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MMGen Node Tools

Terminal-based utilities for Bitcoin and forkcoin full nodes

Requires modules from the MMGen online/offline cryptocurrency wallet.

Currently tested on Linux only. Some scripts may not work under Windows/MSYS2.


If installing as user (without venv), make sure that ~/.local/bin is in PATH.

Stable version:

First, install the required MMGen Wallet packages for your Linux distribution:


$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade mmgen-node-tools

Development version:

First, install the latest development version of MMGen Wallet.


$ git clone
$ cd mmgen-node-tools
$ python3 -m build --no-isolation
$ python3 -m pip install dist/*.whl


NOTE: the tests require that the MMGen Wallet and MMGen Node Tools repositories be located in the same directory.

Initialize the test framework (must be run at least once after cloning, and possibly again after a pull if tests have been updated):

$ test/

BTC-only testing:

$ test/ -A

Full testing:

$ test/

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