@@ -116,21 +116,34 @@ class AddrListList(list,MMGenObject): pass
class InitErrors(object):
+ on_fail='die'
def arg_chk(cls,on_fail):
+ cls.on_fail = on_fail
assert on_fail in ('die','return','silent','raise'),(
"'{}': invalid value for 'on_fail' in class {}".format(on_fail,cls.__name__) )
- @staticmethod
- def init_fail(m,on_fail):
+ @classmethod
+ def init_fail(cls,e,m,e2=None,m2=None,objname=None,preformat=False):
+ if preformat:
+ errmsg = m
+ else:
+ fs = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} {}({})"
+ e2_fmt = '({}) '.format(e2.args[0]) if e2 else ''
+ errmsg = fs.format(m,objname or cls.__name__,e2_fmt,e.args[0])
+ if m2: errmsg = '{!r}\n{}'.format(m2,errmsg)
from mmgen.globalvars import g
- if g.traceback: on_fail == 'raise'
+ if g.traceback: cls.on_fail == 'raise'
from mmgen.util import die,msg
- if on_fail == 'silent': return None # TODO: return False instead?
- elif on_fail == 'raise': raise ValueError(m)
- elif on_fail == 'die': die(1,m)
- elif on_fail == 'return':
- if m: msg(m)
+ if cls.on_fail == 'silent': return None # TODO: return False instead?
+ elif cls.on_fail == 'raise': raise ValueError(errmsg)
+ elif cls.on_fail == 'die': die(1,errmsg)
+ elif cls.on_fail == 'return':
+ if errmsg: msg(errmsg)
return None # TODO: here too?
class Hilite(object):
@@ -189,6 +202,9 @@ class Hilite(object):
def __str__(self):
return self.colorize(self,color=False)
+class Str(str,Hilite): pass
+class Int(int,Hilite): pass
# For attrs that are always present in the data instance
# Reassignment and deletion forbidden
class MMGenImmutableAttr(object): # Descriptor
@@ -284,8 +300,7 @@ class AddrIdx(int,InitErrors):
assert me > 0,'is less than one'
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to address index ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(num,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,num)
class AddrIdxList(list,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
max_len = 1000000
@@ -314,8 +329,7 @@ class AddrIdxList(list,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
return list.__init__(self,sorted(set(ret))) # fell off end of loop - success
raise ValueError("{!r}: invalid range".format(i))
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to AddrIdxList ({})"
- return type(self).init_fail(m.format(idx_list or fmt_str,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return type(self).init_fail(e,idx_list or fmt_str)
class MMGenRange(tuple,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
@@ -343,8 +357,7 @@ class MMGenRange(tuple,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
assert last <= cls.max_idx, 'end of range > {:,}'.format(cls.max_idx)
return tuple.__new__(cls,(first,last))
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
def first(self):
@@ -396,8 +409,7 @@ class BTCAmt(Decimal,Hilite,InitErrors):
assert me >= 0,'coin amount cannot be negative'
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(num,cls.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,num)
def toSatoshi(self):
return int(Decimal(self) // self.satoshi)
@@ -479,8 +491,7 @@ class CoinAddr(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
me.hex = va['hex']
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} address ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,g.proto.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s,objname='{} address'.format(g.proto.__name__))
def fmtc(cls,s,**kwargs):
@@ -548,8 +559,7 @@ class SeedID(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
return str.__new__(cls,sid)
raise ValueError('no arguments provided')
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to SeedID ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(seed or sid,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,seed or sid)
class SubSeedIdx(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'red'
@@ -572,8 +582,7 @@ class SubSeedIdx(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
me.type = sstype
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class MMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
color = 'orange'
@@ -595,8 +604,7 @@ class MMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
me.sort_key = '{}:{}:{:0{w}}'.format(me.sid,me.mmtype,me.idx,w=me.idx.max_digits)
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to MMGenID"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(e.args[0],s),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class TwMMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
color = 'orange'
@@ -617,9 +625,8 @@ class TwMMGenID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
assert set(s[4:]) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'contains non-alphanumeric characters'
assert len(s) > 4,'not more that four characters long'
ret,sort_key,idtype = str(s),'z_'+s,'non-mmgen'
- except Exception as f:
- m = "{}\nValue is {}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to TwMMGenID"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(e.args[0],f.args[0],s),on_fail)
+ except Exception as e2:
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s,e2=e2)
me = str.__new__(cls,ret)
me.obj = ret
@@ -641,48 +648,33 @@ class TwLabel(str,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
me.comment = comment
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to TwLabel"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(e.args[0],s),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class HexStr(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'red'
+ width = None
+ hexcase = 'lower'
trunc_ok = False
dtype = str
- def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',case='lower'):
+ def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die',case=None):
if type(s) == cls: return s
- assert case in ('upper','lower')
+ if case == None: case = cls.hexcase
assert issubclass(type(s),str),'not a string or string subclass'
+ assert case in ('upper','lower'),"'{}' incorrect case specifier".format(case)
assert set(s) <= set(getattr(hexdigits,case)()),'not {}case hexadecimal symbols'.format(case)
assert not len(s) % 2,'odd-length string'
+ if cls.width:
+ assert len(s) == cls.width,'Value is not {} characters wide'.format(cls.width)
return cls.dtype.__new__(cls,s)
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} (value is {})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
-class Str(str,Hilite): pass
-class Int(int,Hilite): pass
-class HexStrWithWidth(HexStr):
- color = 'nocolor'
- hexcase = 'lower'
- width = None
- parent_cls = HexStr
- def __new__(cls,s,on_fail='die'):
- cls.arg_chk(on_fail)
- try:
- ret = cls.parent_cls.__new__(cls,s,case=cls.hexcase,on_fail='raise')
- assert len(s) == cls.width,'Value is not {} characters wide'.format(cls.width)
- return ret
- except Exception as e:
- m = "{}\n{!r}: value cannot be converted to {}"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(e.args[0],s,cls.__name__),on_fail)
-class CoinTxID(HexStrWithWidth): color,width,hexcase = 'purple',64,'lower'
-class WalletPassword(HexStrWithWidth): color,width,hexcase = 'blue',32,'lower'
-class MoneroViewKey(HexStrWithWidth): color,width,hexcase = 'cyan',64,'lower'
-class MMGenTxID(HexStrWithWidth): color,width,hexcase = 'red',6,'upper'
+class CoinTxID(HexStr): color,width,hexcase = 'purple',64,'lower'
+class WalletPassword(HexStr): color,width,hexcase = 'blue',32,'lower'
+class MoneroViewKey(HexStr): color,width,hexcase = 'cyan',64,'lower'
+class MMGenTxID(HexStr): color,width,hexcase = 'red',6,'upper'
class WifKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
width = 53
@@ -696,19 +688,18 @@ class WifKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
g.proto.wif2hex(s) # raises exception on error
return str.__new__(cls,s)
except Exception as e:
- m = '{!r}: invalid value for WIF key ({})'.format(s,e.args[0])
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class PubKey(HexStr,MMGenObject): # TODO: add some real checks
def __new__(cls,s,compressed,on_fail='die'):
assert type(compressed) == bool,"'compressed' must be of type bool"
- me = HexStr.__new__(cls,s,case='lower',on_fail='raise')
+ except Exception as e:
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
+ me = HexStr.__new__(cls,s,case='lower',on_fail=on_fail)
+ if me:
me.compressed = compressed
return me
- except Exception as e:
- m = '{!r}: invalid value for pubkey ({})'.format(s,e.args[0])
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
class PrivKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
@@ -728,7 +719,7 @@ class PrivKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
if wif:
- assert s == None
+ assert s == None,"'wif' and key hex args are mutually exclusive"
assert set(wif) <= set(ascii_letters+digits),'not an ascii alphanumeric string'
w2h = g.proto.wif2hex(wif) # raises exception on error
me = str.__new__(cls,w2h['hex'])
@@ -738,25 +729,25 @@ class PrivKey(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
me.orig_hex = None
return me
except Exception as e:
- fs = "Value {!r} cannot be converted to {} WIF key ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(fs.format(wif,g.coin,e.args[0]),on_fail)
- try:
- assert s and type(compressed) == bool and pubkey_type,'Incorrect args for PrivKey()'
- assert len(s) == cls.width // 2,'Key length must be {}'.format(cls.width//2)
- if pubkey_type == 'password': # skip WIF creation and pre-processing for passwds
- me = str.__new__(cls,s.hex())
- else:
- me = str.__new__(cls,g.proto.preprocess_key(s.hex(),pubkey_type))
- me.wif = WifKey(g.proto.hex2wif(me,pubkey_type,compressed),on_fail='raise')
- me.compressed = compressed
- me.pubkey_type = pubkey_type
- me.orig_hex = s.hex() # save the non-preprocessed key
- return me
- except Exception as e:
- fs = "Key={!r}\nCompressed={}\nValue pair cannot be converted to PrivKey\n({})"
- return cls.init_fail(fs.format(s,compressed,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s,objname='{} WIF key'.format(g.coin))
+ else:
+ try:
+ assert s,'private key hex data missing'
+ assert compressed is not None, "'compressed' arg missing"
+ assert pubkey_type is not None,"'pubkey_type' arg missing"
+ assert type(compressed) == bool,"{!r}: 'compressed' not of type 'bool'".format(compressed)
+ assert len(s) == cls.width // 2,'key length must be {}'.format(cls.width // 2)
+ if pubkey_type == 'password': # skip WIF creation and pre-processing for passwds
+ me = str.__new__(cls,s.hex())
+ else:
+ me = str.__new__(cls,g.proto.preprocess_key(s.hex(),pubkey_type))
+ me.wif = WifKey(g.proto.hex2wif(me,pubkey_type,compressed),on_fail='raise')
+ me.compressed = compressed
+ me.pubkey_type = pubkey_type
+ me.orig_hex = s.hex() # save the non-preprocessed key
+ return me
+ except Exception as e:
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class AddrListID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
width = 10
@@ -773,8 +764,7 @@ class AddrListID(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
me.mmtype = mmtype
return me
except Exception as e:
- m = "Cannot create AddrListID ({})".format(e.args[0])
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,'sid={}, mmtype={}'.format(sid,mmtype))
class MMGenLabel(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
color = 'pink'
@@ -808,8 +798,7 @@ class MMGenLabel(str,Hilite,InitErrors):
"contains one of these forbidden symbols: '{}'".format("', '".join(cls.forbidden))
return str.__new__(cls,s)
except Exception as e:
- m = "{!r}: value cannot be converted to {} ({})"
- return cls.init_fail(m.format(s,cls.__name__,e.args[0]),on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,s)
class MMGenWalletLabel(MMGenLabel):
max_len = 48
@@ -902,7 +891,7 @@ class MMGenAddrType(str,Hilite,InitErrors,MMGenObject):
except Exception as e:
m = '{}{!r}: invalid value for {} ({})'.format(
('{!r}\n'.format(errmsg) if errmsg else ''),s,cls.__name__,e.args[0])
- return cls.init_fail(m,on_fail)
+ return cls.init_fail(e,m,preformat=True)
def get_names(cls):