@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ def _b58chk_decode(s):
finfo = namedtuple('fork_info',['height','hash','name','replayable'])
finfo = namedtuple('fork_info',['height','hash','name','replayable'])
class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
proto_info = namedtuple('proto_info',['mainnet','testnet','trust_level']) # trust levels: see altcoin.py
proto_info = namedtuple('proto_info',['mainnet','testnet','trust_level']) # trust levels: see altcoin.py
coins = {
coins = {
'btc': proto_info('Bitcoin', 'BitcoinTestnet', 5),
'btc': proto_info('Bitcoin', 'BitcoinTestnet', 5),
@@ -82,361 +83,367 @@ class CoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
core_coins = tuple(coins.keys()) # coins may be added by init_genonly_altcoins(), so save
core_coins = tuple(coins.keys()) # coins may be added by init_genonly_altcoins(), so save
-# chainparams.cpp
-class BitcoinProtocol(MMGenObject):
- name = 'bitcoin'
- daemon_name = 'bitcoind'
- daemon_family = 'bitcoind'
- addr_ver_bytes = { '00': 'p2pkh', '05': 'p2sh' }
- addr_len = 20
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80' }
- mmtypes = ('L','C','S','B')
- dfl_mmtype = 'L'
- data_subdir = ''
- rpc_port = 8332
- secs_per_block = 600
- coin_amt = BTCAmt
- max_tx_fee = BTCAmt('0.003')
- daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin') if g.platform == 'win' \
- else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin')
- daemon_data_subdir = ''
- sighash_type = 'ALL'
- block0 = '000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f'
- forks = [
- finfo(478559,'00000000000000000019f112ec0a9982926f1258cdcc558dd7c3b7e5dc7fa148','BCH',False),
- finfo(None,'','B2X',True),
- ]
- caps = ('rbf','segwit')
- mmcaps = ('key','addr','rpc','tx')
- base_coin = 'BTC'
- base_proto = 'Bitcoin'
- # From BIP173: witness version 'n' is stored as 'OP_n'. OP_0 is encoded as 0x00,
- # but OP_1 through OP_16 are encoded as 0x51 though 0x60 (81 to 96 in decimal).
- witness_vernum_hex = '00'
- witness_vernum = int(witness_vernum_hex,16)
- bech32_hrp = 'bc'
- sign_mode = 'daemon'
- secp256k1_ge = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
- privkey_len = 32
- avg_bdi = int(9.7 * 60) # average block discovery interval (historical)
- def addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes(self,req_fmt,return_hex=False):
- for ver_hex,fmt in self.addr_ver_bytes.items():
- if req_fmt == fmt:
- return ver_hex if return_hex else bytes.fromhex(ver_hex)
- return False
- def is_testnet(self):
- return type(self).__name__[-15:] == 'TestnetProtocol'
def get_protocol_by_chain(chain):
def get_protocol_by_chain(chain):
return init_proto(g.coin,{'mainnet':False,'testnet':True,'regtest':True}[chain])
return init_proto(g.coin,{'mainnet':False,'testnet':True,'regtest':True}[chain])
- def cap(self,s): return s in self.caps
- def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type):
- # Key must be non-zero and less than group order of secp256k1 curve
- if 0 < int.from_bytes(sec,'big') < self.secp256k1_ge:
- return sec
- else: # chance of this is less than 1 in 2^127
- pk = int.from_bytes(sec,'big')
- if pk == 0: # chance of this is 1 in 2^256
- ydie(3,'Private key is zero!')
- elif pk == self.secp256k1_ge: # ditto
- ydie(3,'Private key == secp256k1_ge!')
+ class Common(MMGenObject):
+ def is_testnet(self):
+ return type(self).__name__.endswith('Testnet')
+ def cap(self,s):
+ return s in self.caps
+ class Bitcoin(Common): # chainparams.cpp
+ name = 'bitcoin'
+ mod_clsname = 'bitcoin'
+ daemon_name = 'bitcoind'
+ daemon_family = 'bitcoind'
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '00': 'p2pkh', '05': 'p2sh' }
+ addr_len = 20
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80' }
+ mmtypes = ('L','C','S','B')
+ dfl_mmtype = 'L'
+ data_subdir = ''
+ rpc_port = 8332
+ secs_per_block = 600
+ coin_amt = BTCAmt
+ max_tx_fee = BTCAmt('0.003')
+ daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin') if g.platform == 'win' \
+ else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin')
+ daemon_data_subdir = ''
+ sighash_type = 'ALL'
+ block0 = '000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f'
+ forks = [
+ finfo(478559,'00000000000000000019f112ec0a9982926f1258cdcc558dd7c3b7e5dc7fa148','BCH',False),
+ finfo(None,'','B2X',True),
+ ]
+ caps = ('rbf','segwit')
+ mmcaps = ('key','addr','rpc','tx')
+ base_coin = 'BTC'
+ base_proto = 'Bitcoin'
+ # From BIP173: witness version 'n' is stored as 'OP_n'. OP_0 is encoded as 0x00,
+ # but OP_1 through OP_16 are encoded as 0x51 though 0x60 (81 to 96 in decimal).
+ witness_vernum_hex = '00'
+ witness_vernum = int(witness_vernum_hex,16)
+ bech32_hrp = 'bc'
+ sign_mode = 'daemon'
+ secp256k1_ge = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
+ privkey_len = 32
+ avg_bdi = int(9.7 * 60) # average block discovery interval (historical)
+ def addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes(self,req_fmt,return_hex=False):
+ for ver_hex,fmt in self.addr_ver_bytes.items():
+ if req_fmt == fmt:
+ return ver_hex if return_hex else bytes.fromhex(ver_hex)
+ return False
+ def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type):
+ # Key must be non-zero and less than group order of secp256k1 curve
+ if 0 < int.from_bytes(sec,'big') < self.secp256k1_ge:
+ return sec
+ else: # chance of this is less than 1 in 2^127
+ pk = int.from_bytes(sec,'big')
+ if pk == 0: # chance of this is 1 in 2^256
+ ydie(3,'Private key is zero!')
+ elif pk == self.secp256k1_ge: # ditto
+ ydie(3,'Private key == secp256k1_ge!')
+ else:
+ if not g.test_suite:
+ ymsg('Warning: private key is greater than secp256k1 group order!:\n {}'.format(hexpriv))
+ return (pk % self.secp256k1_ge).to_bytes(self.privkey_len,'big')
+ def hex2wif(self,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed): # input is preprocessed hex
+ sec = bytes.fromhex(hexpriv)
+ assert len(sec) == self.privkey_len, '{} bytes: incorrect private key length!'.format(len(sec))
+ assert pubkey_type in self.wif_ver_num, '{!r}: invalid pubkey_type'.format(pubkey_type)
+ return _b58chk_encode(
+ bytes.fromhex(self.wif_ver_num[pubkey_type])
+ + sec
+ + (b'',b'\x01')[bool(compressed)])
+ def parse_wif(self,wif):
+ key = _b58chk_decode(wif)
+ for k,v in self.wif_ver_num.items():
+ v = bytes.fromhex(v)
+ if key[:len(v)] == v:
+ pubkey_type = k
+ key = key[len(v):]
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('invalid WIF version number')
+ if len(key) == self.privkey_len + 1:
+ assert key[-1] == 0x01,'{!r}: invalid compressed key suffix byte'.format(key[-1])
+ compressed = True
+ elif len(key) == self.privkey_len:
+ compressed = False
- if not g.test_suite:
- ymsg('Warning: private key is greater than secp256k1 group order!:\n {}'.format(hexpriv))
- return (pk % self.secp256k1_ge).to_bytes(self.privkey_len,'big')
- def hex2wif(self,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed): # input is preprocessed hex
- sec = bytes.fromhex(hexpriv)
- assert len(sec) == self.privkey_len, '{} bytes: incorrect private key length!'.format(len(sec))
- assert pubkey_type in self.wif_ver_num, '{!r}: invalid pubkey_type'.format(pubkey_type)
- return _b58chk_encode(
- bytes.fromhex(self.wif_ver_num[pubkey_type])
- + sec
- + (b'',b'\x01')[bool(compressed)])
- def parse_wif(self,wif):
- key = _b58chk_decode(wif)
- for k,v in self.wif_ver_num.items():
- v = bytes.fromhex(v)
- if key[:len(v)] == v:
- pubkey_type = k
- key = key[len(v):]
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError('invalid WIF version number')
- if len(key) == self.privkey_len + 1:
- assert key[-1] == 0x01,'{!r}: invalid compressed key suffix byte'.format(key[-1])
- compressed = True
- elif len(key) == self.privkey_len:
- compressed = False
- else:
- raise ValueError('{}: invalid key length'.format(len(key)))
- return parsed_wif(key[:self.privkey_len], pubkey_type, compressed)
- def get_addr_len(self,addr_fmt):
- return self.addr_len
- def parse_addr_bytes(self,addr_bytes):
- for ver_hex,addr_fmt in self.addr_ver_bytes.items():
- ver_bytes = bytes.fromhex(ver_hex)
- vlen = len(ver_bytes)
- if addr_bytes[:vlen] == ver_bytes:
- if len(addr_bytes[vlen:]) == self.get_addr_len(addr_fmt):
- return parsed_addr( addr_bytes[vlen:], addr_fmt )
- return False
- def parse_addr(self,addr):
- if 'B' in self.mmtypes and addr[:len(self.bech32_hrp)] == self.bech32_hrp:
- ret = bech32.decode(self.bech32_hrp,addr)
- if ret[0] != self.witness_vernum:
- msg('{}: Invalid witness version number'.format(ret[0]))
- return False
- return parsed_addr( bytes(ret[1]), 'bech32' ) if ret[1] else False
- return self.parse_addr_bytes(_b58chk_decode(addr))
- def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
- assert len(pubkey_hash) == 40,'{}: invalid length for pubkey hash'.format(len(pubkey_hash))
- s = self.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes(('p2pkh','p2sh')[p2sh],return_hex=True) + pubkey_hash
- return _b58chk_encode(bytes.fromhex(s))
- # Segwit:
- def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubhex):
- # https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_wallet_dev/
- # The P2SH redeemScript is always 22 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed
- # by a canonical push of the keyhash (i.e. 0x0014{20-byte keyhash})
- return self.witness_vernum_hex + '14' + hash160(pubhex)
- def pubhex2segwitaddr(self,pubhex):
- return self.pubhash2addr(hash160(self.pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex)),p2sh=True)
- def pubhash2bech32addr(self,pubhash):
- d = list(bytes.fromhex(pubhash))
- return bech32.bech32_encode(self.bech32_hrp,[self.witness_vernum]+bech32.convertbits(d,8,5))
-class BitcoinTestnetProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
- addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
- data_subdir = 'testnet'
- daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
- rpc_port = 18332
- bech32_hrps = {'testnet':'tb','regtest':'bcrt'}
-class BitcoinCashProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
- # TODO: assumes MSWin user installs in custom dir 'Bitcoin_ABC'
- daemon_name = 'bitcoind-abc'
- daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin_ABC') if g.platform == 'win' \
- else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin-abc')
- rpc_port = 8442
- mmtypes = ('L','C')
- sighash_type = 'ALL|FORKID'
- forks = [
- finfo(478559,'000000000000000000651ef99cb9fcbe0dadde1d424bd9f15ff20136191a5eec','BTC',False)
- ]
- caps = ()
- coin_amt = BCHAmt
- max_tx_fee = BCHAmt('0.1')
- def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubhex): raise NotImplementedError
- def pubhex2segwitaddr(self,pubhex): raise NotImplementedError
-class BitcoinCashTestnetProtocol(BitcoinCashProtocol):
- rpc_port = 18442
- addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
- data_subdir = 'testnet'
- daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
-class B2XProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
- daemon_name = 'bitcoind-2x'
- daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin_2X') if g.platform == 'win' \
- else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin-2x')
- rpc_port = 8338
- coin_amt = B2XAmt
- max_tx_fee = B2XAmt('0.1')
- forks = [
- finfo(None,'','BTC',True) # activation: 494784
- ]
-class B2XTestnetProtocol(B2XProtocol):
- addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
- data_subdir = 'testnet'
- daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet5'
- rpc_port = 18338
-class LitecoinProtocol(BitcoinProtocol):
- block0 = '12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2'
- name = 'litecoin'
- daemon_name = 'litecoind'
- daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Litecoin') if g.platform == 'win' \
- else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.litecoin')
- addr_ver_bytes = { '30': 'p2pkh', '32': 'p2sh', '05': 'p2sh' } # new p2sh ver 0x32 must come first
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'b0' }
- mmtypes = ('L','C','S','B')
- secs_per_block = 150
- rpc_port = 9332
- coin_amt = LTCAmt
- max_tx_fee = LTCAmt('0.3')
- base_coin = 'LTC'
- forks = []
- bech32_hrp = 'ltc'
- avg_bdi = 2 * 60
-class LitecoinTestnetProtocol(LitecoinProtocol):
- # addr ver nums same as Bitcoin testnet, except for 'p2sh'
- addr_ver_bytes = { '6f':'p2pkh', '3a':'p2sh', 'c4':'p2sh' }
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' } # same as Bitcoin testnet
- data_subdir = 'testnet'
- daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet4'
- rpc_port = 19332
- bech32_hrps = {'testnet':'tltc','regtest':'rltc'}
-class BitcoinProtocolAddrgen(BitcoinProtocol): mmcaps = ('key','addr')
-class BitcoinTestnetProtocolAddrgen(BitcoinTestnetProtocol): mmcaps = ('key','addr')
-class DummyWIF(object):
- def hex2wif(self,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed):
- n = self.name.capitalize()
- assert pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type,'{}: invalid pubkey_type for {}!'.format(pubkey_type,n)
- assert compressed == False,'{} does not support compressed pubkeys!'.format(n)
- return hexpriv
- def parse_wif(self,wif):
- return parsed_wif(bytes.fromhex(wif), self.pubkey_type, False)
-class EthereumProtocol(DummyWIF,BitcoinProtocol):
- addr_len = 20
- mmtypes = ('E',)
- dfl_mmtype = 'E'
- name = 'ethereum'
- base_coin = 'ETH'
- pubkey_type = 'std' # required by DummyWIF
- data_subdir = ''
- daemon_name = 'parity'
- daemon_family = 'parity'
- rpc_port = 8545
- mmcaps = ('key','addr','rpc')
- coin_amt = ETHAmt
- max_tx_fee = ETHAmt('0.005')
- chain_name = 'foundation'
- sign_mode = 'standalone'
- caps = ('token',)
- base_proto = 'Ethereum'
- def parse_addr(self,addr):
- from .util import is_hex_str_lc
- if is_hex_str_lc(addr) and len(addr) == self.addr_len * 2:
- return parsed_addr( bytes.fromhex(addr), 'ethereum' )
- if g.debug: Msg("Invalid address '{}'".format(addr))
- return False
- def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
- assert len(pubkey_hash) == 40,'{}: invalid length for pubkey hash'.format(len(pubkey_hash))
- assert not p2sh,'Ethereum has no P2SH address format'
- return pubkey_hash
-class EthereumTestnetProtocol(EthereumProtocol):
- data_subdir = 'testnet'
- rpc_port = 8547 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8547 or --ports-shift=2
- chain_name = 'kovan'
-class EthereumClassicProtocol(EthereumProtocol):
- name = 'ethereumClassic'
- class_pfx = 'Ethereum'
- rpc_port = 8555 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8555 or --ports-shift=10
- chain_name = 'ethereum_classic' # chain_id 0x3d (61)
-class EthereumClassicTestnetProtocol(EthereumClassicProtocol):
- rpc_port = 8557 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8557 or --ports-shift=12
- chain_name = 'classic-testnet' # aka Morden, chain_id 0x3e (62) (UNTESTED)
-class ZcashProtocol(BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
- name = 'zcash'
- base_coin = 'ZEC'
- addr_ver_bytes = { '1cb8': 'p2pkh', '1cbd': 'p2sh', '169a': 'zcash_z', 'a8abd3': 'viewkey' }
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80', 'zcash_z': 'ab36' }
- mmtypes = ('L','C','Z')
- dfl_mmtype = 'L'
- def get_addr_len(self,addr_fmt):
- return (20,64)[addr_fmt in ('zcash_z','viewkey')]
- def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type):
- if pubkey_type == 'zcash_z': # zero the first four bits
- return bytes([sec[0] & 0x0f]) + sec[1:]
- else:
- return super().preprocess_key(sec,pubkey_type)
- def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
- hl = len(pubkey_hash)
- if hl == 40:
- return super().pubhash2addr(pubkey_hash,p2sh)
- elif hl == 128:
- raise NotImplementedError('Zcash z-addresses have no pubkey hash')
- else:
- raise ValueError('{}: incorrect pubkey_hash length'.format(hl))
-class ZcashTestnetProtocol(ZcashProtocol):
- wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef', 'zcash_z': 'ac08' }
- addr_ver_bytes = { '1d25': 'p2pkh', '1cba': 'p2sh', '16b6': 'zcash_z', 'a8ac0c': 'viewkey' }
+ raise ValueError('{}: invalid key length'.format(len(key)))
+ return parsed_wif(key[:self.privkey_len], pubkey_type, compressed)
+ def get_addr_len(self,addr_fmt):
+ return self.addr_len
+ def parse_addr_bytes(self,addr_bytes):
+ for ver_hex,addr_fmt in self.addr_ver_bytes.items():
+ ver_bytes = bytes.fromhex(ver_hex)
+ vlen = len(ver_bytes)
+ if addr_bytes[:vlen] == ver_bytes:
+ if len(addr_bytes[vlen:]) == self.get_addr_len(addr_fmt):
+ return parsed_addr( addr_bytes[vlen:], addr_fmt )
+ return False
+ def parse_addr(self,addr):
+ if 'B' in self.mmtypes and addr[:len(self.bech32_hrp)] == self.bech32_hrp:
+ ret = bech32.decode(self.bech32_hrp,addr)
+ if ret[0] != self.witness_vernum:
+ msg('{}: Invalid witness version number'.format(ret[0]))
+ return False
+ return parsed_addr( bytes(ret[1]), 'bech32' ) if ret[1] else False
+ return self.parse_addr_bytes(_b58chk_decode(addr))
+ def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
+ assert len(pubkey_hash) == 40,'{}: invalid length for pubkey hash'.format(len(pubkey_hash))
+ s = self.addr_fmt_to_ver_bytes(('p2pkh','p2sh')[p2sh],return_hex=True) + pubkey_hash
+ return _b58chk_encode(bytes.fromhex(s))
+ # Segwit:
+ def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubhex):
+ # https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_wallet_dev/
+ # The P2SH redeemScript is always 22 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed
+ # by a canonical push of the keyhash (i.e. 0x0014{20-byte keyhash})
+ return self.witness_vernum_hex + '14' + hash160(pubhex)
+ def pubhex2segwitaddr(self,pubhex):
+ return self.pubhash2addr(hash160(self.pubhex2redeem_script(pubhex)),p2sh=True)
+ def pubhash2bech32addr(self,pubhash):
+ d = list(bytes.fromhex(pubhash))
+ return bech32.bech32_encode(self.bech32_hrp,[self.witness_vernum]+bech32.convertbits(d,8,5))
+ class BitcoinTestnet(Bitcoin):
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
+ data_subdir = 'testnet'
+ daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
+ rpc_port = 18332
+ bech32_hrps = {'testnet':'tb','regtest':'bcrt'}
+ class BitcoinCash(Bitcoin):
+ # TODO: assumes MSWin user installs in custom dir 'Bitcoin_ABC'
+ daemon_name = 'bitcoind-abc'
+ daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin_ABC') if g.platform == 'win' \
+ else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin-abc')
+ rpc_port = 8442
+ mmtypes = ('L','C')
+ sighash_type = 'ALL|FORKID'
+ forks = [
+ finfo(478559,'000000000000000000651ef99cb9fcbe0dadde1d424bd9f15ff20136191a5eec','BTC',False)
+ ]
+ caps = ()
+ coin_amt = BCHAmt
+ max_tx_fee = BCHAmt('0.1')
+ def pubhex2redeem_script(self,pubhex): raise NotImplementedError
+ def pubhex2segwitaddr(self,pubhex): raise NotImplementedError
+ class BitcoinCashTestnet(BitcoinCash):
+ rpc_port = 18442
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
+ data_subdir = 'testnet'
+ daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet3'
+ class B2X(Bitcoin):
+ daemon_name = 'bitcoind-2x'
+ daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Bitcoin_2X') if g.platform == 'win' \
+ else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.bitcoin-2x')
+ rpc_port = 8338
+ coin_amt = B2XAmt
+ max_tx_fee = B2XAmt('0.1')
+ forks = [
+ finfo(None,'','BTC',True) # activation: 494784
+ ]
+ class B2XTestnet(B2X):
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '6f': 'p2pkh', 'c4': 'p2sh' }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' }
+ data_subdir = 'testnet'
+ daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet5'
+ rpc_port = 18338
+ class Litecoin(Bitcoin):
+ block0 = '12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2'
+ name = 'litecoin'
+ daemon_name = 'litecoind'
+ daemon_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),'Litecoin') if g.platform == 'win' \
+ else os.path.join(g.home_dir,'.litecoin')
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '30': 'p2pkh', '32': 'p2sh', '05': 'p2sh' } # new p2sh ver 0x32 must come first
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'b0' }
+ mmtypes = ('L','C','S','B')
+ secs_per_block = 150
+ rpc_port = 9332
+ coin_amt = LTCAmt
+ max_tx_fee = LTCAmt('0.3')
+ base_coin = 'LTC'
+ forks = []
+ bech32_hrp = 'ltc'
+ avg_bdi = 2 * 60
+ class LitecoinTestnet(Litecoin):
+ # addr ver nums same as Bitcoin testnet, except for 'p2sh'
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '6f':'p2pkh', '3a':'p2sh', 'c4':'p2sh' }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef' } # same as Bitcoin testnet
+ data_subdir = 'testnet'
+ daemon_data_subdir = 'testnet4'
+ rpc_port = 19332
+ bech32_hrps = {'testnet':'tltc','regtest':'rltc'}
+ class BitcoinAddrgen(Bitcoin):
+ mmcaps = ('key','addr')
+ class BitcoinAddrgenTestnet(BitcoinTestnet):
+ mmcaps = ('key','addr')
+ class DummyWIF(object):
+ def hex2wif(self,hexpriv,pubkey_type,compressed):
+ n = self.name.capitalize()
+ assert pubkey_type == self.pubkey_type,'{}: invalid pubkey_type for {}!'.format(pubkey_type,n)
+ assert compressed == False,'{} does not support compressed pubkeys!'.format(n)
+ return hexpriv
+ def parse_wif(self,wif):
+ return parsed_wif(bytes.fromhex(wif), self.pubkey_type, False)
+ class Ethereum(DummyWIF,Bitcoin):
+ addr_len = 20
+ mmtypes = ('E',)
+ dfl_mmtype = 'E'
+ name = 'ethereum'
+ mod_clsname = 'ethereum'
+ base_coin = 'ETH'
+ pubkey_type = 'std' # required by DummyWIF
+ data_subdir = ''
+ daemon_name = 'parity'
+ daemon_family = 'parity'
+ rpc_port = 8545
+ mmcaps = ('key','addr','rpc')
+ coin_amt = ETHAmt
+ max_tx_fee = ETHAmt('0.005')
+ chain_name = 'foundation'
+ sign_mode = 'standalone'
+ caps = ('token',)
+ base_proto = 'Ethereum'
+ def parse_addr(self,addr):
+ from .util import is_hex_str_lc
+ if is_hex_str_lc(addr) and len(addr) == self.addr_len * 2:
+ return parsed_addr( bytes.fromhex(addr), 'ethereum' )
+ if g.debug: Msg("Invalid address '{}'".format(addr))
+ return False
+ def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
+ assert len(pubkey_hash) == 40,'{}: invalid length for pubkey hash'.format(len(pubkey_hash))
+ assert not p2sh,'Ethereum has no P2SH address format'
+ return pubkey_hash
+ class EthereumTestnet(Ethereum):
+ data_subdir = 'testnet'
+ rpc_port = 8547 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8547 or --ports-shift=2
+ chain_name = 'kovan'
+ class EthereumClassic(Ethereum):
+ name = 'ethereumClassic' # TODO
+ rpc_port = 8555 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8555 or --ports-shift=10
+ chain_name = 'ethereum_classic' # chain_id 0x3d (61)
+ class EthereumClassicTestnet(EthereumClassic):
+ rpc_port = 8557 # start Parity with --jsonrpc-port=8557 or --ports-shift=12
+ chain_name = 'classic-testnet' # aka Morden, chain_id 0x3e (62) (UNTESTED)
+ class Zcash(BitcoinAddrgen):
+ name = 'zcash'
+ base_coin = 'ZEC'
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '1cb8': 'p2pkh', '1cbd': 'p2sh', '169a': 'zcash_z', 'a8abd3': 'viewkey' }
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': '80', 'zcash_z': 'ab36' }
+ mmtypes = ('L','C','Z')
+ dfl_mmtype = 'L'
+ def get_addr_len(self,addr_fmt):
+ return (20,64)[addr_fmt in ('zcash_z','viewkey')]
+ def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type):
+ if pubkey_type == 'zcash_z': # zero the first four bits
+ return bytes([sec[0] & 0x0f]) + sec[1:]
+ else:
+ return super().preprocess_key(sec,pubkey_type)
+ def pubhash2addr(self,pubkey_hash,p2sh):
+ hl = len(pubkey_hash)
+ if hl == 40:
+ return super().pubhash2addr(pubkey_hash,p2sh)
+ elif hl == 128:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Zcash z-addresses have no pubkey hash')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('{}: incorrect pubkey_hash length'.format(hl))
+ class ZcashTestnet(Zcash):
+ wif_ver_num = { 'std': 'ef', 'zcash_z': 'ac08' }
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '1d25': 'p2pkh', '1cba': 'p2sh', '16b6': 'zcash_z', 'a8ac0c': 'viewkey' }
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_config.h
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_config.h
-class MoneroProtocol(DummyWIF,BitcoinProtocolAddrgen):
- name = 'monero'
- base_coin = 'XMR'
- addr_ver_bytes = { '12': 'monero', '2a': 'monero_sub' }
- addr_len = 68
- wif_ver_num = {}
- mmtypes = ('M',)
- dfl_mmtype = 'M'
- pubkey_type = 'monero' # required by DummyWIF
+ class Monero(DummyWIF,BitcoinAddrgen):
+ name = 'monero'
+ base_coin = 'XMR'
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '12': 'monero', '2a': 'monero_sub' }
+ addr_len = 68
+ wif_ver_num = {}
+ mmtypes = ('M',)
+ dfl_mmtype = 'M'
+ pubkey_type = 'monero' # required by DummyWIF
- def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type): # reduce key
- from .ed25519 import l
- n = int.from_bytes(sec[::-1],'big') % l
- return int.to_bytes(n,self.privkey_len,'big')[::-1]
+ def preprocess_key(self,sec,pubkey_type): # reduce key
+ from .ed25519 import l
+ n = int.from_bytes(sec[::-1],'big') % l
+ return int.to_bytes(n,self.privkey_len,'big')[::-1]
- def parse_addr(self,addr):
+ def parse_addr(self,addr):
- from .baseconv import baseconv,is_b58_str
+ from .baseconv import baseconv,is_b58_str
- def b58dec(addr_str):
- l = len(addr_str)
- a = b''.join([baseconv.tobytes(addr_str[i*11:i*11+11],'b58',pad=8) for i in range(l//11)])
- b = baseconv.tobytes(addr_str[-(l%11):],'b58',pad=5)
- return a + b
+ def b58dec(addr_str):
+ l = len(addr_str)
+ a = b''.join([baseconv.tobytes(addr_str[i*11:i*11+11],'b58',pad=8) for i in range(l//11)])
+ b = baseconv.tobytes(addr_str[-(l%11):],'b58',pad=5)
+ return a + b
- ret = b58dec(addr)
+ ret = b58dec(addr)
- try:
- assert not g.use_internal_keccak_module
- from sha3 import keccak_256
- except:
- from .keccak import keccak_256
+ try:
+ assert not g.use_internal_keccak_module
+ from sha3 import keccak_256
+ except:
+ from .keccak import keccak_256
- chk = keccak_256(ret[:-4]).digest()[:4]
- assert ret[-4:] == chk,'{}: incorrect checksum. Correct value: {}'.format(ret[-4:].hex(),chk.hex())
+ chk = keccak_256(ret[:-4]).digest()[:4]
+ assert ret[-4:] == chk,'{}: incorrect checksum. Correct value: {}'.format(ret[-4:].hex(),chk.hex())
- return self.parse_addr_bytes(ret)
+ return self.parse_addr_bytes(ret)
-class MoneroTestnetProtocol(MoneroProtocol):
- addr_ver_bytes = { '35': 'monero', '3f': 'monero_sub' }
+ class MoneroTestnet(Monero):
+ addr_ver_bytes = { '35': 'monero', '3f': 'monero_sub' }
def init_proto(coin,testnet):
def init_proto(coin,testnet):
coin = coin.lower()
coin = coin.lower()
@@ -446,7 +453,7 @@ def init_proto(coin,testnet):
'{}: not a valid coin for network {}\nSupported coins: {}'.format(
'{}: not a valid coin for network {}\nSupported coins: {}'.format(
' '.join(c.upper() for c in CoinProtocol.coins) ))
' '.join(c.upper() for c in CoinProtocol.coins) ))
- proto = globals()[CoinProtocol.coins[coin][testnet] + 'Protocol']
+ proto = getattr(CoinProtocol,CoinProtocol.coins[coin][testnet])
if hasattr(proto,'bech32_hrps'):
if hasattr(proto,'bech32_hrps'):
proto.bech32_hrp = proto.bech32_hrps[('testnet','regtest')[g.regtest]]
proto.bech32_hrp = proto.bech32_hrps[('testnet','regtest')[g.regtest]]
return proto()
return proto()
@@ -490,42 +497,51 @@ def make_init_genonly_altcoins_str(data):
def make_proto(e,testnet=False):
def make_proto(e,testnet=False):
tn_str = 'Testnet' if testnet else ''
tn_str = 'Testnet' if testnet else ''
- proto,coin = '{}{}Protocol'.format(e.name,tn_str),e.symbol
- if proto[0] in '0123456789': proto = 'X_'+proto
- if proto in globals(): return ''
- if coin.lower() in CoinProtocol.coins: return ''
+ proto = e.name + tn_str
+ coin = e.symbol
+ if proto[0] in '0123456789':
+ proto = 'X_'+proto
+ if hasattr(CoinProtocol,proto) or coin.lower() in CoinProtocol.coins:
+ return ''
def num2hexstr(n):
def num2hexstr(n):
return "'{:0{}x}'".format(n,(4,2)[n < 256])
return "'{:0{}x}'".format(n,(4,2)[n < 256])
- o = ['class {}(Bitcoin{}ProtocolAddrgen):'.format(proto,tn_str)]
- o += ["base_coin = '{}'".format(coin)]
- o += ["name = '{}'".format(e.name.lower())]
- o += ["nameCaps = '{}'".format(e.name)]
- o += ["addr_ver_bytes = {{ {}: 'p2pkh'{} }}".format(
- num2hexstr(e.p2pkh_info[0]),
- ", {}: 'p2sh'".format(num2hexstr(e.p2sh_info[0])) if e.p2sh_info else ''
- )]
- o += ["wif_ver_num = {{ 'std': {} }}".format(num2hexstr(e.wif_ver_num))]
- o += ["mmtypes = ('L','C'{})".format(",'S'" if e.has_segwit else '')]
- o += ["dfl_mmtype = '{}'".format('L')]
- return '\n\t'.join(o) + '\n'
- out = ''
- for e in data['mainnet']:
- out += make_proto(e)
- for e in data['testnet']:
- out += make_proto(e,testnet=True)
- tn_coins = [e.symbol for e in data['testnet']]
- fs = "CoinProtocol.coins['{}'] = CoinProtocol.proto_info('{}',{},{})\n"
- for e in data['mainnet']:
- proto,coin = e.name,e.symbol
- if proto[0] in '0123456789': proto = 'X_'+proto
- if proto+'Protocol' in globals(): continue
- if coin.lower() in CoinProtocol.coins: continue
- out += fs.format(coin.lower(),proto,('None',f"'{proto}Testnet'")[coin in tn_coins],e.trust_level)
- return out
+ p2sh_info = ", {}: 'p2sh'".format(num2hexstr(e.p2sh_info[0])) if e.p2sh_info else ''
+ sw_mmtype = ",'S'" if e.has_segwit else ''
+ return f"""
+ class {proto}(CoinProtocol.BitcoinAddrgen{tn_str}):
+ base_coin = {coin!r}
+ name = {e.name.lower()!r}
+ nameCaps = {e.name!r}
+ addr_ver_bytes = {{ {num2hexstr(e.p2pkh_info[0])}: 'p2pkh'{p2sh_info} }}
+ wif_ver_num = {{ 'std': {num2hexstr(e.wif_ver_num)} }}
+ mmtypes = ('L','C'{sw_mmtype})
+ dfl_mmtype = 'L'
+ """.rstrip()
+ def gen_text():
+ yield "class CoinProtocol(CoinProtocol):"
+ for e in data['mainnet']:
+ yield make_proto(e)
+ for e in data['testnet']:
+ yield make_proto(e,testnet=True)
+ yield ''
+ for e in data['mainnet']:
+ proto,coin = e.name,e.symbol
+ if proto[0] in '0123456789':
+ proto = 'X_'+proto
+ if hasattr(CoinProtocol,proto) or coin.lower() in CoinProtocol.coins:
+ continue
+ yield 'CoinProtocol.coins[{!r}] = CoinProtocol.proto_info({!r},{},{})'.format(
+ coin.lower(),
+ proto,
+ ('None',f"'{proto}Testnet'")[coin in [e.symbol for e in data['testnet']]],
+ e.trust_level )
+ return '\n'.join(gen_text()) + '\n'
def init_coin(coin,testnet=None):
def init_coin(coin,testnet=None):
if testnet is not None:
if testnet is not None: