@@ -99,79 +99,169 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
color = True
need_daemon = True
cmd_group = (
- ('walletgen_dfl_wallet', (15,'wallet generation (default wallet)',[[[],15]])),
- ('subwalletgen_dfl_wallet', (15,'subwallet generation (default wallet)',[[[pwfile],15]])),
- ('export_seed_dfl_wallet',(15,'seed export to mmseed format (default wallet)',[[[pwfile],15]])),
- ('addrgen_dfl_wallet',(15,'address generation (default wallet)',[[[pwfile],15]])),
- ('txcreate_dfl_wallet',(15,'transaction creation (default wallet)',[[['addrs'],15]])),
- ('txsign_dfl_wallet',(15,'transaction signing (default wallet)',[[['rawtx',pwfile],15]])),
- ('passchg_dfl_wallet',(16,'password, label and hash preset change (default wallet)',[[[pwfile],15]])),
- ('walletchk_newpass_dfl_wallet',(16,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[[pwfile],16]])),
- ('delete_dfl_wallet',(15,'delete default wallet',[[[pwfile],15]])),
- ('walletgen', (1,'wallet generation', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
- ('subwalletgen', (1,'subwallet generation', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('subwalletgen_mnemonic',(1,'subwallet generation (to mnemonic format)',[[['mmdat'],1]])),
-# ('walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('passchg', (5,'password, label and hash preset change',[[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
- ('passchg_keeplabel',(5,'password, label and hash preset change (keep label)',[[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
- ('passchg_usrlabel',(5,'password, label and hash preset change (interactive label)',[[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
- ('walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset',[[['mmdat',pwfile],5]])),
- ('addrgen', (1,'address generation', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
- ('txcreate', (1,'transaction creation', [[['addrs'],1]])),
- ('txbump', (1,'transaction fee bumping (no send)',[[['rawtx'],1]])),
- ('txsign', (1,'transaction signing', [[['mmdat','rawtx',pwfile,'txbump'],1]])),
- ('txsend', (1,'transaction sending', [[['sigtx'],1]])),
+ ('walletgen_dfl_wallet', (15,'wallet generation (default wallet)', [[[],15]])),
+ ('subwalletgen_dfl_wallet', (15,'subwallet generation (default wallet)', [[[pwfile],15]])),
+ ('export_seed_dfl_wallet', (15,'seed export to mmseed format (default wallet)', [[[pwfile],15]])),
+ ('addrgen_dfl_wallet', (15,'address generation (default wallet)', [[[pwfile],15]])),
+ ('txcreate_dfl_wallet', (15,'transaction creation (default wallet)', [[['addrs'],15]])),
+ ('txsign_dfl_wallet', (15,'transaction signing (default wallet)', [[['rawtx',pwfile],15]])),
+ ('passchg_dfl_wallet', (16,'password, label and hash preset change (default wallet)',[[[pwfile],15]])),
+ ('walletchk_newpass_dfl_wallet', (16,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset', [[[pwfile],16]])),
+ ('delete_dfl_wallet', (15,'delete default wallet', [[[pwfile],15]])),
+ ('walletgen', (1,'wallet generation', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
+ ('subwalletgen', (1,'subwallet generation', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('subwalletgen_mnemonic', (1,'subwallet generation (to mnemonic format)', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ # ('walletchk', (1,'wallet check', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('passchg', (5,'password, label and hash preset change', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
+ ('passchg_keeplabel',(5,'password, label and hash preset change (keep label)', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
+ ('passchg_usrlabel', (
+ 5,
+ 'password, label and hash preset change (interactive label)',
+ [
+ [['mmdat',pwfile],1]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('walletchk_newpass',(5,'wallet check with new pw, label and hash preset', [[['mmdat',pwfile],5]])),
+ ('addrgen', (1,'address generation', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
+ ('txcreate', (1,'transaction creation', [[['addrs'],1]])),
+ ('txbump', (1,'transaction fee bumping (no send)', [[['rawtx'],1]])),
+ ('txsign', (1,'transaction signing', [[['mmdat','rawtx',pwfile,'txbump'],1]])),
+ ('txsend', (1,'transaction sending', [[['sigtx'],1]])),
# txdo must go after txsign
- ('txdo', (1,'online transaction', [[['sigtx','mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_seed', (1,'seed export to mmseed format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_hex', (1,'seed export to hexadecimal format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_mnemonic', (1,'seed export to mmwords format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_bip39', (1,'seed export to bip39 format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_incog', (1,'seed export to mmincog format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('export_incog_hex',(1,'seed export to mmincog hex format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('txdo', (1,'online transaction', [[['sigtx','mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_seed', (1,'seed export to mmseed format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_hex', (1,'seed export to hexadecimal format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_mnemonic', (1,'seed export to mmwords format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_bip39', (1,'seed export to bip39 format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_incog', (1,'seed export to mmincog format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
+ ('export_incog_hex',(1,'seed export to mmincog hex format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
('export_incog_hidden',(1,'seed export to hidden mmincog format', [[['mmdat'],1]])),
- ('addrgen_seed', (1,'address generation from mmseed file', [[['mmseed','addrs'],1]])),
- ('addrgen_hex', (1,'address generation from mmhex file', [[['mmhex','addrs'],1]])),
- ('addrgen_mnemonic',(1,'address generation from mmwords file',[[['mmwords','addrs'],1]])),
- ('addrgen_incog', (1,'address generation from mmincog file',[[['mmincog','addrs'],1]])),
- ('addrgen_incog_hex',(1,'address generation from mmincog hex file',[[['mmincox','addrs'],1]])),
+ ('addrgen_seed', (1,'address generation from mmseed file', [[['mmseed','addrs'],1]])),
+ ('addrgen_hex', (1,'address generation from mmhex file', [[['mmhex','addrs'],1]])),
+ ('addrgen_mnemonic',(1,'address generation from mmwords file', [[['mmwords','addrs'],1]])),
+ ('addrgen_incog', (1,'address generation from mmincog file', [[['mmincog','addrs'],1]])),
+ ('addrgen_incog_hex',(1,'address generation from mmincog hex file', [[['mmincox','addrs'],1]])),
('addrgen_incog_hidden',(1,'address generation from hidden mmincog file', [[[hincog_fn,'addrs'],1]])),
- ('keyaddrgen', (1,'key-address file generation', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
+ ('keyaddrgen', (1,'key-address file generation', [[['mmdat',pwfile],1]])),
('txsign_keyaddr',(1,'transaction signing with key-address file', [[['akeys.mmenc','rawtx'],1]])),
- ('txcreate_ni', (1,'transaction creation (non-interactive)', [[['addrs'],1]])),
- ('walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
- ('addrgen2', (2,'address generation (2)', [[['mmdat'],2]])),
- ('txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)', [[['addrs'],2]])),
- ('txsign2', (2,'transaction signing, two transactions',[[['mmdat','rawtx'],1],[['mmdat','rawtx'],2]])),
- ('export_mnemonic2', (2,'seed export to mmwords format (2)',[[['mmdat'],2]])),
- ('walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
- ('addrgen3', (3,'address generation (3)', [[['mmdat'],3]])),
- ('txcreate3', (3,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets', [[['addrs'],1],[['addrs'],3]])),
- ('txsign3', (3,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',[[['mmdat'],1],[['mmdat','rawtx'],3]])),
- ('walletgen14', (14,'wallet generation (14)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],14)),
- ('addrgen14', (14,'address generation (14)', [[['mmdat'],14]])),
+ ('txcreate_ni', (1,'transaction creation (non-interactive)', [[['addrs'],1]])),
+ ('walletgen2',(2,'wallet generation (2), 128-bit seed', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
+ ('addrgen2', (2,'address generation (2)', [[['mmdat'],2]])),
+ ('txcreate2', (2,'transaction creation (2)', [[['addrs'],2]])),
+ ('txsign2', (
+ 2,
+ 'transaction signing, two transactions',
+ [
+ [['mmdat','rawtx'],1],
+ [['mmdat','rawtx'],2]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('export_mnemonic2', (
+ 2,
+ 'seed export to mmwords format (2)',
+ [
+ [['mmdat'],2]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('walletgen3',(3,'wallet generation (3)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
+ ('addrgen3', (3,'address generation (3)', [[['mmdat'],3]])),
+ ('txcreate3', (
+ 3,
+ 'tx creation with inputs and outputs from two wallets',
+ [
+ [['addrs'],1],
+ [['addrs'],3]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('txsign3', (
+ 3,
+ 'tx signing with inputs and outputs from two wallets',
+ [
+ [['mmdat'],1],
+ [['mmdat','rawtx'],3]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('walletgen14', (14,'wallet generation (14)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],14)),
+ ('addrgen14', (14,'address generation (14)', [[['mmdat'],14]])),
('keyaddrgen14',(14,'key-address file generation (14)', [[['mmdat'],14]],14)),
- ('walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
- ('addrgen4', (4,'address generation (4)', [[['mmdat'],4]])),
- ('txcreate4', (4,'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[['addrs'],1],[['addrs'],2],[['addrs'],3],[['addrs'],4],[['addrs','akeys.mmenc'],14]])),
- ('txsign4', (4,'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet, brainwallet, key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[['mmincog'],1],[['mmwords'],2],[['mmdat'],3],[['mmbrain','rawtx'],4],[['akeys.mmenc'],14]])),
- ('txdo4', (4,'tx creation,signing and sending with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[['addrs'],1],[['addrs'],2],[['addrs'],3],[['addrs'],4],[['addrs','akeys.mmenc'],14],[['mmincog'],1],[['mmwords'],2],[['mmdat'],3],[['mmbrain','rawtx'],4],[['akeys.mmenc'],14]])), # must go after txsign4
- ('txbump4', (4,'tx fee bump + send with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs', [[['akeys.mmenc'],14],[['mmincog'],1],[['mmwords'],2],[['mmdat'],3],[['akeys.mmenc'],14],[['mmbrain','sigtx','mmdat','txdo'],4]])), # must go after txsign4
- ('walletgen5',(20,'wallet generation (5)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],20)),
- ('addrgen5', (20,'address generation (5)', [[['mmdat'],20]])),
- ('txcreate5', (20,'transaction creation with bad vsize (5)', [[['addrs'],20]])),
- ('txsign5', (20,'transaction signing with bad vsize', [[['mmdat','rawtx'],20]])),
- ('walletgen6',(21,'wallet generation (6)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],21)),
- ('addrgen6', (21,'address generation (6)', [[['mmdat'],21]])),
+ ('walletgen4',(4,'wallet generation (4) (brainwallet)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]])),
+ ('addrgen4', (4,'address generation (4)', [[['mmdat'],4]])),
+ ('txcreate4', (
+ 4,
+ 'tx creation with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, key-address file '
+ 'and non-MMGen inputs and outputs',
+ [
+ [['addrs'],1],
+ [['addrs'],2],
+ [['addrs'],3],
+ [['addrs'],4],
+ [['addrs','akeys.mmenc'],14]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('txsign4', (
+ 4,
+ 'tx signing with inputs and outputs from incog file, mnemonic file, wallet, '
+ 'brainwallet, key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs',
+ [
+ [['mmincog'],1],
+ [['mmwords'],2],
+ [['mmdat'],3],
+ [['mmbrain','rawtx'],4],
+ [['akeys.mmenc'],14]
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ ('txdo4', (
+ 4,
+ 'tx creation,signing and sending with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, '
+ 'key-address file and non-MMGen inputs and outputs',
+ [
+ [['addrs'],1],
+ [['addrs'],2],
+ [['addrs'],3],
+ [['addrs'],4],
+ [['addrs','akeys.mmenc'],14],
+ [['mmincog'],1],
+ [['mmwords'],2],
+ [['mmdat'],3],
+ [['mmbrain','rawtx'],4],
+ [['akeys.mmenc'],14]
+ ]
+ )
+ ), # must go after txsign4
+ ('txbump4', (
+ 4,
+ 'tx fee bump + send with inputs and outputs from four seed sources, key-address file '
+ 'and non-MMGen inputs and outputs',
+ [
+ [['akeys.mmenc'],14],
+ [['mmincog'],1],
+ [['mmwords'],2],
+ [['mmdat'],3],
+ [['akeys.mmenc'],14],
+ [['mmbrain','sigtx','mmdat','txdo'],4]
+ ]
+ )
+ ), # must go after txsign4
+ ('walletgen5',(20,'wallet generation (5)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],20)),
+ ('addrgen5', (20,'address generation (5)', [[['mmdat'],20]])),
+ ('txcreate5', (20,'transaction creation with bad vsize (5)', [[['addrs'],20]])),
+ ('txsign5', (20,'transaction signing with bad vsize', [[['mmdat','rawtx'],20]])),
+ ('walletgen6',(21,'wallet generation (6)', [[['del_dw_run'],15]],21)),
+ ('addrgen6', (21,'address generation (6)', [[['mmdat'],21]])),
('txcreate6', (21,'transaction creation with corrected vsize (6)', [[['addrs'],21]])),
('txsign6', (21,'transaction signing with corrected vsize', [[['mmdat','rawtx'],21]])),
@@ -275,8 +365,10 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
def walletgen(self,del_dw_run='dummy',seed_len=None,gen_dfl_wallet=False):
args = ['-p1']
- if not gen_dfl_wallet: args += ['-d',self.tmpdir]
- if seed_len: args += ['-l',str(seed_len)]
+ if not gen_dfl_wallet:
+ args += ['-d',self.tmpdir]
+ if seed_len:
+ args += ['-l',str(seed_len)]
t = self.spawn('mmgen-walletgen', args + [self.usr_rand_arg])
@@ -291,7 +383,8 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
def subwalletgen(self,wf):
args = [self.usr_rand_arg,'-p1','-d',self.tr.trash_dir,'-L','Label']
- if wf != 'default': args += [wf]
+ if wf != 'default':
+ args += [wf]
t = self.spawn('mmgen-subwalletgen', args + ['10s'])
wcls = MMGenWallet
@@ -321,10 +414,11 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
self.write_to_tmpfile( pwfile, get_data_from_file(cfg,pf) )
- add_args = {'cmdline': ['-d',self.tmpdir,'-L','Changed label (UTF-8) α'],
- 'keep': ['-d',self.tr.trash_dir,'--keep-label'],
- 'user': ['-d',self.tr.trash_dir]
- }[label_action]
+ add_args = {
+ 'cmdline': ['-d',self.tmpdir,'-L','Changed label (UTF-8) α'],
+ 'keep': ['-d',self.tr.trash_dir,'--keep-label'],
+ 'user': ['-d',self.tr.trash_dir]
+ }[label_action]
t = self.spawn('mmgen-passchg', add_args + [self.usr_rand_arg, '-p2'] + ([wf] if wf else []))
wcls = MMGenWallet
@@ -371,7 +465,8 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
if comment:
comment = ' ' + comment
k = coinaddr.addr_fmt
- if not segwit and k == 'p2sh': k = 'p2pkh'
+ if not segwit and k == 'p2sh':
+ k = 'p2pkh'
s_beg,s_end = { 'p2pkh': ('76a914','88ac'),
'p2sh': ('a914','87'),
'bech32': (self.proto.witness_vernum_hex + '14','') }[k]
@@ -487,17 +582,18 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
return cmd_args + [tx_data[num]['addrfile'] for num in tx_data]
- def txcreate_common(self,
- sources = ['1'],
- non_mmgen_input = '',
- do_label = False,
- txdo_args = [],
- add_args = [],
- view = 'n',
- addrs_per_wallet = addrs_per_wallet,
- non_mmgen_input_compressed = True,
- cmdline_inputs = False,
- tweaks = [] ):
+ def txcreate_common(
+ self,
+ sources = ['1'],
+ non_mmgen_input = '',
+ do_label = False,
+ txdo_args = [],
+ add_args = [],
+ view = 'n',
+ addrs_per_wallet = addrs_per_wallet,
+ non_mmgen_input_compressed = True,
+ cmdline_inputs = False,
+ tweaks = []):
if cfg.verbose or cfg.exact_output:
sys.stderr.write(green('Generating fake tracking wallet info\n'))
@@ -514,9 +610,9 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
from mmgen.tw.shared import TwLabel
cmd_args = [
- TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[0][self.lbl_id]).mmid,dfake[1]['address'],
- TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[2][self.lbl_id]).mmid,dfake[3]['address'],
- TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[4][self.lbl_id]).mmid,dfake[5]['address']
+ TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[0][self.lbl_id]).mmid, dfake[1]['address'],
+ TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[2][self.lbl_id]).mmid, dfake[3]['address'],
+ TwLabel(self.proto,dfake[4][self.lbl_id]).mmid, dfake[5]['address']
] + cmd_args[1:]
@@ -570,7 +666,8 @@ class TestSuiteMain(TestSuiteBase,TestSuiteShared):
def txbump(self,txfile,prepend_args=[],seed_args=[]):
if not self.proto.cap('rbf'):
- msg('Skipping RBF'); return 'skip'
+ msg('Skipping RBF')
+ return 'skip'
args = prepend_args + ['--quiet','--outdir='+self.tmpdir,txfile] + seed_args
t = self.spawn('mmgen-txbump',args)
if seed_args: