@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import sys,os,time
def exec_wrapper_get_colors():
from collections import namedtuple
- return namedtuple('colors',['red','green','yellow','blue'])(*[
+ return namedtuple('colors',['red','green','yellow','blue','purple'])(*[
(lambda s:s) if os.getenv('MMGEN_DISABLE_COLOR') else
(lambda s,n=n:f'\033[{n};1m{s}\033[0m' )
- for n in (31,32,33,34) ])
+ for n in (31,32,33,34,35) ])
def exec_wrapper_init(): # don't change: name is used to test if script is running under exec_wrapper
@@ -26,42 +26,47 @@ def exec_wrapper_init(): # don't change: name is used to test if script is runni
if 'TMUX' in os.environ:
del os.environ['TMUX']
- if not os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_NO_TRACEBACK'):
+ if os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_TRACEBACK'):
-def exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e):
- import traceback
+def exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e,exit_val):
- def gen_output():
- cwd = os.path.abspath('.')
- yield 'Traceback (most recent call last):'
- for e in traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
- yield ' File "{f}", line {l}, in {n}\n {L}'.format(
- f = (
- exec_wrapper_execed_file if e.filename == '<string>' else
- e.filename.removeprefix(cwd+'/').removeprefix('test/overlay/tree/').replace('_orig.py','.py')
- ),
- l = '(scrubbed)' if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_DETERMINISTIC') else e.lineno,
- n = e.name,
- L = e.line or 'N/A' )
- tb_lines = list( gen_output() )
exc_line = (
repr(e) if type(e).__name__ in ('MMGenError','MMGenSystemExit') else
'{}: {}'.format( type(e).__name__, e ))
+ c = exec_wrapper_get_colors()
- if 'SystemExit' in exc_line:
- tb_lines.pop()
+ if os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_TRACEBACK'):
+ import traceback
- c = exec_wrapper_get_colors()
- sys.stdout.write('{}\n{}\n'.format( c.yellow( '\n'.join(tb_lines) ), c.red(exc_line) ))
+ cwd = os.path.abspath('.')
+ def fixup_fn(fn_in):
+ fn = fn_in.removeprefix(cwd+'/').removeprefix('test/overlay/tree/')
+ return (fn.removesuffix('_orig.py') + '.py') if fn.endswith('_orig.py') else fn
+ def gen_output():
+ yield 'Traceback (most recent call last):'
+ for e in traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
+ yield ' File "{f}", line {l}, in {n}\n {L}'.format(
+ f = exec_wrapper_execed_file if e.filename == '<string>' else fixup_fn(e.filename),
+ l = '(scrubbed)' if os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_DETERMINISTIC') else e.lineno,
+ n = e.name,
+ L = e.line or 'N/A' )
+ tb_lines = list( gen_output() )
+ if 'SystemExit' in exc_line:
+ tb_lines.pop()
+ sys.stdout.write('{}\n{}\n'.format( c.yellow( '\n'.join(tb_lines) ), c.red(exc_line) ))
- if not os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_NO_TRACEBACK'):
with open('test.py.err','w') as fp:
fp.write('\n'.join(tb_lines + [exc_line]))
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write( c.purple(('NONZERO_EXIT: ' if exit_val else '') + exc_line) + '\n' )
def exec_wrapper_end_msg():
if os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_SPAWN') and not os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_DETERMINISTIC'):
@@ -108,17 +113,16 @@ try:
with open(exec_wrapper_execed_file) as fp:
except SystemExit as e:
- if e.code != 0 and not os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_NO_TRACEBACK'):
- exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e)
+ if e.code != 0:
+ exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e,e.code)
except Exception as e:
- if not os.getenv('EXEC_WRAPPER_NO_TRACEBACK'):
- exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e)
- retval = e.mmcode if hasattr(e,'mmcode') else e.code if hasattr(e,'code') else 1
- sys.exit(retval)
+ exit_val = e.mmcode if hasattr(e,'mmcode') else e.code if hasattr(e,'code') else 1
+ exec_wrapper_write_traceback(e,exit_val)
+ sys.exit(exit_val)