@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ sys.path.__setitem__(0,os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
import mmgen.config as g
import mmgen.opt as opt
-from mmgen.util import msgrepr,msgrepr_exit,Msg
+from mmgen.util import msgrepr,msgrepr_exit,Msg,die
from mmgen.test import *
hincog_fn = "rand_data"
@@ -21,29 +21,97 @@ hincog_seedlen = 256
incog_id_fn = "incog_id"
non_mmgen_fn = "btckey"
+ref_dir = os.path.join("test","ref")
+ref_wallet_brainpass = "abc"
+ref_wallet_hash_preset = "1"
+ref_wallet_incog_offset = 123
+ref_bw_hash_preset = "1"
+ref_bw_file = "brainwallet"
+ref_bw_file_spc = "brainwallet-spaced"
+ref_kafile_pass = "kafile password"
+ref_kafile_hash_preset = "1"
+ref_enc_fn = "sample-text.mmenc"
cfgs = {
'6': {
- 'name': "reference wallet check",
- 'wallet_label': "test.py reference wallet (password 'abc')",
- 'bw_passwd': "abc",
- 'bw_hashparams': "256,1",
- 'key_id': "98831F3A",
+ 'name': "reference wallet check (128-bit)",
+ 'seed_len': 128,
+ 'seed_id': "FE3C6545",
+ 'ref_bw_seed_id': "33F10310",
+ 'addrfile_chk': "B230 7526 638F 38CB 8FDC 8B76",
+ 'keyaddrfile_chk': "CF83 32FB 8A8B 08E2 0F00 D601",
+ 'wpasswd': "reference password",
+ 'ref_wallet': "FE3C6545-D782B529[128,1].mmdat",
+ 'ic_wallet': "FE3C6545-161E495F-BEB7548E[128:1].incog-offset123",
+ 'ic_wallet_old': "FE3C6545-161E495F-9860A85B[128:1].incog-old.offset123",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp6"),
+ 'kapasswd': "",
+ 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
+ 'dep_generators': {
+ 'mmdat': "refwalletgen1",
+ 'addrs': "refaddrgen1",
+ 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen1"
+ },
+ },
+ '7': {
+ 'name': "reference wallet check (192-bit)",
+ 'seed_len': 192,
+ 'seed_id': "1378FC64",
+ 'ref_bw_seed_id': "CE918388",
+ 'addrfile_chk': "8C17 A5FA 0470 6E89 3A87 8182",
+ 'keyaddrfile_chk': "9648 5132 B98E 3AD9 6FC3 C5AD",
+ 'wpasswd': "reference password",
+ 'ref_wallet': "1378FC64-6F0F9BB4[192,1].mmdat",
+ 'ic_wallet': "1378FC64-B55E9958-77256FC1[192:1].incog.offset123",
+ 'ic_wallet_old': "1378FC64-B55E9958-D85FF20C[192:1].incog-old.offset123",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp7"),
+ 'kapasswd': "",
+ 'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
+ 'dep_generators': {
+ 'mmdat': "refwalletgen2",
+ 'addrs': "refaddrgen2",
+ 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen2"
+ },
+ },
+ '8': {
+ 'name': "reference wallet check (256-bit)",
+ 'seed_len': 256,
+ 'seed_id': "98831F3A",
+ 'ref_bw_seed_id': "B48CD7FC",
'addrfile_chk': "6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91 854A 0BD3",
'keyaddrfile_chk': "9F2D D781 1812 8BAD C396 9DEB",
- 'wpasswd': "reference password",
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp6",
+ 'wpasswd': "reference password",
+ 'ref_wallet': "98831F3A-27F2BF93[256,1].mmdat",
+ 'ref_addrfile': "98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs",
+ 'ref_keyaddrfile': "98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc",
+ 'ref_addrfile_chksum': "6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91 854A 0BD3",
+ 'ref_keyaddrfile_chksum': "9F2D D781 1812 8BAD C396 9DEB",
+# 'ref_fake_unspent_data':"98831F3A_unspent.json",
+ 'ref_tx_file': "tx_FFB367[1.234].raw",
+ 'ic_wallet': "98831F3A-F59B07A0-559CEF19[256:1].incog.offset123",
+ 'ic_wallet_old': "98831F3A-F59B07A0-848535F3[256:1].incog-old.offset123",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp8"),
'kapasswd': "",
'addr_idx_list': "1010,500-501,31-33,1,33,500,1011", # 8 addresses
'dep_generators': {
- 'mmdat': "refwalletgen",
- 'addrs': "refaddrgen",
- 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen"
+ 'mmdat': "refwalletgen3",
+ 'addrs': "refaddrgen3",
+ 'akeys.mmenc': "refkeyaddrgen3"
'1': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp1",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp1"),
'wpasswd': "Dorian",
'kapasswd': "Grok the blockchain",
'addr_idx_list': "12,99,5-10,5,12", # 8 addresses
@@ -62,7 +130,7 @@ cfgs = {
'2': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp2",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp2"),
'wpasswd': "Hodling away",
'addr_idx_list': "37,45,3-6,22-23", # 8 addresses
'seed_len': 128,
@@ -75,7 +143,7 @@ cfgs = {
'3': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp3",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp3"),
'wpasswd': "Major miner",
'addr_idx_list': "73,54,1022-1023,2-5", # 8 addresses
'dep_generators': {
@@ -86,7 +154,7 @@ cfgs = {
'4': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp4",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp4"),
'wpasswd': "Hashrate rising",
'addr_idx_list': "63,1004,542-544,7-9", # 8 addresses
'seed_len': 192,
@@ -101,24 +169,24 @@ cfgs = {
'bw_params': "192,1",
'5': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp5",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp5"),
'wpasswd': "My changed password",
'dep_generators': {
'mmdat': "passchg",
'9': {
- 'tmpdir': "test/tmp9",
+ 'tmpdir': os.path.join("test","tmp9"),
'tool_enc_passwd': "Scrypt it, don't hash it!",
- 'tool_enc_reftext':
+ 'sample_text':
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks\n",
'tool_enc_infn': "tool_encrypt.in",
- 'tool_enc_ref_infn': "tool_encrypt_ref.in",
+# 'tool_enc_ref_infn': "tool_encrypt_ref.in",
'dep_generators': {
'tool_encrypt.in': "tool_encrypt",
'tool_encrypt.in.mmenc': "tool_encrypt",
- 'tool_encrypt_ref.in': "tool_encrypt_ref",
- 'tool_encrypt_ref.in.mmenc': "tool_encrypt_ref",
+# 'tool_encrypt_ref.in': "tool_encrypt_ref",
+# 'tool_encrypt_ref.in.mmenc': "tool_encrypt_ref",
@@ -126,12 +194,45 @@ cfgs = {
from collections import OrderedDict
cmd_data = OrderedDict([
# test description depends
- ['refwalletgen', (6,'reference wallet seed ID', [[[],6]])],
- ['refaddrgen', (6,'reference wallet address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
- ['refkeyaddrgen', (6,'reference wallet key-address checksum', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+ # Check saved reference files:
+ ['ref_wallet_chk1', (6,'saved reference wallet (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['ref_wallet_chk2', (7,'saved reference wallet (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['ref_wallet_chk3', (8,'saved reference wallet (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_seed_chk1', (6,'saved seed file (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['ref_seed_chk2', (7,'saved seed file (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['ref_seed_chk3', (8,'saved seed file (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_mn_chk1', (6,'saved mnemonic file (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['ref_mn_chk2', (7,'saved mnemonic file (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['ref_mn_chk3', (8,'saved mnemonic file (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_incog_chk1', (6,'saved incog reference wallet (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['ref_incog_chk2', (7,'saved incog reference wallet (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['ref_incog_chk3', (8,'saved incog reference wallet (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_brain_chk1', (6,'saved brainwallet (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['ref_brain_chk2', (7,'saved brainwallet (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['ref_brain_chk3', (8,'saved brainwallet (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_brain_chk3_spc', (8,'saved brainwallet (256-bit, non-standard spacing)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_addrfile_chk', (8,'saved reference address file', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_keyaddrfile_chk', (8,'saved reference key-address file', [[[],8]])],
+# Create the fake inputs:
+# ['txcreate8', (8,'transaction creation (8)', [[["addrs"],8]])],
+ ['ref_tx_chk', (8,'saved reference tx file', [[[],8]])],
+ ['ref_tool_decrypt', (9,'decryption of saved MMGen-encrypted file', [[[],9]])],
+ # Generate new reference ('abc' brainwallet) files:
+ ['refwalletgen1', (6,'gen new refwallet (128-bit)', [[[],6]])],
+ ['refwalletgen2', (7,'gen new refwallet (192-bit)', [[[],7]])],
+ ['refwalletgen3', (8,'gen new refwallet (256-bit)', [[[],8]])],
+ ['refaddrgen1', (6,'new refwallet addr chksum (128-bit)', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+ ['refaddrgen2', (7,'new refwallet addr chksum (192-bit)', [[["mmdat"],7]])],
+ ['refaddrgen3', (8,'new refwallet addr chksum (256-bit)', [[["mmdat"],8]])],
+ ['refkeyaddrgen1', (6,'new refwallet key-addr chksum (128-bit)', [[["mmdat"],6]])],
+ ['refkeyaddrgen2', (7,'new refwallet key-addr chksum (192-bit)', [[["mmdat"],7]])],
+ ['refkeyaddrgen3', (8,'new refwallet key-addr chksum (256-bit)', [[["mmdat"],8]])],
['walletgen', (1,'wallet generation', [[[],1]])],
- ['walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
+# ['walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
['passchg', (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[["mmdat"],1]])],
['walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[["mmdat"],5]])],
['addrgen', (1,'address generation', [[["mmdat"],1]])],
@@ -177,10 +278,7 @@ cmd_data = OrderedDict([
['tool_decrypt', (9,"'mmgen-tool decrypt' (random data)",
- ['tool_encrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (reference text)", [])],
- ['tool_decrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool decrypt' (reference text)",
- [[[cfgs['9']['tool_enc_ref_infn'],
- cfgs['9']['tool_enc_ref_infn']+".mmenc"],9]])],
+# ['tool_encrypt_ref', (9,"'mmgen-tool encrypt' (reference text)", [])],
['tool_find_incog_data', (9,"'mmgen-tool find_incog_data'", [[[hincog_fn],1],[[incog_id_fn],1]])],
@@ -198,22 +296,28 @@ for k in cfgs.keys():
cfgs[k]['amts'][idx] = "%s.%s" % ((getrandnum(2) % mod), str(getrandnum(4))[:5])
meta_cmds = OrderedDict([
- ['ref', (6,("refwalletgen","refaddrgen","refkeyaddrgen"))],
- ['gen', (1,("walletgen","walletchk","addrgen"))],
- ['pass', (5,("passchg","walletchk_newpass"))],
- ['tx', (1,("txcreate","txsign","txsend"))],
+ ['saved_ref1', (6,("ref_wallet_chk1","ref_seed_chk1","ref_mn_chk1","ref_brain_chk1","ref_incog_chk1"))],
+ ['saved_ref2', (7,("ref_wallet_chk2","ref_seed_chk2","ref_mn_chk2","ref_brain_chk2","ref_incog_chk2"))],
+ ['saved_ref3', (8,("ref_wallet_chk3","ref_seed_chk3","ref_mn_chk3","ref_brain_chk3","ref_incog_chk3","ref_brain_chk3_spc"))],
+ ['saved_ref_other', (8,("ref_addrfile_chk","ref_tx_chk","ref_tool_decrypt"))],
+ ['ref1', (6,("refwalletgen1","refaddrgen1","refkeyaddrgen1"))],
+ ['ref2', (7,("refwalletgen2","refaddrgen2","refkeyaddrgen2"))],
+ ['ref3', (8,("refwalletgen3","refaddrgen3","refkeyaddrgen3"))],
+ ['gen', (1,("walletgen","addrgen"))],
+ ['pass', (5,("passchg","walletchk_newpass"))],
+ ['tx', (1,("txcreate","txsign","txsend"))],
['export', (1,[k for k in cmd_data if k[:7] == "export_" and cmd_data[k][0] == 1])],
['gen_sp', (1,[k for k in cmd_data if k[:8] == "addrgen_" and cmd_data[k][0] == 1])],
['online', (1,("keyaddrgen","txsign_keyaddr"))],
['2', (2,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 2])],
['3', (3,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 3])],
['4', (4,[k for k in cmd_data if cmd_data[k][0] == 4])],
- ['tool', (9,("tool_encrypt","tool_decrypt","tool_encrypt_ref","tool_decrypt_ref","tool_find_incog_data"))],
+ ['tool', (9,("tool_encrypt","tool_decrypt","tool_find_incog_data"))],
opts_data = {
'desc': "Test suite for the MMGen suite",
- 'usage':"[options] [command or metacommand]",
+ 'usage':"[options] [command(s) or metacommand(s)]",
'options': """
-h, --help Print this help message
-b, --buf-keypress Use buffered keypresses as with real human input
@@ -361,10 +465,11 @@ def verify_checksum_or_exit(checksum,chk):
class MMGenExpect(object):
- def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args=[]):
+ def __init__(self,name,mmgen_cmd,cmd_args=[],extra_desc=""):
if not opt.system:
mmgen_cmd = os.path.join(os.curdir,mmgen_cmd)
desc = cmd_data[name][1]
+ if extra_desc: desc += " " + extra_desc
if opt.verbose or opt.exact_output:
green("Testing %s\nExecuting " % desc) +
@@ -449,6 +554,9 @@ class MMGenExpect(object):
def readline(self):
return self.p.readline()
+ def close(self):
+ return self.p.close()
def readlines(self):
return [l.rstrip()+"\n" for l in self.p.readlines()]
@@ -681,17 +789,21 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def refwalletgen(self,name):
- label = cfg['wallet_label']
- args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10",
- "-b"+cfg['bw_hashparams'],"-L",label]
+ label = "test.py ref. wallet (pw '%s', seed len %s)" \
+ % (ref_wallet_brainpass,cfg['seed_len'])
+ bw_arg = "-b%s,%s" % (cfg['seed_len'], ref_wallet_hash_preset)
+ args = ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p1","-r10",bw_arg,"-L",label]
+ d = " (%s-bit seed)" % cfg['seed_len']
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletgen", args)
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","YES\n")
- t.expect("passphrase: ",cfg['bw_passwd']+"\n")
+ t.expect("passphrase: ",ref_wallet_brainpass+"\n")
t.passphrase_new("new MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- key_id = t.written_to_file("Wallet").split("-")[0].split("/")[-1]
- refcheck("key id",key_id,cfg['key_id'])
+ seed_id = t.written_to_file("Wallet").split("-")[0].split("/")[-1]
+ refcheck("seed id",seed_id,cfg['seed_id'])
+ refwalletgen1 = refwalletgen2 = refwalletgen3 = refwalletgen
def passchg(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -699,7 +811,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-p","2","-L","New Label","-r","16",walletfile])
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs['1']['wpasswd'],pwtype="old")
t.expect_getend("Label changed: ")
- t.expect_getend("Hash preset has changed ")
+ t.expect_getend("Hash preset changed: ")
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'],pwtype="new")
t.expect("Repeat passphrase: ",cfg['wpasswd']+"\n")
@@ -707,10 +819,6 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
- def walletchk_newpass(self,name,walletfile):
- t = self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
- ok()
def walletchk_beg(self,name,args):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-walletchk", args)
t.expect("Getting MMGen wallet data from file '%s'" % args[-1])
@@ -720,9 +828,11 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
return t
def walletchk(self,name,walletfile):
- t = self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
+ self.walletchk_beg(name,[walletfile])
+ walletchk_newpass = walletchk
def addrgen(self,name,walletfile,check_ref=False):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrgen",["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],walletfile,cfg['addr_idx_list']])
@@ -737,13 +847,16 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def refaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ d = " (%s-bit seed)" % cfg['seed_len']
+ refaddrgen1 = refaddrgen2 = refaddrgen3 = refaddrgen
def addrimport(self,name,addrfile):
outfile = os.path.join(cfg['tmpdir'],"addrfile_w_comments")
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-addrimport",[outfile])
- t.expect_getend(r"checksum for addr data .*\[.*\]: ",regex=True)
+ t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*\[.*\]: ",regex=True)
t.expect_getend("Validating addresses...OK. ")
t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES' to confirm: ","\n")
vmsg("This is a simulation, so no addresses were actually imported into the tracking\nwallet")
@@ -765,7 +878,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
aix = parse_addr_idxs(cfgs[s]['addr_idx_list'])
if len(aix) != addrs_per_wallet:
- errmsg(red("Addr index list length != %s: %s" %
+ errmsg(red("Address index list length != %s: %s" %
tx_data[s] = {
@@ -804,7 +917,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
for num in tx_data.keys():
t.expect_getend("Getting address data from file ")
- chk=t.expect_getend(r"Computed checksum for addr data .*?: ",regex=True)
+ chk=t.expect_getend(r"Checksum for address data .*?: ",regex=True)
# not in tracking wallet warning, (1 + num sources) times
@@ -831,13 +944,25 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
- def txsign(self,name,txfile,walletfile):
- t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txfile,walletfile])
+ def txsign_end(self,t,tnum=None):
+ t.expect("Signing transaction")
+ t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
+ t.expect("Save signed transaction? (y/N): ","y")
+ add = " #" + tnum if tnum else ""
+ t.written_to_file("Signed transaction" + add)
+ def txsign(self,name,txfile,walletfile,save=True):
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign",
+ ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txfile,walletfile])
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
+ if save:
+ self.txsign_end(t)
+ else:
+ t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
+ t.expect("Save signed transaction? (y/N): ","\n")
+ t.expect("Signed transaction not saved")
def txsend(self,name,sigfile):
@@ -845,10 +970,10 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.expect("Are you sure you want to broadcast this transaction to the network?")
- t.expect("Type uppercase 'YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS' to confirm: ","\n")
+ t.expect("broadcast this transaction to the network?")
+ t.expect("'YES, I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS' to confirm: ","\n")
t.expect("Exiting at user request")
- vmsg("This is a simulation, so no transaction was sent")
+ vmsg("This is a simulation; no transaction was sent")
def export_seed(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -943,6 +1068,8 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def refkeyaddrgen(self,name,walletfile):
+ refkeyaddrgen1 = refkeyaddrgen2 = refkeyaddrgen3 = refkeyaddrgen
def txsign_keyaddr(self,name,keyaddr_file,txfile):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],"-M",keyaddr_file,txfile])
@@ -950,9 +1077,7 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.passphrase("key-address file",cfg['kapasswd'])
t.expect("Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ","y")
- t.expect("Signing transaction...OK")
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
+ self.txsign_end(t)
def walletgen2(self,name):
@@ -967,14 +1092,10 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
def txsign2(self,name,txf1,wf1,txf2,wf2):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],txf1,wf1,txf2,wf2])
- for cnum in ['1','2']:
+ for cnum in ('1','2'):
t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
- t.expect_getend("Signing transaction ")
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction #%s" % cnum)
+ self.txsign_end(t,cnum)
def export_mnemonic2(self,name,walletfile):
@@ -993,14 +1114,10 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-txsign", ["-d",cfg['tmpdir'],wf1,wf2,txf2])
- for s in ['1','3']:
+ for cnum in ('1','3'):
t.expect_getend("Getting MMGen wallet data from file ")
- t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs[s]['wpasswd'])
- t.expect_getend("Signing transaction")
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
+ t.passphrase("MMGen wallet",cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
+ self.txsign_end(t)
def walletgen4(self,name):
@@ -1019,15 +1136,13 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
- for cfgnum,what,app in ('1',"incognito"," incognito"),('3',"MMGen",""):
+ for cnum,what,app in ('1',"incognito"," incognito"),('3',"MMGen",""):
t.expect_getend("Getting %s wallet data from file " % what)
- t.passphrase("MMGen%s wallet"%app,cfgs[cfgnum]['wpasswd'])
- if cfgnum == '1':
+ t.passphrase("MMGen%s wallet"%app,cfgs[cnum]['wpasswd'])
+ if cnum == '1':
t.hash_preset("incog wallet",'1')
- t.expect_getend("Signing transaction")
- t.expect("Edit transaction comment? (y/N): ","\n")
- t.written_to_file("Signed transaction")
+ self.txsign_end(t)
def tool_encrypt(self,name,infile=""):
@@ -1043,11 +1158,11 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
t.passphrase_new("user data",cfg['tool_enc_passwd'])
t.written_to_file("Encrypted data")
- def tool_encrypt_ref(self,name):
- infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,cfg['tool_enc_ref_infn'])
- write_to_file(infn,cfg['tool_enc_reftext'],silent=True)
- self.tool_encrypt(name,infn)
+# Generate the reference mmenc file
+# def tool_encrypt_ref(self,name):
+# infn = get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,cfg['tool_enc_ref_infn'])
+# write_to_file(infn,cfg['tool_enc_reftext'],silent=True)
+# self.tool_encrypt(name,infn)
def tool_decrypt(self,name,f1,f2):
of = name + ".out"
@@ -1059,9 +1174,6 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
d2 = read_from_file(get_tmpfile_fn(cfg,of))
- def tool_decrypt_ref(self,name,f1,f2):
- self.tool_decrypt(name,f1,f2)
def tool_find_incog_data(self,name,f1,f2):
i_id = read_from_file(f2).rstrip()
vmsg("Incog ID: %s" % cyan(i_id))
@@ -1070,6 +1182,91 @@ class MMGenTestSuite(object):
o = t.expect_getend("Incog data for ID \w{8} found at offset ",regex=True)
+ # Saved reference file tests
+ def ref_wallet_chk(self,name):
+ wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
+ self.walletchk(name,wf)
+ ref_wallet_chk1 = ref_wallet_chk2 = ref_wallet_chk3 = ref_wallet_chk
+ def ref_seed_chk(self,name,ext=g.seed_ext):
+ wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,"%s.%s" % (cfg['seed_id'],ext))
+ what = "seed data" if ext == g.seed_ext else "mnemonic"
+ self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['seed_id'],what)
+ ref_seed_chk1 = ref_seed_chk2 = ref_seed_chk3 = ref_seed_chk
+ def ref_mn_chk(self,name): self.ref_seed_chk(name,ext=g.mn_ext)
+ ref_mn_chk1 = ref_mn_chk2 = ref_mn_chk3 = ref_mn_chk
+ def ref_brain_chk(self,name,bw_file=ref_bw_file):
+ wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,bw_file)
+ arg = "-b%s,%s" % (cfg['seed_len'],ref_bw_hash_preset)
+ self.keygen_chksum_chk(name,wf,cfg['ref_bw_seed_id'],"brainwallet",[arg])
+ def keygen_chksum_chk(self,name,wf,seed_id,what,args=[]):
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen", ["-q","-A"]+args+[wf,"1"])
+ chk = t.expect_getend("Valid %s for seed ID " % what)
+ t.close()
+ cmp_or_die(seed_id,chk)
+ ref_brain_chk1 = ref_brain_chk2 = ref_brain_chk3 = ref_brain_chk
+ def ref_brain_chk3_spc(self,name):
+ self.ref_brain_chk(name,bw_file=ref_bw_file_spc)
+ def ref_incog_chk(self,name):
+ for wtype,desc,earg in ('ic_wallet','',[]), \
+ ('ic_wallet_old','(old format)',["-o"]):
+ ic_arg = "%s,%s,%s" % (
+ os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg[wtype]),
+ ref_wallet_incog_offset,cfg['seed_len']
+ )
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-keygen",
+ ["-q","-A"]+earg+["-G"]+[ic_arg]+['1'],extra_desc=desc)
+ t.passphrase("MMGen incognito wallet",cfg['wpasswd'])
+ t.hash_preset("incog wallet","1")
+ if wtype == 'ic_wallet_old':
+ t.expect("Is the seed ID correct? (Y/n): ","\n")
+ chk = t.expect_getend("Valid incog data for seed ID ")
+ t.close()
+ cmp_or_die(cfg['seed_id'],chk)
+ ref_incog_chk1 = ref_incog_chk2 = ref_incog_chk3 = ref_incog_chk
+ def ref_addrfile_chk(self,name,ftype="addr"):
+ wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_'+ftype+'file'])
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",[ftype+"file_chksum",wf])
+ if ftype == "keyaddr":
+ w = "key-address file"
+ t.hash_preset(w,ref_kafile_hash_preset)
+ t.passphrase(w,ref_kafile_pass)
+ t.expect("Check key-to-address validity? (y/N): ","y")
+ o = t.expect_getend("Checksum for .*address data .*: ",regex=True)
+ cmp_or_die(cfg['ref_'+ftype+'file_chksum'],o)
+ def ref_keyaddrfile_chk(self,name):
+ self.ref_addrfile_chk(name,ftype="keyaddr")
+# def txcreate8(self,name,addrfile):
+# self.txcreate_common(name,sources=['8'])
+ def ref_tx_chk(self,name):
+ tf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_tx_file'])
+ wf = os.path.join(ref_dir,cfg['ref_wallet'])
+ self.txsign(name,tf,wf,save=False)
+ def ref_tool_decrypt(self,name):
+ f = os.path.join(ref_dir,ref_enc_fn)
+ t = MMGenExpect(name,"mmgen-tool",
+ ["-q","decrypt",f,"outfile=-","hash_preset=1"])
+ t.passphrase("user data",cfg['tool_enc_passwd'])
+ t.readline()
+ import re
+ o = re.sub('\r\n','\n',t.read())
+ cmp_or_die(cfg['sample_text'],o)
# main()
if opt.pause:
import termios,atexit
@@ -1086,26 +1283,17 @@ for cfg in sorted(cfgs): mk_tmpdir(cfgs[cfg])
if cmd_args:
- arg1 = cmd_args[0]
- if arg1 in utils:
- globals()[arg1](cmd_args[1:])
- sys.exit()
- elif arg1 in meta_cmds:
- if len(cmd_args) == 1:
- for cmd in meta_cmds[arg1][1]:
+ for arg in cmd_args:
+ if arg in utils:
+ globals()[arg](cmd_args[cmd_args.index(arg)+1:])
+ sys.exit()
+ elif arg in meta_cmds:
+ for cmd in meta_cmds[arg][1]:
+ elif arg in cmd_data:
+ check_needs_rerun(ts,arg,build=True)
- msg("Only one meta command may be specified")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif arg1 in cmd_data.keys():
- if len(cmd_args) == 1:
- check_needs_rerun(ts,arg1,build=True)
- else:
- msg("Only one command may be specified")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- errmsg("%s: unrecognized command" % arg1)
- sys.exit(1)
+ die(1,"%s: unrecognized command" % arg)
for cmd in cmd_data: