@@ -50,15 +50,25 @@ def _numtob58(num):
def _b58tonum(b58num):
b58num = b58num.strip()
for i in b58num:
- if not i in _b58a: return False
+ if not i in _b58a:
+ raise ValueError,'_b58tonum(): invalid b58 value'
return sum(_b58a.index(n) * (58**i) for i,n in enumerate(list(b58num[::-1])))
+def _b58chk_encode(hexstr):
+ return _numtob58(int(hexstr+hash256(hexstr)[:8],16))
+def _b58chk_decode(s):
+ hexstr = '{:x}'.format(_b58tonum(s))
+ if hexstr[-8:] == hash256(hexstr[:-8])[:8]:
+ return hexstr[:-8]
+ raise ValueError,'_b58chk_decode(): checksum incorrect'
# chainparams.cpp
class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
name = 'bitcoin'
daemon_name = 'bitcoind'
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('00','1'), 'p2sh': ('05','3') }
- wif_ver_num = '80'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80' }
mmtypes = ('L','C','S')
dfl_mmtype = 'L'
data_subdir = ''
@@ -92,12 +102,31 @@ class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
def cap(cls,s): return s in cls.caps
- def hex2wif(cls,hexpriv,compressed=False):
- s = cls.wif_ver_num + hexpriv + ('','01')[bool(compressed)]
- return _numtob58(int(s+hash256(s)[:8],16))
+ def preprocess_key(cls,hexpriv,pubkey_type): return hexpriv
+ @classmethod
+ def hex2wif(cls,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed):
+ return _b58chk_encode(cls.wif_ver_num[pubkey_type] + hexpriv + ('','01')[bool(compressed)])
def wif2hex(cls,wif):
+ key = _b58chk_decode(wif)
+ pubkey_type = None
+ for k,v in cls.wif_ver_num.items():
+ if key[:len(v)] == v:
+ pubkey_type = k
+ key = key[len(v):]
+ assert pubkey_type,'invalid WIF version number'
+ if len(key) == 66:
+ assert key[-2:] == '01','invalid compressed key suffix'
+ compressed = True
+ else:
+ assert len(key) == 64,'invalid key length'
+ compressed = False
+ return { 'hex':key[:64], 'pubkey_type':pubkey_type, 'compressed':compressed }
+ @classmethod
+ def wif2hex_old(cls,wif):
num = _b58tonum(wif)
if num == False: return False
key = '{:x}'.format(num)
@@ -105,7 +134,7 @@ class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
compressed = len(key) == 76
if compressed and key[66:68] != '01': return False
klen = (66,68)[compressed]
- if (key[:2] == cls.wif_ver_num and key[klen:] == hash256(key[:klen])[:8]):
+ if (key[:2] == cls.wif_ver_num['std'] and key[klen:] == hash256(key[:klen])[:8]):
return { 'hex':key[2:66], 'compressed':compressed }
return False
@@ -126,7 +155,7 @@ class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
if hash256(addr_hex[:-8])[:8] == addr_hex[-8:]:
return {
'hex': addr_hex[len(ver_num):-8],
- 'format': {'p2pkh':'p2pkh','p2sh':'p2sh','p2sh2':'p2sh'}[addr_fmt],
+ 'format': {'p2pkh':'p2pkh','p2sh':'p2sh','p2sh2':'p2sh','zcash_z':'zcash_z'}[addr_fmt],
'width': cls.addr_width
} if return_dict else True
@@ -139,7 +168,7 @@ class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
def pubhash2addr(cls,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
s = cls.addr_ver_num[('p2pkh','p2sh')[p2sh]][0] + pubkey_hash
lzeroes = (len(s) - len(s.lstrip('0'))) / 2 # non-zero only for ver num '00' (BTC p2pkh)
- return ('1' * lzeroes) + _numtob58(int(s+hash256(s)[:8],16))
+ return ('1' * lzeroes) + _b58chk_encode(s)
# Segwit:
@@ -155,7 +184,7 @@ class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
class BitcoinTestnetProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('6f',('m','n')), 'p2sh': ('c4','2') }
- wif_ver_num = 'ef'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
data_subdir = 'testnet'
daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
rpc_port = 18332
@@ -184,7 +213,7 @@ class BitcoinCashProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
class BitcoinCashTestnetProtocol(BitcoinCashProtocol):
rpc_port = 18442
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('6f',('m','n')), 'p2sh': ('c4','2') }
- wif_ver_num = 'ef'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
data_subdir = 'testnet'
daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
addr_width = 35
@@ -202,7 +231,7 @@ class B2XProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
class B2XTestnetProtocol(B2XProtocol):
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('6f',('m','n')), 'p2sh': ('c4','2') }
- wif_ver_num = 'ef'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
data_subdir = 'testnet'
daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet5'
rpc_port = 18338
@@ -215,7 +244,7 @@ class LitecoinProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Litecoin') if g.platform == 'win' \
else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.litecoin')
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('30','L'), 'p2sh': ('32','M'), 'p2sh2': ('05','3') } # 'p2sh' is new fmt
- wif_ver_num = 'b0'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'b0' }
secs_per_block = 150
rpc_port = 9332
coin_amt = LTCAmt
@@ -226,7 +255,7 @@ class LitecoinProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
class LitecoinTestnetProtocol(LitecoinProtocol):
# addr ver nums same as Bitcoin testnet, except for 'p2sh'
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('6f',('m','n')), 'p2sh': ('3a','Q'), 'p2sh2': ('c4','2') }
- wif_ver_num = 'ef' # same as Bitcoin testnet
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' } # same as Bitcoin testnet
data_subdir = 'testnet'
daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet4'
rpc_port = 19332
@@ -234,6 +263,8 @@ class LitecoinTestnetProtocol(LitecoinProtocol):
class BitcoinProtocolAddrgen(BitcoinProtocol): mmcaps = ('key','addr')
class BitcoinProtocolKeygen(BitcoinProtocol): mmcaps = ('key',)
+class BitcoinTestnetProtocolAddrgen(BitcoinTestnetProtocol): mmcaps = ('key','addr')
+class BitcoinTestnetProtocolKeygen(BitcoinTestnetProtocol): mmcaps = ('key',)
class EthereumProtocol(BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
@@ -244,13 +275,13 @@ class EthereumProtocol(BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
base_coin = 'ETH'
- def hex2wif(cls,hexpriv,compressed=False):
+ def hex2wif(cls,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed):
assert compressed == False,'Ethereum does not support compressed pubkeys!'
return str(hexpriv)
def wif2hex(cls,wif):
- return { 'hex':str(wif), 'compressed':False }
+ return { 'hex':str(wif), 'pubkey_type':'std', 'compressed':False }
def verify_addr(cls,addr,return_dict=False):
@@ -268,25 +299,34 @@ class EthereumClassicTestnetProtocol(EthereumClassicProtocol): pass
class ZcashProtocol(BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
name = 'zcash'
base_coin = 'ZEC'
- addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('1cb8','t1'), 'p2sh': ('1cbd','t3') }
- wif_ver_num = '80'
- mmtypes = ('C',)
+ addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('1cb8','t1'), 'p2sh': ('1cbd','t3'), 'zcash_z': ('169a','zc') }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80', 'zcash_z': 'ab36' }
+ mmtypes = ('C','Z')
dfl_mmtype = 'C'
-class ZcashTestnetProtocol(object): pass
+ @classmethod
+ def preprocess_key(cls,hexpriv,pubkey_type): # zero the first four bits
+ if pubkey_type == 'zcash_z':
+ return '{:02x}'.format(int(hexpriv[:2],16) & 0x0f) + hexpriv[2:]
+ else:
+ return hexpriv
+class ZcashTestnetProtocol(ZcashProtocol):
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': '??', 'zcash_z': 'ac08' }
+ addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('??','t1'), 'p2sh': ('??','t3'), 'zcash_z': ('16b6','??') }
class DashProtocol(BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
name = 'dash'
base_coin = 'DASH'
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('4c','X'), 'p2sh': ('10','7') }
- wif_ver_num = 'cc'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'cc' }
mmtypes = ('C',)
dfl_mmtype = 'C'
class DashTestnetProtocol(DashProtocol):
# "Dash", "testnet", "tDASH", b'\xef', b'\x8c', b'\x13'
addr_ver_num = { 'p2pkh': ('8c','y'), 'p2sh': ('13','?') }
- wif_ver_num = 'ef'
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
coins = {