@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ os.environ['MMGEN_TEST_SUITE'] = '1'
from mmgen.common import *
from test.common import *
from mmgen.obj import is_wif,is_coin_addr
+from mmgen.seed import is_mnemonic
+def is_str(s): return type(s) == str
opts_data = lambda: {
'desc': "Simple test suite for the 'mmgen-tool' utility",
@@ -43,10 +46,9 @@ opts_data = lambda: {
'options': """
-h, --help Print this help message
-C, --coverage Produce code coverage info using trace module
--d, --coin-dependent Run only coin-dependent tests
--D, --non-coin-dependent Run only non-coin-dependent tests
+-d, --die-on-missing Abort if no test data found for given command
--, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
--l, --list-tests List the tests in this test suite
+-l, --list-tests List the test groups in this test suite
-L, --list-tested-cmds Output the 'mmgen-tool' commands that are tested by this test suite
-n, --names Print command names instead of descriptions
-q, --quiet Produce quieter output
@@ -63,170 +65,480 @@ If no command is given, the whole suite of tests is run.
-tests = (
- ('util', 'base conversion, hashing and file utilities',
- (
- ('b58chktohex','conversion from base58chk to hex', [
- ( ['eFGDJPketnz'], 'deadbeef' ),
- ( ['5CizhNNRPYpBjrbYX'], 'deadbeefdeadbeef' ),
- ( ['5qCHTcgbQwprzjWrb'], 'ffffffffffffffff' ),
- ( ['111111114FCKVB'], '0000000000000000' ),
- ( ['3QJmnh'], '' ),
- ( ['1111111111111111111114oLvT2'], '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ),
- ]),
- ('hextob58chk','conversion from hex to base58chk', [
- ( ['deadbeef'], 'eFGDJPketnz' ),
- ( ['deadbeefdeadbeef'], '5CizhNNRPYpBjrbYX' ),
- ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], '5qCHTcgbQwprzjWrb' ),
- ( ['0000000000000000'], '111111114FCKVB' ),
- ( [''], '3QJmnh' ),
- ( ['000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], '1111111111111111111114oLvT2' ),
- ]),
- ('bytespec',"conversion of 'dd'-style byte specifier to bytes", [
- ( ['1G'], str(1024*1024*1024) ),
- ( ['1234G'], str(1234*1024*1024*1024) ),
- ( ['1GB'], str(1000*1000*1000) ),
- ( ['1234GB'], str(1234*1000*1000*1000) ),
- ( ['1.234MB'], str(1234*1000) ),
- ( ['1.234567M'], str(int(Decimal('1.234567')*1024*1024)) ),
- ( ['1234'], str(1234) ),
- ]),
- ),
- ),
- ('wallet', 'MMGen wallet operations',
- (
- ('gen_key','generation of single key from wallet', [
- ( ['98831F3A:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:C:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- 'L2LwXv94XTU2HjCbJPXCFuaHjrjucGipWPWUi1hkM5EykgektyqR'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:B:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- 'L2K4Y9MWb5oUfKKZtwdgCm6FLZdUiWJDHjh9BYxpEvtfcXt4iM5g'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:S:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- 'KwmkkfC9GghnJhnKoRXRn5KwGCgXrCmDw6Uv83NzE4kJS5axCR9A'
- ),
- ]),
- ('gen_addr','generation of single address from wallet', [
- ( ['98831F3A:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:L:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:C:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- '1MPsZ7BY9qikqfPxqmrovE8gLDX2rYArZk'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:B:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- 'bc1qxptlvmwaymaxa7pxkr2u5pn7c0508stcncv7ms'
- ),
- ( ['98831F3A:S:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
- '3Eevao3DRVXnYym3tdrJDqS3Wc39PQzahn'
- ),
- ]),
- ),
- ),
- ('cryptocoin', 'coin-dependent utilities',
- (
- ('randwif','random WIF key', {
- 'btc_mainnet': [ ( [], is_wif, ['-r0'] ) ],
- 'btc_testnet': [ ( [], is_wif, ['-r0'] ) ],
- }),
- ('randpair','random key/address pair', {
- 'btc_mainnet': [ ( [], [is_wif,is_coin_addr], ['-r0'] ) ],
- 'btc_testnet': [ ( [], [is_wif,is_coin_addr], ['-r0'] ) ],
- }),
- ('wif2addr','WIF-to-address conversion', {
- 'btc_mainnet': [
- ( ['5JKLcdYbhP6QQ4BXc9HtjfqJ79FFRXP2SZTKUyEuyXJo9QSFUkv'],
- '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm', ['--type=legacy'], 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
- ( ['L2LwXv94XTU2HjCbJPXCFuaHjrjucGipWPWUi1hkM5EykgektyqR'],
- '1MPsZ7BY9qikqfPxqmrovE8gLDX2rYArZk', ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
- ( ['KwmkkfC9GghnJhnKoRXRn5KwGCgXrCmDw6Uv83NzE4kJS5axCR9A'],
- '3Eevao3DRVXnYym3tdrJDqS3Wc39PQzahn', ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
- ( ['L2K4Y9MWb5oUfKKZtwdgCm6FLZdUiWJDHjh9BYxpEvtfcXt4iM5g'],
- 'bc1qxptlvmwaymaxa7pxkr2u5pn7c0508stcncv7ms', ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
- ],
- }),
- ),
- ),
-# TODO: compressed address files are missing
-# 'addrfile_compressed_chk': {
-# 'btc': ('A33C 4FDE F515 F5BC','6C48 AA57 2056 C8C8'),
-# 'ltc': ('3FC0 8F03 C2D6 BD19','4C0A 49B6 2DD1 1BE0'),
- ('file', 'Operations with MMGen files',
- (
- ('addrfile_chksum','address file checksums', {
- 'btc_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- '6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91'),
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- '06C1 9C87 F25C 4EE6'),
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- '9D2A D4B6 5117 F02E'),
- ],
- 'btc_testnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- '424E 4326 CFFE 5F51'),
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- '072C 8B07 2730 CB7A'),
- ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- '0527 9C39 6C1B E39A'),
- ],
- 'ltc_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- 'AD52 C3FE 8924 AAF0'),
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- '63DF E42A 0827 21C3'),
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- 'FF1C 7939 5967 AB82'),
- ],
- 'ltc_testnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- '4EBE 2E85 E969 1B30'),
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- '5DD1 D186 DBE1 59F2'),
- ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
- 'ED3D 8AA4 BED4 0B40'),
- ],
- 'zec_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'903E 7225 DD86 6E01'), ],
- 'zec_z_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-Z[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'9C7A 72DC 3D4A B3AF'), ],
- 'xmr_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/monero/98831F3A-XMR-M[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'4369 0253 AC2C 0E38'), ],
- 'dash_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/dash/98831F3A-DASH-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'FBC1 6B6A 0988 4403'), ],
- 'eth_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/ethereum/98831F3A-ETH[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'E554 076E 7AF6 66A3'), ],
- 'etc_mainnet': [
- ( ['test/ref/ethereum_classic/98831F3A-ETC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
- 'E97A D796 B495 E8BC'), ],
- }),
- ('txview','transaction file view', {
- 'btc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/0B8D5A[15.31789,14,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'btc_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/0C7115[15.86255,14,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'bch_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/460D4D-BCH[10.19764,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'bch_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/359FD5-BCH[6.68868,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'ltc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/AF3CDF-LTC[620.76194,1453,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'ltc_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/A5A1E0-LTC[1454.64322,1453,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'],
- None ), ],
- 'eth_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/88FEFD-ETH[23.45495,40000].rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'eth_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/B472BD-ETH[23.45495,40000].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'mm1_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/5881D2-MM1[1.23456,50000].rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'mm1_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/6BDB25-MM1[1.23456,50000].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
- 'etc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum_classic/ED3848-ETC[1.2345,40000].rawtx'], None ), ],
- }),
- ),
- ),
-def do_cmd(cdata):
- cmd_name,desc,data = cdata
- if type(data) == dict:
- if opt.non_coin_dependent: return
+sample_text_hexdump = (
+ '000000: 5468 6520 5469 6d65 7320 3033 2f4a 616e\n' +
+ '000010: 2f32 3030 3920 4368 616e 6365 6c6c 6f72\n' +
+ '000020: 206f 6e20 6272 696e 6b20 6f66 2073 6563\n' +
+ '000030: 6f6e 6420 6261 696c 6f75 7420 666f 7220\n' +
+ '000040: 6261 6e6b 73' )
+kafile_opts = ['-p1','-Ptest/ref/keyaddrfile_password']
+kafile_code = (
+ "\nopt.hash_preset = '1'" +
+ "\nopt.set_by_user = ['hash_preset']" +
+ "\nopt.use_old_ed25519 = None" +
+ "\nopt.passwd_file = 'test/ref/keyaddrfile_password'" )
+tests = {
+ 'Mnemonic': {
+ 'hex2mn': [
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'],
+ 'table cast forgive master funny gaze sadness ripple million paint moral match' ),
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'],
+ ('swirl maybe anymore mix scale stray fog use approach page crime rhyme ' +
+ 'class former strange window snap soon') ),
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'],
+ ('swell type milk figure cheese phone fill black test bloom heard comfort ' +
+ 'image terrible radio lesson own reply battle goal goodbye need laugh stream') ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'],
+ 'yellow yeah show bowl season spider cling defeat poison law shelter reflect' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'],
+ ('yeah youth quit fail perhaps drum out person young click skin ' +
+ 'weird inside silently perfectly together anyone memory') ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'],
+ ('wrote affection object cell opinion here laughter stare honest north cost begin ' +
+ 'murder something yourself effort acid dot doubt game broke tell guilt innocent') ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'],
+ ('able able able able able able able able able able able able ' +
+ 'able able able able able able able able able able able about') ),
+ ],
+ 'mn2hex': [
+ ( ['table cast forgive master funny gaze sadness ripple million paint moral match'],
+ 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' ),
+ ( ['swirl maybe anymore mix scale stray fog use approach page crime rhyme ' +
+ 'class former strange window snap soon'],
+ 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'),
+ ( ['swell type milk figure cheese phone fill black test bloom heard comfort ' +
+ 'image terrible radio lesson own reply battle goal goodbye need laugh stream'],
+ 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' ),
+ ( ['yellow yeah show bowl season spider cling defeat poison law shelter reflect'],
+ 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' ),
+ ( ['yeah youth quit fail perhaps drum out person young click skin ' +
+ 'weird inside silently perfectly together anyone memory'],
+ 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' ) ,
+ ( ['wrote affection object cell opinion here laughter stare honest north cost begin ' +
+ 'murder something yourself effort acid dot doubt game broke tell guilt innocent'],
+ 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'),
+ ( ['able able able able able able able able able able able able ' +
+ 'able able able able able able able able able able able about'],
+ '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'),
+ ],
+ 'mn_rand128': [ ( [], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ( ['wordlist=tirosh'], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ],
+ 'mn_rand192': [ ( [], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ( ['wordlist=tirosh'], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ],
+ 'mn_rand256': [ ( [], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ( ['wordlist=tirosh'], is_mnemonic, ['-r0']), ],
+ 'mn_stats': [ ( [], is_str ), ( ['wordlist=tirosh'], is_str ), ],
+ 'mn_printlist': [ ( [], is_str ), ( ['wordlist=tirosh'], is_str ), ],
+ },
+ 'Util': {
+ 'hextob32': [
+ ( ['deadbeef'], 'DPK3PXP' ),
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeef'], 'N5LN657PK3PXP' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], 'P777777777777' ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000'], '' ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000','pad=10'], 'AAAAAAAAAA' ),
+ ( ['ff','pad=10'], 'AAAAAAAAH7' ),
+ ],
+ 'b32tohex': [
+ ( ['DPK3PXP'], 'deadbeef' ),
+ ( ['N5LN657PK3PXP'], 'deadbeefdeadbeef' ),
+ ( ['P777777777777'], 'ffffffffffffffff' ),
+ ( ['','pad=16'], '0000000000000000' ),
+ ( ['AAAAAAAAAA','pad=16'], '0000000000000000' ),
+ ( ['AAAAAAAAH7','pad=2'], 'ff' ),
+ ],
+ 'hextob58chk': [
+ ( ['deadbeef'], 'eFGDJPketnz' ),
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeef'], '5CizhNNRPYpBjrbYX' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], '5qCHTcgbQwprzjWrb' ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000'], '111111114FCKVB' ),
+ ( [''], '3QJmnh' ),
+ ( ['000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], '1111111111111111111114oLvT2' ),
+ ],
+ 'b58chktohex': [
+ ( ['eFGDJPketnz'], 'deadbeef' ),
+ ( ['5CizhNNRPYpBjrbYX'], 'deadbeefdeadbeef' ),
+ ( ['5qCHTcgbQwprzjWrb'], 'ffffffffffffffff' ),
+ ( ['111111114FCKVB'], '0000000000000000' ),
+ ( ['3QJmnh'], '' ),
+ ( ['1111111111111111111114oLvT2'], '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ),
+ ],
+ 'bytestob58': [
+ ( [b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef'], '6h8cQN' ),
+ ( [b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef\xde\xad\xbe\xef'], 'eFGDJURJykA' ),
+ ( [b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'], 'jpXCZedGfVQ' ),
+ ( [b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'], '' ),
+ ( [b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00','pad=10'], '1111111111' ),
+ ( [b'\xff','pad=10'], '111111115Q' ),
+ ],
+ 'b58tobytes': [
+ ( ['6h8cQN'], b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef' ),
+ ( ['eFGDJURJykA'], b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef\xde\xad\xbe\xef' ),
+ ( ['jpXCZedGfVQ'], b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff' ),
+ ( ['','pad=16'], b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ),
+ ( ['1111111111','pad=16'], b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' ),
+ ( ['111111115Q','pad=2'], b'\xff' ),
+ ],
+ 'hextob58': [
+ ( ['deadbeef'], '6h8cQN' ),
+ ( ['deadbeefdeadbeef'], 'eFGDJURJykA' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], 'jpXCZedGfVQ' ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000'], '' ),
+ ( ['0000000000000000','pad=10'], '1111111111' ),
+ ( ['ff','pad=10'], '111111115Q' ),
+ ],
+ 'b58tohex': [
+ ( ['6h8cQN'], 'deadbeef' ),
+ ( ['eFGDJURJykA'], 'deadbeefdeadbeef' ),
+ ( ['jpXCZedGfVQ'], 'ffffffffffffffff' ),
+ ( ['','pad=16'], '0000000000000000' ),
+ ( ['1111111111','pad=16'], '0000000000000000' ),
+ ( ['111111115Q','pad=2'], 'ff' ),
+ ],
+ 'bytespec': [
+ ( ['1G'], str(1024*1024*1024) ),
+ ( ['1234G'], str(1234*1024*1024*1024) ),
+ ( ['1GB'], str(1000*1000*1000) ),
+ ( ['1234GB'], str(1234*1000*1000*1000) ),
+ ( ['1.234MB'], str(1234*1000) ),
+ ( ['1.234567M'], str(int(Decimal('1.234567')*1024*1024)) ),
+ ( ['1234'], str(1234) ),
+ ],
+ 'hash160': [ # TODO: check that hextob58chk(hash160) = pubhex2addr
+ ( ['deadbeef'], 'f04df4c4b30d2b7ac6e1ed2445aeb12a9cb4d2ec' ),
+ ( ['000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], '2db95e704e2d9b0474acf76182f3f985b7064a8a' ),
+ ( [''], 'b472a266d0bd89c13706a4132ccfb16f7c3b9fcb' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], 'f86221f5a1fca059a865c0b7d374dfa9d5f3aeb4' ),
+ ],
+ 'hash256': [
+ ( ['deadbeef'], 'e107944e77a688feae4c2d4db5951923812dd0f72026a11168104ee1b248f8a9' ),
+ ( ['000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'], 'fd5181fcd097a334ab340569e5edcd09f702fef7994abab01f4b66e86b32ebbe' ),
+ ( [''], '5df6e0e2761359d30a8275058e299fcc0381534545f55cf43e41983f5d4c9456' ),
+ ( ['ffffffffffffffff'], '57b2d2c3455e0f76c61c5237ff04fc9fc0f3fe691e587ea9c951949e1a5e0fed' ),
+ ],
+ 'hexdump': [
+ ( [sample_text.encode()], sample_text_hexdump ),
+ ],
+ 'unhexdump': [
+ ( [sample_text_hexdump.encode()], sample_text.encode() ),
+ ],
+ 'hexlify': [
+ ( [b'foobar'], '666f6f626172' ),
+ ],
+ 'unhexlify': [
+ ( ['666f6f626172'], 'foobar' ),
+ ],
+ 'hexreverse': [
+ ( ['deadbeefcafe'], 'fecaefbeadde' ),
+ ],
+ 'id6': [
+ ( [sample_text.encode()], 'a6d72b' ),
+ ],
+ 'id8': [
+ ( [sample_text.encode()], '687C09C2' ),
+ ],
+ 'str2id6': [
+ ( ['74ev zjeq Zw2g DspF RKpE 7H'], '70413d' ), # checked
+ ],
+ 'randhex': [
+ ( [], {'boolfunc':is_hex_str,'len':64}, ['-r0'] ),
+ ( ['nbytes=16'], {'boolfunc':is_hex_str,'len':32}, ['-r0'] ),
+ ( ['nbytes=6'], {'boolfunc':is_hex_str,'len':12}, ['-r0'] ),
+ ],
+ 'randb58': [
+ ( [], {'boolfunc':is_b58_str,'len':44}, ['-r0'] ),
+ ( ['nbytes=16'], {'boolfunc':is_b58_str,'len':22}, ['-r0'] ),
+ ( ['nbytes=12','pad=false'], is_b58_str, ['-r0'] ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Wallet': {
+ 'gen_key': [
+ ( ['98831F3A:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:C:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ 'L2LwXv94XTU2HjCbJPXCFuaHjrjucGipWPWUi1hkM5EykgektyqR'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:B:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ 'L2K4Y9MWb5oUfKKZtwdgCm6FLZdUiWJDHjh9BYxpEvtfcXt4iM5g'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:S:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ 'KwmkkfC9GghnJhnKoRXRn5KwGCgXrCmDw6Uv83NzE4kJS5axCR9A'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 'gen_addr': [
+ ( ['98831F3A:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:L:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:C:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ '1MPsZ7BY9qikqfPxqmrovE8gLDX2rYArZk'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:B:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ 'bc1qxptlvmwaymaxa7pxkr2u5pn7c0508stcncv7ms'
+ ),
+ ( ['98831F3A:S:11','wallet=test/ref/98831F3A.mmwords'],
+ '3Eevao3DRVXnYym3tdrJDqS3Wc39PQzahn'
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Coin': {
+ 'addr2pubhash': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm'], '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5' ),
+ ( ['3Eevao3DRVXnYym3tdrJDqS3Wc39PQzahn'], '8e34586186551f6320fa3eb2d238a9c61ab8264b' ),
+ ( ['bc1qxptlvmwaymaxa7pxkr2u5pn7c0508stcncv7ms'], '3057f66ddd26fa6ef826b0d5ca067ec3e8f3c178' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'pubhash2addr': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5'], '12bYUGXS8SRArZneQDN9YEEYAtEa59Rykm',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['8e34586186551f6320fa3eb2d238a9c61ab8264b'], '3Eevao3DRVXnYym3tdrJDqS3Wc39PQzahn',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['3057f66ddd26fa6ef826b0d5ca067ec3e8f3c178'], 'bc1qxptlvmwaymaxa7pxkr2u5pn7c0508stcncv7ms',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'hex2wif': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '5HwzecKMWD82ppJK3qMKpC7ohXXAwcyAN5VgdJ9PLFaAzpBG4sX',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
+ ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ 'KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'privhex2addr': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '1C5VPtgq9xQ6AcTgMAR3J6GDrs72HC4pS1',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '1Kz9fVSUMshzPejpzW9D95kScgA3rY6QxF',
+ ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '3AhjTiWHhVJAi1s5CfKMcLzYps12x3gZhg',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ 'bc1q6pqnfwwakuuejpm9w52ds342f9d5u36v0qnz7c',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'privhex2pubhex': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '044281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e972757f3254c322eeaa3cb6bf97cc5ecf8d4387b0df2c0b1e6ee18fe3a6977a7d57a',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727',
+ ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492'],
+ '024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'pubhex2addr': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['044281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e972757f3254c322eeaa3cb6bf97cc5ecf8d4387b0df2c0b1e6ee18fe3a6977a7d57a'],
+ '1C5VPtgq9xQ6AcTgMAR3J6GDrs72HC4pS1',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727'],
+ '1Kz9fVSUMshzPejpzW9D95kScgA3rY6QxF',
+ ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727'],
+ '3AhjTiWHhVJAi1s5CfKMcLzYps12x3gZhg',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727'],
+ 'bc1q6pqnfwwakuuejpm9w52ds342f9d5u36v0qnz7c',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'pubhex2redeem_script': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['024281a85c9ce87279e028410b851410d65136304cfbbbeaaa8e2e3931cf4e9727'],
+ '0014d04134b9ddb7399907657514d846aa495b4e474c',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'randpair': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [ ( [], [is_wif,is_coin_addr], ['-r0'] ) ],
+ 'btc_testnet': [ ( [], [is_wif,is_coin_addr], ['-r0'] ) ],
+ },
+ 'randwif': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [ ( [], is_wif, ['-r0'] ) ],
+ 'btc_testnet': [ ( [], is_wif, ['-r0'] ) ],
+ },
+ 'wif2addr': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['5HwzecKMWD82ppJK3qMKpC7ohXXAwcyAN5VgdJ9PLFaAzpBG4sX'],
+ '1C5VPtgq9xQ6AcTgMAR3J6GDrs72HC4pS1', ['--type=legacy'], 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '1Kz9fVSUMshzPejpzW9D95kScgA3rY6QxF', ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '3AhjTiWHhVJAi1s5CfKMcLzYps12x3gZhg', ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ 'bc1q6pqnfwwakuuejpm9w52ds342f9d5u36v0qnz7c', ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'wif2hex': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['5HwzecKMWD82ppJK3qMKpC7ohXXAwcyAN5VgdJ9PLFaAzpBG4sX'],
+ '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492',
+ None, 'opt.type="legacy"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492',
+ ['--type=compressed'], 'opt.type="compressed"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '118089d66b4a5853765e94923abdd5de4616c6e5118089d66b4a5853765e9492',
+ ['--type=bech32'], 'opt.type="bech32"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'wif2redeem_script': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ '0014d04134b9ddb7399907657514d846aa495b4e474c',
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'wif2segwit_pair': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['KwojSzt1VvW343mQfWQi3J537siAt5ktL2qbuCg1ZyKR8BLQ6UJm'],
+ ('0014d04134b9ddb7399907657514d846aa495b4e474c','3AhjTiWHhVJAi1s5CfKMcLzYps12x3gZhg'),
+ ['--type=segwit'], 'opt.type="segwit"' ),
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ # TODO: compressed address files are missing
+ # 'addrfile_compressed_chk':
+ # 'btc': ('A33C 4FDE F515 F5BC','6C48 AA57 2056 C8C8'),
+ # 'ltc': ('3FC0 8F03 C2D6 BD19','4C0A 49B6 2DD1 1BE0'),
+ 'File': {
+ 'addrfile_chksum': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ '6FEF 6FB9 7B13 5D91'),
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ '06C1 9C87 F25C 4EE6'),
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ '9D2A D4B6 5117 F02E'),
+ ],
+ 'btc_testnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ '424E 4326 CFFE 5F51'),
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ '072C 8B07 2730 CB7A'),
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ '0527 9C39 6C1B E39A'),
+ ],
+ 'ltc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ 'AD52 C3FE 8924 AAF0'),
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ '63DF E42A 0827 21C3'),
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ 'FF1C 7939 5967 AB82'),
+ ],
+ 'ltc_testnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ '4EBE 2E85 E969 1B30'),
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-S[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ '5DD1 D186 DBE1 59F2'),
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC-B[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.addrs'],
+ 'ED3D 8AA4 BED4 0B40'),
+ ],
+ 'zec_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'903E 7225 DD86 6E01'), ],
+ 'zec_z_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-Z[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'9C7A 72DC 3D4A B3AF'), ],
+ 'xmr_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/monero/98831F3A-XMR-M[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'4369 0253 AC2C 0E38'), ],
+ 'dash_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/dash/98831F3A-DASH-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'FBC1 6B6A 0988 4403'), ],
+ 'eth_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/98831F3A-ETH[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],'E554 076E 7AF6 66A3'), ],
+ 'etc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/ethereum_classic/98831F3A-ETC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs'],
+ 'E97A D796 B495 E8BC'), ],
+ },
+ 'keyaddrfile_chksum': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ '9F2D D781 1812 8BAD', kafile_opts, kafile_code ),
+ ],
+ 'btc_testnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.akeys.mmenc'],
+ '88CC 5120 9A91 22C2', kafile_opts, kafile_code ),
+ ],
+ 'ltc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'B804 978A 8796 3ED4', kafile_opts, kafile_code ),
+ ],
+ 'ltc_testnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].testnet.akeys.mmenc'],
+ '98B5 AC35 F334 0398', kafile_opts, kafile_code ),
+ ],
+ 'zec_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'F05A 5A5C 0C8E 2617', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ 'zec_z_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/zcash/98831F3A-ZEC-Z[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ '6B87 9B2D 0D8D 8D1E', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ 'xmr_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/monero/98831F3A-XMR-M[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'E0D7 9612 3D67 404A', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ 'dash_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/dash/98831F3A-DASH-C[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'E83D 2C63 FEA2 4142', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ 'eth_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/98831F3A-ETH[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'E400 70D9 0AE3 C7C2', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ 'etc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/ethereum_classic/98831F3A-ETC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].akeys.mmenc'],
+ 'EF49 967D BD6C FE45', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ },
+ 'passwdfile_chksum': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [
+ ( ['test/ref/98831F3A-фубар@crypto.org-b58-20[1,4,9-11,1100].pws'],
+ 'A983 DAB9 5514 27FB', kafile_opts, kafile_code ), ],
+ },
+ 'txview': {
+ 'btc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/0B8D5A[15.31789,14,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'btc_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/0C7115[15.86255,14,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'bch_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/460D4D-BCH[10.19764,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'bch_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/359FD5-BCH[6.68868,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'ltc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/AF3CDF-LTC[620.76194,1453,tl=1320969600].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'ltc_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/litecoin/A5A1E0-LTC[1454.64322,1453,tl=1320969600].testnet.rawtx'],
+ None ), ],
+ 'eth_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/88FEFD-ETH[23.45495,40000].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'eth_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/B472BD-ETH[23.45495,40000].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'mm1_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/5881D2-MM1[1.23456,50000].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'mm1_testnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum/6BDB25-MM1[1.23456,50000].testnet.rawtx'], None ), ],
+ 'etc_mainnet': [ ( ['test/ref/ethereum_classic/ED3848-ETC[1.2345,40000].rawtx'], None ), ],
+ },
+ },
+coin_dependent_groups = ('Coin','File') # TODO: do this as attr of each group in tool.py
+def run_test(gid,cmd_name):
+ data = tests[gid][cmd_name]
+ # behavior is like test.py: run coin-dependent tests only if g.testnet or g.coin != BTC
+ if gid in coin_dependent_groups:
k = '{}_{}net'.format((g.token.lower() if g.token else g.coin.lower()),('main','test')[g.testnet])
if k in data:
data = data[k]
@@ -235,78 +547,142 @@ def do_cmd(cdata):
msg("-- no data for {} ({}) - skipping".format(cmd_name,k))
- if opt.coin_dependent: return
+ if g.coin != 'BTC' or g.testnet: return
m2 = ''
- m = '{} {}{}'.format(cyan('Testing'),cmd_name if opt.names else desc,m2)
+ m = '{} {}{}'.format(purple('Testing'), cmd_name if opt.names else
+ extract_docstring(getattr(getattr(tool,'MMGenToolCmd'+gid),cmd_name)),m2)
msg_r(green(m)+'\n' if opt.verbose else m)
+ def fork_cmd(cmd_name,args,out,opts,exec_code):
+ cmd = list(tool_cmd) + (opts or []) + [cmd_name] + args
+ vmsg('{} {}'.format(green('Executing'),cyan(' '.join(cmd))))
+ p = Popen(cmd,stdin=(PIPE if stdin_input else None),stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
+ if stdin_input:
+ p.stdin.write(stdin_input)
+ p.stdin.close()
+ cmd_out = p.stdout.read()
+ try:
+ cmd_out = cmd_out.decode().strip()
+ except:
+ pass
+ cmd_err = p.stderr.read()
+ if cmd_err: vmsg(cmd_err.strip().decode())
+ if p.wait() != 0:
+ die(1,'Spawned program exited with error')
+ return cmd_out
+ def run_func(cmd_name,args,out,opts,exec_code):
+ vmsg('{}: {}{}'.format(purple('Running'),
+ ' '.join([cmd_name]+[repr(e) for e in args]),
+ ' '+exec_code if exec_code else '' ))
+ if exec_code: exec(exec_code)
+ aargs,kwargs = tool._process_args(cmd_name,args)
+ oq_save = opt.quiet
+ if not opt.verbose: opt.quiet = True
+ if stdin_input:
+ fd0,fd1 = os.pipe()
+ if os.fork(): # parent
+ os.close(fd1)
+ stdin_save = os.dup(0)
+ os.dup2(fd0,0)
+ cmd_out = getattr(tc,cmd_name)(*aargs,**kwargs)
+ os.dup2(stdin_save,0)
+ os.wait()
+ opt.quiet = oq_save
+ return cmd_out
+ else: # child
+ os.close(fd0)
+ os.write(fd1,stdin_input)
+ vmsg('Input: {!r}'.format(stdin_input))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ ret = getattr(tc,cmd_name)(*aargs,**kwargs)
+ opt.quiet = oq_save
+ return ret
for d in data:
args,out,opts,exec_code = d + tuple([None] * (4-len(d)))
+ stdin_input = None
+ if args and type(args[0]) == bytes:
+ stdin_input = args[0]
+ args[0] = '-'
if opt.fork:
- cmd = list(tool_cmd) + (opts or []) + [cmd_name] + args
- vmsg('{} {}'.format(green('Executing'),cyan(' '.join(cmd))))
- p = Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
- cmd_out = p.stdout.read()
- if type(out) != bytes:
- cmd_out = cmd_out.strip().decode()
- cmd_err = p.stderr.read()
- if cmd_err: vmsg(cmd_err.strip().decode())
- if p.wait() != 0:
- die(1,'Spawned program exited with error')
+ cmd_out = fork_cmd(cmd_name,args,out,opts,exec_code)
- vmsg('{}: {}'.format(purple('Running'),' '.join([cmd_name]+args)))
- if exec_code: exec(exec_code)
- aargs,kwargs = tool._process_args(cmd_name,args)
- oq_save = opt.quiet
- if not opt.verbose: opt.quiet = True
- cmd_out = tool._process_result(getattr(tc,cmd_name)(*aargs,**kwargs))
- opt.quiet = oq_save
+ cmd_out = run_func(cmd_name,args,out,opts,exec_code)
- if type(out) != bytes:
- cmd_out = cmd_out.strip()
- vmsg('Output: {}\n'.format(cmd_out))
- else:
- vmsg('Output: {}\n'.format(repr(cmd_out)))
+ vmsg('Output: {}\n'.format(cmd_out if issubclass(type(out),str) else repr(cmd_out)))
+ def check_output(cmd_out,out):
+ if issubclass(type(out),str): out = out.encode()
+ if issubclass(type(cmd_out),int): cmd_out = str(cmd_out).encode()
+ if issubclass(type(cmd_out),str): cmd_out = cmd_out.encode()
- if type(out).__name__ == 'function':
- assert out(cmd_out),"{}({}) failed!".format(out.__name__,cmd_out)
- elif type(out) == list and type(out[0]).__name__ == 'function':
- for i in range(len(out)):
- s = cmd_out.split('\n')[i]
- assert out[i](s),"{}({}) failed!".format(out[i].__name__,s)
- elif out is not None:
- assert cmd_out == out,"Output ({}) doesn't match expected output ({})".format(cmd_out,out)
+ if type(out).__name__ == 'function':
+ assert out(cmd_out.decode()),"{}({}) failed!".format(out.__name__,cmd_out.decode())
+ elif type(out) == dict:
+ for k in out:
+ if k == 'boolfunc':
+ assert out[k](cmd_out.decode()),"{}({}) failed!".format(out[k].__name__,cmd_out.decod())
+ else:
+ if not getattr(__builtins__,k)(cmd_out) == out[k]:
+ die(1,"{}({}) did not return {}!".format(k,cmd_out,out[k]))
+ elif out is not None:
+ assert cmd_out == out,"Output ({!r}) doesn't match expected output ({!r})".format(cmd_out,out)
+ if type(out) in (list,tuple):
+ for co,o in zip(cmd_out.split('\n') if opt.fork else cmd_out,out):
+ check_output(co,o)
+ else:
+ check_output(cmd_out,out)
if not opt.verbose: msg_r('.')
if not opt.verbose:
-def do_group(garg):
- gid,gdesc,gdata = garg
- qmsg(blue("Testing {}".format("command group '{}'".format(gid) if opt.names else gdesc)))
- for cdata in gdata:
- do_cmd(cdata)
+def extract_docstring(obj):
+ return obj.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0]
+def do_group(gid):
+ qmsg(blue("Testing {}".format(
+ "command group '{}'".format(gid) if opt.names
+ else extract_docstring(getattr(tool,'MMGenToolCmd'+gid)))))
+ for cname in [e for e in dir(getattr(tool,'MMGenToolCmd'+gid)) if e[0] != '_']:
+ if cname not in tests[gid]:
+ m = 'No test for command {!r} in group {!r}!'.format(cname,gid)
+ if opt.die_on_missing:
+ die(1,m+' Aborting')
+ else:
+ msg(m)
+ continue
+ run_test(gid,cname)
def do_cmd_in_group(cmd):
- for g in tests:
- for cdata in g[2]:
- if cdata[0] == cmd:
- do_cmd(cdata)
+ for gid in tests:
+ for cname in tests[gid]:
+ if cname == cmd:
+ run_test(gid,cname)
return True
return False
def list_tested_cmds():
- for g in tests:
- for cdata in g[2]:
- Msg(cdata[0])
+ for gid in tests:
+ for cname in [e for e in dir(getattr(tool,'MMGenToolCmd'+gid)) if e[0] != '_']:
+ Msg(cname)
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + ['--skip-cfg-file'] + sys.argv[1:]
cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
+import mmgen.tool as tool
if opt.list_tests:
- Msg('Available commands:')
- for gid,gdesc,gdata in tests:
- Msg(' {:12} - {}'.format(gid,gdesc))
+ Msg('Available tests:')
+ for gid in tests:
+ Msg(' {:6} - {}'.format(gid,extract_docstring(getattr(tool,'MMGenToolCmd'+gid))))
if opt.list_tested_cmds:
@@ -338,7 +714,6 @@ if opt.fork:
tool_cmd = ('python3') + tool_cmd
opt.usr_randchars = 0
- import mmgen.tool as tool
tc = tool.MMGenToolCmd()
start_time = int(time.time())
@@ -348,9 +723,8 @@ try:
if len(cmd_args) != 1:
die(1,'Only one command may be specified')
cmd = cmd_args[0]
- group = [e for e in tests if e[0] == cmd]
- if group:
- do_group(group[0])
+ if cmd in tests:
+ do_group(cmd)
if not do_cmd_in_group(cmd):
die(1,"'{}': not a recognized test or test group".format(cmd))