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MMGen Node Tools

Terminal-based utilities for Bitcoin and forkcoin full nodes

Requires modules from the MMGen online/offline cryptocurrency wallet.


If installing as user (without venv), make sure that ~/.local/bin is in PATH.


Install MSYS2 and the MMGen Wallet dependencies, skipping installation of scrypt, libsecp256k1 and the wallet itself if desired.

Install some additional dependencies:

	$ pacman -S \
		mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-python-pandas \
		mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-python-tqdm \
	$ python3 -m pip install requests-futures
	$ python3 -m pip install --no-deps yahooquery


Install the required MMGen Wallet packages for your Linux distribution.

Stable version:

$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade mmgen-node-tools

Development version:

Install the latest development version of MMGen Wallet for your platform.

$ git clone
$ cd mmgen-node-tools
$ python3 -m build --no-isolation
$ python3 -m pip install dist/*.whl


NOTE: the tests require that the MMGen Wallet and MMGen Node Tools repositories be located in the same directory.


Tested only on NTFS – with ReFS your mileage may vary

Turn on Developer Mode to enable symlinks:

	Settings -> Update & Security -> For developers -> Developer Mode: On

and add this to your ~/.bashrc:

	export MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict

Close and reopen the MSYS2 terminal to update your environment.

Initialize the test framework (must be run at least once after cloning, and possibly again after a pull if tests have been updated):

$ test/

BTC-only testing:

$ test/ -A

Full testing:

$ test/

Homepage: Clearnet | I2P | Onion
Code repository: Clearnet | I2P | Onion
Code repository mirrors: Github | Gitlab | Gitflic
Keybase | Reddit | Bitcointalk
PGP Signing Key: 5C84 CB45 AEE2 250F 31A6 A570 3F8B 1861 E32B 7DA2
 ⊙ BTC: bc1qxmymxf8p5ckvlxkmkwgw8ap5t2xuaffmrpexap
 ⊙ BCH: 15TLdmi5NYLdqmtCqczUs5pBPkJDXRs83w
 ⊙ XMR: 8B14zb8wgLuKDdse5p8f3aKpFqRdB4i4xj83b7BHYABHMvHifWxiDXeKRELnaxL5FySfeRRS5girgUvgy8fQKsYMEzPUJ8h