@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ class SwapMgrBase:
return ret
def disable(self, quiet=False):
- self.cfg._util.qmsg_r(f'Disabling {self.desc}...')
+ self.cfg._util.qmsg_r(f'Attempting to disable {self.desc}...')
ret = self.do_disable()
- self.cfg._util.qmsg('done')
+ self.cfg._util.qmsg('success')
if not quiet:
f'{capfirst(self.desc)} successfully disabled ({fmt_list(ret, fmt="no_quotes")})'
@@ -66,13 +66,14 @@ class SwapMgrBase:
for cmd in cmds:
run(cmd.split(), check=True)
- nl = '\n' if op == 'disable' else ''
- fs = blue('{a} {b} by executing the following command{c}:\n{d}')
- m = nl + fs.format(
- a = 'Before continuing, please disable' if op == 'disable' else 'Enable',
+ pre = 'failure\n' if op == 'disable' else ''
+ fs = blue('{a} {b} manually by executing the following command{c}:\n{d}')
+ post = orange('[To prevent this message in the future, enable sudo without a password]')
+ m = pre + fs.format(
+ a = 'Please disable' if op == 'disable' else 'Enable',
b = self.desc,
c = suf(cmds),
- d = fmt_list(cmds, indent=' ', fmt='col'))
+ d = fmt_list(cmds, indent=' ', fmt='col')) + '\n' + post
if not self.cfg.test_suite: