@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pnm = g.proj_name
from collections import OrderedDict
cmd_data = OrderedDict([
- ("help", []),
+ ("help", ['<tool command> [str]']),
("usage", ['<tool command> [str]']),
("strtob58", ['<string> [str]']),
("b58tostr", ['<b58 number> [str]']),
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ cmd_data = OrderedDict([
("getbalance", ['minconf [int=1]']),
("txview", ['<{pnm} tx file> [str]','pager [bool=False]','terse [bool=False]'.format(pnm=pnm)]),
+ ("add_label", ['<{pnm} address> [str]'.format(pnm=pnm),'<label> [str]']),
+ ("remove_label", ['<{pnm} address> [str]'.format(pnm=pnm)]),
("addrfile_chksum", ['<{pnm} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm=pnm)]),
("keyaddrfile_chksum", ['<{pnm} addr file> [str]'.format(pnm=pnm)]),
("find_incog_data", ['<file or device name> [str]','<Incog ID> [str]','keep_searching [bool=False]']),
@@ -133,6 +135,8 @@ cmd_help = """
* The encrypted file is indistinguishable from random data
{pnm}-specific operations:
+ add_label - add descriptive label for {pnm} address in tracking wallet
+ remove_label - remove descriptive label from {pnm} address in tracking wallet
addrfile_chksum - compute checksum for {pnm} address file
keyaddrfile_chksum - compute checksum for {pnm} key-address file
find_incog_data - Use an Incog ID to find hidden incognito wallet data
@@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ def process_args(prog_name, command, cmd_args):
u_kwargs = cmd_args[len(c_args):]
if len(u_args) < len(c_args):
- msg("%s args required" % len(c_args))
+ msg("%s arg%s required" % (len(c_args),suf(c_args,"k")))
tool_usage(prog_name, command)
@@ -217,10 +221,10 @@ def process_args(prog_name, command, cmd_args):
# Individual cmd_data
-def help():
- Msg("Available commands:")
- for k in cmd_data.keys():
- Msg("%-16s %s" % (k," ".join(cmd_data[k])))
+# def help():
+# Msg("Available commands:")
+# for k in sorted(cmd_data.keys()):
+# Msg("%-16s %s" % (k," ".join(cmd_data[k])))
def are_equal(a,b,dtype=""):
if dtype == "str": return a.lstrip("\0") == b.lstrip("\0")
@@ -245,6 +249,8 @@ def print_convert_results(indata,enc,dec,dtype):
def usage(cmd):
tool_usage(g.prog_name, cmd)
+help = usage
def hexdump(infile, cols=8, line_nums=True):
cols=cols, line_nums=line_nums))
@@ -427,6 +433,34 @@ def txview(infile,pager=False,terse=False):
metadata,tx_hex,inputs_data,b2m_map,comment = parse_tx_file(tx_data,infile)
+def add_label(mmaddr,label,remove=False):
+ if not is_mmgen_addr(mmaddr):
+ die(1,"{a}: not a valid {pnm} address".format(pnm=pnm,a=mmaddr))
+ check_addr_label(label) # Exits on failure
+ c = connect_to_bitcoind()
+ from mmgen.addr import AddrInfoList
+ ail = AddrInfoList(bitcoind_connection=c)
+ btcaddr = ""
+ sid,idx = mmaddr.split(":")
+ if sid in ail.seed_ids():
+ btcaddr = ail.addrinfo(sid).btcaddr(int(idx))
+ if not btcaddr:
+ die(1,"{pnm} address {a} not found in tracking wallet".format(
+ pnm=pnm,a=mmaddr))
+ try:
+ c.importaddress(btcaddr," ".join((mmaddr,label)),rescan=False)
+ except:
+ die(1,"Unable to add label")
+ s = "{pnm} address {a} in tracking wallet".format(a=mmaddr,pnm=pnm)
+ if remove: msg("Removed label from {}".format(s))
+ else: msg("Added label '{}' for {}".format(label,s))
+def remove_label(mmaddr): add_label(mmaddr,"",remove=True)
def addrfile_chksum(infile):
from mmgen.addr import AddrInfo