123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
- # Copyright (C)2013-2021 The MMGen Project <mmgen@tuta.io>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- # version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- # details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """
- mmnode-blocks-info: Display information about a block or range of blocks
- """
- import re
- from collections import namedtuple
- from time import strftime,gmtime
- from mmgen.common import *
- from mmgen.util import secs_to_hms
- from decimal import Decimal
- class local_vars: pass
- class BlocksInfo:
- total_bytes = 0
- total_weight = 0
- total_solve_time = 0
- step = None
- bf = namedtuple('block_info_fields',['hdr1','hdr2','fs','bs_key','varname','deps','key'])
- # bs=getblockstats(), bh=getblockheader()
- # If 'bs_key' is set, it's included in self.bs_keys instead of 'key'
- fields = {
- 'block': bf('', 'Block', '{:<6}', None, 'height',[], None),
- 'hash': bf('', 'Hash', '{:<64}', None, 'H', [], None),
- 'date': bf('', 'Date', '{:<19}', None, 'df', [], None),
- 'interval': bf('Solve','Time ', '{:>8}', None, 'td', [], None),
- 'size': bf('', 'Size', '{:>7}', None, 'bs', [], 'total_size'),
- 'weight': bf('', 'Weight', '{:>7}', None, 'bs', [], 'total_weight'),
- 'utxo_inc': bf(' UTXO',' Incr', '{:>5}', None, 'bs', [], 'utxo_increase'),
- 'fee10': bf('10%', 'Fee', '{:>3}', 'feerate_percentiles','fp', ['bs'], 0),
- 'fee25': bf('25%', 'Fee', '{:>3}', 'feerate_percentiles','fp', ['bs'], 1),
- 'fee50': bf('50%', 'Fee', '{:>3}', 'feerate_percentiles','fp', ['bs'], 2),
- 'fee75': bf('75%', 'Fee', '{:>3}', 'feerate_percentiles','fp', ['bs'], 3),
- 'fee90': bf('90%', 'Fee', '{:>3}', 'feerate_percentiles','fp', ['bs'], 4),
- 'fee_avg': bf('Avg', 'Fee', '{:>3}', None, 'bs', [], 'avgfeerate'),
- 'fee_min': bf('Min', 'Fee', '{:>3}', None, 'bs', [], 'minfeerate'),
- 'fee_max': bf('Max', 'Fee', '{:>5}', None, 'bs', [], 'maxfeerate'),
- 'totalfee': bf('', 'Total Fee','{:>10}', 'totalfee', 'tf', ['bs'], None),
- 'outputs': bf('Out-', 'puts', '{:>5}', None, 'bs', [], 'outs'),
- 'inputs': bf('In- ', 'puts', '{:>5}', None, 'bs', [], 'ins'),
- 'version': bf('', 'Version', '{:8}', None, 'bh', [], 'versionHex'),
- 'nTx': bf('', ' nTx ', '{:>5}', None, 'bh', [], 'nTx'),
- 'subsidy': bf('Sub-', 'sidy', '{:5}', 'subsidy', 'su', ['bs'], None),
- 'difficulty':bf('Diffi-','culty', '{:8}', None, 'di', [], None),
- }
- dfl_fields = [
- 'block',
- 'date',
- 'interval',
- 'subsidy',
- 'totalfee',
- 'size',
- 'weight',
- 'fee50',
- 'fee25',
- 'fee10',
- 'fee_avg',
- 'fee_min',
- 'version',
- ]
- fixed_fields = [
- 'block', # until ≈ 09/01/2028 (block 1000000)
- 'hash',
- 'date',
- 'size', # until ≈ 6x block size increase
- 'weight', # until ≈ 2.5x block size increase
- 'version',
- 'subsidy', # until ≈ 01/04/2028 (increases by 1 digit per halving until 9th halving [max 10 digits])
- 'difficulty', # until 1.00e+100 (i.e. never)
- ]
- # column width adjustment data:
- fs_lsqueeze = ['totalfee','inputs','outputs','nTx']
- fs_rsqueeze = []
- fs_groups = [
- ('fee10','fee25','fee50','fee75','fee90','fee_avg','fee_min','fee_max'),
- ]
- fs_lsqueeze2 = ['interval']
- funcs = {
- 'df': lambda self,loc: strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',gmtime(self.t_cur)),
- 'td': lambda self,loc: (
- '-{:02}:{:02}'.format(abs(self.t_diff)//60,abs(self.t_diff)%60) if self.t_diff < 0 else
- ' {:02}:{:02}'.format(self.t_diff//60,self.t_diff%60) ),
- 'tf': lambda self,loc: '{:.8f}'.format(loc.bs["totalfee"] * Decimal('0.00000001')),
- 'fp': lambda self,loc: loc.bs['feerate_percentiles'],
- 'su': lambda self,loc: str(loc.bs['subsidy'] * Decimal('0.00000001')).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'),
- 'di': lambda self,loc: '{:.2e}'.format(loc.bh['difficulty']),
- }
- def __init__(self):
- def get_fields():
- if opt.fields:
- ufields = opt.fields.lstrip('+').split(',')
- for field in ufields:
- if field not in self.fields:
- die(1,f'{field!r}: unrecognized field')
- return self.dfl_fields + ufields if opt.fields[0] == '+' else ufields
- else:
- return self.dfl_fields
- def gen_fs(fnames):
- for i in range(len(fnames)):
- name = fnames[i]
- ls = (' ','')[name in self.fs_lsqueeze + self.fs_lsqueeze2]
- rs = (' ','')[name in self.fs_rsqueeze]
- if i < len(fnames) - 1 and fnames[i+1] in self.fs_lsqueeze2:
- rs = ''
- if i:
- for group in self.fs_groups:
- if name in group and fnames[i-1] in group:
- ls = ''
- break
- yield ls + self.fields[name].fs + rs
- self.block_list,self.first,self.last = self.parse_block_range(cmd_args)
- fnames = get_fields()
- self.fvals = list(self.fields[name] for name in fnames)
- self.fs = ''.join(gen_fs(fnames)).strip()
- self.deps = set(' '.join(v.varname + ' ' + ' '.join(v.deps) for v in self.fvals).split())
- self.bs_keys = [(v.bs_key or v.key) for v in self.fvals if v.bs_key or v.varname == 'bs']
- self.bs_keys.extend(['total_size','total_weight'])
- self.ufuncs = {v.varname:self.funcs[v.varname] for v in self.fvals if v.varname in self.funcs}
- if opt.miner_info:
- self.fs += ' {}'
- self.miner_pats = [re.compile(pat) for pat in (
- rb'[\xe3\xe4\xe5][\^/](.*?)\xfa',
- rb'([a-zA-Z0-9&. -]+/Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
- rb'\x08/(.*Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
- rb'Mined by ([a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
- rb'[`]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)[/\xfa]',
- rb'[/^]([a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]{5,})',
- rb'[/^]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)/',
- )]
- else:
- self.miner_pats = None
- def parse_block_range(self,args):
- def conv_blkspec(arg):
- if arg == 'cur':
- return c.blockcount
- elif is_int(arg):
- if int(arg) < 0:
- die(1,f'{arg}: block number must be non-negative')
- elif int(arg) > c.blockcount:
- die(1,f'{arg}: requested block greater than current chain tip!')
- else:
- return int(arg)
- else:
- die(1,f'{arg}: invalid block specifier')
- def parse_rangespec(arg):
- class RangeParser:
- def __init__(self,arg):
- self.arg = arg
- def parse(self,target):
- ret = getattr(self,'parse_'+target)()
- if debug: print(f'after parse({target}): {self.arg}')
- return ret
- def parse_from_tip(self):
- m = re.match(r'-([0-9]+)(.*)',self.arg)
- if m:
- self.arg = m[2]
- res = int(m[1])
- assert res > 0, 'block count cannot be zero'
- assert res <= c.blockcount, f"'+{m[1]}': block count must be less than current chain height"
- return res
- def parse_range(self):
- m = re.match(r'([^+-]+)(-([^+-]+))*(.*)',self.arg)
- if m:
- if debug: print(m.groups())
- self.arg = m[4]
- return (
- conv_blkspec(m[1]),
- conv_blkspec(m[3]) if m[3] else None
- )
- return (None,None)
- def parse_add(self):
- m = re.match(r'\+([0-9*]+)(.*)',self.arg)
- if m:
- self.arg = m[2]
- assert m[1].strip('*') == m[1], f"'+{m[1]}': malformed nBlocks specifier"
- assert len(m[1]) <= 30, f"'+{m[1]}': overly long nBlocks specifier"
- res = eval(m[1]) # m[1] is only digits plus '*', so safe
- assert res > 0, "'+0' not allowed"
- assert res <= c.blockcount, f"'+{m[1]}': nBlocks must be less than current chain height"
- return res
- debug = False
- range_spec = namedtuple('parsed_range_spec',['first','last','from_tip','nblocks','step'])
- p = RangeParser(arg)
- # parsing order must be preserved!
- from_tip = p.parse('from_tip')
- if p.arg.startswith('-'):
- opts.usage()
- first,last = p.parse('range')
- add1 = p.parse('add')
- add2 = p.parse('add')
- if p.arg or (from_tip and first):
- opts.usage()
- if last:
- nblocks,step = (None,add1)
- if add2:
- opts.usage()
- else:
- nblocks,step = (add1,add2)
- if debug: print(range_spec(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
- if from_tip:
- first = c.blockcount - from_tip
- if nblocks:
- if not first:
- first = c.blockcount - nblocks + 1
- last = first + nblocks - 1
- if not last:
- last = first
- if debug: print(range_spec(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
- first = conv_blkspec(first)
- last = conv_blkspec(last)
- if first > last:
- die(1,f'{first}-{last}: invalid block range')
- block_list = list(range(first,last+1,step)) if step else None
- return (block_list, first, last)
- # return (block_list,first,last)
- if not args:
- return (None,c.blockcount,c.blockcount)
- elif len(args) == 1:
- return parse_rangespec(args[0])
- else:
- return ([conv_blkspec(a) for a in args],None,None)
- async def run(self):
- heights = self.block_list or range(self.first,self.last+1)
- hashes = await c.gathered_call('getblockhash',[(height,) for height in heights])
- self.hdrs = await c.gathered_call('getblockheader',[(H,) for H in hashes])
- async def init(count):
- h0 = (
- self.hdrs[count] if heights[count] == 0 else
- await c.call('getblockheader',await c.call('getblockhash',heights[count]-1))
- )
- self.t_cur = h0['time']
- if count == 0:
- self.first_prev_hdr = h0
- if not self.block_list:
- await init(0)
- for n in range(len(heights)):
- if self.block_list:
- await init(n)
- await self.process_block(heights[n],hashes[n],self.hdrs[n])
- async def process_block(self,height,H,hdr):
- loc = local_vars()
- loc.height = height
- loc.H = H
- loc.bh = hdr
- self.t_diff = hdr['time'] - self.t_cur
- self.t_cur = hdr['time']
- self.total_solve_time += self.t_diff
- if 'bs' in self.deps:
- loc.bs = genesis_stats if height == 0 else await c.call('getblockstats',H,self.bs_keys)
- self.total_bytes += loc.bs['total_size']
- self.total_weight += loc.bs['total_weight']
- if opt.summary:
- return
- for varname,func in self.ufuncs.items():
- setattr(loc,varname,func(self,loc))
- if opt.miner_info:
- miner_info = '-' if height == 0 else await self.get_miner_string(H)
- def gen():
- for v in self.fvals:
- if v.key is None:
- yield getattr(loc,v.varname)
- else:
- yield getattr(loc,v.varname)[v.key]
- if opt.miner_info:
- yield miner_info
- Msg(self.fs.format(*gen()))
- async def get_miner_string(self,H):
- tx0 = (await c.call('getblock',H))['tx'][0]
- bd = await c.call('getrawtransaction',tx0,1)
- if type(bd) == tuple:
- return '---'
- else:
- cb = bytes.fromhex(bd['vin'][0]['coinbase'])
- if opt.raw_miner_info:
- return repr(cb)
- else:
- for pat in self.miner_pats:
- m = pat.search(cb)
- if m:
- return ''.join(chr(b) for b in m[1] if 31 < b < 127).strip('^').strip('/').replace('/',' ')
- def print_header(self):
- hdr1 = [v.hdr1 for v in self.fvals]
- hdr2 = [v.hdr2 for v in self.fvals]
- if opt.miner_info:
- hdr1.append(' ')
- hdr2.append('Miner')
- if ''.join(hdr1).replace(' ',''):
- Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr1))
- Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr2))
- async def print_range_stats(self):
- # These figures don’t include the Genesis Block:
- elapsed = self.hdrs[-1]['time'] - self.first_prev_hdr['time']
- nblocks = self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.first_prev_hdr['height']
- Msg('Range: {}-{} ({} blocks [{}])'.format(
- self.hdrs[0]['height'],
- self.hdrs[-1]['height'],
- self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.hdrs[0]['height'] + 1, # includes Genesis Block
- secs_to_hms(elapsed) ))
- if elapsed:
- avg_bdi = int(elapsed / nblocks)
- if 'bs' in self.deps:
- total_blocks = len(self.hdrs)
- rate = (self.total_bytes / 10000) / (self.total_solve_time / 36)
- Msg_r(fmt(f"""
- Avg size: {self.total_bytes//total_blocks} bytes
- Avg weight: {self.total_weight//total_blocks} bytes
- MB/hr: {rate:0.4f}
- """))
- Msg(f'Avg BDI: {avg_bdi/60:.2f} min')
- async def print_diff_stats(self):
- tip = c.blockcount
- # Only display stats if user-requested range ends with chain tip
- if self.last != tip:
- return
- cur_diff_disp = 'Cur difficulty: {:.2e}'.format(self.hdrs[-1]['difficulty'])
- rel = tip % 2016
- if rel:
- rel_hdr = await c.call('getblockheader',await c.call('getblockhash',tip-rel))
- tip_time = (
- self.hdrs[-1]['time'] if self.hdrs[-1]['height'] == tip else
- (await c.call('getblockheader',await c.call('getblockhash',tip)))['time']
- )
- tdiff = tip_time - rel_hdr['time']
- if tdiff: # if the 2 timestamps are equal (very unlikely), skip display to avoid div-by-zero error
- bdi = tdiff / rel
- adj_pct = ((600 / bdi) - 1) * 100
- Msg_r(fmt(f"""
- Current height: {tip}
- Next diff adjust: {tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks [{((2016-rel)*bdi)/86400:.2f} days])
- BDI (cur period): {bdi/60:.2f} min
- {cur_diff_disp}
- Est. diff adjust: {adj_pct:+.2f}%
- """))
- else:
- Msg_r(fmt(f"""
- Current height: {tip}
- {cur_diff_disp}
- Next diff adjust: {tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks)
- """))
- opts_data = {
- 'sets': [
- ('raw_miner_info', True, 'miner_info', True),
- ('summary', True, 'raw_miner_info', False),
- ('summary', True, 'miner_info', False),
- ('hashes', True, 'fields', 'block,hash'),
- ('hashes', True, 'no_summary', True),
- ],
- 'text': {
- 'desc': 'Display information about a block or range of blocks',
- 'usage': '[opts] blocknum [blocknum ...] | blocknum-blocknum[+step] | [blocknum|-nBlocks]+nBlocks[+step]',
- 'usage2': [
- '[opts] blocknum [blocknum ...]',
- '[opts] blocknum-blocknum[+step]',
- '[opts] [blocknum|-nBlocks]+nBlocks[+step]',
- ],
- 'options': """
- -h, --help Print this help message
- --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options)
- -D, --no-diff-stats Omit difficulty adjustment stats from summary
- -H, --hashes Display only block numbers and hashes
- -m, --miner-info Display miner info in coinbase transaction
- -M, --raw-miner-info Display miner info in uninterpreted form
- -n, --no-header Don’t print the column header
- -o, --fields= Display the specified fields (comma-separated list)
- See AVAILABLE FIELDS below. If the first character
- is '+', fields are appended to the defaults.
- -s, --summary Print the summary only
- -S, --no-summary Don’t print the summary
- """,
- 'notes': """
- If no block number is specified, the current block is assumed. The string
- 'cur' can be used in place of the current block number.
- If the requested range ends at the current chain tip, an estimate of the next
- difficulty adjustment is also displayed. The estimate is based on the average
- Block Discovery Interval from the beginning of the current 2016-block period.
- All fee fields except for 'totalfee' are in satoshis per virtual byte.
- # Display info for current block:
- {p}
- # Display info for the Genesis Block:
- {p} 0
- # Display info for the last 20 blocks:
- {p} +20
- # Display specified fields for blocks 165-190
- {p} -o block,date,size,inputs,nTx 165-190
- # Display info for 10 blocks beginning at block 600000:
- {p} 600000+10
- # Display info for every 5th block of 50-block range beginning at 1000
- # blocks from chain tip:
- {p} -- -1000+50+5
- # Display info for block 152817, adding miner field:
- {p} --miner-info 152817
- # Display specified fields for listed blocks:
- {p} -o block,date,hash 245798 170 624044
- # Display every difficulty adjustment from Genesis Block to chain tip:
- {p} -o +difficulty 0-cur+2016
- # Display roughly a block a day over the last two weeks. Note that
- # multiplication is allowed in the nBlocks spec:
- {p} +144*14+144
- This program requires a txindex-enabled daemon for correct operation.
- """.format(
- f = fmt_list(BlocksInfo.fields,fmt='bare'),
- p = g.prog_name )
- }
- }
- cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
- # 'getblockstats' RPC raises exception on Genesis Block, so provide our own stats:
- genesis_stats = {
- 'avgfee': 0,
- 'avgfeerate': 0,
- 'avgtxsize': 0,
- 'feerate_percentiles': [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
- 'height': 0,
- 'ins': 0,
- 'maxfee': 0,
- 'maxfeerate': 0,
- 'maxtxsize': 0,
- 'medianfee': 0,
- 'mediantxsize': 0,
- 'minfee': 0,
- 'minfeerate': 0,
- 'mintxsize': 0,
- 'outs': 1,
- 'subsidy': 5000000000,
- 'swtotal_size': 0,
- 'swtotal_weight': 0,
- 'swtxs': 0,
- 'total_out': 0,
- 'total_size': 0,
- 'total_weight': 0,
- 'totalfee': 0,
- 'txs': 1,
- 'utxo_increase': 1,
- 'utxo_size_inc': 117
- }
- async def main():
- from mmgen.protocol import init_proto_from_opts
- proto = init_proto_from_opts()
- from mmgen.rpc import rpc_init
- global c
- c = await rpc_init(proto)
- m = BlocksInfo()
- if not (opt.summary or opt.no_header):
- m.print_header()
- await m.run()
- if m.last and not opt.no_summary:
- Msg('')
- await m.print_range_stats()
- if not opt.no_diff_stats:
- Msg('')
- await m.print_diff_stats()
- run_session(main())