@@ -41,21 +41,6 @@ _colors = {
'yelbg': ( (232,229), (30,103) ),
-_reset = ''
-for _c in _colors:
- _e = _colors[_c]
- globals()['_256_'+_c] = (
- '\033[38;5;{};1m'.format(_e[0]) if type(_e[0]) == int else
- '\033[38;5;{};48;5;{};1m'.format(*_e[0])
- )
- globals()['_16_'+_c] = (
- '\033[{}m'.format(_e[1][0]) if _e[1][1] == 0 else
- '\033[{};{}m'.format(*_e[1])
- )
- globals()['_clr_'+_c] = ''
- exec(f'{_c} = lambda s: _clr_{_c}+s+_reset')
def nocolor(s):
return s
@@ -92,22 +77,30 @@ def get_terminfo_colors(term=None):
def init_color(num_colors='auto'):
assert num_colors in ('auto',8,16,256,0)
- globals()['_reset'] = '\033[0m' if num_colors else ''
- if num_colors in (0,8,16):
- pfx = '_16_'
- else:
+ if num_colors == 'auto':
import os
t = os.getenv('TERM')
- if num_colors == 256 or (t and t.endswith('256color')) or get_terminfo_colors() == 256:
- pfx = '_256_'
- else:
- pfx = '_16_'
+ num_colors = 256 if (t and t.endswith('256color')) or get_terminfo_colors() == 256 else 16
- for c in _colors:
- if num_colors == 0:
- globals()['_clr_'+c] = ''
- else:
- globals()['_clr_'+c] = globals()[pfx+c]
+ reset = '\033[0m'
+ if num_colors == 0:
+ ncc = (lambda s: s).__code__
+ for c in _colors:
+ globals()[c].__code__ = ncc
+ elif num_colors == 256:
+ for c,e in _colors.items():
+ start = (
+ '\033[38;5;{};1m'.format(e[0]) if type(e[0]) == int else
+ '\033[38;5;{};48;5;{};1m'.format(*e[0]) )
+ globals()[c].__code__ = eval(f'(lambda s: "{start}" + s + "{reset}").__code__')
+ elif num_colors in (8,16):
+ for c,e in _colors.items():
+ start = (
+ '\033[{}m'.format(e[1][0]) if e[1][1] == 0 else
+ '\033[{};{}m'.format(*e[1]) )
+ globals()[c].__code__ = eval(f'(lambda s: "{start}" + s + "{reset}").__code__')
+for _c in _colors:
+ exec(f'{_c} = lambda s: s')