@@ -106,9 +106,8 @@ EXAMPLES:
- + ethkey (for ETH, ETC)
- https://github.com/openethereum/openethereum
- (build with 'cargo build -p ethkey-cli --release')
+ + eth-keys (for ETH, ETC)
+ https://github.com/ethereum/eth-keys
+ zcash-mini (for Zcash-Z addresses and view keys)
@@ -163,19 +162,17 @@ class GenTool:
self.data[key] = sd(**{'reduced':sec.hex()}, **ret._asdict())
return ret
-class GenToolEthkey(GenTool):
- desc = 'ethkey'
+class GenToolEth_keys(GenTool):
+ desc = 'eth-keys'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.cmdname = get_ethkey()
+ from eth_keys import keys
+ self.keys = keys
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def run(self, sec, vcoin):
- o = get_cmd_output([self.cmdname, 'info', sec.hex()])
- return gtr(
- o[0].split()[1],
- o[-1].split()[1],
- None)
+ sk = self.keys.PrivateKey(sec)
+ return gtr(str(sk)[2:], sk.public_key.to_address()[2:], None)
class GenToolKeyconv(GenTool):
desc = 'keyconv'
@@ -565,7 +562,7 @@ from mmgen.key import PrivKey
from mmgen.addr import MMGenAddrType
from mmgen.addrgen import KeyGenerator, AddrGenerator
from mmgen.keygen import get_backends
-from test.include.common import getrand, get_ethkey, set_globals
+from test.include.common import getrand, set_globals
gtr = namedtuple('gen_tool_result', ['wif', 'addr', 'viewkey'])
sd = namedtuple('saved_data_item', ['reduced', 'wif', 'addr', 'viewkey'])