1.9 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet
  4. # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project <>
  5. # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3:
  6. #
  7. # Public project repositories:
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # Testing status
  11. # mmnode-addrbal OK
  12. # mmnode-blocks-info OK
  13. # mmnode-feeview OK
  14. # mmnode-halving-calculator OK
  15. # mmnode-netrate -
  16. # mmnode-peerblocks OK
  17. # mmnode-ticker OK
  18. # mmnode-txfind -
  19. all_tests='unit lint misc scripts btc btc_rt bch_rt ltc_rt'
  20. groups_desc="
  21. default - All tests minus the extra tests
  22. extra - All tests minus the default tests
  23. noalt - BTC-only tests
  24. quick - Default tests minus bch_rt and ltc_rt
  25. qskip - The tests skipped in the 'quick' test group
  26. "
  27. init_groups() {
  28. dfl_tests='unit misc scripts btc btc_rt bch_rt ltc_rt'
  29. extra_tests='lint'
  30. noalt_tests='unit misc scripts btc btc_rt'
  31. quick_tests='unit misc scripts btc btc_rt'
  32. qskip_tests='lint bch_rt ltc_rt'
  33. }
  34. init_tests() {
  35. d_lint="code errors with static code analyzer"
  36. t_lint="
  37. - $pylint --errors-only mmgen_node_tools
  38. - $pylint --errors-only test
  39. - $pylint --errors-only --disable=relative-beyond-top-level test/cmdtest_py_d
  40. "
  41. d_unit="low-level subsystems"
  42. t_unit="- $unit_tests_py"
  43. d_misc="miscellaneous features"
  44. t_misc="- $cmdtest_py helpscreens"
  45. d_scripts="scripts not requiring a coin daemon"
  46. t_scripts="- $cmdtest_py scripts"
  47. d_btc="Bitcoin with emulated RPC data"
  48. t_btc="- $cmdtest_py main"
  49. d_btc_rt="Bitcoin regtest"
  50. t_btc_rt="- $cmdtest_py regtest"
  51. d_bch_rt="Bitcoin Cash Node (BCH) regtest"
  52. t_bch_rt="- $cmdtest_py --coin=bch regtest"
  53. d_ltc_rt="Litecoin regtest"
  54. t_ltc_rt="- $cmdtest_py --coin=ltc regtest"
  55. }