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philemon 11 years ago
1 changed files with 102 additions and 177 deletions
  1. 102 177

+ 102 - 177

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#  MMGen = Multi-Mode GENerator
+#  mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator
 ## a Bitcoin cold storage solution for the command line
 NOTE: Parts of this README are now **out of date**.  In particular, the
 new transaction scripts automate the process of offline signing, so that
-your private keys never touch your online machine.	An updated README is
+your private keys never touch the online machine.  An updated README is
 on the way.  For the time being, consult the `--help` option of the
 `mmgen-tx*` scripts.
@@ -14,218 +14,143 @@ addresses is done at your own risk.
 ### Features:
-> Like all deterministic wallets, MMGen can generate a virtually
-> unlimited number of address/key pairs from a single seed, allowing you
-> to maintain and track a large number of addresses with balances.  Your
-> wallet never changes (unless you change the password), so you need
-> back it up only once.
+> As with all deterministic wallets, mmgen can generate an unlimited number
+> of address/key pairs from a single seed.  You back up your wallet only once.
-> The "master key", the seed providing access to all your Bitcoins, can
-> be stored in four different ways:
+> With MMGen you can choose from four different ways to access your Bitcoins:
->> 1) in an encrypted wallet (the AES 256 key is generated from your
+>> 1) an encrypted wallet (the AES 256 key is generated from your
 >> password using the crack-resistant scrypt hash function.  The
 >> wallet's password and hash strength can be changed);
->> 2) in a one-line, human-readable seed file (unencrypted);
+>> 2) a short, human-readable seed file (unencrypted);
->> 3) as an Electrum-like mnemonic of 12, 18 or 24 words; or
+>> 3) an Electrum-like mnemonic of 12, 18 or 24 words; or
->> 4) as a brainwallet password (this option is recommended for expert
->> users only).
+>> 4) a brainwallet password (recommended for expert users only).
 > Furthermore, these methods can all be combined.  If you forget your
 > mnemonic, for example, you can regenerate it and your keys from a
 > stored wallet or seed.  Correspondingly, a lost wallet or seed can be
 > recovered from the mnemonic.
-> The wallet and seed files are in a simple, ASCII-based format suitable
-> for printing or even writing out by hand.	Built-in checksums are used
-> to verify they've been correctly copied.  The base-58-encoded seed
-> file is short enough to memorize, providing another brain storage
-> alternative.
+> The wallet and seed are short, simple text files suitable for printing
+> or even writing out by hand.  Built-in checksums are used to verify
+> they've been correctly copied.  The base-58-encoded seed is short
+> enough to memorize, providing another brain storage alternative.
-> Transactions are signed offline: your private keys never touch an
-> online computer.
+> Implemented as a suite of lightweight Python scripts with a
+> command-line interface, MMGen demands practically no system resources.
+> Yet in tandem with a bitcoind enabled for watch-only addresses
+> (see below), it provides a complete solution for securely
+> storing Bitcoins offline and tracking and spending them online.
-> Implemented as a suite of lightweight Python scripts for the console,
-> MMGen requires only a bare minimum of system resources.  Yet in tandem
-> with a watch-only enabled bitcoind (see below), it provides a robust
-> solution for securely storing, tracking, spending and receiving
-> Bitcoins.
-> MMGen is currently supported on Windows and Linux.
+### Instructions for Linux/Unix:
-### Download/Install
+### Download/Install:
+>  Install required Python modules:
-#### Debian/Ubuntu Linux:
+            sudo pip install ecdsa scrypt pycrypto bitcoin-python
-> **Perform the following steps on both your online and offline
-> computers:**
+>  Install mmgen:
-> Install the pip Python installer:
+            git clone
+            cd mmgen; sudo ./ install
-			sudo apt-get install python-pip
+>  Install vanitygen (optional but recommended):
-> Install required Python modules:
+            git clone
+            (build and put the 'keyconv' executable in your path)
-			sudo pip install ecdsa scrypt pycrypto bitcoin-python
-> Install MMGen:
-			git clone
-			cd mmgen; sudo ./ install
-> Install vanitygen (optional but recommended):
-			git clone
-			(build and put the 'keyconv' executable in your path)
-> At this point you may begin using MMgen to create wallets, generate
-> keys and create raw transactions as described in **Using MMGen**
-> below.  But since you'd like to be able to track addresses and sign
-> transactions too, you'll now need to install the bitcoin daemon,
-> `bitcoind`, on both your online and offline machines.
-> **Bitcoind installation**
-> On the **offline machine**, the bitcoin daemon is used solely for
-> signing transactions and can therefore be run without a blockchain.
-> The version bundled with the prebuilt Bitcoin-QT is just fine for this
-> purpose.  It can be obtained here:
-> After installation, locate the bitcoind executable, optionally place
-> it in your path and start it with the arguments `-daemon -maxconnections=0`.
-> Note that in the absence of a blockchain the daemon starts very quickly
-> and uses practically no CPU power once running.  Thus you'll have no
-> problem using a low-powered computer such as a netbook for your
-> offline machine.
-> On the **online machine**, the bitcoin daemon is used for tracking
-> addresses and must be run with the full blockchain.  Thus a more
-> powerful computer is required here.  In addition, the precompiled
-> bitcoin package we installed above lacks (for now) the watch-only
-> address support we need, so we must get and compile Sipa's
-> watch-only enabled version from github:
-            git clone
-            cd bitcoin
-            git branch wo origin/watchonly
-            git checkout wo
-			./configure
-            make
-            (You may have to install the libboost-all-dev package for the build to succeed)
-> With your online machine connected to the Internet, start your freshly
-> compiled daemon and let it synchronize, making sure to move your old
-> `wallet.dat` out of harm's way beforehand if you have an existing
-> bitcoin installation.  You'll use the new wallet created by the daemon
-> on startup as your **tracking wallet**.
-> Your setup is now complete.
-### Using MMGen:
+### Getting Started:
 > On your offline computer:
 > Generate a wallet with a random seed:
-			$ mmgen-walletgen
-			...
-			Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat'
+            $ mmgen-walletgen
+            ...
+            Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].dat'
-> "89ABCDEF" is the Seed ID; "76543210" is the Key ID. These are
-> randomly generated, so your IDs will of course be different than the
-> fictitious ones used here.
+> "89ABCDEF" is the Seed ID; "76543210" is the Key ID.  These are
+> randomly generated, so your IDs will naturally be different than the
+> fictitious ones used in this example.
-> The Seed ID never changes and is used to identify all keys/addresses
-> generated by this wallet.	The Key ID changes when the wallet's
-> password or hash preset are changed.
+> The Seed ID never changes and will be used to identify all
+> keys/addresses generated by this wallet.  The Key ID changes when the
+> wallet's password or hash preset are changed.
-> "256" is the seed length; "3" is the scrypt hash preset.	These are
+> "256" is the seed length; "3" is the scrypt hash preset.  These are
 > configurable.
 > Generate ten addresses with the wallet:
-			$ mmgen-addrgen 89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat 1-10
-			...
-			Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
-> Note that the address range, "1-10", is reflected in the resulting filename.
-			$ cat '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
-			89ABCDEF {
-			  1		16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
-			  2		1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc
-			  3		1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N
-			  4		14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s
-			  5		1PeI55vtp2bX2uKDkAAR2c6ekHNYe4Hcq7
-			  6		1FEqfEsSILwXPfMvVvVuUovzTaaST62Mnf
-			  7		1LTTzuhMqPLwQ4IGCwwugny6ZMtUQJSJ1
-			  8		1F9495H8EJLb54wirgZkVgI47SP7M2RQWv
-			  9		1JbrCyt7BdxRE9GX1N7GiEct8UnIjPmpYd
-			  10	1H7vVTk4ejUbQXw45I6g5qvPBSe9bsjDqh
-			}
-> Let's label the first two addresses "Donations" and "Client 1"
-> and import them into our tracking wallet.  To do this,
-> copy and edit the above file in a text editor such as vim:
-			$ cat my.addrs
-			89ABCDEF {
-			  1		16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE  Donations
-			  2		1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc  Client 1
+            $ mmgen-addrgen 89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].dat 1-10
+            ...
+            Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
+> Note that the address range, "1-10", is included in the resulting filename.
+            $ cat '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs'
+            89ABCDEF {
+              1     16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
+              2     1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc
+              3     1HgYCsfqYzIg7LVVfDTp7gYJocJEiDAy6N
+              4     14Tu3z1tiexXDonNsFIkvzqutE5E3pTK8s
+              5     1PeI55vtp2bX2uKDkAAR2c6ekHNYe4Hcq7
+              6     1FEqfEsSILwXPfMvVvVuUovzTaaST62Mnf
+              7     1LTTzuhMqPLwQ4IGCwwugny6ZMtUQJSJ1
+              8     1F9495H8EJLb54wirgZkVgI47SP7M2RQWv
+              9     1JbrCyt7BdxRE9GX1N7GiEct8UnIjPmpYd
+              10    1H7vVTk4ejUbQXw45I6g5qvPBSe9bsjDqh
-> With the online bitcoind running, import the two addresses into the
-> wallet:
-			$ mmgen-addrimport my.addrs
-### END rewrite
+> To store your Bitcoins, spend them into these addresses from whatever
+> wallets/software you're currently using.  If you have lots of BTC,
+> generate many addresses so that each address will have only a
+> relatively small balance.
 ### Spending your stored coins:
 > Take address 1 out of cold storage by generating a key for it:
-			$ mmgen-keygen 89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat 1
-			...
-			Key data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1].akeys'
+            $ mmgen-keygen 89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].dat 1
+            ...
+            Key data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1].akeys'
-			$ cat 89ABCDEF[1].akeys
-			89ABCDEF {
-			  1  sec:  5JCAfK1pjRoJgmpmd2HEMNwHxAzprGIXeQt8dz5qt3iLvU2KCbS
-				 addr: 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
-			}
+            $ cat 89ABCDEF[1].akeys
+            89ABCDEF {
+              1  sec:  5JCAfK1pjRoJgmpmd2HEMNwHxAzprGIXeQt8dz5qt3iLvU2KCbS
+                 addr: 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
+            }
 > Save the .akeys file to a USB stick and transfer it to your online computer.
 > On your online computer, import the secret key into a running bitcoind
 > or bitcoin-qt:
-			$ bitcoind importprivkey 5JCAfK1pjRoJgmpmd2HEMNwHxAzprGIXeQt8dz5qt3iLvU2KCbS
+            $ bitcoind importprivkey 5JCAfK1pjRoJgmpmd2HEMNwHxAzprGIXeQt8dz5qt3iLvU2KCbS
-> You're done!	This address' balance can now be spent.
+> You're done!  This address' balance can now be spent.
 > OPTIONAL: To track balances without exposing secret keys on your
 > online computer, download and compile sipa's bitcoind patched for
 > watch-only addresses:
-			$ git clone
-			$ git branch mywatchonly remotes/origin/watchonly
-			$ git checkout mywatchonly
-			(build, install)
-			(You may have to install libboost-all-dev for the build to succeed)
+            $ git clone
+            $ git branch mywatchonly remotes/origin/watchonly
+            $ git checkout mywatchonly
+            (build, install)
+            (You may have to install libboost-all-dev for the build to succeed)
 > With your newly-compiled bitcoind running, import the addresses from
 > '89ABCDEF[1-10].addrs' to track their balances:
-			$ bitcoind importaddress 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
-			$ bitcoind importaddress 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc
-			$ ...
+            $ bitcoind importaddress 16bNmyYISiptuvJG3X7MPwiiS4HYvD7ksE
+            $ bitcoind importaddress 1AmkUxrfy5dMrfmeYwTxLxfIswUCcpeysc
+            $ ...
 ### Using the mnemonic and seed features:
@@ -233,51 +158,51 @@ addresses is done at your own risk.
 > Generate a mnemonic from the wallet:
-			$ mmgen-walletchk -m '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].mmdat'
-			...
-			Mnemonic data saved to file '89ABCDEF.mmwords'
+            $ mmgen-walletchk -m '89ABCDEF-76543210[256,3].dat'
+            ...
+            Mnemonic data saved to file '89ABCDEF.words'
-			$ cat 89ABCDEF.mmwords
-			pleasure tumble spider laughter many stumble secret bother
-			after search float absent path strong curtain savior
-			worst suspend bright touch away dirty measure thorn
+            $ cat 89ABCDEF.words
+            pleasure tumble spider laughter many stumble secret bother
+            after search float absent path strong curtain savior
+            worst suspend bright touch away dirty measure thorn
 > Note: a 128- or 192-bit seed will generate a shorter mnemonic of 12 or
 > 18 words.  You may generate a wallet with a these seed lengths by
 > using the `-l` option of `mmgen-walletgen`.  Whether you consider
-> 128 bits of entropy enough is your call.	It's probably adequate for
+> 128 bits of entropy enough is your call.  It's probably adequate for
 > the foreseeable future.
 > Generate addresses 1-11 using the mnemonic instead of the wallet:
-			$ mmgen-addrgen -m 89ABCDEF.mmwords 1-11
-			...
-			Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-11].addrs'
+            $ mmgen-addrgen -m 89ABCDEF.words 1-11
+            ...
+            Address data saved to file '89ABCDEF[1-11].addrs'
 > Compare the first ten addresses with those earlier generated from the
 > wallet.  You'll see they're the same.
 > Recover a lost wallet using the mnemonic:
-			$ mmgen-walletgen -m 89ABCDEF.mmwords
-			...
-			Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-01234567[256,3].mmdat'
+            $ mmgen-walletgen -m 89ABCDEF.words
+            ...
+            Wallet saved to file '89ABCDEF-01234567[256,3].dat'
 > Note that the regenerated wallet has a different Key ID but
 > of course the same Seed ID.
-> Seeds are generated and input the same way as mnemonics.	Just change
+> Seeds are generated and input the same way as mnemonics.  Just change
 > the `-m` option to `-s` in the preceding commands.
 > A seed file for a 256-bit seed looks like this:
-			$ cat 8B7392ED.mmseed
-			f4c84b C5ZT wWpT Jsoi wRVw 2dm9 Aftd WLb8 FggQ eC8h Szjd da9L
+            $ cat 8B7392ED.mmseed
+            f4c84b C5ZT wWpT Jsoi wRVw 2dm9 Aftd WLb8 FggQ eC8h Szjd da9L
 > And for a 128-bit seed:
-			$ cat 8E0DFB78.mmseed
-			0fe02f XnyC NfPH piuW dQ2d nM47 VU
+            $ cat 8E0DFB78.mmseed
+            0fe02f XnyC NfPH piuW dQ2d nM47 VU
 > The latter is short enough to be memorized or written down.
@@ -296,8 +221,8 @@ addresses is done at your own risk.
 > Mnemonic and seed files may be output to a directory of your choice
 > using the `-d` option of `mmgen-walletchk`.
-> Bear in mind that mnemonic and seed data is unencrypted.	If it's
-> compromised, your Bitcoins can easily be stolen.	Make sure no one's
+> Bear in mind that mnemonic and seed data is unencrypted.  If it's
+> compromised, your Bitcoins can easily be stolen.  Make sure no one's
 > looking over your shoulder when you print mnemonic or seed data to
 > screen.  Securely delete your mnemonic and seed files.  In Linux, you
 > can achieve additional security by writing the files to volatile
@@ -310,7 +235,7 @@ addresses is done at your own risk.
 ### Test suite:
 > To see what tests are available, run the scripts in the 'tests'
-> directory with no arguments.	Among others, you might find the
+> directory with no arguments.  Among others, you might find the
 > following tests to be of interest:
 >> Compare 10 addresses generated by 'keyconv' with mmgen's