@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ util.py: Shared routines for the mmgen suite
import sys
-import mmgen.config as g
+from hashlib import sha256
from binascii import hexlify,unhexlify
+import mmgen.config as g
from mmgen.bitcoin import b58decode_pad
from mmgen.term import *
@@ -46,6 +48,60 @@ def get_extension(f):
import os
return os.path.splitext(f)[1][1:]
+def get_random_data_from_user(uchars):
+ if g.quiet: msg("Enter %s random symbols" % uchars)
+ else: msg(cmessages['usr_rand_notice'] % uchars)
+ prompt = "You may begin typing. %s symbols left: "
+ msg_r(prompt % uchars)
+ import time
+ # time.clock() always returns zero, so we'll use time.time()
+ saved_time = time.time()
+ key_data,time_data = "",[]
+ for i in range(uchars):
+ key_data += get_char(immed_chars="ALL")
+ msg_r("\r" + prompt % (uchars - i - 1))
+ now = time.time()
+ time_data.append(now - saved_time)
+ saved_time = now
+ if g.quiet: msg_r("\r")
+ else: msg_r("\rThank you. That's enough.%s\n\n" % (" "*18))
+ fmt_time_data = ["{:.22f}".format(i) for i in time_data]
+ if g.debug:
+ msg("\nUser input:\n%s\nKeystroke time intervals:\n%s\n" %
+ (key_data,"\n".join(fmt_time_data)))
+ prompt = "User random data successfully acquired. Press ENTER to continue"
+ prompt_and_get_char(prompt,"",enter_ok=True)
+ msg("")
+ return key_data+"".join(fmt_time_data)
+def get_random(length,opts):
+ from Crypto import Random
+ os_rand = Random.new().read(length)
+ if 'usr_randchars' in opts and opts['usr_randchars'] not in (0,-1):
+ kwhat = "a key from random data with "
+ if not g.user_entropy:
+ g.user_entropy = sha256(
+ get_random_data_from_user(opts['usr_randchars'])).digest()
+ kwhat += "user entropy"
+ else:
+ kwhat += "saved user entropy"
+ key = make_key(g.user_entropy, "", '2', what=kwhat)
+ return encrypt_data(os_rand,key,what="random data")
+ else:
+ return os_rand
def my_raw_input(prompt,echo=True):
if echo:
@@ -118,7 +174,21 @@ recommended to use one of the higher-numbered presets
Remember the seed length and hash preset parameters you've specified. To
generate the correct keys/addresses associated with this passphrase in the
future, you must continue using these same parameters
+ 'usr_rand_notice': """
+You've chosen to not fully trust your OS's random number generator and provide
+some additional entropy of your own. Please type %s symbols on your keyboard.
+Type slowly and choose your symbols carefully for maximum randomness. Try to
+use both upper and lowercase as well as punctuation and numerals. What you
+type will not be displayed on the screen. Note that the timings between your
+keystrokes will also be used as a source of randomness.
+ 'choose_wallet_passphrase': """
+Now you must choose a passphrase to encrypt the wallet with. A key will be
+generated from your passphrase using a hash preset of '%s'. Please note that
+no strength checking of passphrases is performed. For an empty passphrase,
+just hit ENTER twice.
@@ -172,12 +242,10 @@ def prompt_and_get_char(prompt,chars,enter_ok=False,verbose=False):
def make_chksum_8(s,sep=False):
- from hashlib import sha256
s = sha256(sha256(s).digest()).hexdigest()[:8].upper()
return "{} {}".format(s[:4],s[4:]) if sep else s
def make_chksum_6(s):
- from hashlib import sha256
return sha256(s).hexdigest()[:6]
@@ -296,31 +364,36 @@ def _get_seed_from_brain_passphrase(words,opts):
return seed
-def encrypt_seed(seed, key, iv=1):
+def encrypt_seed(seed, key):
+ return encrypt_data(seed, key, iv=1, what="seed")
+def encrypt_data(data, key, iv=1, what="data"):
+ """
+ Encrypt arbitrary data using AES256 in counter mode
- Encrypt a seed for an {} deterministic wallet
- """.format(g.proj_name)
# 192-bit seed is 24 bytes -> not multiple of 16. Must use MODE_CTR
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util import Counter
+ vmsg("Encrypting %s" % what)
c = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR,
- enc_seed = c.encrypt(seed)
+ enc_data = c.encrypt(data)
- vmsg_r("Performing a test decryption of the seed...")
+ vmsg_r("Performing a test decryption of the %s..." % what)
c = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR,
- dec_seed = c.decrypt(enc_seed)
+ dec_data = c.decrypt(enc_data)
- if dec_seed == seed: vmsg("done")
+ if dec_data == data: vmsg("done\n")
- msg("ERROR.\nDecrypted seed doesn't match original seed")
+ msg("ERROR.\nDecrypted %s doesn't match original %s" % (what,what))
- return enc_seed
+ return enc_data
def write_to_stdout(data, what, confirm=True):
@@ -354,7 +427,9 @@ def open_file_or_exit(filename,mode):
return f
-def write_to_file(outfile,data,confirm=False):
+def write_to_file(outfile,data,confirm=False,verbose=False):
+ if verbose: qmsg("Writing data to file '%s'" % outfile)
if confirm:
from os import stat
@@ -396,8 +471,8 @@ def _display_control_data(label,metadata,hash_preset,salt,enc_seed):
from mmgen.bitcoin import b58encode_pad
for i in (
("Label:", label),
- ("Seed ID:", metadata[0]),
- ("Key ID:", metadata[1]),
+ ("Seed ID:", metadata[0].upper()),
+ ("Key ID:", metadata[1].upper()),
("Seed length:", "%s bits (%s bytes)" %
("Scrypt params:", "Preset '%s' (%s)" % (hash_preset,
@@ -799,10 +874,9 @@ def get_seed_from_incog_wallet(
msg("%s: Invalid hash preset" % hp)
- from hashlib import sha256
# IV is used BOTH to initialize counter and to salt password!
key = make_key(passwd, iv, hp, "wrapper key")
- d = decrypt_seed(enc_incog_data, key, "", "", iv=int(hexlify(iv),16))
+ d = decrypt_data(enc_incog_data, key, int(hexlify(iv),16), "incog data")
if d == False: sys.exit(2)
salt,enc_seed = d[0:g.salt_len], d[g.salt_len:]
@@ -820,14 +894,14 @@ def get_seed_from_incog_wallet(
def make_key(passwd, salt, hash_preset, what="key"):
- vmsg_r("Generating %s from passphrase. Please wait..." % what)
+ vmsg_r("Generating %s. Please wait..." % what)
key = _scrypt_hash_passphrase(passwd, salt, hash_preset)
if g.debug: print "Key: %s" % hexlify(key)
return key
-def decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id, iv=1):
+def decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id):
vmsg("Checking key...")
chk1 = make_chksum_8(key)
@@ -836,23 +910,16 @@ def decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id, iv=1):
msg("Incorrect passphrase")
return False
- vmsg("Decrypting seed with key...")
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
- from Crypto.Util import Counter
- c = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR,
- counter=Counter.new(g.aesctr_iv_len*8,initial_value=iv))
- dec_seed = c.decrypt(enc_seed)
+ dec_seed = decrypt_data(enc_seed, key, iv=1, what="seed")
chk2 = make_chksum_8(dec_seed)
if seed_id:
if _compare_checksums(chk2,"of decrypted seed",seed_id,"in header"):
qmsg("Passphrase is OK")
if not g.debug:
msg_r("Checking key ID...")
- chk1 = make_chksum_8(key)
if _compare_checksums(chk1, "of key", key_id, "in header"):
msg("Key ID is correct but decryption of seed failed")
@@ -867,6 +934,20 @@ def decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id, iv=1):
return dec_seed
+def decrypt_data(enc_data, key, iv=1, what="data"):
+ vmsg("Decrypting %s with key..." % what)
+ from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+ from Crypto.Util import Counter
+ c = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR,
+ counter=Counter.new(g.aesctr_iv_len*8,initial_value=iv))
+ return c.decrypt(enc_data)
def _get_words(infile,what,prompt,opts):
if infile:
return _get_words_from_file(infile,what)
@@ -1007,6 +1088,7 @@ def decode_pretty_hexdump(data):
lines = [re.sub('^\d+:\s+','',l) for l in data.split("\n")]
return unhexlify("".join(("".join(lines).split())))
def wallet_to_incog_data(infile,opts):
d = get_data_from_wallet(infile,silent=True)
@@ -1019,16 +1101,14 @@ def wallet_to_incog_data(infile,opts):
if decrypt_seed(enc_seed, key, seed_id, key_id) == False:
- from Crypto import Random
- iv = Random.new().read(g.aesctr_iv_len)
+ iv = get_random(g.aesctr_iv_len,opts)
iv_id = make_chksum_8(iv)
qmsg("IV ID: %s" % iv_id)
- from binascii import hexlify
- from hashlib import sha256
# IV is used BOTH to initialize counter and to salt password!
key = make_key(passwd, iv, preset, "wrapper key")
- wrap_enc = encrypt_seed(salt + enc_seed, key, iv=int(hexlify(iv),16))
+ m = "incog data"
+ wrap_enc = encrypt_data(salt + enc_seed, key, int(hexlify(iv),16), m)
return iv+wrap_enc,seed_id,key_id,iv_id,preset