@@ -44,10 +44,18 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
CmdTestBase.__init__(self, trunner, cfgs, spawn)
self.spawn_env['MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_CFGTEST'] = '1'
- def spawn_test(self, args=[], extra_desc='', pexpect_spawn=None, exit_val=None):
+ def read_from_cfgfile(self, loc):
+ return read_from_file(self.path(loc))
+ def write_to_cfgfile(self, loc, data, verbose=False):
+ write_to_file(self.path(loc), '\n'.join(data) + '\n')
+ if verbose:
+ imsg(yellow(f'Wrote cfg file: {data!r}'))
+ def spawn_test(self, opts=[], args=[], extra_desc='', pexpect_spawn=None, exit_val=None):
return self.spawn(
- [f'--data-dir={self.path("data_dir")}'] + args,
+ [f'--data-dir={self.path("data_dir")}'] + opts + args,
cmd_dir = '.',
extra_desc = extra_desc,
pexpect_spawn = pexpect_spawn,
@@ -71,16 +79,16 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
t = self.spawn_test()
- u = read_from_file(self.path('usr'))
- S = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+ u = self.read_from_cfgfile('usr')
+ S = self.read_from_cfgfile('sys')
assert u[-1] == '\n', u
assert u.replace('\r\n', '\n') == S, 'u != S'
return t
def check_replaced_sample(self):
- S = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
- s = read_from_file(self.path('sample'))
+ s = self.read_from_cfgfile('sample')
+ S = self.read_from_cfgfile('sys')
assert s[-1] == '\n', s
assert S.splitlines() == s.splitlines()[:-1], 'sys != sample[:-1]'
@@ -94,23 +102,22 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
def no_metadata_sample(self):
- s = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
+ S = self.read_from_cfgfile('sys')
e = CfgFileSampleUsr.out_of_date_fs.format(self.path('sample'))
- return self.bad_sample(s, e)
+ return self.bad_sample(S, e)
def altered_sample(self):
- s = '\n'.join(read_from_file(self.path('sample')).splitlines()[1:]) + '\n'
+ s = '\n'.join(self.read_from_cfgfile('sample').splitlines()[1:]) + '\n'
e = CfgFileSampleUsr.altered_by_user_fs.format(self.path('sample'))
return self.bad_sample(s, e)
def old_sample_common(self, old_set=False, args=[], pexpect_spawn=False):
- s = read_from_file(self.path('sys'))
- d = s.replace('monero_', 'zcash_').splitlines()
- a1 = ['', '# Uncomment to make foo true:', '# foo true']
- a2 = ['', '# Uncomment to make bar false:', '# bar false']
- d = d + a1 + a2
- chk = cfg_file_sample.cls_make_metadata(d)
- write_to_file(self.path('sample'), '\n'.join(d+chk) + '\n')
+ d = (
+ self.read_from_cfgfile('sys').replace('monero_', 'zcash_').splitlines()
+ + ['', '# Uncomment to make foo true:', '# foo true']
+ + ['', '# Uncomment to make bar false:', '# bar false']
+ )
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('sample', d + cfg_file_sample.cls_make_metadata(d))
t = self.spawn_test(args=args, pexpect_spawn=pexpect_spawn, exit_val=1 if old_set else None)
@@ -148,22 +155,19 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
return t
def old_sample(self):
- d = ['testnet true', 'rpc_password passwOrd']
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), '\n'.join(d) + '\n')
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', ['testnet true', 'rpc_password passwOrd'])
return self.old_sample_common(args=['parse_test'])
def old_sample_bad_var(self):
- d = ['foo true', 'bar false']
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), '\n'.join(d) + '\n')
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', ['foo true', 'bar false'])
t = self.old_sample_common(
old_set = True,
pexpect_spawn = not sys.platform == 'win32')
t.expect('unrecognized option')
return t
- def _autoset_opts(self, args=[], text='rpc_backend aiohttp\n', exit_val=None):
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), text)
- imsg(yellow(f'Wrote cfg file:\n {text}'))
+ def _autoset_opts(self, args=[], text='rpc_backend aiohttp', exit_val=None):
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', [text], verbose=True)
return self.spawn_test(args=args, exit_val=exit_val)
def autoset_opts(self):
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
return t
def autoset_opts_bad(self):
- return self._autoset_opts_bad('not unique substring', {'text':'rpc_backend foo\n'})
+ return self._autoset_opts_bad('not unique substring', {'text':'rpc_backend foo'})
def autoset_opts_bad_cmdline(self):
return self._autoset_opts_bad('not unique substring', {'args':['--rpc-backend=foo']})
@@ -193,8 +197,7 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
'btc_ignore_daemon_version true',
'eth_ignore_daemon_version true'
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), '\n'.join(d) + '\n')
- imsg(yellow('Wrote cfg file:\n {}'.format('\n '.join(d))))
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', d, verbose=True)
for coin, res1_chk, res2_chk, res2_chk_eq in (
('BTC', 'True', '1.2345', True),
@@ -234,9 +237,8 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
assert modes_chk == modes, f'{modes_chk} != {modes}'
return t
- txt = 'mnemonic_entry_modes mmgen:full bip39:short'
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), txt+'\n')
- imsg(yellow(f'Wrote cfg file: {txt!r}'))
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', ['mnemonic_entry_modes mmgen:full bip39:short'], verbose=True)
t = run("{'mmgen': 'full', 'bip39': 'short'}")
# check that set_dfl_entry_mode() set the mode correctly:
t.expect('mmgen: full')
@@ -262,15 +264,13 @@ class CmdTestCfgFile(CmdTestBase):
return t
- txt = 'eth_mainnet_chain_names istanbul constantinople'
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), txt+'\n')
- imsg(yellow(f'Wrote cfg file: {txt!r}'))
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', ['eth_mainnet_chain_names istanbul constantinople'], verbose=True)
t = run("['istanbul', 'constantinople']", False)
t = run(None, True)
- txt = 'eth_testnet_chain_names rinkeby'
- write_to_file(self.path('usr'), txt+'\n')
- imsg(yellow(f'Wrote cfg file: {txt!r}'))
+ self.write_to_cfgfile('usr', ['eth_testnet_chain_names rinkeby'], verbose=True)
t = run(None, False)
t = run("['rinkeby']", True)