@@ -17,42 +17,78 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-color.py: color routines for the MMGen suite
+color.py: color handling for the MMGen suite
-# If 88- or 256-color support is compiled, the following apply.
-# P s = 3 8 ; 5 ; P s -> Set foreground color to the second P s .
-# P s = 4 8 ; 5 ; P s -> Set background color to the second P s .
-import os
-if os.environ['TERM'][-8:] == '256color':
- _blk,_red,_grn,_yel,_blu,_mag,_cya,_bright,_dim,_ybright,_ydim,_pnk,_orng,_gry,_pur = [
- '\033[38;5;%s;1m' % c for c in 232,210,121,229,75,90,122,231,245,187,243,218,215,246,147]
- _redbg = '\033[38;5;232;48;5;210;1m'
- _grnbg = '\033[38;5;232;48;5;121;1m'
- _grybg = '\033[38;5;231;48;5;240;1m'
- _reset = '\033[0m'
- _blk,_red,_grn,_yel,_blu,_mag,_cya,_reset,_grnbg = \
- ['\033[%sm' % c for c in '30;1','31;1','32;1','33;1','34;1','35;1','36;1','0','30;102']
- _gry=_orng=_pnk=_redbg=_ybright=_ydim=_bright=_dim=_grybg=_mag=_pur # TODO
-_colors = 'red','grn','grnbg','yel','cya','blu','pnk','orng','gry','mag','pur','reset'
-for c in _colors: globals()['clr_'+c] = ''
+_colors = {
+ 'black': ( 232, (30,0) ),
+ 'red': ( 210, (31,1) ),
+ 'green': ( 121, (32,1) ),
+ 'yellow': ( 229, (33,1) ),
+ 'blue': ( 75, (34,1) ),
+ 'magenta': ( 213, (35,1) ),
+ 'cyan': ( 122, (36,1) ),
+ 'pink': ( 218, (35,1) ),
+ 'orange': ( 216, (31,1) ),
+ 'gray': ( 246, (30,1) ),
+ 'purple': ( 141, (35,1) ),
+ 'brown': ( 208, (33,0) ),
+ 'grndim': ( 108, (32,0) ),
+ 'redbg': ( (232,210), (30,101) ),
+ 'grnbg': ( (232,121), (30,102) ),
+ 'blubg': ( (232,75), (30,104) ),
+ 'yelbg': ( (232,229), (30,103) ),
+for c in _colors:
+ e = _colors[c]
+ if type(e[0]) == int:
+ globals()['_256_'+c] = '\033[38;5;{};1m'.format(e[0])
+ else:
+ globals()['_256_'+c] = '\033[38;5;{};48;5;{};1m'.format(*e[0])
+ if e[1][1] == 0:
+ globals()['_16_'+c] = '\033[{}m'.format(e[1][0])
+ else:
+ globals()['_16_'+c] = '\033[{};{}m'.format(*e[1])
+ globals()['_clr_'+c] = ''; _reset = ''
+ exec "def {c}(s): return _clr_{c}+s+_reset".format(c=c)
def nocolor(s): return s
-def red(s): return clr_red+s+clr_reset
-def green(s): return clr_grn+s+clr_reset
-def grnbg(s): return clr_grnbg+s+clr_reset
-def yellow(s): return clr_yel+s+clr_reset
-def cyan(s): return clr_cya+s+clr_reset
-def blue(s): return clr_blu+s+clr_reset
-def pink(s): return clr_pnk+s+clr_reset
-def orange(s): return clr_orng+s+clr_reset
-def gray(s): return clr_gry+s+clr_reset
-def magenta(s): return clr_mag+s+clr_reset
-def purple(s): return clr_pur+s+clr_reset
-def init_color(enable_color=True):
+def init_color(enable_color=True,num_colors='auto'):
if enable_color:
+ assert num_colors in ['auto',8,16,256]
+ globals()['_reset'] = '\033[0m'
+ if num_colors in [8,16]:
+ pfx = '_16_'
+ elif num_colors in [256]:
+ pfx = '_256_'
+ else:
+ try:
+ import os
+ assert os.environ['TERM'][-8:] == '256color'
+ pfx = '_256_'
+ except:
+ try:
+ import subprocess
+ a = subprocess.check_output(['infocmp','-0'])
+ b = [e.split('#')[1] for e in a.split(',') if e[:6] == 'colors'][0]
+ pfx = ('_16_','_256_')[b=='256']
+ except:
+ pfx = '_16_'
for c in _colors:
- globals()['clr_'+c] = globals()['_'+c]
+ globals()['_clr_'+c] = globals()[pfx+c]
+def test_color():
+ try:
+ import colorama
+ colorama.init(strip=True,convert=True)
+ except:
+ pass
+ for desc,n in ('auto','auto'),('8-color',8),('256-color',256):
+ if n != 'auto': init_color(num_colors=n)
+ print('{:9}: {}'.format(desc,' '.join([globals()[c](c) for c in sorted(_colors)])))
+if __name__ == '__main__': test_color()