalletAddrSpec(HiliteStr,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
- color = 'cyan'
- width = 0
- trunc_ok = False
- min_len = 5 # 1:0:0
- max_len = 14 # 9999:9999:9999
- def __new__(cls,arg1,arg2=None,arg3=None):
- if isinstance(arg1,cls):
- return arg1
- try:
- if isinstance(arg1,str):
- me = str.__new__(cls,arg1)
- m = re.fullmatch( '({n}):({n}):({n}|None)'.format(n=r'[0-9]{1,4}'), arg1 )
- assert m is not None, f'{arg1!r}: invalid XMRWalletAddrSpec'
- for e in m.groups():
- if len(e) != 1 and e[0] == '0':
- die(2,f'{e}: leading zeroes not permitted in XMRWalletAddrSpec element')
- me.wallet = AddrIdx(m[1])
- me.account = int(m[2])
- me.account_address = None if m[3] == 'None' else int(m[3])
- else:
- me = str.__new__(cls,f'{arg1}:{arg2}:{arg3}')
- for arg in [arg1,arg2] + ([] if arg3 is None else [arg3]):
- assert isinstance(arg,int), f'{arg}: XMRWalletAddrSpec component not of type int'
- assert arg is None or arg <= 9999, f'{arg}: XMRWalletAddrSpec component greater than 9999'
- me.wallet = AddrIdx(arg1)
- me.account = arg2
- me.account_address = arg3
- return me
- except Exception as e:
- return cls.init_fail(e,me)
-class MoneroMMGenFile:
- silent_load = False
- def make_chksum(self,keys=None):
- res = json.dumps(
- dict( (k,v) for k,v in self.data._asdict().items() if (not keys or k in keys) ),
- cls = json_encoder
- )
- return make_chksum_N( res, rounds=1, nchars=self.chksum_nchars, upper=False )
- @property
- def base_chksum(self):
- return self.make_chksum(self.base_chksum_fields)
- @property
- def full_chksum(self):
- return self.make_chksum(self.full_chksum_fields) if self.full_chksum_fields else None
- def check_checksums(self,d_wrap):
- for k in ('base_chksum','full_chksum'):
- a = getattr(self,k)
- if a is not None:
- b = d_wrap[k]
- assert a == b, f'{k} mismatch: {a} != {b}'
- def make_wrapped_data(self,in_data):
- out = {
- 'base_chksum': self.base_chksum,
- 'full_chksum': self.full_chksum,
- 'data': in_data,
- } if self.full_chksum else {
- 'base_chksum': self.base_chksum,
- 'data': in_data,
- }
- return json.dumps(
- { self.data_label: out },
- cls = json_encoder,
- indent = 2,
- )
- def extract_data_from_file(self,cfg,fn):
- return json.loads(
- get_data_from_file( cfg, str(fn), self.desc, silent=self.silent_load )
- )[self.data_label]
-class MoneroMMGenTX:
- class Base(MoneroMMGenFile):
- data_label = 'MoneroMMGenTX'
- # both base_chksum and full_chksum are used to make the filename stem, so we must not include
- # fields that change when TX is signed and submitted (e.g. ‘sign_time’, ‘submit_time’)
- base_chksum_fields = {
- 'op',
- 'create_time',
- 'network',
- 'seed_id',
- 'source',
- 'dest',
- 'amount' }
- full_chksum_fields = {
- 'op',
- 'create_time',
- 'network',
- 'seed_id',
- 'source',
- 'dest',
- 'amount',
- 'fee',
- 'blob' }
- oneline_fs = '{a:7} {b:8} {c:19} {d:13} {e:9} {f:6} {x:2} {g:6} {h:17} {j}'
- oneline_fixed_cols_w = 96 # width of all columns except the last (coin address)
- chksum_nchars = 6
- xmrwallet_tx_data = namedtuple('xmrwallet_tx_data',[
- 'op',
- 'create_time',
- 'sign_time',
- 'submit_time',
- 'network',
- 'seed_id',
- 'source',
- 'dest',
- 'dest_address',
- 'txid',
- 'amount',
- 'priority',
- 'fee',
- 'blob',
- 'metadata',
- 'unsigned_txset',
- 'signed_txset',
- 'complete',
- ])
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = type(self).__name__
- @property
- def src_wallet_idx(self):
- return int(self.data.source.split(':')[0])
- def get_info_oneline(self, indent='', addr_w=None):
- d = self.data
- return self.oneline_fs.format(
- a = yellow(d.network),
- b = d.seed_id.hl(),
- c = make_timestr(d.submit_time if d.submit_time is not None else d.create_time),
- d = orange(self.file_id),
- e = purple(d.op.ljust(9)),
- f = red('{}:{}'.format(d.source.wallet,d.source.account).ljust(6)),
- g = red('{}:{}'.format(d.dest.wallet,d.dest.account).ljust(6)) if d.dest else cyan('ext '),
- h = d.amount.fmt( color=True, iwidth=4, prec=12 ),
- j = d.dest_address.fmt(0, width=addr_w, color=True) if addr_w else d.dest_address.hl(0),
- x = '->'
- )
- def get_info(self, indent='', addr_w=None):
- d = self.data
- pmt_id = d.dest_address.parsed.payment_id
- fs = '\n'.join(list_gen(
- ['Info for transaction {a} [Seed ID: {b}. Network: {c}]:'],
- [' TxID: {d}'],
- [' Created: {e:19} [{f}]'],
- [' Signed: {g:19} [{h}]', d.sign_time],
- [' Submitted: {s:19} [{t}]', d.submit_time],
- [' Type: {i}{S}'],
- [' From: wallet {j}, account {k}'],
- [' To: wallet {x}, account {y}, address {z}', d.dest],
- [' Amount: {m} XMR'],
- [' Priority: {F}', d.priority],
- [' Fee: {n} XMR'],
- [' Dest: {o}'],
- [' Size: {Z} bytes', d.signed_txset],
- [' Payment ID: {P}', pmt_id],
- ))
- from .util2 import format_elapsed_hr
- return fmt(fs,strip_char='\t',indent=indent).format(
- a = orange(self.file_id),
- b = d.seed_id.hl(),
- c = yellow(d.network.upper()),
- d = d.txid.hl(),
- e = make_timestr(d.create_time),
- f = format_elapsed_hr(d.create_time),
- g = make_timestr(d.sign_time) if d.sign_time else None,
- h = format_elapsed_hr(d.sign_time) if d.sign_time else None,
- i = blue(d.op),
- j = d.source.wallet.hl(),
- k = red(f'#{d.source.account}'),
- m = d.amount.hl(),
- F = (Int(d.priority).hl() + f' [{tx_priorities[d.priority]}]') if d.priority else None,
- n = d.fee.hl(),
- o = d.dest_address.hl(0) if self.cfg.full_address
- else d.dest_address.fmt(0, width=addr_width, color=True),
- P = pink(pmt_id.hex()) if pmt_id else None,
- s = make_timestr(d.submit_time) if d.submit_time else None,
- S = pink(f" [cold signed{', submitted' if d.complete else ''}]") if d.signed_txset else '',
- t = format_elapsed_hr(d.submit_time) if d.submit_time else None,
- x = d.dest.wallet.hl() if d.dest else None,
- y = red(f'#{d.dest.account}') if d.dest else None,
- z = red(f'#{d.dest.account_address}') if d.dest else None,
- Z = Int(len(d.signed_txset) // 2).hl() if d.signed_txset else None,
- )
- @property
- def file_id(self):
- return (self.base_chksum + ('-' + self.full_chksum if self.full_chksum else '')).upper()
- def write(self,delete_metadata=False,ask_write=True,ask_overwrite=True):
- dict_data = self.data._asdict()
- if delete_metadata:
- dict_data['metadata'] = None
- fn = '{a}-XMR[{b!s}]{c}.{d}'.format(
- a = self.file_id,
- b = self.data.amount,
- c = '' if self.data.network == 'mainnet' else f'.{self.data.network}',
- d = self.ext
- )
- if self.cfg.autosign:
- fn = get_autosign_obj(self.cfg).xmr_tx_dir / fn
- from .fileutil import write_data_to_file
- write_data_to_file(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- outfile = str(fn),
- data = self.make_wrapped_data(dict_data),
- desc = self.desc,
- ask_write = ask_write,
- ask_write_default_yes = not ask_write,
- ask_overwrite = ask_overwrite,
- ignore_opt_outdir = self.cfg.autosign )
- class New(Base):
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- super().__init__()
- assert not args, 'Non-keyword args not permitted'
- if '_in_tx' in kwargs:
- in_data = kwargs.pop('_in_tx').data._asdict()
- in_data.update(kwargs)
- else:
- in_data = kwargs
- d = namedtuple('monero_tx_in_data_tuple',in_data)(**in_data)
- self.cfg = d.cfg
- proto = init_proto( self.cfg, 'xmr', network=d.network, need_amt=True )
- now = int(time.time())
- self.data = self.xmrwallet_tx_data(
- op = d.op,
- create_time = now if self.name in ('NewSigned','NewUnsigned') else getattr(d,'create_time',None),
- sign_time = now if self.name in ('NewSigned','NewColdSigned') else getattr(d,'sign_time',None),
- submit_time = now if self.name == 'NewSubmitted' else None,
- network = d.network,
- seed_id = SeedID(sid=d.seed_id),
- source = XMRWalletAddrSpec(d.source),
- dest = None if d.dest is None else XMRWalletAddrSpec(d.dest),
- dest_address = CoinAddr(proto,d.dest_address),
- txid = CoinTxID(d.txid),
- amount = d.amount,
- priority = self.cfg.priority if self.name in ('NewSigned','NewUnsigned') else d.priority,
- fee = d.fee,
- blob = d.blob,
- metadata = d.metadata,
- unsigned_txset = d.unsigned_txset,
- signed_txset = getattr(d,'signed_txset',None),
- complete = self.name in ('NewSigned','NewSubmitted'),
- )
- class NewUnsigned(New):
- desc = 'unsigned transaction'
- ext = 'rawtx'
- signed = False
- class NewSigned(New):
- desc = 'signed transaction'
- ext = 'sigtx'
- signed = True
- class NewColdSigned(NewSigned):
- pass
- class NewSubmitted(NewColdSigned):
- desc = 'submitted transaction'
- ext = 'subtx'
- class Completed(Base):
- desc = 'transaction'
- forbidden_fields = ()
- def __init__(self,cfg,fn):
- super().__init__()
- self.cfg = cfg
- self.fn = Path(fn)
- try:
- d_wrap = self.extract_data_from_file( cfg, fn )
- except Exception as e:
- die( 'MoneroMMGenTXFileParseError', f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}\nCould not load transaction file' )
- if 'unsigned_txset' in d_wrap['data']: # post-autosign
- self.full_chksum_fields &= set(d_wrap['data']) # allow for added chksum fields in future
- else:
- self.full_chksum_fields = set(d_wrap['data']) - {'metadata'}
- for key in self.xmrwallet_tx_data._fields: # backwards compat: fill in missing fields
- if not key in d_wrap['data']:
- d_wrap['data'][key] = None
- d = self.xmrwallet_tx_data(**d_wrap['data'])
- if self.name not in ('View','Completed'):
- assert fn.name.endswith('.'+self.ext), 'TX file {fn} has incorrect extension (not {self.ext!r})'
- assert getattr(d,self.req_field), f'{self.name} TX missing required field {self.req_field!r}'
- assert bool(d.sign_time) == self.signed, '{a} has {b}sign time!'.format(
- a = self.desc,
- b = 'no ' if self.signed else'' )
- for f in self.forbidden_fields:
- assert not getattr(d,f), f'{self.name} TX mismatch: contains forbidden field {f!r}'
- proto = init_proto( cfg, 'xmr', network=d.network, need_amt=True )
- self.data = self.xmrwallet_tx_data(
- op = d.op,
- create_time = d.create_time,
- sign_time = d.sign_time,
- submit_time = d.submit_time,
- network = d.network,
- seed_id = SeedID(sid=d.seed_id),
- source = XMRWalletAddrSpec(d.source),
- dest = None if d.dest is None else XMRWalletAddrSpec(d.dest),
- dest_address = CoinAddr(proto,d.dest_address),
- txid = CoinTxID(d.txid),
- amount = proto.coin_amt(d.amount),
- priority = d.priority,
- fee = proto.coin_amt(d.fee),
- blob = d.blob,
- metadata = d.metadata,
- unsigned_txset = d.unsigned_txset,
- signed_txset = d.signed_txset,
- complete = d.complete,
- )
- self.check_checksums(d_wrap)
- class Unsigned(Completed):
- desc = 'unsigned transaction'
- ext = 'rawtx'
- signed = False
- req_field = 'unsigned_txset'
- forbidden_fields = ('signed_txset',)
- class Signed(Completed):
- desc = 'signed transaction'
- ext = 'sigtx'
- signed = True
- req_field = 'blob'
- forbidden_fields = ('signed_txset','unsigned_txset')
- class ColdSigned(Signed):
- req_field = 'signed_txset'
- forbidden_fields = ()
- class Submitted(ColdSigned):
- desc = 'submitted transaction'
- ext = 'subtx'
- silent_load = True
- class View(Completed):
- silent_load = True
-class MoneroWalletOutputsFile:
- class Base(MoneroMMGenFile):
- desc = 'wallet outputs'
- data_label = 'MoneroMMGenWalletOutputsFile'
- base_chksum_fields = {'seed_id','wallet_index','outputs_data_hex',}
- full_chksum_fields = {'seed_id','wallet_index','outputs_data_hex','signed_key_images'}
- fn_fs = '{a}-outputs-{b}.{c}'
- ext_offset = 25 # len('-outputs-') + len(chksum) ({b})
- chksum_nchars = 16
- data_tuple = namedtuple('wallet_outputs_data',[
- 'seed_id',
- 'wallet_index',
- 'outputs_data_hex',
- 'signed_key_images',
- 'sign',
- 'imported',
- ])
- def __init__(self,cfg):
- self.name = type(self).__name__
- self.cfg = cfg
- def write(self, add_suf='', quiet=False):
- from .fileutil import write_data_to_file
- write_data_to_file(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- outfile = str(self.get_outfile( self.cfg, self.wallet_fn )) + add_suf,
- data = self.make_wrapped_data(self.data._asdict()),
- desc = self.desc,
- ask_overwrite = False,
- quiet = quiet,
- ignore_opt_outdir = True)
- def get_outfile(self,cfg,wallet_fn):
- return (
- get_autosign_obj(cfg).xmr_outputs_dir if cfg.autosign else
- wallet_fn.parent ) / self.fn_fs.format(
- a = wallet_fn.name,
- b = self.base_chksum,
- c = self.ext,
- )
- def get_wallet_fn(self,fn):
- assert fn.name.endswith(f'.{self.ext}'), (
- f'{self.name}: filename does not end with {"."+self.ext!r}'
- )
- return fn.parent / fn.name[:-(len(self.ext)+self.ext_offset+1)]
- def get_info(self,indent=''):
- if self.data.signed_key_images is not None:
- data = self.data.signed_key_images or []
- return f'{indent}{self.wallet_fn.name}: {len(data)} signed key image{suf(data)}'
- else:
- return f'{indent}{self.wallet_fn.name}: no key images'
- class New(Base):
- ext = 'raw'
- def __init__(self, parent, wallet_fn, data, wallet_idx=None, sign=False):
- super().__init__(parent.cfg)
- self.wallet_fn = wallet_fn
- init_data = dict.fromkeys(self.data_tuple._fields)
- init_data.update({
- 'seed_id': parent.kal.al_id.sid,
- 'wallet_index': wallet_idx or parent.get_idx_from_fn(wallet_fn),
- })
- if sign:
- init_data['sign'] = sign
- init_data.update({k:v for k,v in data.items() if k in init_data})
- self.data = self.data_tuple(**init_data)
- class Completed(New):
- def __init__( self, parent, fn=None, wallet_fn=None ):
- def check_equal(desc,a,b):
- assert a == b, f'{desc} mismatch: {a} (from file) != {b} (from filename)'
- fn = fn or self.get_outfile( parent.cfg, wallet_fn )
- wallet_fn = wallet_fn or self.get_wallet_fn(fn)
- d_wrap = self.extract_data_from_file( parent.cfg, fn )
- data = d_wrap['data']
- check_equal( 'Seed ID', data['seed_id'], parent.kal.al_id.sid )
- wallet_idx = parent.get_idx_from_fn(wallet_fn)
- check_equal( 'Wallet index', data['wallet_index'], wallet_idx )
- super().__init__(
- parent = parent,
- wallet_fn = wallet_fn,
- data = data,
- wallet_idx = wallet_idx,
- )
- self.check_checksums(d_wrap)
- @classmethod
- def find_fn_from_wallet_fn(cls,cfg,wallet_fn,ret_on_no_match=False):
- path = get_autosign_obj(cfg).xmr_outputs_dir or Path()
- pat = cls.fn_fs.format(
- a = wallet_fn.name,
- b = f'[0-9a-f]{{{cls.chksum_nchars}}}\\',
- c = cls.ext,
- )
- matches = [f for f in path.iterdir() if re.match(pat,f.name)]
- if not matches and ret_on_no_match:
- return None
- if not matches or len(matches) > 1:
- die(2,"{a} matching pattern {b!r} found in '{c}'!".format(
- a = 'No files' if not matches else 'More than one file',
- b = pat,
- c = path
- ))
- return matches[0]
- class Unsigned(Completed):
- pass
- class SignedNew(New):
- desc = 'signed key images'
- ext = 'sig'
- class Signed(Completed,SignedNew):
- pass
-class MoneroWalletDumpFile:
- class Base:
- desc = 'Monero wallet dump'
- data_label = 'MoneroMMGenWalletDumpFile'
- base_chksum_fields = {'seed_id','wallet_index','wallet_metadata'}
- full_chksum_fields = None
- ext = 'dump'
- ext_offset = 0
- data_tuple = namedtuple('wallet_dump_data',[
- 'seed_id',
- 'wallet_index',
- 'wallet_metadata',
- ])
- def get_outfile(self,cfg,wallet_fn):
- return wallet_fn.parent / f'{wallet_fn.name}.{self.ext}'
- class New(Base,MoneroWalletOutputsFile.New):
- pass
- class Completed(Base,MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Completed):
- pass
-class MoneroWalletOps:
- ops = (
- 'create',
- 'create_offline',
- 'sync',
- 'list',
- 'view',
- 'listview',
- 'new',
- 'transfer',
- 'sweep',
- 'sweep_all',
- 'relay',
- 'txview',
- 'txlist',
- 'label',
- 'sign',
- 'submit',
- 'resubmit',
- 'abort',
- 'dump',
- 'restore',
- 'export_outputs',
- 'import_key_images' )
- kafile_arg_ops = (
- 'create',
- 'sync',
- 'list',
- 'view',
- 'listview',
- 'label',
- 'new',
- 'transfer',
- 'sweep',
- 'sweep_all',
- 'dump',
- 'restore' )
- opts = (
- 'wallet_dir',
- 'daemon',
- 'tx_relay_daemon',
- 'use_internal_keccak_module',
- 'hash_preset',
- 'restore_height',
- 'no_start_wallet_daemon',
- 'no_stop_wallet_daemon',
- 'no_relay',
- 'watch_only',
- 'autosign',
- 'skip_empty_accounts',
- 'skip_empty_addresses')
- pat_opts = ('daemon','tx_relay_daemon')
- class base(MMGenObject):
- opts = ('wallet_dir',)
- trust_monerod = False
- do_umount = True
- def __init__(self,cfg,uarg_tuple):
- def gen_classes():
- for cls in type(self).__mro__:
- yield cls
- if cls.__name__ == 'base':
- break
- self.name = type(self).__name__
- self.cfg = cfg
- classes = tuple(gen_classes())
- self.opts = tuple(set(opt for cls in classes for opt in cls.opts))
- if not hasattr(self,'stem'):
- self.stem = self.name
- global uarg, uarg_info, fmt_amt, hl_amt, addr_width
- uarg = uarg_tuple
- uarg_info = xmrwallet_uarg_info
- def fmt_amt(amt):
- return self.proto.coin_amt(amt,from_unit='atomic').fmt( iwidth=5, prec=12, color=True )
- def hl_amt(amt):
- return self.proto.coin_amt(amt,from_unit='atomic').hl()
- addr_width = 95 if self.cfg.full_address else 17
- self.proto = init_proto(cfg, 'xmr', network=self.cfg.network, need_amt=True)
- id_cur = None
- for cls in classes:
- if id(cls.check_uopts) != id_cur:
- cls.check_uopts(self)
- id_cur = id(cls.check_uopts)
- id_cur = None
- for cls in classes:
- if id(cls.pre_init_action) != id_cur:
- cls.pre_init_action(self)
- id_cur = id(cls.pre_init_action)
- if cfg.autosign:
- self.asi = get_autosign_obj(cfg)
- def check_uopts(self):
- def check_pat_opt(name):
- val = getattr(self.cfg,name)
- if not re.fullmatch( uarg_info[name].pat, val, re.ASCII ):
- die(1,'{!r}: invalid value for --{}: it must have format {!r}'.format(
- val,
- name.replace('_','-'),
- uarg_info[name].annot
- ))
- for attr in self.cfg.__dict__:
- if attr in MoneroWalletOps.opts and not attr in self.opts:
- die(1,'Option --{} not supported for {!r} operation'.format(
- attr.replace('_','-'),
- self.name,
- ))
- for opt in MoneroWalletOps.pat_opts:
- if getattr(self.cfg,opt,None):
- check_pat_opt(opt)
- def parse_tx_relay_opt(self):
- return re.fullmatch(
- uarg_info['tx_relay_daemon'].pat,
- self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon,
- re.ASCII )
- def display_tx_relay_info(self,indent=''):
- m = self.parse_tx_relay_opt()
- msg(fmt(f"""
- TX relay info:
- Host: {blue(m[1])}
- Proxy: {blue(m[2] or 'None')}
- """,strip_char='\t',indent=indent))
- def pre_init_action(self):
- pass
- def post_main_success(self):
- pass
- def post_main_failure(self):
- pass
- async def stop_wallet_daemon(self):
- pass
- def post_mount_action(self):
- pass
- def mount_removable_device(self):
- if self.cfg.autosign:
- if not self.asi.device_inserted:
- die(1,'Removable device not present!')
- if self.do_umount:
- atexit.register(lambda: self.asi.do_umount())
- self.asi.do_mount()
- self.post_mount_action()
- class wallet(base):
- opts = (
- 'use_internal_keccak_module',
- 'hash_preset',
- 'daemon',
- 'no_start_wallet_daemon',
- 'no_stop_wallet_daemon',
- 'autosign',
- 'watch_only',
- )
- wallet_offline = False
- wallet_exists = True
- start_daemon = True
- skip_wallet_check = False # for debugging
- def __init__(self,cfg,uarg_tuple):
- def wallet_exists(fn):
- try:
- fn.stat()
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def check_wallets():
- for d in self.addr_data:
- fn = self.get_wallet_fn(d)
- exists = wallet_exists(fn)
- if exists and not self.wallet_exists:
- die(1, f'Wallet ‘{fn}’ already exists!')
- elif not exists and self.wallet_exists:
- die(1, f'Wallet ‘{fn}’ not found!')
- super().__init__(cfg,uarg_tuple)
- if self.cfg.offline or (self.name == 'create' and self.cfg.restore_height is None):
- self.wallet_offline = True
- self.wd = MoneroWalletDaemon(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- wallet_dir = self.cfg.wallet_dir or '.',
- test_suite = self.cfg.test_suite,
- monerod_addr = self.cfg.daemon or None,
- trust_monerod = self.trust_monerod,
- test_monerod = not self.wallet_offline,
- )
- if self.wallet_offline:
- self.wd.usr_daemon_args = ['--offline']
- self.c = MoneroWalletRPCClient(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- daemon = self.wd,
- test_connection = False,
- )
- if self.cfg.offline:
- from .wallet import Wallet
- self.seed_src = Wallet(
- cfg = cfg,
- fn = uarg.infile,
- ignore_in_fmt = True )
- gmsg('\nCreating ephemeral key-address list for offline wallets')
- self.kal = KeyAddrList(
- cfg = cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- seed = self.seed_src.seed,
- addr_idxs = uarg.wallets,
- skip_chksum_msg = True )
- else:
- self.mount_removable_device()
- # with watch_only, make a second attempt to open the file as KeyAddrList:
- for first_try in (True,False):
- try:
- self.kal = (ViewKeyAddrList if (self.cfg.watch_only and first_try) else KeyAddrList)(
- cfg = cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- addrfile = str(self.autosign_viewkey_addr_file) if self.cfg.autosign else uarg.infile,
- key_address_validity_check = True,
- skip_chksum_msg = True )
- break
- except:
- if first_try:
- msg(f"Attempting to open '{uarg.infile}' as key-address list")
- continue
- raise
- self.create_addr_data()
- if not self.skip_wallet_check:
- check_wallets()
- if self.start_daemon and not self.cfg.no_start_wallet_daemon:
- async_run(self.restart_wallet_daemon())
- @classmethod
- def get_idx_from_fn(cls,fn):
- return int( re.match(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-(\d+)-Monero(WatchOnly)?Wallet.*',fn.name)[1] )
- def pre_init_action(self):
- if self.cfg.skip_empty_accounts:
- msg(orange('Skipping display of empty accounts where applicable'))
- if self.cfg.skip_empty_addresses:
- msg(orange('Skipping display of empty used addresses where applicable'))
- def get_coin_daemon_rpc(self):
- host,port = self.cfg.daemon.split(':') if self.cfg.daemon else ('localhost',self.wd.monerod_port)
- from .daemon import CoinDaemon
- return MoneroRPCClient(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- daemon = CoinDaemon( self.cfg, 'xmr' ),
- host = host,
- port = int(port),
- user = None,
- passwd = None )
- @property
- def autosign_viewkey_addr_file(self):
- from .addrfile import ViewKeyAddrFile
- flist = [f for f in self.asi.xmr_dir.iterdir() if f.name.endswith(ViewKeyAddrFile.ext)]
- if len(flist) != 1:
- die(2,
- "{a} viewkey-address files found in autosign mountpoint directory '{b}'!\n".format(
- a = 'Multiple' if flist else 'No',
- b = self.asi.xmr_dir
- )
- + 'Have you run ‘mmgen-autosign setup’ on your offline machine with the --xmrwallets option?'
- )
- else:
- return flist[0]
- def create_addr_data(self):
- if uarg.wallets:
- idxs = AddrIdxList(uarg.wallets)
- self.addr_data = [d for d in self.kal.data if d.idx in idxs]
- if len(self.addr_data) != len(idxs):
- die(1,f'List {uarg.wallets!r} contains addresses not present in supplied key-address file')
- else:
- self.addr_data = self.kal.data
- async def restart_wallet_daemon(self):
- atexit.register(lambda: async_run(self.stop_wallet_daemon()))
- await self.c.restart_daemon()
- async def stop_wallet_daemon(self):
- if not self.cfg.no_stop_wallet_daemon:
- try:
- await self.c.stop_daemon()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- ymsg('\nForce killing wallet daemon')
- self.c.daemon.force_kill = True
- self.c.daemon.stop()
- def get_wallet_fn(self,data,watch_only=None):
- if watch_only is None:
- watch_only = self.cfg.watch_only
- return Path(
- (self.cfg.wallet_dir or '.'),
- '{a}-{b}-Monero{c}Wallet{d}'.format(
- a = self.kal.al_id.sid,
- b = data.idx,
- c = 'WatchOnly' if watch_only else '',
- d = f'.{self.cfg.network}' if self.cfg.network != 'mainnet' else '')
- )
- @property
- def add_wallet_desc(self):
- return 'offline signing ' if self.cfg.offline else 'watch-only ' if self.cfg.watch_only else ''
- async def main(self):
- gmsg('\n{a}ing {b} {c}wallet{d}'.format(
- a = self.stem.capitalize(),
- b = len(self.addr_data),
- c = self.add_wallet_desc,
- d = suf(self.addr_data) ))
- processed = 0
- for n,d in enumerate(self.addr_data): # [d.sec,d.addr,d.wallet_passwd,d.viewkey]
- fn = self.get_wallet_fn(d)
- gmsg('\n{a}ing wallet {b}/{c} ({d})'.format(
- a = self.stem.capitalize(),
- b = n + 1,
- c = len(self.addr_data),
- d = fn.name,
- ))
- processed += await self.process_wallet(
- d,
- fn,
- last = n==len(self.addr_data)-1 )
- gmsg(f'\n{processed} wallet{suf(processed)} {self.stem}ed\n')
- return processed
- def head_msg(self,wallet_idx,fn):
- gmsg('\n{a} {b}wallet #{c} ({d})'.format(
- a = self.action.capitalize(),
- b = self.add_wallet_desc,
- c = wallet_idx,
- d = fn.name
- ))
- class rpc:
- def __init__(self,parent,d):
- self.parent = parent
- self.cfg = parent.cfg
- self.proto = parent.proto
- self.c = parent.c
- self.d = d
- self.fn = parent.get_wallet_fn(d)
- self.new_tx_cls = (
- MoneroMMGenTX.NewUnsigned if self.cfg.watch_only else
- MoneroMMGenTX.NewSigned )
- def open_wallet(self,desc=None,refresh=True):
- add_desc = desc + ' ' if desc else self.parent.add_wallet_desc
- gmsg_r(f'\n Opening {add_desc}wallet...')
- self.c.call( # returns {}
- 'open_wallet',
- filename = self.fn.name,
- password = self.d.wallet_passwd )
- gmsg('done')
- if refresh:
- gmsg_r(f' Refreshing {add_desc}wallet...')
- ret = self.c.call('refresh')
- gmsg('done')
- if ret['received_money']:
- msg(' Wallet has received funds')
- def close_wallet(self,desc):
- gmsg_r(f'\n Closing {desc} wallet...')
- self.c.call('close_wallet')
- gmsg_r('done')
- async def stop_wallet(self,desc):
- msg(f'Stopping {self.c.daemon.desc} on port {self.c.daemon.bind_port}')
- gmsg_r(f'\n Stopping {desc} wallet...')
- await self.c.stop_daemon(quiet=True) # closes wallet
- gmsg_r('done')
- def gen_accts_info(self, accts_data, addrs_data, indent=' ', skip_empty_ok=False):
- fs = indent + ' {I:<3} {A} {N} {B} {L}'
- yield indent + f'Accounts of wallet {self.fn.name}:'
- yield fs.format(
- I = '',
- A = 'Base Address'.ljust(addr_width),
- N = 'nAddrs',
- B = ' Unlocked Balance',
- L = 'Label')
- for i,e in enumerate(accts_data['subaddress_accounts']):
- if skip_empty_ok and self.cfg.skip_empty_accounts and not e['unlocked_balance']:
- continue
- ca = CoinAddr(self.proto, e['base_address'])
- yield fs.format(
- I = str(e['account_index']),
- A = ca.hl(0) if self.cfg.full_address else ca.fmt(0, color=True, width=addr_width),
- N = red(str(len(addrs_data[i]['addresses'])).ljust(6)),
- B = fmt_amt(e['unlocked_balance']),
- L = pink(e['label']))
- def get_wallet_data(self, print=True, skip_empty_ok=False):
- accts_data = self.c.call('get_accounts')
- addrs_data = [
- self.c.call('get_address',account_index=i)
- for i in range(len(accts_data['subaddress_accounts']))
- ]
- if print:
- msg('\n' + '\n'.join(self.gen_accts_info(accts_data, addrs_data, skip_empty_ok=skip_empty_ok)))
- bals_data = self.c.call('get_balance', all_accounts=True)
- return namedtuple('wallet_data', ['accts_data', 'addrs_data', 'bals_data'])(
- accts_data, addrs_data, bals_data)
- def create_acct(self,label=None):
- msg('\n Creating new account...')
- ret = self.c.call('create_account', label=label)
- msg(' Index: {}'.format( pink(str(ret['account_index'])) ))
- msg(' Address: {}'.format( cyan(ret['address']) ))
- return (ret['account_index'], ret['address'])
- def get_last_acct(self,accts_data):
- msg('\n Getting last account...')
- ret = accts_data['subaddress_accounts'][-1]
- msg(' Index: {}'.format( pink(str(ret['account_index'])) ))
- msg(' Address: {}'.format( cyan(ret['base_address']) ))
- return (ret['account_index'], ret['base_address'])
- def print_acct_addrs(self, wallet_data, account):
- msg('\n Addresses of account #{} ({}):'.format(
- account,
- wallet_data.accts_data['subaddress_accounts'][account]['label']))
- msg('\n'.join(gen_acct_addr_info(self, wallet_data, account, indent=' ')))
- return wallet_data.addrs_data[account]['addresses']
- def create_new_addr(self, account, label):
- msg_r('\n Creating new address: ')
- ret = self.c.call('create_address', account_index=account, label=label or '')
- msg(cyan(ret['address']))
- return ret['address']
- def get_last_addr(self, account, wallet_data, display=True):
- if display:
- msg('\n Getting last address:')
- acct_addrs = wallet_data.addrs_data[account]['addresses']
- addr = acct_addrs[-1]['address']
- if display:
- msg(' ' + cyan(addr))
- return (addr, len(acct_addrs) - 1)
- def set_label(self,account,address_idx,label):
- return self.c.call(
- 'label_address',
- index = { 'major': account, 'minor': address_idx },
- label = label
- )
- def make_transfer_tx(self,account,addr,amt):
- res = self.c.call(
- 'transfer',
- account_index = account,
- destinations = [{
- 'amount': amt.to_unit('atomic'),
- 'address': addr
- }],
- priority = self.cfg.priority or None,
- do_not_relay = True,
- get_tx_hex = True,
- get_tx_metadata = True
- )
- return self.new_tx_cls(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- op = self.parent.name,
- network = self.proto.network,
- seed_id = self.parent.kal.al_id.sid,
- source = XMRWalletAddrSpec(self.parent.source.idx,self.parent.account,None),
- dest = None,
- dest_address = addr,
- txid = res['tx_hash'],
- amount = self.proto.coin_amt(res['amount'], from_unit='atomic'),
- fee = self.proto.coin_amt(res['fee'], from_unit='atomic'),
- blob = res['tx_blob'],
- metadata = res['tx_metadata'],
- unsigned_txset = res['unsigned_txset'] if self.cfg.watch_only else None,
- )
- def make_sweep_tx(self, account, dest_acct, dest_addr_idx, addr, addrs_data):
- res = self.c.call(
- 'sweep_all',
- address = addr,
- account_index = account,
- subaddr_indices = list(range(len(addrs_data[account]['addresses'])))
- if self.parent.name == 'sweep_all' else [],
- priority = self.cfg.priority or None,
- do_not_relay = True,
- get_tx_hex = True,
- get_tx_metadata = True
- )
- if len(res['tx_hash_list']) > 1:
- die(3,'More than one TX required. Cannot perform this sweep')
- return self.new_tx_cls(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- op = self.parent.name,
- network = self.proto.network,
- seed_id = self.parent.kal.al_id.sid,
- source = XMRWalletAddrSpec(self.parent.source.idx,self.parent.account,None),
- dest = XMRWalletAddrSpec(
- (self.parent.dest or self.parent.source).idx,
- dest_acct,
- dest_addr_idx),
- dest_address = addr,
- txid = res['tx_hash_list'][0],
- amount = self.proto.coin_amt(res['amount_list'][0], from_unit='atomic'),
- fee = self.proto.coin_amt(res['fee_list'][0], from_unit='atomic'),
- blob = res['tx_blob_list'][0],
- metadata = res['tx_metadata_list'][0],
- unsigned_txset = res['unsigned_txset'] if self.cfg.watch_only else None,
- )
- def relay_tx(self,tx_hex):
- ret = self.c.call('relay_tx',hex=tx_hex)
- try:
- msg('\n Relayed {}'.format( CoinTxID(ret['tx_hash']).hl() ))
- except:
- msg(f'\n Server returned: {ret!s}')
- class create(wallet):
- stem = 'creat'
- wallet_exists = False
- opts = ('restore_height',)
- def check_uopts(self):
- if self.cfg.restore_height != 'current':
- if int(self.cfg.restore_height or 0) < 0:
- die(1,f'{self.cfg.restore_height}: invalid value for --restore-height (less than zero)')
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- msg_r('') # for pexpect
- if self.cfg.restore_height == 'current':
- restore_height = self.get_coin_daemon_rpc().call_raw('get_height')['height']
- else:
- restore_height = self.cfg.restore_height
- if self.cfg.watch_only:
- ret = self.c.call(
- 'generate_from_keys',
- filename = fn.name,
- password = d.wallet_passwd,
- address = d.addr,
- viewkey = d.viewkey,
- restore_height = restore_height )
- else:
- from .xmrseed import xmrseed
- ret = self.c.call(
- 'restore_deterministic_wallet',
- filename = fn.name,
- password = d.wallet_passwd,
- seed = xmrseed().fromhex(d.sec.wif,tostr=True),
- restore_height = restore_height,
- language = 'English' )
- pp_msg(ret) if self.cfg.debug else msg(f' Address: {ret["address"]}')
- return True
- class create_offline(create):
- def __init__(self,cfg,uarg_tuple):
- super().__init__(cfg,uarg_tuple)
- gmsg('\nCreating viewkey-address file for watch-only wallets')
- vkal = ViewKeyAddrList(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- addrfile = None,
- addr_idxs = uarg.wallets,
- seed = self.seed_src.seed,
- skip_chksum_msg = True )
- vkf = vkal.file
- # before writing viewkey-address file, shred any old ones in the directory:
- for f in Path(self.asi.xmr_dir).iterdir():
- if f.name.endswith(vkf.ext):
- from .fileutil import shred_file
- msg(f"\nShredding old viewkey-address file '{f}'")
- shred_file( f, verbose=self.cfg.verbose )
- vkf.write(outdir=self.asi.xmr_dir)
- class restore(create):
- wallet_offline = True
- def check_uopts(self):
- if self.cfg.restore_height is not None:
- die(1,'--restore-height must be unset when running the ‘restore’ command')
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- def get_dump_data():
- def gen():
- for fn in [self.get_wallet_fn(d,watch_only=wo) for wo in (True,False)]:
- ret = fn.parent / (fn.name + '.dump')
- if ret.exists():
- yield ret
- dump_fns = tuple(gen())
- if not dump_fns:
- die(1,f"No suitable dump file found for '{fn}'")
- elif len(dump_fns) > 1:
- ymsg(f"Warning: more than one dump file found for '{fn}' - using the first!")
- return MoneroWalletDumpFile.Completed(
- parent = self,
- fn = dump_fns[0] ).data._asdict()['wallet_metadata']
- def restore_accounts():
- bmsg(' Restoring accounts:')
- for acct_idx,acct_data in enumerate(data[1:],1):
- msg(fs.format(acct_idx, 0, acct_data['address']))
- self.c.call('create_account')
- def restore_subaddresses():
- bmsg(' Restoring subaddresses:')
- for acct_idx,acct_data in enumerate(data):
- for addr_idx,addr_data in enumerate(acct_data['addresses'][1:],1):
- msg(fs.format(acct_idx, addr_idx, addr_data['address']))
- self.c.call( 'create_address', account_index=acct_idx )
- def restore_labels():
- bmsg(' Restoring labels:')
- for acct_idx,acct_data in enumerate(data):
- for addr_idx,addr_data in enumerate(acct_data['addresses']):
- addr_data['used'] = False # do this so that restored data matches
- msg(fs.format(acct_idx, addr_idx, addr_data['label']))
- self.c.call(
- 'label_address',
- index = { 'major': acct_idx, 'minor': addr_idx },
- label = addr_data['label'],
- )
- def make_format_str():
- return ' acct {:O>%s}, addr {:O>%s} [{}]' % (
- len(str( len(data) - 1 )),
- len(str( max(len(acct_data['addresses']) for acct_data in data) - 1))
- )
- def check_restored_data():
- restored_data = h.get_wallet_data(print=False).addrs_data
- if restored_data != data:
- rmsg('Restored data does not match original dump! Dumping bad data.')
- MoneroWalletDumpFile.New(
- parent = self,
- wallet_fn = fn,
- data = {'wallet_metadata': restored_data}
- ).write(add_suf='.bad')
- die(3,'Fatal error')
- await super().process_wallet(d,fn,last)
- h = self.rpc(self,d)
- h.open_wallet('newly created')
- msg('')
- data = get_dump_data()
- fs = make_format_str()
- gmsg('\nRestoring accounts, subaddresses and labels from dump file:\n')
- restore_accounts()
- restore_subaddresses()
- restore_labels()
- check_restored_data()
- return True
- class sync(wallet):
- opts = ('rescan_blockchain', 'skip_empty_accounts', 'skip_empty_addresses')
- def check_uopts(self):
- if self.cfg.rescan_blockchain and self.cfg.watch_only:
- die(1,f'Operation {self.name!r} does not support --rescan-blockchain with watch-only wallets')
- def __init__(self,cfg,uarg_tuple):
- super().__init__(cfg,uarg_tuple)
- if not self.wallet_offline:
- self.dc = self.get_coin_daemon_rpc()
- self.wallets_data = {}
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- chain_height = self.dc.call_raw('get_height')['height']
- msg(f' Chain height: {chain_height}')
- t_start = time.time()
- msg_r(' Opening wallet...')
- self.c.call(
- 'open_wallet',
- filename = fn.name,
- password = d.wallet_passwd )
- msg('done')
- msg_r(' Getting wallet height (be patient, this could take a long time)...')
- wallet_height = self.c.call('get_height')['height']
- msg_r('\r' + ' '*68 + '\r')
- msg(f' Wallet height: {wallet_height} ')
- behind = chain_height - wallet_height
- if behind > 1000:
- msg_r(f' Wallet is {behind} blocks behind chain tip. Please be patient. Syncing...')
- ret = self.c.call('refresh')
- if behind > 1000:
- msg('done')
- if ret['received_money']:
- msg(' Wallet has received funds')
- for i in range(2):
- wallet_height = self.c.call('get_height')['height']
- if wallet_height >= chain_height:
- break
- ymsg(f' Wallet failed to sync (wallet height [{wallet_height}] < chain height [{chain_height}])')
- if i or not self.cfg.rescan_blockchain:
- break
- msg_r(' Rescanning blockchain, please be patient...')
- self.c.call('rescan_blockchain')
- self.c.call('refresh')
- msg('done')
- t_elapsed = int(time.time() - t_start)
- wd = self.rpc(self, d).get_wallet_data(print=False, skip_empty_ok=True)
- msg(' Balance: {} Unlocked balance: {}'.format(
- hl_amt(wd.accts_data['total_balance']),
- hl_amt(wd.accts_data['total_unlocked_balance']),
- ))
- self.wallets_data[fn.name] = wd
- msg(f' Wallet height: {wallet_height}')
- msg(f' Sync time: {t_elapsed//60:02}:{t_elapsed%60:02}')
- if not last:
- self.c.call('close_wallet')
- return wallet_height >= chain_height
- def gen_body(self, wallets_data):
- for wnum, (_, wallet_data) in enumerate(wallets_data.items()):
- yield from self.rpc(self, self.addr_data[wnum]).gen_accts_info(
- wallet_data.accts_data,
- wallet_data.addrs_data,
- indent = '',
- skip_empty_ok = True)
- yield ''
- def post_main_success(self):
- def gen_info(data):
- yield from self.gen_body(data)
- col1_w = max(map(len, data)) + 1
- fs = '{:%s} {} {}' % col1_w
- tbals = [0, 0]
- yield fs.format('Wallet', 'Balance ', 'Unlocked Balance')
- for k in data:
- b = data[k].accts_data['total_balance']
- ub = data[k].accts_data['total_unlocked_balance']
- yield fs.format(k + ':', fmt_amt(b), fmt_amt(ub))
- tbals[0] += b
- tbals[1] += ub
- yield fs.format('-'*col1_w, '-'*18, '-'*18)
- yield fs.format('TOTAL:', fmt_amt(tbals[0]), fmt_amt(tbals[1]))
- self.cfg._util.stdout_or_pager('\n'.join(gen_info(self.wallets_data)) + '\n')
- class list(sync):
- stem = 'sync'
- def gen_body(self, wallets_data):
- for (wallet_fn, wallet_data) in wallets_data.items():
- ad = wallet_data.accts_data['subaddress_accounts']
- yield green(f'Wallet {wallet_fn}:')
- for account in range(len(wallet_data.addrs_data)):
- bal = ad[account]['unlocked_balance']
- if self.cfg.skip_empty_accounts and not bal:
- continue
- yield ''
- yield ' Account #{a} [{b} {c}]'.format(
- a = account,
- b = self.proto.coin_amt(bal, from_unit='atomic').hl(),
- c = self.proto.coin_amt.hlc('XMR'))
- yield from gen_acct_addr_info(self, wallet_data, account, indent=' ')
- yield ''
- class view(sync):
- stem = 'open'
- opts = ()
- wallet_offline = True
- def pre_init_action(self):
- ymsg('Running in offline mode. Balances may be out of date!')
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- self.c.call(
- 'open_wallet',
- filename = fn.name,
- password = d.wallet_passwd)
- wallet_height = self.c.call('get_height')['height']
- msg(f' Wallet height: {wallet_height}')
- self.wallets_data[fn.name] = self.rpc(self, d).get_wallet_data(print=False, skip_empty_ok=True)
- if not last:
- self.c.call('close_wallet')
- return True
- class listview(view, list):
- pass
- class spec(wallet): # virtual class
- def create_addr_data(self):
- m = re.fullmatch(uarg_info[self.spec_id].pat,uarg.spec,re.ASCII)
- if not m:
- fs = "{!r}: invalid {!r} arg: for {} operation, it must have format {!r}"
- die(1,fs.format( uarg.spec, self.spec_id, self.name, uarg_info[self.spec_id].annot ))
- def gen():
- for i,k in self.spec_key:
- if m[i] is None:
- setattr(self,k,None)
- else:
- idx = int(m[i])
- try:
- res = self.kal.entry(idx)
- except:
- die(1,f'Supplied key-address file does not contain address {self.kal.al_id.sid}:{idx}')
- else:
- setattr(self,k,res)
- yield res
- self.addr_data = list(gen())
- self.account = None if m[2] is None else int(m[2])
- def strip_quotes(s):
- if s and s[0] in ("'",'"'):
- if s[-1] != s[0] or len(s) < 2:
- die(1,f'{s!r}: unbalanced quotes in label string!')
- return s[1:-1]
- else:
- return s # None or empty string
- if self.name in ('sweep', 'sweep_all'):
- self.dest_acct = None if m[4] is None else int(m[4])
- elif self.name == 'transfer':
- self.dest_addr = CoinAddr(self.proto,m[3])
- self.amount = self.proto.coin_amt(m[4])
- elif self.name == 'new':
- self.label = strip_quotes(m[3])
- elif self.name == 'label':
- self.address_idx = int(m[3])
- self.label = strip_quotes(m[4])
- class sweep(spec):
- spec_id = 'sweep_spec'
- spec_key = ( (1,'source'), (3,'dest') )
- opts = (
- 'no_relay',
- 'tx_relay_daemon',
- 'watch_only',
- 'priority',
- 'skip_empty_accounts',
- 'skip_empty_addresses')
- sweep_type = 'single-address'
- def check_uopts(self):
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon and (self.cfg.no_relay or self.cfg.autosign):
- die(1,'--tx-relay-daemon makes no sense in this context!')
- if self.cfg.priority and self.cfg.priority not in list(tx_priorities):
- die(1, '{}: invalid parameter for --priority (valid params: {})'.format(
- self.cfg.priority,
- fmt_dict(tx_priorities, fmt='square_compact')))
- def init_tx_relay_daemon(self):
- m = self.parse_tx_relay_opt()
- wd2 = MoneroWalletDaemon(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- wallet_dir = self.cfg.wallet_dir or '.',
- test_suite = self.cfg.test_suite,
- monerod_addr = m[1],
- proxy = m[2] )
- if self.cfg.test_suite:
- wd2.usr_daemon_args = ['--daemon-ssl-allow-any-cert']
- wd2.start()
- self.c = MoneroWalletRPCClient(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- daemon = wd2 )
- def create_tx(self, h, wallet_data):
- def create_new_addr_maybe(h, account, label):
- if keypress_confirm(self.cfg, f'\nCreate new address for account #{account}?'):
- return h.create_new_addr(account, label)
- elif not keypress_confirm(self.cfg, f'Sweep to last existing address of account #{account}?'):
- die(1,'Exiting at user request')
- return None
- dest_addr_chk = None
- if self.dest is None: # sweep to same account
- dest_acct = self.account
- dest_addr_chk = create_new_addr_maybe(
- h, self.account, f'{self.name} from this account [{make_timestr()}]')
- if dest_addr_chk:
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data(print=False)
- dest_addr, dest_addr_idx = h.get_last_addr(self.account, wallet_data, display=not dest_addr_chk)
- if dest_addr_chk:
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, self.account)
- elif self.dest_acct is None: # sweep to wallet
- h.close_wallet('source')
- h2 = self.rpc(self, self.dest)
- h2.open_wallet('destination')
- wallet_data2 = h2.get_wallet_data()
- wf = self.get_wallet_fn(self.dest)
- if keypress_confirm(self.cfg, f'\nCreate new account for wallet {wf.name!r}?'):
- dest_acct, dest_addr = h2.create_acct(
- label = f'{self.name} from {self.source.idx}:{self.account} [{make_timestr()}]')
- dest_addr_idx = 0
- h2.get_wallet_data()
- elif keypress_confirm(self.cfg, f'Sweep to last existing account of wallet {wf.name!r}?'):
- dest_acct, dest_addr_chk = h2.get_last_acct(wallet_data2.accts_data)
- dest_addr, dest_addr_idx = h2.get_last_addr(dest_acct, wallet_data2, display=False)
- else:
- die(1, 'Exiting at user request')
- h2.close_wallet('destination')
- h.open_wallet('source', refresh=False)
- else: # sweep to specific account of wallet
- def get_dest_addr_params(h, wallet_data, dest_acct, label):
- self.check_account_exists(wallet_data.accts_data, dest_acct)
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, dest_acct)
- dest_addr_chk = create_new_addr_maybe(h, dest_acct, label)
- if dest_addr_chk:
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data(print=False)
- dest_addr, dest_addr_idx = h.get_last_addr(dest_acct, wallet_data, display=not dest_addr_chk)
- if dest_addr_chk:
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, dest_acct)
- return dest_addr, dest_addr_idx, dest_addr_chk
- dest_acct = self.dest_acct
- if self.dest == self.source:
- dest_addr, dest_addr_idx, dest_addr_chk = get_dest_addr_params(
- h, wallet_data, dest_acct,
- f'{self.name} from account #{self.account} [{make_timestr()}]')
- else:
- h.close_wallet('source')
- h2 = self.rpc(self, self.dest)
- h2.open_wallet('destination')
- dest_addr, dest_addr_idx, dest_addr_chk = get_dest_addr_params(
- h2, h2.get_wallet_data(), dest_acct,
- f'{self.name} from {self.source.idx}:{self.account} [{make_timestr()}]')
- h2.close_wallet('destination')
- h.open_wallet('source', refresh=False)
- assert dest_addr_chk in (None, dest_addr), (
- f'dest_addr: ({dest_addr}) != dest_addr_chk: ({dest_addr_chk})')
- msg(f'\n Creating {self.name} transaction...')
- return (h, h.make_sweep_tx(self.account, dest_acct, dest_addr_idx, dest_addr, wallet_data.addrs_data))
- @property
- def add_desc(self):
- return (
- r' to new address' if self.dest is None else
- f' to new account in wallet {self.dest.idx}' if self.dest_acct is None else
- f' to account #{self.dest_acct} of wallet {self.dest.idx}') + f' ({self.sweep_type} sweep)'
- def check_account_exists(self, accts_data, idx):
- max_acct = len(accts_data['subaddress_accounts']) - 1
- if self.account > max_acct:
- die(2, f'{self.account}: requested account index out of bounds (>{max_acct})')
- async def main(self):
- gmsg(
- f'\n{self.stem.capitalize()}ing account #{self.account}'
- f' of wallet {self.source.idx}{self.add_desc}')
- h = self.rpc(self,self.source)
- h.open_wallet('source')
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data(skip_empty_ok=True)
- self.check_account_exists(wallet_data.accts_data, self.account)
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, self.account)
- h, new_tx = self.create_tx(h, wallet_data)
- msg('\n' + new_tx.get_info(indent=' '))
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- self.display_tx_relay_info(indent=' ')
- msg('Saving TX data to file')
- new_tx.write(delete_metadata=True)
- if self.cfg.no_relay or self.cfg.autosign:
- return True
- if keypress_confirm( self.cfg, f'Relay {self.name} transaction?' ):
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- await h.stop_wallet('source')
- msg('')
- self.init_tx_relay_daemon()
- h = self.rpc(self,self.source)
- h.open_wallet('TX-relay-configured source',refresh=False)
- msg_r(f'\n Relaying {self.name} transaction...')
- h.relay_tx(new_tx.data.metadata)
- gmsg('\nAll done')
- return True
- else:
- die(1,'\nExiting at user request')
- class sweep_all(sweep):
- stem = 'sweep'
- sweep_type = 'all-address'
- class transfer(sweep):
- stem = 'transferr'
- spec_id = 'transfer_spec'
- spec_key = ( (1,'source'), )
- @property
- def add_desc(self):
- return f': {self.amount} XMR to {self.dest_addr}'
- def create_tx(self, h, wallet_data):
- msg(f'\n Creating {self.name} transaction...')
- return (h, h.make_transfer_tx(self.account, self.dest_addr, self.amount))
- class new(spec):
- spec_id = 'newaddr_spec'
- spec_key = ( (1,'source'), )
- wallet_offline = True
- async def main(self):
- h = self.rpc(self,self.source)
- h.open_wallet('Monero')
- desc = 'account' if self.account is None else 'address'
- label = (
- None if self.label == '' else
- '{} [{}]'.format(self.label or f'xmrwallet new {desc}', make_timestr()))
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data()
- if desc == 'address':
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, self.account)
- if keypress_confirm(
- self.cfg,
- '\nCreating new {a} for wallet {b}{c} with {d}\nOK?'.format(
- a = desc,
- b = red(str(self.source.idx)),
- c = '' if desc == 'account' else f', account {red("#"+str(self.account))}',
- d = 'label ' + pink('‘'+label+'’') if label else 'empty label')
- ):
- if desc == 'address':
- h.create_new_addr(self.account, label=label)
- else:
- h.create_acct(label=label)
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data(print=desc=='account')
- if desc == 'address':
- h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, self.account)
- else:
- ymsg('\nOperation cancelled by user request')
- # wallet must be left open: otherwise the 'stop_wallet' RPC call used to stop the daemon will fail
- if self.cfg.no_stop_wallet_daemon:
- h.close_wallet('Monero')
- msg('')
- class label(spec):
- spec_id = 'label_spec'
- spec_key = ( (1,'source'), )
- opts = ()
- wallet_offline = True
- async def main(self):
- gmsg('\n{a} label for wallet {b}, account #{c}, address #{d}'.format(
- a = 'Setting' if self.label else 'Removing',
- b = self.source.idx,
- c = self.account,
- d = self.address_idx
- ))
- h = self.rpc(self,self.source)
- h.open_wallet('source')
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data()
- max_acct = len(wallet_data.accts_data['subaddress_accounts']) - 1
- if self.account > max_acct:
- die(2, f'{self.account}: requested account index out of bounds (>{max_acct})')
- ret = h.print_acct_addrs(wallet_data, self.account)
- if self.address_idx > len(ret) - 1:
- die(2, '{}: requested address index out of bounds (>{})'.format(
- self.address_idx,
- len(ret) - 1 ))
- addr = ret[self.address_idx]
- new_label = f'{self.label} [{make_timestr()}]' if self.label else ''
- ca = CoinAddr(self.proto, addr['address'])
- msg('\n {a} {b}\n {c} {d}\n {e} {f}'.format(
- a = 'Address: ',
- b = ca.hl(0) if self.cfg.full_address else ca.fmt(0, color=True, width=addr_width),
- c = 'Existing label:',
- d = pink(addr['label']) if addr['label'] else gray('[none]'),
- e = 'New label: ',
- f = pink(new_label) if new_label else gray('[none]') ))
- op = 'remove' if not new_label else 'update' if addr['label'] else 'set'
- if addr['label'] == new_label:
- ymsg('\nLabel is unchanged, operation cancelled')
- elif keypress_confirm(self.cfg, f' {op.capitalize()} label?'):
- h.set_label(self.account, self.address_idx, new_label)
- ret = h.print_acct_addrs(h.get_wallet_data(print=False), self.account)
- label_chk = ret[self.address_idx]['label']
- if label_chk != new_label:
- ymsg(f'Warning: new label {label_chk!r} does not match requested value!')
- return False
- else:
- msg(cyan('\nLabel successfully {}'.format('set' if op == 'set' else op+'d')))
- else:
- ymsg('\nOperation cancelled by user request')
- class sign(wallet):
- action = 'signing transaction with'
- start_daemon = False
- async def main(self,fn,restart_daemon=True):
- if restart_daemon:
- await self.restart_wallet_daemon()
- tx = MoneroMMGenTX.Unsigned( self.cfg, fn )
- h = self.rpc(self,self.addr_data[0])
- self.head_msg(tx.src_wallet_idx,h.fn)
- if restart_daemon:
- h.open_wallet(refresh=False)
- res = self.c.call(
- 'sign_transfer',
- unsigned_txset = tx.data.unsigned_txset,
- export_raw = True,
- get_tx_keys = True
- )
- new_tx = MoneroMMGenTX.NewColdSigned(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- txid = res['tx_hash_list'][0],
- unsigned_txset = None,
- signed_txset = res['signed_txset'],
- _in_tx = tx,
- )
- return new_tx
- class submit(wallet):
- action = 'submitting transaction with'
- opts = ('tx_relay_daemon',)
- def post_mount_action(self):
- self.tx # trigger an exit if no suitable transaction present
- @property
- def tx(self):
- if not hasattr(self,'_tx'):
- self._tx = self.get_tx()
- return self._tx
- def get_tx(self):
- if uarg.infile:
- fn = Path(uarg.infile)
- else:
- from .autosign import Signable
- fn = Signable.xmr_transaction(self.asi).get_unsubmitted()
- return MoneroMMGenTX.ColdSigned(cfg=self.cfg, fn=fn)
- def get_relay_rpc(self):
- relay_opt = self.parse_tx_relay_opt()
- wd = MoneroWalletDaemon(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- wallet_dir = self.cfg.wallet_dir or '.',
- test_suite = self.cfg.test_suite,
- monerod_addr = relay_opt[1],
- )
- u = wd.usr_daemon_args = []
- if self.cfg.test_suite:
- u.append('--daemon-ssl-allow-any-cert')
- if relay_opt[2]:
- u.append(f'--proxy={relay_opt[2]}')
- return MoneroWalletRPCClient(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- daemon = wd,
- test_connection = False,
- )
- async def main(self):
- tx = self.tx
- h = self.rpc( self, self.kal.entry(tx.src_wallet_idx) )
- self.head_msg(tx.src_wallet_idx,h.fn)
- h.open_wallet()
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- await self.c.stop_daemon()
- self.c = self.get_relay_rpc()
- self.c.start_daemon()
- h = self.rpc( self, self.kal.entry(tx.src_wallet_idx) )
- h.open_wallet( 'TX-relay-configured watch-only', refresh=False )
- msg('\n' + tx.get_info(indent=' '))
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- self.display_tx_relay_info(indent=' ')
- if keypress_confirm( self.cfg, f'{self.name.capitalize()} transaction?' ):
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- msg_r('Relaying transaction to remote daemon, please be patient...')
- t_start = time.time()
- res = self.c.call(
- 'submit_transfer',
- tx_data_hex = tx.data.signed_txset )
- assert res['tx_hash_list'][0] == tx.data.txid, 'TxID mismatch in ‘submit_transfer’ result!'
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- from .util2 import format_elapsed_hr
- msg(f'success\nRelay time: {format_elapsed_hr(t_start, rel_now=False, show_secs=True)}')
- else:
- die(1,'Exiting at user request')
- new_tx = MoneroMMGenTX.NewSubmitted(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- _in_tx = tx,
- )
- gmsg('\nOK')
- new_tx.write(
- ask_write = not self.cfg.autosign,
- ask_overwrite = not self.cfg.autosign )
- return new_tx
- class resubmit(submit):
- action = 'resubmitting transaction with'
- def check_uopts(self):
- if not self.cfg.autosign:
- die(1,'--autosign is required for this operation')
- def get_tx(self):
- from .autosign import Signable
- fns = Signable.xmr_transaction(self.asi).get_submitted()
- return sorted(
- (MoneroMMGenTX.Submitted(self.cfg, Path(fn)) for fn in fns),
- key = lambda x: getattr(x.data,'submit_time',None) or x.data.create_time
- )[-1]
- class abort(base):
- opts = ('watch_only','autosign')
- def __init__(self, cfg, uarg_tuple):
- super().__init__(cfg,uarg_tuple)
- self.mount_removable_device()
- from .autosign import Signable
- Signable.xmr_transaction(self.asi).shred_abortable() # prompts user, then raises exception or exits
- class dump(wallet):
- wallet_offline = True
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- h = self.rpc(self,d)
- h.open_wallet('source')
- wallet_data = h.get_wallet_data(print=False)
- msg('')
- MoneroWalletDumpFile.New(
- parent = self,
- wallet_fn = fn,
- data = {'wallet_metadata': wallet_data.addrs_data}
- ).write()
- return True
- class export_outputs(wallet):
- action = 'exporting outputs from'
- stem = 'process'
- sign = False
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- h = self.rpc(self,d)
- h.open_wallet('source')
- if self.cfg.rescan_blockchain:
- gmsg_r('\n Rescanning blockchain...')
- self.c.call('rescan_blockchain')
- gmsg('done')
- if self.cfg.rescan_spent:
- gmsg_r('\n Rescanning spent outputs...')
- self.c.call('rescan_spent')
- gmsg('done')
- self.head_msg(d.idx,h.fn)
- for ftype in ('Unsigned','Signed'):
- old_fn = getattr(MoneroWalletOutputsFile,ftype).find_fn_from_wallet_fn(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- wallet_fn = fn,
- ret_on_no_match = True )
- if old_fn:
- old_fn.unlink()
- m = MoneroWalletOutputsFile.New(
- parent = self,
- wallet_fn = fn,
- data = self.c.call('export_outputs', all=True),
- sign = self.sign,
- )
- m.write()
- return True
- class export_outputs_sign(export_outputs):
- opts = ('rescan_spent','rescan_blockchain')
- sign = True
- class import_outputs(wallet):
- action = 'importing wallet outputs into'
- start_daemon = False
- async def main(self,fn,wallet_idx,restart_daemon=True):
- if restart_daemon:
- await self.restart_wallet_daemon()
- h = self.rpc(self,self.addr_data[0])
- self.head_msg(wallet_idx,fn)
- if restart_daemon:
- h.open_wallet(refresh=False)
- m = MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Unsigned(
- parent = self,
- fn = fn )
- res = self.c.call(
- 'import_outputs',
- outputs_data_hex = m.data.outputs_data_hex )
- idata = res['num_imported']
- bmsg(f'\n {idata} output{suf(idata)} imported')
- if m.data.sign:
- data = m.data._asdict()
- data.update(self.c.call('export_key_images', all=True))
- m = MoneroWalletOutputsFile.SignedNew(
- parent = self,
- wallet_fn = m.get_wallet_fn(fn),
- data = data)
- idata = m.data.signed_key_images or []
- bmsg(f' {len(idata)} key image{suf(idata)} signed')
- else:
- m.data = m.data._replace(imported=True)
- return m
- class import_key_images(wallet):
- action = 'importing key images into'
- stem = 'process'
- trust_monerod = True
- def post_main_failure(self):
- rw_msg = ' for requested wallets' if uarg.wallets else ''
- die(2, f'No signed key image files found{rw_msg}!')
- async def process_wallet(self,d,fn,last):
- keyimage_fn = MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Signed.find_fn_from_wallet_fn( self.cfg, fn, ret_on_no_match=True )
- if not keyimage_fn:
- msg(f'No signed key image file found for wallet #{d.idx}')
- return False
- h = self.rpc(self,d)
- h.open_wallet()
- self.head_msg(d.idx,h.fn)
- m = MoneroWalletOutputsFile.Signed( parent=self, fn=keyimage_fn )
- data = m.data.signed_key_images or []
- bmsg(f'\n {len(data)} signed key image{suf(data)} to import')
- if data:
- res = self.c.call( 'import_key_images', signed_key_images=data )
- bmsg(f' Success: {res}')
- return True
- class relay(base):
- opts = ('tx_relay_daemon',)
- def __init__(self,cfg,uarg_tuple):
- super().__init__(cfg,uarg_tuple)
- self.mount_removable_device()
- self.tx = MoneroMMGenTX.Signed( self.cfg, Path(uarg.infile) )
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- m = self.parse_tx_relay_opt()
- host,port = m[1].split(':')
- proxy = m[2]
- md = None
- else:
- from .daemon import CoinDaemon
- md = CoinDaemon( self.cfg, 'xmr', test_suite=self.cfg.test_suite )
- host,port = ('localhost', md.rpc_port)
- proxy = None
- self.dc = MoneroRPCClient(
- cfg = self.cfg,
- proto = self.proto,
- daemon = md,
- host = host,
- port = int(port),
- user = None,
- passwd = None,
- test_connection = host == 'localhost', # avoid extra connections if relay is a public node
- proxy = proxy )
- async def main(self):
- msg('\n' + self.tx.get_info(indent=' '))
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- self.display_tx_relay_info(indent=' ')
- if keypress_confirm( self.cfg, 'Relay transaction?' ):
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- msg_r('Relaying transaction to remote daemon, please be patient...')
- t_start = time.time()
- res = self.dc.call_raw(
- 'send_raw_transaction',
- tx_as_hex = self.tx.data.blob
- )
- if res['status'] == 'OK':
- if res['not_relayed']:
- msg('not relayed')
- ymsg('Transaction not relayed')
- else:
- msg('success')
- if self.cfg.tx_relay_daemon:
- from .util2 import format_elapsed_hr
- msg(f'Relay time: {format_elapsed_hr(t_start, rel_now=False, show_secs=True)}')
- gmsg('OK')
- return True
- else:
- die( 'RPCFailure', repr(res) )
- else:
- die(1,'Exiting at user request')
- class txview(base):
- view_method = 'get_info'
- opts = ('watch_only','autosign')
- hdr = ''
- col_hdr = ''
- footer = ''
- do_umount = False
- async def main(self, cols=None):
- self.mount_removable_device()
- if self.cfg.autosign:
- files = [f for f in self.asi.xmr_tx_dir.iterdir()
- if f.name.endswith('.'+MoneroMMGenTX.Submitted.ext)]
- else:
- files = uarg.infile
- txs = sorted(
- (MoneroMMGenTX.View( self.cfg, Path(fn) ) for fn in files),
- # old TX files have no ‘submit_time’ field:
- key = lambda x: getattr(x.data,'submit_time',None) or x.data.create_time
- )
- if self.cfg.autosign:
- self.asi.do_umount()
- addr_w = None if self.cfg.full_address or cols is None else cols - self.fixed_cols_w
- self.cfg._util.stdout_or_pager(
- (self.hdr if len(files) > 1 else '')
- + self.col_hdr
- + '\n'.join(getattr(tx, self.view_method)(addr_w=addr_w) for tx in txs)
- + self.footer
- )
- class txlist(txview):
- view_method = 'get_info_oneline'
- add_nl = True
- footer = '\n'
- fixed_cols_w = MoneroMMGenTX.Base.oneline_fixed_cols_w
- min_addr_w = 10
- @property
- def hdr(self):
- return ('SUBMITTED ' if self.cfg.autosign else '') + 'MONERO TRANSACTIONS\n'
- @property
- def col_hdr(self):
- return MoneroMMGenTX.View.oneline_fs.format(
- a = 'Network',
- b = 'Seed ID',
- c = 'Submitted' if self.cfg.autosign else 'Date',
- d = 'TxID',
- e = 'Type',
- f = 'Src',
- g = 'Dest',
- h = ' Amount',
- j = 'Dest Address',
- x = '',
- ) + '\n'
- async def main(self):
- if self.cfg.pager:
- cols = None
- else:
- from .term import get_terminal_size
- cols = self.cfg.columns or get_terminal_size().width
- if cols < self.fixed_cols_w + self.min_addr_w:
- die(1, f'A terminal at least {self.fixed_cols_w + self.min_addr_w} columns wide is required '
- 'to display this output (or use --columns or --pager)' )
- await super().main(cols=cols)