#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3: # https://www.gnu.org/licenses # Public project repositories: # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-node-tools # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-node-tools """ mmnode-addrbal: Get balances for arbitrary addresses in the blockchain """ from mmgen.common import * opts_data = { 'text': { 'desc': 'Get balances for arbitrary addresses in the blockchain', 'usage': '[opts] address [address..]', 'options': """ -h, --help Print this help message --, --longhelp Print help message for long options (common options) -f, --first-block With tabular output, additionally display first block info -t, --tabular Produce compact tabular output """ } } def do_output(proto,addr_data,blk_hdrs): col1w = len(str(len(addr_data))) indent = ' ' * (col1w + 2) for n,(addr,unspents) in enumerate(addr_data.items(),1): Msg(f'\n{n:{col1w}}) Address: {addr.hl()}') if unspents: heights = { u['height'] for u in unspents } Msg('{}Balance: {}'.format( indent, proto.coin_amt(sum(u['amount'] for u in unspents)).hl2(unit=True,fs='{:,}') )), Msg('{}{} unspent output{} in {} block{}'.format( indent, red(str(len(unspents))), suf(unspents), red(str(len(heights))), suf(heights) )) blk_w = len(str(unspents[-1]['height'])) fs = '%s{:%s} {:19} {:64} {:4} {}' % (indent,max(5,blk_w)) Msg(fs.format('Block','Date','TxID','Vout',' Amount')) for u in unspents: Msg(fs.format( u['height'], make_timestr( blk_hdrs[u['height']]['time'] ), CoinTxID(u['txid']).hl(), red(str(u['vout']).rjust(4)), proto.coin_amt(u['amount']).fmt(color=True,iwidth=6,prec=8) )) else: Msg(f'{indent}No balance') def do_output_tabular(proto,addr_data,blk_hdrs): col1w = len(str(len(addr_data))) + 1 max_addrw = max(len(addr) for addr in addr_data) fb_heights = [str(unspents[0]['height']) if unspents else '' for unspents in addr_data.values()] lb_heights = [str(unspents[-1]['height']) if unspents else '' for unspents in addr_data.values()] fb_w = max(len(h) for h in fb_heights) lb_w = max(len(h) for h in lb_heights) fs = ( ' {n:>%s} {a} {u} {b:>%s} {t:19} {B:>%s} {T:19} {A}' % (col1w,max(5,fb_w),max(4,lb_w)) if opt.first_block else ' {n:>%s} {a} {u} {B:>%s} {T:19} {A}' % (col1w,max(4,lb_w)) ) Msg('\n' + fs.format( n = '', a = 'Address'.ljust(max_addrw), u = 'UTXOs', b = 'First', t = 'Block', B = 'Last', T = 'Block', A = ' Amount' )) for n,(addr,unspents) in enumerate(addr_data.items(),1): if unspents: Msg(fs.format( n = str(n) + ')', a = addr.fmt(width=max_addrw,color=True), u = red(str(len(unspents)).rjust(5)), b = unspents[0]['height'], t = make_timestr( blk_hdrs[unspents[0]['height']]['time'] ), B = unspents[-1]['height'], T = make_timestr( blk_hdrs[unspents[-1]['height']]['time'] ), A = proto.coin_amt(sum(u['amount'] for u in unspents)).fmt(color=True,iwidth=7,prec=8) )) else: Msg(fs.format( n = str(n) + ')', a = addr.fmt(width=max_addrw,color=True), u = ' -', b = '-', t = '', B = '-', T = '', A = ' -' )) async def main(req_addrs): from mmgen.protocol import init_proto_from_opts proto = init_proto_from_opts(need_amt=True) from mmgen.addr import CoinAddr addrs = [CoinAddr(proto,addr) for addr in req_addrs] from mmgen.rpc import rpc_init rpc = await rpc_init(proto) height = await rpc.call('getblockcount') Msg(f'{proto.coin} {proto.network.upper()} [height {height}]') from mmgen.proto.btc.misc import scantxoutset res = await scantxoutset( rpc, [f'addr({addr})' for addr in addrs] ) if not res['success']: die(1,'UTXO scanning failed or was interrupted') elif not res['unspents']: msg('Address has no balance' if len(addrs) == 1 else 'Addresses have no balances' ) else: addr_data = {k:[] for k in addrs} if 'desc' in res['unspents'][0]: import re for unspent in sorted(res['unspents'],key=lambda x: x['height']): addr = re.match('addr\((.*?)\)',unspent['desc'])[1] addr_data[addr].append(unspent) else: from mmgen.proto.btc.tx.base import scriptPubKey2addr for unspent in sorted(res['unspents'],key=lambda x: x['height']): addr = scriptPubKey2addr( proto, unspent['scriptPubKey'] )[0] addr_data[addr].append(unspent) good_addrs = len([v for v in addr_data.values() if v]) Msg('Total: {} in {} address{}'.format( proto.coin_amt(res['total_amount']).hl2(unit=True,fs='{:,}'), red(str(good_addrs)), suf(good_addrs,'es') )) blk_heights = {i['height'] for i in res['unspents']} blk_hashes = await rpc.batch_call('getblockhash', [(h,) for h in blk_heights]) blk_hdrs = await rpc.batch_call('getblockheader', [(H,) for H in blk_hashes]) (do_output_tabular if opt.tabular else do_output)( proto, addr_data, dict(zip(blk_heights,blk_hdrs)) ) cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data,init_opts={'rpc_backend':'aiohttp'}) if len(cmd_args) < 1: die(1,'This command requires at least one coin address argument') from mmgen.obj import CoinTxID,Int try: async_run(main(cmd_args)) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write('\n')