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BTC-only testing fixes

The MMGen Project 2 years ago

+ 16 - 15

@@ -93,20 +93,21 @@ def run_test():
 		'bc1q6pqnfwwakuuejpm9w52ds342f9d5u36v0qnz7c' )
-	test_triplet(tool,'ltc','regtest','bech32',1,
-		'cV3ZRqf8PhyfiFwtJfkvGu2qmBsazE1wXoA2A16S3nixb3BTvvVx',
-		'rltc1qvmqas4maw7lg9clqu6kqu9zq9cluvllnz4kj9y' )
-	test_triplet(tool,'xmr','mainnet','M',1,
-		'e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f',
-		'41i7saPWA53EoHenmJVRt34dubPxsXwoWMnw8AdMyx4mTD1svf7qYzcVjxxRfteLNdYrAxWUMmiPegFW9EfoNgXx7vDMExv' ),
-	test_triplet(tool,'etc','mainnet','E',1,
-		'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef',
-		'c96aaa54e2d44c299564da76e1cd3184a2386b8d' ),
-	test_triplet(tool,'zec','mainnet','Z',1,
-		'SKxuS56e99jpCeD9mMQ5o63zoGPakNdM9HCvt4Vt2cypvRjCdvGJ',
-		'zchFELwBxqsAubsLQ8yZgPCDDGukjXJssgCbiTPwFNmFwn9haLnDatzfhLdZzJT4PcU4o2yr92B52UFirUzEdF6ZYM2gBkM' )
+	if not 'no_altcoin' in sys.argv:
+		test_triplet(tool,'ltc','regtest','bech32',1,
+			'cV3ZRqf8PhyfiFwtJfkvGu2qmBsazE1wXoA2A16S3nixb3BTvvVx',
+			'rltc1qvmqas4maw7lg9clqu6kqu9zq9cluvllnz4kj9y' )
+		test_triplet(tool,'xmr','mainnet','M',1,
+			'e8164dda6d42bd1e261a3406b2038dcbddadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbe0f',
+			'41i7saPWA53EoHenmJVRt34dubPxsXwoWMnw8AdMyx4mTD1svf7qYzcVjxxRfteLNdYrAxWUMmiPegFW9EfoNgXx7vDMExv' ),
+		test_triplet(tool,'etc','mainnet','E',1,
+			'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef',
+			'c96aaa54e2d44c299564da76e1cd3184a2386b8d' ),
+		test_triplet(tool,'zec','mainnet','Z',1,
+			'SKxuS56e99jpCeD9mMQ5o63zoGPakNdM9HCvt4Vt2cypvRjCdvGJ',
+			'zchFELwBxqsAubsLQ8yZgPCDDGukjXJssgCbiTPwFNmFwn9haLnDatzfhLdZzJT4PcU4o2yr92B52UFirUzEdF6ZYM2gBkM' )

+ 8 - 2

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ opts_data = {
 		'options': """
 -h, --help          Print this help message
 --, --longhelp      Print help message for long options (common options)
+-a, --no-altcoin    Skip altcoin tests
 -C, --coverage      Produce code coverage info using trace module
 -l, --list-cmds     List and describe the tests and commands in this test suite
 -s, --system        Test scripts and modules installed on system rather than
@@ -57,12 +58,15 @@ if not opt.system:
 from collections import namedtuple
 td = namedtuple('scrambletest_entry',['seed','str','id_str','lbl','addr'])
-coin_data = {
+bitcoin_data = {
 #                   SCRAMBLED_SEED[:8] SCRAMBLE_KEY     ID_STR   LBL              FIRST ADDR
 'btc':           td('456d7f5f1c4bfe3b','(none)',        '',      '',              '1MU7EdgqYy9JX35L25hR6CmXXcSEBDAwyv'),
 'btc_compressed':td('bf98a4af5464a4ef','compressed',    '-C',    'COMPRESSED',    '1F97Jd89wwmu4ELadesAdGDzg3d8Y6j5iP'),
 'btc_segwit':    td('b56962d829ffc678','segwit',        '-S',    'SEGWIT',        '36TvVzU5mxSjJ3D9qKAmYzCV7iUqtTDezF'),
 'btc_bech32':    td('d09eea818f9ad17f','bech32',        '-B',    'BECH32',        'bc1q8snv94j6959y3gkqv4gku0cm5mersnpucsvw5z'),
+altcoin_data = {
 'bch':           td('456d7f5f1c4bfe3b','(none)',        '',      '',              '1MU7EdgqYy9JX35L25hR6CmXXcSEBDAwyv'),
 'bch_compressed':td('bf98a4af5464a4ef','compressed',    '-C',    'COMPRESSED',    '1F97Jd89wwmu4ELadesAdGDzg3d8Y6j5iP'),
 'ltc':           td('b11f16632e63ba92','ltc:legacy',    '-LTC',  'LTC',           'LMxB474SVfxeYdqxNrM1WZDZMnifteSMv1'),
@@ -120,7 +124,9 @@ def do_test(cmd,tdata,msg_str,addr_desc):
 def do_coin_tests():
 	bmsg('Testing address scramble strings and list IDs')
-	for tname,tdata in coin_data.items():
+	for tname,tdata in (
+			tuple(bitcoin_data.items()) +
+			tuple(altcoin_data.items() if not opt.no_altcoin else []) ):
 		if tname == 'zec_zcash_z' and g.platform == 'win':
 			msg("Skipping 'zec_zcash_z' test for Windows platform")

+ 46 - 36

@@ -102,7 +102,10 @@ do
 		echo   "  By default, all tests are run"
 		exit ;;
-	A)  SKIP_ALT_DEP=1 unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps" ;;
+		test_py+=" --no-altcoin"
+		unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps"
+		scrambletest_py+=" --no-altcoin" ;;
 	b)  test_py+=" --buf-keypress" ;;
 	C)  mkdir -p 'test/trace'
 		touch 'test/trace.acc'
@@ -165,7 +168,11 @@ case $1 in
 	'')        tests=$dfl_tests ;;
 	'default') tests=$dfl_tests ;;
 	'extra')   tests=$extra_tests ;;
-	'noalt')   tests=$noalt_tests SKIP_ALT_DEP=1 unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps" ;;
+	'noalt')   tests=$noalt_tests
+				test_py+=" --no-altcoin"
+				unit_tests_py+=" --no-altcoin-deps"
+				scrambletest_py+=" --no-altcoin" ;;
 	'quick')   tests=$quick_tests ;;
 	'qskip')   tests=$qskip_tests ;;
 	*)         tests="$*" ;;
@@ -463,18 +470,18 @@ s_tool2="The following tests will run '$tooltest2_py' for all supported coins"
 	- $tooltest2_py --tool-api # test the tool_api subsystem
 	- $tooltest2_py --tool-api --testnet=1
-	- $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=eth
-	- $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=xmr
-	- $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=zec
+	e $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=eth
+	a $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=xmr
+	a $tooltest2_py --tool-api --coin=zec
 	- $tooltest2_py
 	- $tooltest2_py --testnet=1
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=bch
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=bch --testnet=1
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=zec
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=xmr
-	- $tooltest2_py --coin=dash
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=bch
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=bch --testnet=1
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=zec
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=xmr
+	a $tooltest2_py --coin=dash
 	e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth
 	e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth --testnet=1
 	e $tooltest2_py --coin=eth --token=mm1
@@ -483,61 +490,64 @@ t_tool2="
 	- $tooltest2_py --fork # run once with --fork so commands are actually executed
 f_tool2='tooltest2 tests completed'
-[ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_tool2_skip='e' # skip ETH,ETC: txview requires py_ecc
+[ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_tool2_skip='a e' # skip ETH,ETC: txview requires py_ecc
 s_tool="The following tests will run '$tooltest_py' for all supported coins"
 	- $tooltest_py --coin=btc cryptocoin
 	- $tooltest_py --coin=btc mnemonic
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=ltc cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=eth cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=etc cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=dash cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=doge cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=emc cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=xmr cryptocoin
-	- $tooltest_py --coin=zec cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=ltc cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=eth cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=etc cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=dash cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=doge cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=emc cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=xmr cryptocoin
+	a $tooltest_py --coin=zec cryptocoin
 	z $tooltest_py --coin=zec --type=zcash_z cryptocoin
 [ "$MSYS2" -o "$ARM32" -o "$ARM64" ] && t_tool_skip='z'
+[ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_tool_skip='a z'
 f_tool='tooltest tests completed'
-s_gen="The following tests will run '$gentest_py' for BTC and LTC mainnet and testnet"
+s_gen="The following tests will run '$gentest_py' for configured coins and address types"
 	- # speed tests, no verification:
 	- $gentest_py --coin=btc 1 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=compressed 1 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=segwit 1 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --coin=btc --type=bech32 1 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $rounds
 	- # wallet dumps:
 	- $gentest_py --type=compressed 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet.dump
 	- $gentest_py --type=segwit 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-segwit.dump
 	- $gentest_py --type=bech32 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-bech32.dump
 	- $gentest_py --type=compressed --testnet=1 1 $REFDIR/btcwallet-testnet.dump
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet.dump
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-segwit.dump
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-bech32.dump
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed --testnet=1 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-testnet.dump
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet.dump
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-segwit.dump
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=bech32 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-bech32.dump
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=compressed --testnet=1 1 $REFDIR/litecoin/ltcwallet-testnet.dump
 	- # libsecp256k1 vs python-ecdsa:
 	- $gentest_py 1:2 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --type=bech32 1:2 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --testnet=1 1:2 $rounds
 	- $gentest_py --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1:2 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 1:2 $rounds
-	- $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
-	- # all backends vs pycoin:
-	- $gentest_py all:pycoin $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc 1:2 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 1:2 $rounds
+	a $gentest_py --coin=ltc --testnet=1 --type=segwit 1:2 $rounds
+	a # all backends vs pycoin:
+	a $gentest_py all:pycoin $rounds
+[ "$SKIP_ALT_DEP" ] && t_gen_skip='a'
 f_gen='gentest tests completed'
 [ -d .git -a -n "$INSTALL"  -a -z "$LIST_CMDS" ] && {

+ 1 - 0

@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ opts_data = {
 		'options': """
 -h, --help           Print this help message
 --, --longhelp       Print help message for long options (common options)
+-a, --no-altcoin     Skip altcoin tests (WIP)
 -A, --no-daemon-autostart Don't start and stop daemons automatically
 -B, --bech32         Generate and use Bech32 addresses
 -b, --buf-keypress   Use buffered keypresses as with real human input

+ 5 - 0

@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ class TestSuiteCfg(TestSuiteBase):
 			('ETH','True', '5.4321',True),
+			if opt.no_altcoin and coin != 'BTC':
+				continue
 			t = self.spawn_test(
 				args = [
@@ -207,6 +209,9 @@ class TestSuiteCfg(TestSuiteBase):
 	def chain_names(self):
+		if opt.no_altcoin:
+			return 'skip'
 		def run(chk,testnet):
 			for coin,chain_chk in (('ETH',chk),('ETC',None)):
 				t = self.spawn_test(

+ 6 - 1

@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ class TestSuiteTool(TestSuiteMain,TestSuiteBase):
 		return t
 	def tool_extract_key_from_geth_wallet(self):
+		if opt.no_altcoin:
+			return 'skip'
 		fn = 'test/ref/ethereum/geth-wallet.json'
 		key = '9627ddb68354f5e0ff45fb2da49d7a20a013b7257a83ef4adbbbd87aeaccc75e'
 		t = self.spawn('mmgen-tool',['-d',self.tmpdir,'extract_key_from_geth_wallet',fn])
@@ -95,6 +97,9 @@ class TestSuiteTool(TestSuiteMain,TestSuiteBase):
 		return t
 	def tool_api(self):
-		t = self.spawn('',cmd_dir='test/misc')
+		t = self.spawn(
+				'',
+				(['no_altcoin'] if opt.no_altcoin else []),
+				cmd_dir = 'test/misc' )
 		return t

+ 2 - 0

@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ def do_tests(coin,internal_keccak=False):
 class unit_tests:
+	altcoin_deps = ('eth','xmr','zec')
 	def btc(self,name,ut):
 		return do_tests('btc')