@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-addr.py: Address generation/display routines for the MMGen suite
+addr.py: MMGen address-related types
from string import ascii_letters,digits
@@ -179,260 +179,43 @@ class MoneroViewKey(HexStr):
class ZcashViewKey(CoinAddr):
hex_width = 128
-from .opts import opt
-from .util import qmsg
-from .protocol import hash160
-from .key import PrivKey,PubKey
-from .baseconv import baseconv
+def KeyGenerator(proto,pubkey_type,backend=None,silent=False):
+ """
+ factory function returning a key generator backend for the specified pubkey type
+ """
+ assert pubkey_type in proto.pubkey_types, f'{pubkey_type!r}: invalid pubkey type for coin {proto.coin}'
-class AddrGenerator(MMGenObject):
- def __new__(cls,proto,addr_type):
+ from .keygen import keygen_backend,_check_backend
- if type(addr_type) == str:
- addr_type = MMGenAddrType(proto=proto,id_str=addr_type)
- elif type(addr_type) == MMGenAddrType:
- assert addr_type in proto.mmtypes, f'{addr_type}: invalid address type for coin {proto.coin}'
- else:
- raise TypeError(f'{type(addr_type)}: incorrect argument type for {cls.__name__}()')
- addr_generators = {
- 'p2pkh': AddrGeneratorP2PKH,
- 'segwit': AddrGeneratorSegwit,
- 'bech32': AddrGeneratorBech32,
- 'ethereum': AddrGeneratorEthereum,
- 'zcash_z': AddrGeneratorZcashZ,
- 'monero': AddrGeneratorMonero,
- }
- me = super(cls,cls).__new__(addr_generators[addr_type.gen_method])
- me.desc = type(me).__name__
- me.proto = proto
- me.addr_type = addr_type
- me.pubkey_type = addr_type.pubkey_type
- return me
-class AddrGeneratorP2PKH(AddrGenerator):
- def to_addr(self,pubhex):
- assert pubhex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- return CoinAddr(self.proto,self.proto.pubhash2addr(hash160(pubhex),p2sh=False))
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- raise NotImplementedError('Segwit redeem script not supported by this address type')
-class AddrGeneratorSegwit(AddrGenerator):
- def to_addr(self,pubhex):
- assert pubhex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- assert pubhex.compressed,'Uncompressed public keys incompatible with Segwit'
- return CoinAddr(self.proto,self.proto.pubhex2segwitaddr(pubhex))
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- assert pubhex.compressed,'Uncompressed public keys incompatible with Segwit'
- return HexStr(self.proto.pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex))
-class AddrGeneratorBech32(AddrGenerator):
- def to_addr(self,pubhex):
- assert pubhex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- assert pubhex.compressed,'Uncompressed public keys incompatible with Segwit'
- return CoinAddr(self.proto,self.proto.pubhash2bech32addr(hash160(pubhex)))
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- raise NotImplementedError('Segwit redeem script not supported by this address type')
-class AddrGeneratorEthereum(AddrGenerator):
- def __init__(self,proto,addr_type):
- from .util import get_keccak
- self.keccak_256 = get_keccak()
- from .protocol import hash256
- self.hash256 = hash256
- def to_addr(self,pubhex):
- assert pubhex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- return CoinAddr(self.proto,self.keccak_256(bytes.fromhex(pubhex[2:])).hexdigest()[24:])
- def to_wallet_passwd(self,sk_hex):
- return WalletPassword(self.hash256(sk_hex)[:32])
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- raise NotImplementedError('Segwit redeem script not supported by this address type')
-# github.com/FiloSottile/zcash-mini/zcash/address.go
-class AddrGeneratorZcashZ(AddrGenerator):
- def zhash256(self,s,t):
- s = bytearray(s + bytes(32))
- s[0] |= 0xc0
- s[32] = t
- from .sha2 import Sha256
- return Sha256(s,preprocess=False).digest()
- def to_addr(self,pubhex): # pubhex is really privhex
- assert pubhex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- key = bytes.fromhex(pubhex)
- assert len(key) == 32, f'{len(key)}: incorrect privkey length'
- from nacl.bindings import crypto_scalarmult_base
- p2 = crypto_scalarmult_base(self.zhash256(key,1))
- from .protocol import _b58chk_encode
- ver_bytes = self.proto.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes('zcash_z')
- ret = _b58chk_encode(ver_bytes + self.zhash256(key,0) + p2)
- return CoinAddr(self.proto,ret)
- def to_viewkey(self,pubhex): # pubhex is really privhex
- key = bytes.fromhex(pubhex)
- assert len(key) == 32, f'{len(key)}: incorrect privkey length'
- vk = bytearray(self.zhash256(key,0)+self.zhash256(key,1))
- vk[32] &= 0xf8
- vk[63] &= 0x7f
- vk[63] |= 0x40
- from .protocol import _b58chk_encode
- ver_bytes = self.proto.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes('viewkey')
- ret = _b58chk_encode(ver_bytes + vk)
- return ZcashViewKey(self.proto,ret)
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- raise NotImplementedError('Zcash z-addresses incompatible with Segwit')
-class AddrGeneratorMonero(AddrGenerator):
- def __init__(self,proto,addr_type):
- from .util import get_keccak
- self.keccak_256 = get_keccak()
- from .protocol import hash256
- self.hash256 = hash256
- if getattr(opt,'use_old_ed25519',False):
- from .ed25519 import edwards,encodepoint,B,scalarmult
- else:
- from .ed25519ll_djbec import scalarmult
- from .ed25519 import edwards,encodepoint,B
- self.edwards = edwards
- self.encodepoint = encodepoint
- self.scalarmult = scalarmult
- self.B = B
- def b58enc(self,addr_bytes):
- enc = baseconv.frombytes
- l = len(addr_bytes)
- a = ''.join([enc(addr_bytes[i*8:i*8+8],'b58',pad=11,tostr=True) for i in range(l//8)])
- b = enc(addr_bytes[l-l%8:],'b58',pad=7,tostr=True)
- return a + b
- def to_addr(self,sk_hex): # sk_hex instead of pubhex
- assert sk_hex.privkey.pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type
- # Source and license for scalarmultbase function:
- # https://github.com/bigreddmachine/MoneroPy/blob/master/moneropy/crypto/ed25519.py
- # Copyright (c) 2014-2016, The Monero Project
- # All rights reserved.
- def scalarmultbase(e):
- if e == 0: return [0, 1]
- Q = self.scalarmult(self.B, e//2)
- Q = self.edwards(Q, Q)
- if e & 1: Q = self.edwards(Q, self.B)
- return Q
- def hex2int_le(hexstr):
- return int((bytes.fromhex(hexstr)[::-1]).hex(),16)
- vk_hex = self.to_viewkey(sk_hex)
- pk_str = self.encodepoint(scalarmultbase(hex2int_le(sk_hex)))
- pvk_str = self.encodepoint(scalarmultbase(hex2int_le(vk_hex)))
- addr_p1 = self.proto.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes('monero') + pk_str + pvk_str
- return CoinAddr(
- proto = self.proto,
- addr = self.b58enc(addr_p1 + self.keccak_256(addr_p1).digest()[:4]) )
- def to_wallet_passwd(self,sk_hex):
- return WalletPassword(self.hash256(sk_hex)[:32])
- def to_viewkey(self,sk_hex):
- assert len(sk_hex) == 64, f'{len(sk_hex)}: incorrect privkey length'
- return MoneroViewKey(
- self.proto.preprocess_key(self.keccak_256(bytes.fromhex(sk_hex)).digest(),None).hex() )
- def to_segwit_redeem_script(self,sk_hex):
- raise NotImplementedError('Monero addresses incompatible with Segwit')
-class KeyGenerator(MMGenObject):
- def __new__(cls,proto,addr_type,generator=None,silent=False):
- if type(addr_type) == str: # allow override w/o check
- pubkey_type = addr_type
- elif type(addr_type) == MMGenAddrType:
- assert addr_type in proto.mmtypes, f'{address}: invalid address type for coin {proto.coin}'
- pubkey_type = addr_type.pubkey_type
- else:
- raise TypeError(f'{type(addr_type)}: incorrect argument type for {cls.__name__}()')
- if pubkey_type == 'std':
- if cls.test_for_secp256k1(silent=silent) and generator != 1:
- if not opt.key_generator or opt.key_generator == 2 or generator == 2:
- me = super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorSecp256k1)
- else:
- qmsg('Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for address generation')
- me = super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorPython)
- elif pubkey_type in ('zcash_z','monero'):
- me = super(cls,cls).__new__(KeyGeneratorDummy)
- me.desc = 'mmgen-'+pubkey_type
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'{pubkey_type}: invalid pubkey_type argument')
+ pubkey_type_cls = getattr(keygen_backend,pubkey_type)
- me.proto = proto
- return me
+ from .opts import opt
+ backend = backend or getattr(opt,'keygen_backend',None)
- @classmethod
- def test_for_secp256k1(self,silent=False):
- try:
- from .secp256k1 import priv2pub
- m = 'Unable to execute priv2pub() from secp256k1 extension module'
- assert priv2pub(bytes.fromhex('deadbeef'*8),1),m
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- if not silent:
- ymsg(str(e))
- return False
-class KeyGeneratorPython(KeyGenerator):
- desc = 'mmgen-python-ecdsa'
- # devdoc/guide_wallets.md:
- # Uncompressed public keys start with 0x04; compressed public keys begin with 0x03 or
- # 0x02 depending on whether they're greater or less than the midpoint of the curve.
- def privnum2pubhex(self,numpriv,compressed=False):
- import ecdsa
- pko = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(numpriv,curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
- # pubkey = x (32 bytes) + y (32 bytes) (unsigned big-endian)
- pubkey = pko.get_verifying_key().to_string().hex()
- if compressed: # discard Y coord, replace with appropriate version byte
- # even y: <0, odd y: >0 -- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=129652.0
- return ('03','02')[pubkey[-1] in '02468ace'] + pubkey[:64]
- else:
- return '04' + pubkey
- def to_pubhex(self,privhex):
- assert type(privhex) == PrivKey
- return PubKey(
- s = self.privnum2pubhex(int(privhex,16),compressed=privhex.compressed),
- privkey = privhex )
-class KeyGeneratorSecp256k1(KeyGenerator):
- desc = 'mmgen-secp256k1'
- def to_pubhex(self,privhex):
- assert type(privhex) == PrivKey
- from .secp256k1 import priv2pub
- return PubKey(
- s = priv2pub(bytes.fromhex(privhex),int(privhex.compressed)).hex(),
- privkey = privhex )
-class KeyGeneratorDummy(KeyGenerator):
- desc = 'mmgen-dummy'
- def to_pubhex(self,privhex):
- assert type(privhex) == PrivKey
- return PubKey(
- s = privhex,
- privkey = privhex )
+ if backend:
+ _check_backend(backend,pubkey_type)
+ backend_id = pubkey_type_cls.backends[int(backend) - 1 if backend else 0]
+ if backend_id == 'libsecp256k1':
+ if not pubkey_type_cls.libsecp256k1.test_avail(silent=silent):
+ backend_id = 'python-ecdsa'
+ if not backend:
+ qmsg('Using (slow) native Python ECDSA library for public key generation')
+ return getattr(pubkey_type_cls,backend_id.replace('-','_'))()
+def AddrGenerator(proto,addr_type):
+ """
+ factory function returning an address generator for the specified address type
+ """
+ if type(addr_type) == str:
+ addr_type = MMGenAddrType(proto=proto,id_str=addr_type)
+ elif type(addr_type) == MMGenAddrType:
+ assert addr_type in proto.mmtypes, f'{addr_type}: invalid address type for coin {proto.coin}'
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f'{type(addr_type)}: incorrect argument type for {cls.__name__}()')
+ from .addrgen import addr_generator
+ return getattr(addr_generator,addr_type.name)(proto,addr_type)