@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ tx.py: Bitcoin transaction routines
from binascii import unhexlify
from binascii import unhexlify
-from mmgen.utils import *
+from mmgen.util import *
import sys, os
import sys, os
from decimal import Decimal
from decimal import Decimal
import mmgen.config as g
import mmgen.config as g
@@ -169,6 +169,32 @@ def print_sent_tx_to_file(tx,metadata,opts):
msg("Transaction ID saved to file '%s'" % outfile)
msg("Transaction ID saved to file '%s'" % outfile)
+def format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(out,sort_info,total):
+ pfs = " %-4s %-67s %-34s %-12s %-13s %-10s %s"
+ pout = [pfs % ("Num","TX id,Vout","Address","MMgen ID",
+ "Amount (BTC)","Age (days)", "Comment")]
+ for n,i in enumerate(out):
+ if verify_mmgen_label(i.account):
+ s = i.account.split(None,1)
+ mmid,cmt = s[0],(s[1] if len(s) == 2 else "")
+ else:
+ mmid,cmt = "",i.account
+ addr = "=" if i.skip == "addr" and "grouped" in sort_info else i.address
+ tx = " " * 63 + "=" \
+ if i.skip == "txid" and "grouped" in sort_info else str(i.txid)
+ s = pfs % (str(n+1)+")", tx+","+str(i.vout),addr,mmid,i.amt,i.days,cmt)
+ pout.append(s.rstrip())
+ return \
+"Unspent outputs ({} UTC)\nSort order: {}\n\n{}\n\nTotal BTC: {}\n".format(
+ make_timestr(), " ".join(sort_info), "\n".join(pout), total
+ )
def sort_and_view(unspent):
def sort_and_view(unspent):
def s_amt(a,b): return cmp(a.amount,b.amount)
def s_amt(a,b): return cmp(a.amount,b.amount)
@@ -182,27 +208,28 @@ def sort_and_view(unspent):
sort,group,show_mmaddr,reverse = "",False,False,False
sort,group,show_mmaddr,reverse = "",False,False,False
total = trim_exponent(sum([i.amount for i in unspent]))
total = trim_exponent(sum([i.amount for i in unspent]))
+ hdr_fmt = "UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: %s) Total BTC: %s"
+ table_hdr = fs % ("Num","TX id Vout","","Address","Amount (BTC)", "Age(days)")
+ options_msg = """
+Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
+Format options: [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr
+ prompt = \
+"('q' = quit sorting, 'p' = print to file, 'v' = pager view, 'w' = wide view): "
from copy import deepcopy
from copy import deepcopy
+ print_to_file_msg = ""
while True:
while True:
out = deepcopy(unspent)
out = deepcopy(unspent)
for i in out: i.skip = ""
for i in out: i.skip = ""
- for n in range(len(out)):
- if group and n < len(out)-1:
+ if group and (sort == "address" or sort == "txid"):
+ for n in range(len(out)-1):
a,b = out[n],out[n+1]
a,b = out[n],out[n+1]
- if sort == "address" and a.address == b.address:
- out[n+1].skip = "d"
- elif sort == "txid" and a.txid == b.txid:
- out[n+1].skip = "t"
- output = ["UNSPENT OUTPUTS (sort order: %s%s%s) Total BTC: %s" % (
- "reverse " if reverse else "",
- sort if sort else "None",
- " (grouped)" if group and (sort == "address" or sort == "txid") else "",
- total
- )]
- output.append(fs % ("Num","TX id Vout","","Address","Amount (BTC)",
- "Age(days)"))
+ if sort == "address" and a.address == b.address: b.skip = "addr"
+ elif sort == "txid" and a.txid == b.txid: b.skip = "txid"
for i in out:
for i in out:
amt = str(trim_exponent(i.amount))
amt = str(trim_exponent(i.amount))
@@ -210,81 +237,72 @@ def sort_and_view(unspent):
i.amt = " "*lfill + amt
i.amt = " "*lfill + amt
i.days = int(i.confirmations * g.mins_per_block / (60*24))
i.days = int(i.confirmations * g.mins_per_block / (60*24))
- for n,i in enumerate(out):
- if i.skip == "d":
- addr = "|" + "." * 33
+ if i.skip == "addr":
+ i.addr = "|" + "." * 33
if show_mmaddr:
if show_mmaddr:
if verify_mmgen_label(i.account):
if verify_mmgen_label(i.account):
- addr = "%s.. %s" % (i.address[:4],i.account)
+ i.addr = "%s.. %s" % (i.address[:4],i.account)
- addr = i.address
+ i.addr = i.address
- addr = i.address
- txid = " |..." if i.skip == "t" else i.txid[:8]+"..."
+ i.addr = i.address
+ i.tx = " |..." if i.skip == "txid" else i.txid[:8]+"..."
- output.append(fs % (str(n+1)+")",txid,i.vout,addr,i.amt,i.days))
+ sort_info = ["reverse"] if reverse else []
+ sort_info.append(sort if sort else "unsorted")
+ if group and (sort == "address" or sort == "txid"):
+ sort_info.append("grouped")
+ output = [hdr_fmt % (" ".join(sort_info), total), table_hdr]
+ for n,i in enumerate(out):
+ output.append(fs % (str(n+1)+")",i.tx,i.vout,i.addr,i.amt,i.days))
+ msg("\n".join(output) +"\n\n" + print_to_file_msg + options_msg)
+ print_to_file_msg = ""
+ immed_chars = "qpPtadArMgm"
+ skip_prompt = False
- skip_body = False
while True:
while True:
- if skip_body:
- skip_body = False
- immed_chars = "qpP"
- else:
- msg("\n".join(output))
- msg("""
-Sort options: [t]xid, [a]mount, a[d]dress, [A]ge, [r]everse, [M]mgen addr
-View options: [g]roup, show [m]mgen addr""")
- immed_chars = "qpPtadArMgm"
- reply = get_char(
-"(Type 'q' to quit sorting, 'p' to print to file, 'v' to view in pager): ",
- immed_chars=immed_chars)
- if reply == 'a': unspent.sort(s_amt); sort = "amount"; break
- elif reply == 't': unspent.sort(s_txid); sort = "txid"; break
- elif reply == 'd': unspent.sort(s_addr); sort = "address"; break
- elif reply == 'A': unspent.sort(s_age); sort = "age"; break
- elif reply == 'M': unspent.sort(s_mmgen); show_mmaddr,sort=True,"mmgen"; break
+ reply = get_char(prompt, immed_chars=immed_chars)
+ if reply == 'a': unspent.sort(s_amt); sort = "amount"
+ elif reply == 't': unspent.sort(s_txid); sort = "txid"
+ elif reply == 'd': unspent.sort(s_addr); sort = "address"
+ elif reply == 'A': unspent.sort(s_age); sort = "age"
+ elif reply == 'M':
+ unspent.sort(s_mmgen)
+ sort = "mmgen"
+ show_mmaddr = True
elif reply == 'r':
elif reply == 'r':
- reverse = False if reverse else True
- break
- elif reply == 'g': group = False if group else True; break
- elif reply == 'm': show_mmaddr = False if show_mmaddr else True; break
+ reverse = False if reverse else True
+ elif reply == 'g': group = False if group else True
+ elif reply == 'm': show_mmaddr = False if show_mmaddr else True
+ elif reply == 'q': pass
elif reply == 'p':
elif reply == 'p':
- pfs = " %-4s %-67s %-34s %-12s %-13s %-10s %s"
- pout = [pfs % ("Num","TX id,Vout","Address","MMgen ID",
- "Amount (BTC)","Age (days)", "Comment")]
+ data = format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(out,sort_info,total)
+ outfile = "listunspent[%s].out" % ",".join(sort_info)
+ write_to_file(outfile, data)
+ print_to_file_msg = "Data written to '%s'\n\n" % outfile
+ elif reply == 'v':
+ do_pager("\n".join(output))
+ continue
+ elif reply == 'w':
+ data = format_unspent_outputs_for_printing(out,sort_info,total)
+ do_pager(data)
+ continue
+ else:
+ msg("\nInvalid input")
+ continue
- for n,i in enumerate(out):
- if verify_mmgen_label(i.account):
- s = i.account.split(None,1)
- mmid,cmt = s[0],(s[1] if len(s) == 2 else "")
- else:
- mmid,cmt = "",i.account
- os = pfs % (str(n+1)+")", str(i.txid)+","+str(i.vout),
- i.address,mmid,i.amt,i.days,cmt)
- pout.append(os.rstrip())
- sort_info = (
- ("reverse," if reverse else "") +
- (sort if sort else "unsorted")
- )
- outdata = \
-"Unspent outputs ({} UTC)\nSort order: {}\n\n{}\n\nTotal BTC: {}\n".format(
- make_timestr(), sort_info, "\n".join(pout), total
- )
- outfile = "listunspent[%s].out" % sort_info
- write_to_file(outfile, outdata)
- skip_body = True
- msg("\nData written to '%s'" % outfile)
- elif reply == 'v': do_pager("\n".join(output))
- elif reply == 'q': break
- else: msg("Invalid input")
+ break
- if reply in 'q': break
+ if reply == 'q': break
return tuple(unspent)
return tuple(unspent)
@@ -401,7 +419,7 @@ def select_outputs(unspent,prompt):
if not reply: continue
if not reply: continue
- from mmgen.utils import parse_address_list
+ from mmgen.util import parse_address_list
selected = parse_address_list(reply,sep=None)
selected = parse_address_list(reply,sep=None)
if not selected: continue
if not selected: continue