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new test: test objects' immutable attributes

MMGen 5 years ago

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+test/  Test immutable attributes of MMGen data objects
+# TODO: test 'typeconv' during instance creation
+import sys,os
+pn = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+os.environ['MMGEN_TEST_SUITE'] = '1'
+# Import these _after_ local path's been added to sys.path
+from test.objattrtest_py_d.oat_common import *
+opts_data = {
+	'sets': [
+		('show_nonstandard_init', True, 'verbose', True),
+		('show_descriptor_type', True, 'verbose', True),
+	],
+	'text': {
+		'desc': 'Test immutable attributes of MMGen data objects',
+		'usage':'[options] [object]',
+		'options': """
+-h, --help                  Print this help message
+--, --longhelp              Print help message for long options (common options)
+-i, --show-nonstandard-init Display non-standard attribute initialization info
+-d, --show-descriptor-type  Display the attribute's descriptor type
+-v, --verbose               Produce more verbose output
+	}
+cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
+from import *
+pd = namedtuple('permission_bits', ['read_ok','delete_ok','reassign_ok'])
+def parse_permbits(bits):
+	return pd(
+		bool(0b001 & bits), # read
+		bool(0b010 & bits), # delete
+		bool(0b100 & bits), # reassign
+	)
+def get_descriptor_obj(objclass,attrname):
+	for o in (objclass,objclass.__bases__[0]): # assume there's only one base class
+		if attrname in o.__dict__:
+			return o.__dict__[attrname]
+	rdie(3,'unable to find descriptor {}.{}'.format(objclass.__name__,attrname))
+def test_attr_perm(obj,attrname,perm_name,perm_value,dobj,attrval_type):
+	class SampleObjError(Exception): pass
+	pname = perm_name.replace('_ok','')
+	pstem = pname.rstrip('e')
+	try:
+		if perm_name == 'read_ok':
+			getattr(obj,attrname)
+		elif perm_name == 'reassign_ok':
+			try:
+				so = sample_objs[attrval_type.__name__]
+			except:
+				raise SampleObjError('unable to find sample object of type {!r}'.format(attrval_type.__name__))
+			# MMGenListItemAttr allows setting an attribute if its value is None
+			if type(dobj) == MMGenListItemAttr and getattr(obj,attrname) == None:
+				setattr(obj,attrname,so)
+			setattr(obj,attrname,so)
+		elif perm_name == 'delete_ok':
+			delattr(obj,attrname)
+	except SampleObjError as e:
+		rdie(2,'Test script error ({})'.format(e))
+	except Exception as e:
+		if perm_value == True:
+			fs = '{!r}: unable to {} attribute {!r}, though {}ing is allowed ({})'
+			rdie(2,fs.format(type(obj).__name__,pname,attrname,pstem,e))
+	else:
+		if perm_value == False:
+			fs = '{!r}: attribute {!r} is {n}able, though {n}ing is forbidden'
+			rdie(2,fs.format(type(obj).__name__,attrname,n=pstem))
+def test_attr(data,obj,attrname,dobj,bits,attrval_type):
+	if hasattr(obj,attrname): # TODO
+		td_attrval_type = data.attrs[attrname][1]
+		if attrval_type not in (td_attrval_type,type(None)):
+			fs = '\nattribute {!r} of {!r} instance has incorrect type {!r} (should be {!r})'
+			rdie(2,fs.format(attrname,type(obj).__name__,attrval_type.__name__,td_attrval_type.__name__))
+	if hasattr(dobj,'__dict__'):
+		d = dobj.__dict__
+		bits = bits._asdict()
+		for k in ('reassign_ok','delete_ok'):
+			if k in d:
+				if d[k] != bits[k]:
+					fs = 'init value {iv}={a} for attr {n!r} does not match test data ({iv}={b})'
+					rdie(2,fs.format(iv=k,n=attrname,a=d[k],b=bits[k]))
+				if opt.verbose and d[k] == True:
+					msg_r(' {}={!r}'.format(k,d[k]))
+		if opt.show_nonstandard_init:
+			for k,v in (('typeconv',False),('no_type_check',True),('set_none_ok',True)):
+				if d[k] == v:
+					msg_r(' {}={}'.format(k,v))
+def test_object(test_data,objname):
+	if '.' in objname:
+		on1,on2 = objname.split('.')
+		cls = getattr(globals()[on1],on2)
+	else:
+		cls = globals()[objname]
+	fs = 'Testing attribute ' + ('{!r:<15}{dt:13}' if opt.show_descriptor_type else '{!r}')
+	data = test_data[objname]
+	obj = cls(*data.args,**data.kwargs)
+	for attrname,adata in data.attrs.items():
+		dobj = get_descriptor_obj(type(obj),attrname)
+		if opt.verbose:
+			msg_r(fs.format(attrname,dt=type(dobj).__name__.replace('MMGen','')))
+		bits = parse_permbits(adata[0])
+		test_attr(data,obj,attrname,dobj,bits,adata[1])
+		for perm_name,perm_value in bits._asdict().items():
+			test_attr_perm(obj,attrname,perm_name,perm_value,dobj,adata[1])
+		vmsg('')
+def do_loop():
+	import importlib
+	network = ('mainnet','testnet')[bool(g.testnet)]
+	modname = 'test.objattrtest_py_d.oat_{}_{}'.format(g.coin.lower(),network)
+	test_data = importlib.import_module(modname).tests
+	gmsg('Running immutable attribute tests for {} {}'.format(g.coin,network))
+	utests = cmd_args
+	for obj in test_data:
+		if utests and obj not in utests: continue
+		clr = blue if opt.verbose else nocolor
+		msg(clr('Testing {}'.format(obj)))
+		test_object(test_data,obj)

+ 0 - 0

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <>
+test.objattrtest_py_d.oat_btc_mainnet: BTC mainnet test vectors for MMGen data
+from .oat_common import *
+	'PrivKey':   PrivKey(seed_bin,compressed=True,pubkey_type='std'),
+	'WifKey':    WifKey('5HwzecKMWD82ppJK3qMKpC7ohXXAwcyAN5VgdJ9PLFaAzpBG4sX'),
+	'CoinAddr':  CoinAddr('1111111111111111111114oLvT2'),
+	'BTCAmt':    BTCAmt('0.01'),
+	'MMGenID':   MMGenID('F00F00BB:B:1'),
+	'TwMMGenID': TwMMGenID('F00F00BB:S:23'),
+tests = {
+	#
+	'AddrListEntry': atd({
+		'addr':          (0b001, CoinAddr),
+		'idx':           (0b001, AddrIdx),
+		'label':         (0b101, TwComment),
+		'sec':           (0b001, PrivKey),
+#		'viewkey':       (0b001, ViewKey),        # TODO
+#		'wallet_passwd': (0b001, WalletPassword), # TODO
+		},
+		[],
+		{}
+	),
+	'PasswordListEntry': atd({
+		'passwd': (0b001, str),
+		'idx':    (0b001, AddrIdx),
+		'label':  (0b101, TwComment),
+		'sec':    (0b001, PrivKey),
+		},
+		[],
+		{'passwd':'ΑlphaΩmega', 'idx':1 },
+	),
+	#
+	'PrivKey': atd({
+		'compressed': (0b001, bool),
+		'wif':        (0b001, WifKey),
+		},
+		[seed_bin],
+		{'compressed':True, 'pubkey_type':'std'},
+	),
+	'MMGenAddrType': atd({
+		'name':        (0b001, str),
+		'pubkey_type': (0b001, str),
+		'compressed':  (0b001, bool),
+		'gen_method':  (0b001, str),
+		'addr_fmt':    (0b001, str),
+		'wif_label':   (0b001, str),
+		'extra_attrs': (0b001, tuple),
+		'desc':        (0b001, str),
+		},
+		['S'],
+		{},
+	),
+	#
+	'SeedBase': atd({
+		'data': (0b001, bytes),
+		'sid':  (0b001, SeedID),
+		},
+		[seed_bin],
+		{},
+	),
+	'SubSeed': atd({
+		'idx':    (0b001, int),
+		'nonce':  (0b001, int),
+		'ss_idx': (0b001, SubSeedIdx),
+		},
+		[sample_objs['SubSeedList'],1,1,'short'],
+		{},
+	),
+	'SeedShareList': atd({
+		'count':  (0b001, SeedShareCount),
+		'id_str': (0b001, SeedSplitIDString),
+		},
+		[sample_objs['Seed'],sample_objs['SeedShareCount']],
+		{},
+	),
+	'SeedShareLast': atd({
+		'idx': (0b001, SeedShareIdx),
+		},
+		[sample_objs['SeedShareList']],
+		{},
+	),
+	'SeedShareMaster': atd({
+		'idx':   (0b001, MasterShareIdx),
+		'nonce': (0b001, int),
+		},
+		[sample_objs['SeedShareList'],7,0],
+		{},
+	),
+	'SeedShareMasterJoining': atd({
+		'id_str': (0b001, SeedSplitIDString),
+		'count':  (0b001, SeedShareCount),
+		},
+		[sample_objs['MasterShareIdx'], sample_objs['Seed'], 'foo', 2],
+		{},
+	),
+	#
+	'TwUnspentOutputs.MMGenTwUnspentOutput': atd({
+		'txid':         (0b001, CoinTxID),
+		'vout':         (0b001, int),
+		'amt':          (0b001, BTCAmt),
+		'amt2':         (0b001, BTCAmt),
+		'label':        (0b101, TwComment),
+		'twmmid':       (0b001, TwMMGenID),
+		'addr':         (0b001, CoinAddr),
+		'confs':        (0b001, int),
+		'scriptPubKey': (0b001, HexStr),
+		'days':         (0b001, int),
+		'skip':         (0b101, str),
+		},
+		[],
+		{
+			'amt':BTCAmt('0.01'),
+			'twmmid':'F00F00BB:B:17',
+			'addr':'1111111111111111111114oLvT2',
+			'confs': 100000,
+			'scriptPubKey':'ff',
+		},
+	),
+	#
+	'MMGenTxInput': atd({
+		'vout':         (0b001, int),
+		'amt':          (0b001, BTCAmt),
+		'label':        (0b101, TwComment),
+		'mmid':         (0b001, MMGenID),
+		'addr':         (0b001, CoinAddr),
+		'confs':        (0b001, int),
+		'txid':         (0b001, CoinTxID),
+		'have_wif':     (0b011, bool),
+		'scriptPubKey': (0b001, HexStr),
+		'sequence':     (0b001, int),
+		},
+		[],
+		{ 'amt':BTCAmt('0.01'), 'addr':sample_objs['CoinAddr'] },
+	),
+	'MMGenTxOutput': atd({
+		'vout':         (0b001, int),
+		'amt':          (0b001, BTCAmt),
+		'label':        (0b101, TwComment),
+		'mmid':         (0b001, MMGenID),
+		'addr':         (0b001, CoinAddr),
+		'confs':        (0b001, int),
+		'txid':         (0b001, CoinTxID),
+		'have_wif':     (0b011, bool),
+		'is_chg':       (0b001, bool),
+		},
+		[],
+		{ 'amt':BTCAmt('0.01'), 'addr':sample_objs['CoinAddr'] },
+	),
+tests['MMGenPasswordType'] = atd(tests['MMGenAddrType'].attrs, ['P'], {})

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2019 The MMGen Project <>
+test.objattrtest_py_d.oat_common: shared data for MMGen data objects tests
+import os
+from decimal import Decimal
+from mmgen.obj import *
+from mmgen.seed import *
+from mmgen.protocol import *
+from mmgen.addr import *
+from mmgen.tx import *
+from collections import namedtuple
+atd = namedtuple('attrtest_entry',['attrs','args','kwargs'])
+seed_bin = os.urandom(32)
+# use the constructors here! otherwise reassignment test might fail when
+# reassignment would otherwise succeed
+sample_objs = {
+	'int':       int(1),
+	'Decimal':   Decimal('0.01'),
+	'NoneType':  None,
+	'bool':      bool(True),
+	'str':       str('foo'),
+	'dict':      dict({'a':1}),
+	'list':      list([1]),
+	'tuple':     tuple((1,2)),
+	'bytes':     bytes(1),
+	'HexStr':    HexStr('ff'),
+	'AddrIdx':   AddrIdx(1),
+	'TwComment': TwComment('αω'),
+	'CoinTxID':  CoinTxID('aa'*32),
+	'SeedID':    SeedID(sid='F00F00BB'),
+	'Seed':      Seed(seed_bin=seed_bin),
+	'SubSeedList': SubSeedList(Seed(seed_bin=seed_bin)),
+	'SubSeedIdx':  SubSeedIdx('1S'),
+	'SeedSplitIDString': SeedSplitIDString('alice'),
+	'SeedShareList':     SeedShareList(Seed(seed_bin=seed_bin),SeedShareCount(2)),
+	'SeedShareIdx':      SeedShareIdx(1),
+	'SeedShareCount':    SeedShareCount(2),
+	'MasterShareIdx':    MasterShareIdx(7),

+ 4 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export MMGEN_NO_LICENSE=1
 export PYTHONPATH=.
 export PYTHONPATH=.
 test_py='test/ -n'
 test_py='test/ -n'
 unit_tests_py='test/ --names --quiet'
 unit_tests_py='test/ --names --quiet'
 tooltest2_py='test/ --names'
 tooltest2_py='test/ --names'
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ do
 		python="python3 -m trace --count --file=test/trace.acc --coverdir=test/trace"
 		python="python3 -m trace --count --file=test/trace.acc --coverdir=test/trace"
 		unit_tests_py="$python $unit_tests_py"
 		unit_tests_py="$python $unit_tests_py"
 		objtest_py="$python $objtest_py"
 		objtest_py="$python $objtest_py"
+		objattrtest_py="$python $objattrtest_py"
 		gentest_py="$python $gentest_py"
 		gentest_py="$python $gentest_py"
 		mmgen_tool="$python $mmgen_tool"
 		mmgen_tool="$python $mmgen_tool"
 		mmgen_keygen="$python $mmgen_keygen" ;&
 		mmgen_keygen="$python $mmgen_keygen" ;&
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ do
 		tooltest_py+=" --verbose" tooltest2_py+=" --verbose"
 		tooltest_py+=" --verbose" tooltest2_py+=" --verbose"
 		gentest_py+=" --verbose" mmgen_tool+=" --verbose"
 		gentest_py+=" --verbose" mmgen_tool+=" --verbose"
+		objattrtest_py+=" --verbose"
 		scrambletest_py+=" --verbose" ;;
 		scrambletest_py+=" --verbose" ;;
 	*)  exit ;;
 	*)  exit ;;
@@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ t_obj="
 	$objtest_py --coin=ltc
 	$objtest_py --coin=ltc
 	$objtest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
 	$objtest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
 	$objtest_py --coin=eth
 	$objtest_py --coin=eth
+	$objattrtest_py
 f_obj='Data object test complete'
 f_obj='Data object test complete'