@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ class TestSuiteXMRWallet(TestSuiteBase):
for v in self.users.values():
+ self.init_proxy()
if not opt.no_daemon_autostart:
@@ -86,13 +88,23 @@ class TestSuiteXMRWallet(TestSuiteBase):
- self.init_proxy()
self.balance = None
def init_proxy(self):
+ def port_in_use(port):
+ import socket
+ try: socket.create_connection(('localhost',port)).close()
+ except: return False
+ else: return True
+ def start_proxy():
+ if not opt.no_daemon_autostart:
+ run(a+b2)
+ omsg(f'SSH SOCKS server started, listening at localhost:{self.socks_port}')
def kill_proxy():
omsg(f'Killing SSH SOCKS server at localhost:{self.socks_port}')
cmd = [ 'pkill', '-f', ' '.join(a + b2) ]
@@ -101,24 +113,60 @@ class TestSuiteXMRWallet(TestSuiteBase):
self.use_proxy = False
self.socks_port = 9060
a = ['ssh','-x','-o','ExitOnForwardFailure=True','-D',f'localhost:{self.socks_port}']
+ b0 = ['-o','PasswordAuthentication=False']
b1 = ['localhost','true']
b2 = ['-fN','-E','txrelay-proxy.debug','localhost']
- cp = run(a+b1,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
- if cp.returncode == 0:
- if not opt.no_daemon_autostart:
- run(a+b2)
- omsg(f'SSH SOCKS server started, listening at localhost:{self.socks_port}')
- self.use_proxy = True
- elif b'already in use' in cp.stderr:
+ if port_in_use(self.socks_port):
omsg(f'Port {self.socks_port} already in use. Assuming SSH SOCKS server is running')
self.use_proxy = True
- m1 = 'Unable to start command {!r}\n'.format(' '.join(a + b))
- m2 = 'Will not test proxied TX relay daemon'
- omsg(cp.stderr.decode())
- omsg(yellow(m1+m2))
+ cp = run(a+b0+b1,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
+ err = cp.stderr.decode()
+ if err:
+ omsg(err)
+ if cp.returncode == 0:
+ start_proxy()
+ self.use_proxy = True
+ elif 'onnection refused' in err:
+ die(2,fmt("""
+ The SSH daemon must running and listening on localhost in order to test XMR
+ TX relaying via SOCKS proxy. If sshd is not running, please start it.
+ Otherwise, add the line 'ListenAddress' to your sshd_config, and
+ then restart the daemon.
+ """,indent=' '))
+ elif 'ermission denied' in err:
+ msg(fmt(f"""
+ In order to test XMR TX relaying via SOCKS proxy, it’s desirable to enable
+ SSH to localhost without a password, which is not currently supported by
+ your configuration. Your possible courses of action:
+ 1. Continue by answering 'y' at this prompt, and enter your system password
+ at the following prompt;
+ 2. Exit the test here, add your user SSH public key to your user
+ 'authorized_keys' file, and restart the test; or
+ 3. Exit the test here, start the SSH SOCKS proxy manually by entering the
+ following command, and restart the test:
+ {' '.join(a+b2)}
+ """,indent=' ',strip_char='\t'))
+ if keypress_confirm('Continue?'):
+ start_proxy()
+ self.use_proxy = True
+ else:
+ die(1,'Exiting at user request')
+ else:
+ die(2,fmt(f"""
+ Please start the SSH SOCKS proxy by entering the following command:
+ {' '.join(a+b2)}
+ Then restart the test.
+ """,indent=' '))
if not opt.no_daemon_stop: