@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ class CoinDaemon(Daemon):
proto = None,
opts = None,
port_shift = None,
+ p2p_port = None,
datadir = None,
daemon_id = None ):
@@ -382,6 +383,7 @@ class CoinDaemon(Daemon):
proto = None,
opts = None,
port_shift = None,
+ p2p_port = None,
datadir = None,
daemon_id = None ):
@@ -419,14 +421,19 @@ class CoinDaemon(Daemon):
# user-set values take precedence
self.datadir = os.path.abspath(datadir or g.daemon_data_dir or self.init_datadir())
+ self.non_dfl_datadir = bool(datadir or g.daemon_data_dir or test_suite)
# init_datadir() may have already initialized logdir
self.logdir = os.path.abspath(getattr(self,'logdir',self.datadir))
- self.port_shift = (self.test_suite_port_shift if self.test_suite else 0) + (port_shift or 0)
+ ps_adj = (port_shift or 0) + (self.test_suite_port_shift if test_suite else 0)
- # user-set value takes precedence
- self.rpc_port = g.rpc_port or getattr(self.rpc_ports,self.network) + self.port_shift
+ # user-set values take precedence
+ self.rpc_port = (g.rpc_port or 0) + (port_shift or 0) if g.rpc_port else ps_adj + self.get_rpc_port()
+ self.p2p_port = (
+ p2p_port or (
+ self.get_p2p_port() + ps_adj if self.get_p2p_port() and (test_suite or ps_adj) else None
+ ) if self.network != 'regtest' else None )
if hasattr(self,'private_ports'):
self.private_port = getattr(self.private_ports,self.network)
@@ -447,6 +454,12 @@ class CoinDaemon(Daemon):
def network_datadir(self):
return self.datadir
+ def get_rpc_port(self):
+ return getattr(self.rpc_ports,self.network)
+ def get_p2p_port(self):
+ return None
def start_cmd(self):
return ([self.exec_fn]
@@ -488,7 +501,7 @@ class bitcoin_core_daemon(CoinDaemon):
testnet_dir = 'testnet3'
cfg_file_hdr = '# BitcoinCoreDaemon config file\n'
tracking_wallet_name = 'mmgen-tracking-wallet'
- rpc_ports = _nw(8332, 18332, 18444)
+ rpc_ports = _nw(8332, 18332, 18443)
cfg_file = 'bitcoin.conf'
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.bitcoin'],
@@ -509,7 +522,7 @@ class bitcoin_core_daemon(CoinDaemon):
from .regtest import MMGenRegtest
self.shared_args = list_gen(
- [f'--datadir={self.datadir}'],
+ [f'--datadir={self.datadir}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
[f'--rpcuser={MMGenRegtest.rpc_user}', self.network == 'regtest'],
[f'--rpcpassword={MMGenRegtest.rpc_password}', self.network == 'regtest'],
@@ -560,7 +573,7 @@ class bitcoin_cash_node_daemon(bitcoin_core_daemon):
daemon_data = _dd('Bitcoin Cash Node', 23000000, '23.0.0')
exec_fn = 'bitcoind-bchn'
cli_fn = 'bitcoin-cli-bchn'
- rpc_ports = _nw(8442, 18442, 18553) # use non-standard ports
+ rpc_ports = _nw(8432, 18432, 18543) # use non-standard ports (core+100)
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.bitcoin-bchn'],
'win': [os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin_ABC']
@@ -571,7 +584,7 @@ class litecoin_core_daemon(bitcoin_core_daemon):
exec_fn = 'litecoind'
cli_fn = 'litecoin-cli'
testnet_dir = 'testnet4'
- rpc_ports = _nw(9332, 19332, 19444)
+ rpc_ports = _nw(9332, 19332, 19443)
cfg_file = 'litecoin.conf'
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.litecoin'],
@@ -585,7 +598,7 @@ class monero_daemon(CoinDaemon):
testnet_dir = 'stagenet'
new_console_mswin = True
host = 'localhost' # FIXME
- rpc_ports = _nw(18081, 38081, None)
+ rpc_ports = _nw(18081, 38081, None) # testnet is stagenet
cfg_file = 'bitmonero.conf'
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.bitmonero'],
@@ -598,13 +611,14 @@ class monero_daemon(CoinDaemon):
self.testnet_dir if self.network == 'testnet' else '' )
- def init_subclass(self):
+ def get_p2p_port(self):
+ return self.rpc_port - 1
- self.p2p_port = self.rpc_port - 1
+ def init_subclass(self):
self.shared_args = list_gen(
- [f'--p2p-bind-port={self.p2p_port}'],
+ [f'--p2p-bind-port={self.p2p_port}', self.p2p_port],
['--stagenet', self.network == 'testnet'],
@@ -612,7 +626,7 @@ class monero_daemon(CoinDaemon):
self.coind_args = list_gen(
- [f'--data-dir={self.datadir}'],
+ [f'--data-dir={self.datadir}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
[f'--pidfile={self.pidfile}', self.platform == 'linux'],
['--detach', not 'no_daemonize' in self.opts],
['--offline', not 'online' in self.opts],
@@ -624,6 +638,22 @@ class monero_daemon(CoinDaemon):
class ethereum_daemon(CoinDaemon):
chain_subdirs = _nw('ethereum','goerli','DevelopmentChain')
+ base_rpc_port = 8545 # same for all networks!
+ base_p2p_port = 30303 # same for all networks!
+ network_port_offsets = _nw(0,10,20)
+ @property
+ def port_offset(self):
+ return (
+ (self.coins['ETH'].daemon_ids + self.coins['ETC'].daemon_ids).index(self.id) * 100
+ + getattr(self.network_port_offsets,self.network)
+ )
+ def get_rpc_port(self):
+ return self.base_rpc_port + self.port_offset
+ def get_p2p_port(self):
+ return self.base_p2p_port + self.port_offset
def init_datadir(self):
self.logdir = super().init_datadir()
@@ -636,8 +666,6 @@ class openethereum_daemon(ethereum_daemon):
daemon_data = _dd('OpenEthereum', 3003000, '3.3.0')
version_pat = r'OpenEthereum//v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'
exec_fn = 'openethereum'
- ports_shift = _nw(0,10,20)
- rpc_ports = _nw(*[8545 + n for n in ports_shift]) # testnet and regtest are non-standard
cfg_file = 'parity.conf'
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.local','share','io.parity.ethereum'],
@@ -646,19 +674,19 @@ class openethereum_daemon(ethereum_daemon):
def init_subclass(self):
- ps = self.port_shift + getattr(self.ports_shift,self.network)
ld = self.platform == 'linux' and not 'no_daemonize' in self.opts
self.coind_args = list_gen(
- [f'--ports-shift={ps}'],
- [f'--base-path={self.datadir}'],
+ [f'--jsonrpc-port={self.rpc_port}'],
+ [f'--port={self.p2p_port}', self.p2p_port],
+ [f'--base-path={self.datadir}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
[f'--chain={self.proto.chain_name}', self.network!='regtest'],
[f'--config=dev', self.network=='regtest'], # no presets for mainnet or testnet
['--mode=offline', self.test_suite or self.network=='regtest'],
- [f'--log-file={self.logfile}'],
+ [f'--log-file={self.logfile}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
['daemon', ld],
[self.pidfile, ld],
@@ -667,16 +695,11 @@ class parity_daemon(openethereum_daemon):
daemon_data = _dd('Parity', 2007002, '2.7.2')
version_pat = r'Parity-Ethereum//v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'
exec_fn = 'parity'
- ports_shift = _nw(100,110,120)
- rpc_ports = _nw(*[8545 + n for n in ports_shift]) # non-standard
class geth_daemon(ethereum_daemon):
daemon_data = _dd('Geth', 1010007, '1.10.7')
version_pat = r'Geth/v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'
exec_fn = 'geth'
- ports_shift = _nw(300,310,320)
- rpc_ports = _nw(*[8545 + n for n in ports_shift]) # non-standard
- p2p_ports = _nw(*[30303 + n for n in (0,10,20)]) # testnet and regtest are non-standard
use_pidfile = False
use_threads = True
datadirs = {
@@ -688,11 +711,11 @@ class geth_daemon(ethereum_daemon):
self.coind_args = list_gen(
- ['--http.api=eth,web3,txpool'], # ,clique,personal,net'],
+ ['--http.api=eth,web3,txpool'],
- [f'--port={getattr(self.p2p_ports,self.network)}'],
+ [f'--port={self.p2p_port}', self.p2p_port], # geth binds p2p port even with --maxpeers=0
['--maxpeers=0', not 'online' in self.opts],
- [f'--datadir={self.datadir}'],
+ [f'--datadir={self.datadir}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
['--goerli', self.network=='testnet'],
['--dev', self.network=='regtest'],
@@ -704,9 +727,6 @@ class erigon_daemon(geth_daemon):
version_pat = r'erigon/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'
exec_fn = 'erigon'
private_ports = _nw(9090,9091,9092) # testnet and regtest are non-standard
- ports_shift = _nw(200,210,220)
- rpc_ports = _nw(*[8545 + n for n in ports_shift]) # non-standard
- p2p_ports = _nw(*[30303 + n for n in (30,40,50)]) # non-standard
datadirs = {
'linux': [g.home_dir,'.local','share','erigon'],
'win': [os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA'),'Erigon'] # FIXME
@@ -715,10 +735,10 @@ class erigon_daemon(geth_daemon):
def init_subclass(self):
self.coind_args = list_gen(
- [f'--port={getattr(self.p2p_ports,self.network)}'],
+ [f'--port={self.p2p_port}', self.p2p_port],
['--maxpeers=0', not 'online' in self.opts],
- [f'--datadir={self.datadir}'],
+ [f'--datadir={self.datadir}', self.non_dfl_datadir],
['--chain=dev', self.network=='regtest'],
['--chain=goerli', self.network=='testnet'],
['--miner.etherbase=00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72', self.network=='regtest'],