@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def set_for_type(val,refval,desc,invert_bool=False,src=None):
' in {!r}'.format(src) if src else '',
' in {!r}'.format(src) if src else '',
type(refval).__name__) )
type(refval).__name__) )
-def override_globals_from_cfg_file(ucfg,need_proto):
+def override_globals_from_cfg_file(ucfg,autoset_opts,need_proto):
if need_proto:
if need_proto:
from .protocol import init_proto
from .protocol import init_proto
for d in ucfg.get_lines():
for d in ucfg.get_lines():
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ def override_globals_from_cfg_file(ucfg,need_proto):
die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'Parse error in file {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'Parse error in file {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
val_conv = set_for_type(val,refval,attr,src=ucfg.fn)
val_conv = set_for_type(val,refval,attr,src=ucfg.fn)
+ elif d.name in g.autoset_opts:
+ autoset_opts[d.name] = d.value
from .util import die
from .util import die
die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'{d.name!r}: unrecognized option in {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
die( 'CfgFileParseError', f'{d.name!r}: unrecognized option in {ucfg.fn!r}, line {d.lineno}' )
@@ -356,13 +358,15 @@ def init(
from .util import wrap_ripemd160
from .util import wrap_ripemd160
wrap_ripemd160() # ripemd160 used by cfg_file()
wrap_ripemd160() # ripemd160 used by cfg_file()
+ cfgfile_autoset_opts = {}
if not (opt.skip_cfg_file or opt.bob or opt.alice or g.prog_name == 'mmgen-regtest'):
if not (opt.skip_cfg_file or opt.bob or opt.alice or g.prog_name == 'mmgen-regtest'):
from .cfg import cfg_file
from .cfg import cfg_file
# check for changes in system template file - term must be initialized
# check for changes in system template file - term must be initialized
# workaround: g.test_suite is needed by cfg.py, but g is not set from environment yet
# workaround: g.test_suite is needed by cfg.py, but g is not set from environment yet
g.test_suite = False if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE') in (None,'','false','0') else True
g.test_suite = False if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE') in (None,'','false','0') else True
- override_globals_from_cfg_file( cfg_file('usr'), need_proto )
+ override_globals_from_cfg_file( cfg_file('usr'), cfgfile_autoset_opts, need_proto )
@@ -421,8 +425,15 @@ def init(
# Check user-set opts without modifying them
# Check user-set opts without modifying them
- # Check all opts against g.autoset_opts, setting if unset
- check_and_set_autoset_opts()
+ # Check autoset opts, setting if unset
+ for key in g.autoset_opts:
+ if hasattr(opt,key):
+ if getattr(opt,key) is not None:
+ setattr(opt, key, get_autoset_opt(key,getattr(opt,key),src='cmdline'))
+ elif key in cfgfile_autoset_opts:
+ setattr(opt, key, get_autoset_opt(key,cfgfile_autoset_opts[key],src='cfgfile'))
+ else:
+ setattr(opt, key, g.autoset_opts[key].choices[0])
@@ -662,37 +673,36 @@ def set_auto_typeset_opts():
if val is not None: # typeset only if opt is set
if val is not None: # typeset only if opt is set
-def check_and_set_autoset_opts(): # Raises exception if any check fails
+def get_autoset_opt(key,val,src):
+ def die_on_err(desc):
+ from .util import fmt_list,die
+ die(
+ 'UserOptError',
+ '{a!r}: invalid {b} (not {c}: {d})'.format(
+ a = val,
+ b = {
+ 'cmdline': 'parameter for option --{}'.format(key.replace('_','-')),
+ 'cfgfile': 'value for cfg file option {!r}'.format(key)
+ }[src],
+ c = desc,
+ d = fmt_list(data.choices) ))
+ class opt_type:
+ def nocase_str():
+ if val.lower() in data.choices:
+ return val.lower()
+ else:
+ die_on_err('one of')
- def nocase_str(key,val,asd):
- try:
- return asd.choices.index(val)
- except:
- return 'one of'
+ def nocase_pfx():
+ cs = [s for s in data.choices if s.startswith(val.lower())]
+ if len(cs) == 1:
+ return cs[0]
+ else:
+ die_on_err('unique substring of')
- def nocase_pfx(key,val,asd):
- cs = [s.startswith(val.lower()) for s in asd.choices]
- if cs.count(True) == 1:
- return cs.index(True)
- else:
- return 'unique substring of'
+ data = g.autoset_opts[key]
- for key,asd in g.autoset_opts.items():
- if hasattr(opt,key):
- val = getattr(opt,key)
- if val is None:
- setattr(opt,key,asd.choices[0])
- else:
- ret = locals()[asd.type](key,val,asd)
- if type(ret) is str:
- from .util import fmt_list,die
- die( 'UserOptError',
- '{!r}: invalid parameter for option --{} (not {}: {})'.format(
- val,
- key.replace('_','-'),
- ret,
- fmt_list(asd.choices) ))
- elif ret is True:
- setattr(opt,key,val)
- else:
- setattr(opt,key,asd.choices[ret])
+ return getattr(opt_type,data.type)()