#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, a command-line cryptocurrency wallet # Copyright (C)2013-2022 The MMGen Project # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3: # https://www.gnu.org/licenses # Public project repositories: # https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen https://github.com/mmgen/mmgen-node-tools # https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen https://gitlab.com/mmgen/mmgen-node-tools """ mmgen_node_tools.Ticker: Display price information for cryptocurrency and other assets """ api_host = 'api.coinpaprika.com' api_url = f'https://{api_host}/v1/ticker' ratelimit = 240 btc_ratelimit = 10 # We use deprecated coinpaprika ‘ticker’ API for now because it returns ~45% less data. # Old ‘ticker’ API (/v1/ticker): data['BTC']['price_usd'] # New ‘tickers’ API (/v1/tickers): data['BTC']['quotes']['USD']['price'] # Possible alternatives: # - https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemultifull?fsyms=BTC,LTC&tsyms=USD,EUR import sys,os,time,json,yaml from subprocess import run,PIPE,CalledProcessError from decimal import Decimal from collections import namedtuple from mmgen.opts import opt from mmgen.globalvars import g from mmgen.color import * from mmgen.util import die,fmt_list,msg,msg_r,Msg,do_pager,suf,fmt homedir = os.getenv('HOME') cachedir = os.path.join(homedir,'.cache','mmgen-node-tools') cfg_fn = 'ticker-cfg.yaml' portfolio_fn = 'ticker-portfolio.yaml' def assets_list_gen(cfg_in): for k,v in cfg_in.cfg['assets'].items(): yield('') yield(k.upper()) for e in v: yield(' {:4s} {}'.format(*e.split('-',1))) def gen_data(data): """ Filter the raw data and return it as a dict keyed by the IDs of the assets we want to display. Add dummy entry for USD and entry for user-specified asset, if any. Since symbols in source data are not guaranteed to be unique (e.g. XAG), we must search the data twice: first for unique IDs, then for symbols while checking for duplicates. """ def dup_sym_errmsg(dup_sym): return ( f'The symbol {dup_sym!r} is shared by the following assets:\n' + '\n ' + '\n '.join(d['id'] for d in data if d['symbol'] == dup_sym) + '\n\nPlease specify the asset by one of the full IDs listed above\n' + f'instead of {dup_sym!r}' ) def check_assets_found(wants,found,keys=['symbol','id']): error = False for k in keys: missing = wants[k] - found[k] if missing: msg( ('The following IDs were not found in source data:\n{}' if k == 'id' else 'The following symbols could not be resolved:\n{}').format( fmt_list(missing,fmt='col',indent=' ') )) error = True if error: die(1,'Missing data, exiting') rows_want = { 'id': {r.id for r in cfg.rows if getattr(r,'id',None)} - {'usd-us-dollar'}, 'symbol': {r.symbol for r in cfg.rows if isinstance(r,tuple) and r.id is None} - {'USD'}, } usr_assets = cfg.usr_rows + cfg.usr_columns + tuple(c for c in (cfg.query or ()) if c) usr_wants = { 'id': ( {a.id for a in usr_assets if a.id} - {a.id for a in usr_assets if a.rate and a.id} - {'usd-us-dollar'} ) , 'symbol': ( {a.symbol for a in usr_assets if not a.id} - {a.symbol for a in usr_assets if a.rate} - {'USD'} ), } found = { 'id': set(), 'symbol': set() } for k in ['id','symbol']: wants = rows_want[k] | usr_wants[k] if wants: for d in data: if d[k] in wants: if d[k] in found[k]: die(1,dup_sym_errmsg(d[k])) yield (d['id'],d) found[k].add(d[k]) if k == 'id' and len(found[k]) == len(wants): break for d in data: if d['id'] == 'btc-bitcoin': btcusd = Decimal(d['price_usd']) break for asset in (cfg.usr_rows + cfg.usr_columns): if asset.rate: """ User-supplied rate overrides rate from source data. """ _id = asset.id or f'{asset.symbol}-user-asset-{asset.symbol}'.lower() yield ( _id, { 'symbol': asset.symbol, 'id': _id, 'price_usd': str(Decimal(1/asset.rate)), 'price_btc': str(Decimal(1/asset.rate/btcusd)), 'last_updated': int(now), }) yield ('usd-us-dollar', { 'symbol': 'USD', 'id': 'usd-us-dollar', 'price_usd': '1.0', 'price_btc': str(Decimal(1/btcusd)), 'last_updated': int(now), }) check_assets_found(usr_wants,found) def get_src_data(curl_cmd): tor_captcha_msg = f""" If you’re using Tor, the API request may have failed due to Captcha protection. A workaround for this issue is to retrieve the JSON data with a browser from the following URL: {api_url} and save it to: ‘{cfg.cachedir}/ticker.json’ Then invoke the program with --cached-data and without --btc """ def rate_limit_errmsg(timeout,elapsed): return ( f'Rate limit exceeded! Retry in {timeout-elapsed} seconds' + ('' if cfg.btc_only else ', or use --cached-data or --btc') ) if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.makedirs(cachedir) if cfg.btc_only: fn = os.path.join(cfg.cachedir,'ticker-btc.json') timeout = 5 if g.test_suite else btc_ratelimit else: fn = os.path.join(cfg.cachedir,'ticker.json') timeout = 5 if g.test_suite else ratelimit fn_rel = os.path.relpath(fn,start=homedir) if not os.path.exists(fn): open(fn,'w').write('{}') if opt.cached_data: json_text = open(fn).read() else: elapsed = int(time.time() - os.stat(fn).st_mtime) if elapsed >= timeout: msg_r(f'Fetching data from {api_host}...') try: cp = run(curl_cmd,check=True,stdout=PIPE) except CalledProcessError as e: msg('') from .Misc import curl_exit_codes msg(red(curl_exit_codes[e.returncode])) msg(red('Command line:\n {}'.format( ' '.join((repr(i) if ' ' in i else i) for i in e.cmd) ))) from mmgen.exception import MMGenCalledProcessError raise MMGenCalledProcessError(f'Subprocess returned non-zero exit status {e.returncode}') json_text = cp.stdout.decode() msg('done') else: die(1,rate_limit_errmsg(timeout,elapsed)) try: data = json.loads(json_text) except: msg(json_text[:1024] + '...') msg(orange(fmt(tor_captcha_msg,strip_char='\t'))) die(2,'Retrieved data is not valid JSON, exiting') if not data: if opt.cached_data: die(1,'No cached data! Run command without --cached-data option to retrieve data from remote host') else: die(2,'Remote host returned no data!') elif 'error' in data: die(1,data['error']) if opt.cached_data: msg(f'Using cached data from ~/{fn_rel}') else: open(fn,'w').write(json_text) msg(f'JSON data cached to ~/{fn_rel}') return data def main(cfg_parm,cfg_in_parm): def update_sample_file(usr_cfg_file): src_data = files('mmgen_node_tools').joinpath('data',os.path.basename(usr_cfg_file)).read_text() sample_file = usr_cfg_file + '.sample' sample_data = open(sample_file).read() if os.path.exists(sample_file) else None if src_data != sample_data: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(sample_file),exist_ok=True) msg('{} {}'.format( ('Updating','Creating')[sample_data is None], sample_file )) open(sample_file,'w').write(src_data) def get_curl_cmd(): return ([ 'curl', '--tr-encoding', '--compressed', # adds 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' '--silent', '--header', 'Accept: application/json', ] + (['--proxy', cfg.proxy] if cfg.proxy else []) + [api_url + ('/btc-bitcoin' if cfg.btc_only else '')] ) global cfg,cfg_in cfg = cfg_parm cfg_in = cfg_in_parm try: from importlib.resources import files # Python 3.9 except ImportError: from importlib_resources import files update_sample_file(cfg_in.cfg_file) update_sample_file(cfg_in.portfolio_file) if opt.portfolio and not cfg_in.portfolio: die(1,'No portfolio configured!\nTo configure a portfolio, edit the file ~/{}'.format( os.path.relpath(cfg_in.portfolio_file,start=homedir))) curl_cmd = get_curl_cmd() if opt.print_curl: Msg(curl_cmd + '\n' + ' '.join(curl_cmd)) return parsed_json = [get_src_data(curl_cmd)] if cfg.btc_only else get_src_data(curl_cmd) if opt.list_ids: do_pager('\n'.join(e['id'] for e in parsed_json)) return global now now = 1659465400 if g.test_suite else time.time() # 1659524400 1659445900 (do_pager if opt.pager else Msg)( '\n'.join(getattr(Ticker,cfg.clsname)(dict(gen_data(parsed_json))).gen_output()) ) def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in): def get_rows_from_cfg(add_data=None): def gen(): for n,(k,v) in enumerate(cfg_in.cfg['assets'].items()): yield(k) if add_data and k in add_data: v += tuple(add_data[k]) for e in v: yield parse_asset_id(e,True) return tuple(gen()) def parse_asset_id(s,require_label=False): sym,label = (*s.split('-',1),None)[:2] if require_label and not label: die(1,f'{s!r}: asset label is missing') return asset_tuple( sym.upper(), (s.lower() if label else None) ) def parse_usr_asset_arg(s): """ asset_id[:rate] """ def parse_parm(s): ss = s.split(':') assert len(ss) in (1,2), f'{s}: malformed argument' asset_id,rate = (*ss,None)[:2] parsed_id = parse_asset_id(asset_id) return asset_data( symbol = parsed_id.symbol, id = parsed_id.id, amount = None, rate = ( None if rate is None else 1 / Decimal(rate[:-1]) if rate.lower().endswith('r') else Decimal(rate) )) return tuple(parse_parm(s2) for s2 in s.split(',')) if s else () def parse_query_arg(s): """ asset_id:amount[:to_asset_id[:to_amount]] """ def parse_query_asset(asset_id,amount): parsed_id = parse_asset_id(asset_id) return asset_data( symbol = parsed_id.symbol, id = parsed_id.id, amount = None if amount is None else Decimal(amount), rate = None ) ss = s.split(':') assert len(ss) in (2,3,4), f'{s}: malformed argument' asset_id,amount,to_asset_id,to_amount = (*ss,None,None)[:4] return query_tuple( asset = parse_query_asset(asset_id,amount), to_asset = parse_query_asset(to_asset_id,to_amount) if to_asset_id else None ) def gen_uniq(obj_list,key,preload=None): found = set([getattr(obj,key) for obj in preload if hasattr(obj,key)] if preload else ()) for obj in obj_list: id = getattr(obj,key) if id not in found: yield obj found.add(id) def get_usr_assets(): return ( 'user_added', usr_rows + (tuple(asset for asset in query if asset) if query else ()) + usr_columns ) def get_portfolio_assets(ret=()): if cfg_in.portfolio and opt.portfolio: ret = (parse_asset_id(e,True) for e in cfg_in.portfolio) return ( 'portfolio', tuple(e for e in ret if (not opt.btc) or e.symbol == 'BTC') ) def get_portfolio(): return {k:Decimal(v) for k,v in cfg_in.portfolio.items() if (not opt.btc) or k == 'btc-bitcoin'} def parse_add_precision(s): if not s: return 0 if not (s.isdigit() and s.isascii()): die(1,f'{s}: invalid parameter for --add-precision (not an integer)') if int(s) > 30: die(1,f'{s}: invalid parameter for --add-precision (value >30)') return int(s) def create_rows(): rows = ( ('trade_pair',) + query if (query and query.to_asset) else ('bitcoin',parse_asset_id('btc-bitcoin')) if opt.btc else get_rows_from_cfg( add_data={'fiat':['usd-us-dollar']} if opt.add_columns else None ) ) for hdr,data in ( (get_usr_assets(),) if query else (get_usr_assets(), get_portfolio_assets()) ): if data: uniq_data = tuple(gen_uniq(data,'symbol',preload=rows)) if uniq_data: rows += (hdr,) + uniq_data return rows cfg_tuple = namedtuple('global_cfg',[ 'rows', 'usr_rows', 'usr_columns', 'query', 'adjust', 'clsname', 'btc_only', 'add_prec', 'cachedir', 'proxy', 'portfolio' ]) query_tuple = namedtuple('query',['asset','to_asset']) asset_data = namedtuple('asset_data',['symbol','id','amount','rate']) asset_tuple = namedtuple('asset_tuple',['symbol','id']) usr_rows = parse_usr_asset_arg(opt.add_rows) usr_columns = parse_usr_asset_arg(opt.add_columns) query = parse_query_arg(cmd_args[0]) if cmd_args else None return cfg_tuple( rows = create_rows(), usr_rows = usr_rows, usr_columns = usr_columns, query = query, adjust = ( lambda x: (100 + x) / 100 if x else 1 )( Decimal(opt.adjust or 0) ), clsname = 'trading' if query else 'overview', btc_only = opt.btc, add_prec = parse_add_precision(opt.add_precision), cachedir = opt.cachedir or cfg_in.cfg.get('cachedir') or cachedir, proxy = None if opt.proxy == '' else (opt.proxy or cfg_in.cfg.get('proxy')), portfolio = get_portfolio() if cfg_in.portfolio and opt.portfolio and not query else None ) def get_cfg_in(): ret = namedtuple('cfg_in_data',['cfg','portfolio','cfg_file','portfolio_file']) cfg_file,portfolio_file = ( [os.path.join(g.data_dir_root,'node_tools',fn) for fn in (cfg_fn,portfolio_fn)] ) cfg_data,portfolio_data = ( [yaml.safe_load(open(fn).read()) if os.path.exists(fn) else None for fn in (cfg_file,portfolio_file)] ) return ret( cfg = cfg_data or { 'assets': { 'coin': [ 'btc-bitcoin', 'eth-ethereum', 'xmr-monero' ], 'commodity': [ 'xau-gold-spot-token', 'xag-silver-spot-token', 'xbr-brent-crude-oil-spot' ], 'fiat': [ 'gbp-pound-sterling-token', 'eur-euro-token' ], 'index': [ 'dj30-dow-jones-30-token', 'spx-sp-500', 'ndx-nasdaq-100-token' ], }, 'proxy': 'http://vpn-gw:8118' }, portfolio = portfolio_data, cfg_file = cfg_file, portfolio_file = portfolio_file, ) class Ticker: class base: offer = None to_asset = None def __init__(self,data): self.comma = ',' if opt.thousands_comma else '' self.col1_wid = max(len('TOTAL'),( max(len(self.create_label(d['id'])) for d in data.values()) if opt.name_labels else max(len(d['symbol']) for d in data.values()) )) + 1 self.rows = [row._replace(id=self.get_id(row)) if isinstance(row,tuple) else row for row in cfg.rows] self.col_usd_prices = {k:Decimal(self.data[k]['price_usd']) for k in self.col_ids} self.prices = {row.id:self.get_row_prices(row.id) for row in self.rows if isinstance(row,tuple) and row.id in data} self.prices['usd-us-dollar'] = self.get_row_prices('usd-us-dollar') def format_last_update_col(self,cross_assets=()): if opt.elapsed: from .Util import format_elapsed_hr fmt_func = format_elapsed_hr else: fmt_func = lambda t,now: time.strftime('%F %X',time.gmtime(t)) # ticker API # t.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','') # tickers API d = self.data max_w = 0 min_t = min( (int(d[a.id]['last_updated']) for a in cross_assets), default=None ) for row in self.rows: if isinstance(row,tuple): try: t = int(d[row.id]['last_updated']) except KeyError: pass else: t_fmt = d[row.id]['last_updated_fmt'] = fmt_func( (min(t,min_t) if min_t else t), now ) max_w = max(len(t_fmt),max_w) self.upd_w = max_w def init_prec(self): exp = [(a.id,Decimal.adjusted(self.prices[a.id]['usd-us-dollar'])) for a in self.usr_col_assets] self.uprec = { k: max(0,v+4) + cfg.add_prec for k,v in exp } self.uwid = { k: 12 + max(0, abs(v)-6) + cfg.add_prec for k,v in exp } def get_id(self,asset): if asset.id: return asset.id else: for d in self.data.values(): if d['symbol'] == asset.symbol: return d['id'] def create_label(self,id): return ' '.join(id.split('-')[1:]).upper() def gen_output(self): yield 'Current time: {} UTC'.format(time.strftime('%F %X',time.gmtime(now))) for asset in self.usr_col_assets: if asset.symbol != 'USD': usdprice = Decimal(self.data[asset.id]['price_usd']) yield '{} ({}) = {:{}.{}f} USD'.format( asset.symbol, self.create_label(asset.id), usdprice, self.comma, max(2,int(-usdprice.adjusted())+4) ) if hasattr(self,'subhdr'): yield self.subhdr if self.show_adj: yield ( ('Offered price differs from spot' if self.offer else 'Adjusting prices') + ' by ' + yellow('{:+.2f}%'.format( (self.adjust-1) * 100 )) ) yield '' if cfg.portfolio: yield blue('PRICES') if self.table_hdr: yield self.table_hdr for row in self.rows: if isinstance(row,str): yield ('-' * self.hl_wid) else: try: yield self.fmt_row(self.data[row.id]) except KeyError: yield gray(f'(no data for {row.id})') yield '-' * self.hl_wid if cfg.portfolio: self.fs_num = self.fs_num2 self.fs_str = self.fs_str2 yield '' yield blue('PORTFOLIO') yield self.table_hdr yield '-' * self.hl_wid for sym,amt in cfg.portfolio.items(): try: yield self.fmt_row(self.data[sym],amt=amt) except KeyError: yield gray(f'(no data for {sym})') yield '-' * self.hl_wid if not cfg.btc_only: yield self.fs_num.format( lbl = 'TOTAL', pc1='', pc2='', upd='', amt='', **{ k.replace('-','_'): v for k,v in self.prices['total'].items() } ) class overview(base): def __init__(self,data): self.data = data self.adjust = cfg.adjust self.show_adj = self.adjust != 1 self.usr_col_assets = [asset._replace(id=self.get_id(asset)) for asset in cfg.usr_columns] self.col_ids = ('usd-us-dollar',) + tuple(a.id for a in self.usr_col_assets) + ('btc-bitcoin',) super().__init__(data) self.format_last_update_col() if cfg.portfolio: self.prices['total'] = { col_id: sum(self.prices[row.id][col_id] * cfg.portfolio[row.id] for row in self.rows if isinstance(row,tuple) and row.id in cfg.portfolio and row.id in data) for col_id in self.col_ids } self.init_prec() self.init_fs() def get_row_prices(self,id): if id in self.data: d = self.data[id] return { k: ( Decimal(d['price_btc']) if k == 'btc-bitcoin' else Decimal(d['price_usd']) / self.col_usd_prices[k] ) * self.adjust for k in self.col_ids } def fmt_row(self,d,amt=None,amt_fmt=None): def fmt_pct(d): if d in ('',None): return gray(' --') n = Decimal(d) return (red,green)[n>=0](f'{n:+7.2f}') p = self.prices[d['id']] if amt is not None: amt_fmt = f'{amt:{19+cfg.add_prec}{self.comma}.{8+cfg.add_prec}f}' if '.' in amt_fmt: amt_fmt = amt_fmt.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return self.fs_num.format( lbl = (self.create_label(d['id']) if opt.name_labels else d['symbol']), pc1 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_7d')), pc2 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_24h')), upd = d.get('last_updated_fmt'), amt = amt_fmt, **{ k.replace('-','_'): v * (1 if amt is None else amt) for k,v in p.items() } ) def init_fs(self): col_prec = {'usd-us-dollar':2+cfg.add_prec,'btc-bitcoin':8+cfg.add_prec } # | self.uprec # Python 3.9 col_prec.update(self.uprec) col_wid = {'usd-us-dollar':8+cfg.add_prec,'btc-bitcoin':12+cfg.add_prec } # """ col_wid.update(self.uwid) max_row = max( ( (k,v['btc-bitcoin']) for k,v in self.prices.items() ), key = lambda a: a[1] ) widths = { k: len('{:{}.{}f}'.format( self.prices[max_row[0]][k], self.comma, col_prec[k] )) for k in self.col_ids } fd = namedtuple('format_str_data',['fs_str','fs_num','wid']) col_fs_data = { 'label': fd(f'{{lbl:{self.col1_wid}}}',f'{{lbl:{self.col1_wid}}}',self.col1_wid), 'pct7d': fd(' {pc1:7}', ' {pc1:7}', 8), 'pct24h': fd(' {pc2:7}', ' {pc2:7}', 8), 'update_time': fd(' {upd}', ' {upd}', max((19 if cfg.portfolio else 0),self.upd_w) + 2), 'amt': fd(' {amt}', ' {amt}', 21), } # } | { k: fd( # Python 3.9 col_fs_data.update({ k: fd( ' {{{}:>{}}}'.format( k.replace('-','_'), widths[k] ), ' {{{}:{}{}.{}f}}'.format( k.replace('-','_'), widths[k], self.comma, col_prec[k] ), widths[k]+2 ) for k in self.col_ids }) cols = ( ['label','usd-us-dollar'] + [asset.id for asset in self.usr_col_assets] + [a for a,b in ( ( 'btc-bitcoin', not cfg.btc_only ), ( 'pct7d', opt.percent_change ), ( 'pct24h', opt.percent_change ), ( 'update_time', opt.update_time ), ) if b] ) cols2 = list(cols) if opt.update_time: cols2.pop() cols2.append('amt') self.fs_str = ''.join(col_fs_data[c].fs_str for c in cols) self.fs_num = ''.join(col_fs_data[c].fs_num for c in cols) self.hl_wid = sum(col_fs_data[c].wid for c in cols) self.fs_str2 = ''.join(col_fs_data[c].fs_str for c in cols2) self.fs_num2 = ''.join(col_fs_data[c].fs_num for c in cols2) self.hl_wid2 = sum(col_fs_data[c].wid for c in cols2) @property def table_hdr(self): return self.fs_str.format( lbl = '', pc1 = ' CHG_7d', pc2 = 'CHG_24h', upd = 'UPDATED', amt = ' AMOUNT', usd_us_dollar = 'USD', btc_bitcoin = ' BTC', **{ a.id.replace('-','_'): a.symbol for a in self.usr_col_assets } ) class trading(base): def __init__(self,data): self.data = data self.asset = cfg.query.asset._replace(id=self.get_id(cfg.query.asset)) self.to_asset = ( cfg.query.to_asset._replace(id=self.get_id(cfg.query.to_asset)) if cfg.query.to_asset else None ) self.col_ids = [self.asset.id] self.adjust = cfg.adjust if self.to_asset: self.offer = self.to_asset.amount if self.offer: real_price = ( self.asset.amount * Decimal(data[self.asset.id]['price_usd']) / Decimal(data[self.to_asset.id]['price_usd']) ) if self.adjust != 1: die(1,'the --adjust option may not be combined with TO_AMOUNT in the trade specifier') self.adjust = self.offer / real_price self.hl_ids = [self.asset.id,self.to_asset.id] else: self.hl_ids = [self.asset.id] self.show_adj = self.adjust != 1 or self.offer super().__init__(data) self.usr_col_assets = [self.asset] + ([self.to_asset] if self.to_asset else []) for a in self.usr_col_assets: self.prices[a.id]['usd-us-dollar'] = Decimal(data[a.id]['price_usd']) self.format_last_update_col(cross_assets=self.usr_col_assets) self.init_prec() self.init_fs() def get_row_prices(self,id): if id in self.data: d = self.data[id] return { k: self.col_usd_prices[self.asset.id] / Decimal(d['price_usd']) for k in self.col_ids } def init_fs(self): self.max_wid = max( len('{:{}{}.{}f}'.format( v[self.asset.id] * self.asset.amount, 16 + cfg.add_prec, self.comma, 8 + cfg.add_prec )) for v in self.prices.values() ) self.fs_str = '{lbl:%s} {p_spot}' % self.col1_wid self.hl_wid = self.col1_wid + self.max_wid + 1 if self.show_adj: self.fs_str += ' {p_adj}' self.hl_wid += self.max_wid + 1 if opt.update_time: self.fs_str += ' {upd}' self.hl_wid += self.upd_w + 2 def fmt_row(self,d): id = d['id'] p = self.prices[id][self.asset.id] * self.asset.amount p_spot = '{:{}{}.{}f}'.format( p, self.max_wid, self.comma, 8+cfg.add_prec ) p_adj = ( '{:{}{}.{}f}'.format( p*self.adjust, self.max_wid, self.comma, 8+cfg.add_prec ) if self.show_adj else '' ) return self.fs_str.format( lbl = (self.create_label(id) if opt.name_labels else d['symbol']), p_spot = green(p_spot) if id in self.hl_ids else p_spot, p_adj = yellow(p_adj) if id in self.hl_ids else p_adj, upd = d.get('last_updated_fmt'), ) @property def table_hdr(self): return self.fs_str.format( lbl = '', p_spot = '{t:>{w}}'.format( t = 'SPOT PRICE', w = self.max_wid ), p_adj = '{t:>{w}}'.format( t = ('OFFERED' if self.offer else 'ADJUSTED') + ' PRICE', w = self.max_wid ), upd = 'UPDATED' ) @property def subhdr(self): return ( '{a}: {b:{c}} {d}'.format( a = 'Offer' if self.offer else 'Amount', b = self.asset.amount, c = self.comma, d = self.asset.symbol ) + ( ( ' =>' + (' {:{}}'.format(self.offer,self.comma) if self.offer else '') + ' {} ({})'.format( self.to_asset.symbol, self.create_label(self.to_asset.id) ) ) if self.to_asset else '' ) )