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mmnode-blocks-info: move BlocksInfo class to separate module, add test

The MMGen Project 4 years ago
5 changed files with 611 additions and 423 deletions
  1. 3 0
  2. 446 0
  3. 2 423
  4. 77 0
  5. 83 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include LICENSE
+include test/
+include test/unit_tests_d/*.py

+ 446 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
+# Copyright (C)2013-2021 The MMGen Project <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program.  If not, see <>.
+mmgen.node_tools.BlocksInfo: Display information about a block or range of blocks
+import re
+from collections import namedtuple
+from time import strftime,gmtime
+from decimal import Decimal
+from mmgen.common import *
+class BlocksInfo:
+	total_bytes = 0
+	total_weight = 0
+	total_solve_time = 0
+	bf = namedtuple('block_info_fields',['hdr1','hdr2','fs','bs_key','varname','deps','key'])
+	# bs=getblockstats(), bh=getblockheader()
+	# If 'bs_key' is set, it's included in self.bs_keys instead of 'key'
+	fields = {
+		'block':     bf('',     'Block',    '{:<6}',  None,                 'height',[],     None),
+		'hash':      bf('',     'Hash',     '{:<64}', None,                 'H',     [],     None),
+		'date':      bf('',     'Date',     '{:<19}', None,                 'df',    [],     None),
+		'interval':  bf('Solve','Time ',    '{:>8}',  None,                 'td',    [],     None),
+		'size':      bf('',     'Size',     '{:>7}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'total_size'),
+		'weight':    bf('',     'Weight',   '{:>7}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'total_weight'),
+		'utxo_inc':  bf(' UTXO',' Incr',    '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'utxo_increase'),
+		'fee10':     bf('10%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 0),
+		'fee25':     bf('25%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 1),
+		'fee50':     bf('50%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 2),
+		'fee75':     bf('75%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 3),
+		'fee90':     bf('90%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 4),
+		'fee_avg':   bf('Avg',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'avgfeerate'),
+		'fee_min':   bf('Min',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'minfeerate'),
+		'fee_max':   bf('Max',  'Fee',      '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'maxfeerate'),
+		'totalfee':  bf('',     'Total Fee','{:>10}', 'totalfee',           'tf',    ['bs'], None),
+		'outputs':   bf('Out-', 'puts',     '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'outs'),
+		'inputs':    bf('In- ', 'puts',     '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'ins'),
+		'version':   bf('',     'Version',  '{:8}',   None,                 'bh',    [],     'versionHex'),
+		'nTx':       bf('',     ' nTx ',    '{:>5}',  None,                 'bh',    [],     'nTx'),
+		'subsidy':   bf('Sub-', 'sidy',     '{:5}',   'subsidy',            'su',    ['bs'],  None),
+		'difficulty':bf('Diffi-','culty',   '{:8}',   None,                 'di',    [],      None),
+	}
+	dfl_fields  = [
+		'block',
+		'date',
+		'interval',
+		'subsidy',
+		'totalfee',
+		'size',
+		'weight',
+		'fee50',
+		'fee25',
+		'fee10',
+		'fee_avg',
+		'fee_min',
+		'version',
+	]
+	fixed_fields = [
+		'block',      # until ≈ 09/01/2028 (block 1000000)
+		'hash',
+		'date',
+		'size',       # until ≈ 6x block size increase
+		'weight',     # until ≈ 2.5x block size increase
+		'version',
+		'subsidy',    # until ≈ 01/04/2028 (increases by 1 digit per halving until 9th halving [max 10 digits])
+		'difficulty', # until 1.00e+100 (i.e. never)
+	]
+	# column width adjustment data:
+	fs_lsqueeze = ['totalfee','inputs','outputs','nTx']
+	fs_rsqueeze = []
+	fs_groups = [
+		('fee10','fee25','fee50','fee75','fee90','fee_avg','fee_min','fee_max'),
+	]
+	fs_lsqueeze2 = ['interval']
+	funcs = {
+		'df': lambda self,loc: strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',gmtime(self.t_cur)),
+		'td': lambda self,loc: (
+			'-{:02}:{:02}'.format(abs(self.t_diff)//60,abs(self.t_diff)%60) if self.t_diff < 0 else
+			' {:02}:{:02}'.format(self.t_diff//60,self.t_diff%60) ),
+		'tf': lambda self,loc: '{:.8f}'.format(["totalfee"] * Decimal('0.00000001')),
+		'fp': lambda self,loc:['feerate_percentiles'],
+		'su': lambda self,loc: str(['subsidy'] * Decimal('0.00000001')).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'),
+		'di': lambda self,loc: '{:.2e}'.format(['difficulty']),
+	}
+	range_data = namedtuple('parsed_range_data',['first','last','from_tip','nblocks','step'])
+	t_fmt = lambda self,t: f'{t/86400:.2f} days' if t > 172800 else secs_to_hms(int(t))
+	def __init__(self,cmd_args,opt,rpc):
+		def get_fields():
+			if opt.fields:
+				ufields = opt.fields.lstrip('+').split(',')
+				for field in ufields:
+					if field not in self.fields:
+						die(1,f'{field!r}: unrecognized field')
+				return self.dfl_fields + ufields if opt.fields[0] == '+' else ufields
+			else:
+				return self.dfl_fields
+		def gen_fs(fnames):
+			for i in range(len(fnames)):
+				name = fnames[i]
+				ls = (' ','')[name in self.fs_lsqueeze + self.fs_lsqueeze2]
+				rs = (' ','')[name in self.fs_rsqueeze]
+				if i < len(fnames) - 1 and fnames[i+1] in self.fs_lsqueeze2:
+					rs = ''
+				if i:
+					for group in self.fs_groups:
+						if name in group and fnames[i-1] in group:
+							ls = ''
+							break
+				yield ls + self.fields[name].fs + rs
+		def parse_cmd_args():
+			if not cmd_args:
+				return (None,self.tip,self.tip)
+			elif len(cmd_args) == 1:
+				r = self.parse_rangespec(cmd_args[0])
+				return (
+					list(range(r.first,r.last+1,r.step)) if r.step else None,
+					r.first,
+					r.last
+				)
+			else:
+				return ([self.conv_blkspec(a) for a in cmd_args],None,None)
+		self.rpc = rpc
+		self.opt = opt
+		self.tip = rpc.blockcount
+		self.block_list,self.first,self.last = parse_cmd_args()
+		fnames     = get_fields()
+		self.fvals = list(self.fields[name] for name in fnames)
+		self.fs    = ''.join(gen_fs(fnames)).strip()
+		self.deps  = set(' '.join(v.varname + ' ' + ' '.join(v.deps) for v in self.fvals).split())
+		self.bs_keys = [(v.bs_key or v.key) for v in self.fvals if v.bs_key or v.varname == 'bs']
+		self.bs_keys.extend(['total_size','total_weight'])
+		self.ufuncs = {v.varname:self.funcs[v.varname] for v in self.fvals if v.varname in self.funcs}
+		if opt.miner_info:
+			self.fs += '  {}'
+			self.miner_pats = [re.compile(pat) for pat in (
+				rb'`/([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)/',
+				rb'[\xe3\xe4\xe5][\^/](.*?)\xfa',
+				rb'([a-zA-Z0-9&. -]+/Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
+				rb'\x08/(.*Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
+				rb'Mined by ([a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
+				rb'[`]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)[/\xfa]',
+				rb'[/^]([a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]{5,})',
+				rb'[/^]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)/',
+			)]
+		else:
+			self.miner_pats = None
+	def conv_blkspec(self,arg):
+		if arg == 'cur':
+			return self.tip
+		elif is_int(arg):
+			if int(arg) < 0:
+				die(1,f'{arg}: block number must be non-negative')
+			elif int(arg) > self.tip:
+				die(1,f'{arg}: requested block height greater than current chain tip!')
+			else:
+				return int(arg)
+		else:
+			die(1,f'{arg}: invalid block specifier')
+	def check_nblocks(self,arg):
+		if arg <= 0:
+			die(1,'nBlocks must be a positive integer')
+		elif arg > self.tip:
+			die(1, f"'{arg}': nBlocks must be less than current chain height")
+		return arg
+	def parse_rangespec(self,arg):
+		class RangeParser:
+			debug = False
+			def __init__(rp,arg):
+				rp.arg = rp.orig_arg = arg
+			def parse(rp,target):
+				ret = getattr(rp,'parse_'+target)()
+				if rp.debug: print(f'arg after parse({target}): {rp.arg}')
+				return ret
+			def finalize(rp):
+				if rp.arg:
+					die(1,f'{rp.orig_arg!r}: invalid range specifier')
+			def parse_from_tip(rp):
+				m = re.match(r'-([0-9]+)(.*)',rp.arg)
+				if m:
+					res,rp.arg = (m[1],m[2])
+					return self.check_nblocks(int(res))
+			def parse_abs_range(rp):
+				m = re.match(r'([^+-]+)(-([^+-]+)){0,1}(.*)',rp.arg)
+				if m:
+					if rp.debug: print(f'abs_range parse: first={m[1]}, last={m[3]}')
+					rp.arg = m[4]
+					return (
+						self.conv_blkspec(m[1]),
+						self.conv_blkspec(m[3]) if m[3] else None
+					)
+				return (None,None)
+			def parse_add(rp):
+				m = re.match(r'\+([0-9*]+)(.*)',rp.arg)
+				if m:
+					res,rp.arg = (m[1],m[2])
+					if res.strip('*') != res:
+						die(1,f"'+{res}': malformed nBlocks specifier")
+					if len(res) > 30:
+						die(1,f"'+{res}': overly long nBlocks specifier")
+					return self.check_nblocks(eval(res)) # res is only digits plus '*', so eval safe
+		p = RangeParser(arg)
+		from_tip   = p.parse('from_tip')
+		first,last = (self.tip-from_tip,None) if from_tip else p.parse('abs_range')
+		add1       = p.parse('add')
+		add2       = p.parse('add')
+		p.finalize()
+		if add2 and last is not None:
+			die(1,f'{arg!r}: invalid range specifier')
+		nblocks,step = (add1,add2) if last is None else (None,add1)
+		if p.debug: print(self.range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
+		if nblocks:
+			if first == None:
+				first = self.tip - nblocks + 1
+			last = first + nblocks - 1
+		first = self.conv_blkspec(first)
+		last  = self.conv_blkspec(last or first)
+		if p.debug: print(self.range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
+		if first > last:
+			die(1,f'{first}-{last}: invalid block range')
+		return self.range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step)
+	async def run(self):
+		c = self.rpc
+		heights = self.block_list or range(self.first,self.last+1)
+		hashes = await c.gathered_call('getblockhash',[(height,) for height in heights])
+		self.hdrs = await c.gathered_call('getblockheader',[(H,) for H in hashes])
+		async def init(count):
+			h0 = (
+				self.hdrs[count] if heights[count] == 0 else
+				await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',heights[count]-1))
+			)
+			self.t_cur = h0['time']
+			if count == 0:
+				self.first_prev_hdr = h0
+		if not self.block_list:
+			await init(0)
+		for n in range(len(heights)):
+			if self.block_list:
+				await init(n)
+			await self.process_block(heights[n],hashes[n],self.hdrs[n])
+	async def process_block(self,height,H,hdr):
+		class local_vars: pass
+		loc = local_vars()
+		loc.height = height
+		loc.H = H
+ = hdr
+		self.t_diff = hdr['time'] - self.t_cur
+		self.t_cur  = hdr['time']
+		self.total_solve_time += self.t_diff
+		if 'bs' in self.deps:
+ = self.genesis_stats if height == 0 else await'getblockstats',H,self.bs_keys)
+			self.total_bytes +=['total_size']
+			self.total_weight +=['total_weight']
+		if self.opt.summary:
+			return
+		for varname,func in self.ufuncs.items():
+			setattr(loc,varname,func(self,loc))
+		if self.opt.miner_info:
+			miner_info = '-' if height == 0 else await self.get_miner_string(H)
+		def gen():
+			for v in self.fvals:
+				if v.key is None:
+					yield getattr(loc,v.varname)
+				else:
+					yield getattr(loc,v.varname)[v.key]
+			if self.opt.miner_info:
+				yield miner_info
+		Msg(self.fs.format(*gen()))
+	async def get_miner_string(self,H):
+		tx0 = (await'getblock',H))['tx'][0]
+		bd = await'getrawtransaction',tx0,1)
+		if type(bd) == tuple:
+			return '---'
+		else:
+			cb = bytes.fromhex(bd['vin'][0]['coinbase'])
+			if self.opt.raw_miner_info:
+				return repr(cb)
+			else:
+				for pat in self.miner_pats:
+					m =
+					if m:
+						return ''.join(chr(b) for b in m[1] if 31 < b < 127).strip('^').strip('/').replace('/',' ')
+	def print_header(self):
+		hdr1 = [v.hdr1 for v in self.fvals]
+		hdr2 = [v.hdr2 for v in self.fvals]
+		if self.opt.miner_info:
+			hdr1.append('     ')
+			hdr2.append('Miner')
+		if ''.join(hdr1).replace(' ',''):
+			Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr1))
+		Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr2))
+	async def print_range_stats(self):
+		# These figures don’t include the Genesis Block:
+		elapsed = self.hdrs[-1]['time'] - self.first_prev_hdr['time']
+		nblocks = self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.first_prev_hdr['height']
+		Msg('Range:      {}-{} ({} blocks [{}])'.format(
+			self.hdrs[0]['height'],
+			self.hdrs[-1]['height'],
+			self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.hdrs[0]['height'] + 1, # includes Genesis Block
+			self.t_fmt(elapsed) ))
+		if elapsed:
+			avg_bdi = int(elapsed / nblocks)
+			if 'bs' in self.deps:
+				total_blocks = len(self.hdrs)
+				rate = (self.total_bytes / 10000) / (self.total_solve_time / 36)
+				Msg_r(fmt(f"""
+					Avg size:   {self.total_bytes//total_blocks} bytes
+					Avg weight: {self.total_weight//total_blocks} bytes
+					MB/hr:      {rate:0.4f}
+					"""))
+			Msg(f'Avg BDI:    {avg_bdi/60:.2f} min')
+	async def print_diff_stats(self):
+		c = self.rpc
+		# Only display stats if user-requested range ends with chain tip
+		if self.last != self.tip:
+			return
+		cur_diff_disp = 'Cur difficulty:    {:.2e}'.format(self.hdrs[-1]['difficulty'])
+		rel = self.tip % 2016
+		if rel:
+			rel_hdr = await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',self.tip-rel))
+			tip_time = (
+				self.hdrs[-1]['time'] if self.hdrs[-1]['height'] == self.tip else
+				(await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',self.tip)))['time']
+			)
+			tdiff = tip_time - rel_hdr['time']
+			if tdiff: # if the 2 timestamps are equal (very unlikely), skip display to avoid div-by-zero error
+				bdi = tdiff / rel
+				adj_pct = ((600 / bdi) - 1) * 100
+				Msg_r(fmt(f"""
+					Current height:    {self.tip}
+					Next diff adjust:  {self.tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks [{self.t_fmt((2016-rel)*bdi)}])
+					BDI (cur period):  {bdi/60:.2f} min
+					{cur_diff_disp}
+					Est. diff adjust: {adj_pct:+.2f}%
+					"""))
+		else:
+			Msg_r(fmt(f"""
+				Current height:    {self.tip}
+				{cur_diff_disp}
+				Next diff adjust:  {self.tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks)
+				"""))
+	# 'getblockstats' RPC raises exception on Genesis Block, so provide our own stats:
+	genesis_stats = {
+		'avgfee': 0,
+		'avgfeerate': 0,
+		'avgtxsize': 0,
+		'feerate_percentiles': [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
+		'height': 0,
+		'ins': 0,
+		'maxfee': 0,
+		'maxfeerate': 0,
+		'maxtxsize': 0,
+		'medianfee': 0,
+		'mediantxsize': 0,
+		'minfee': 0,
+		'minfeerate': 0,
+		'mintxsize': 0,
+		'outs': 1,
+		'subsidy': 5000000000,
+		'swtotal_size': 0,
+		'swtotal_weight': 0,
+		'swtxs': 0,
+		'total_out': 0,
+		'total_size': 0,
+		'total_weight': 0,
+		'totalfee': 0,
+		'txs': 1,
+		'utxo_increase': 1,
+		'utxo_size_inc': 117
+	}

+ 2 - 423

@@ -20,396 +20,8 @@
 mmnode-blocks-info: Display information about a block or range of blocks
-import re
-from collections import namedtuple
-from time import strftime,gmtime
 from mmgen.common import *
-from mmgen.util import secs_to_hms
-from decimal import Decimal
-class local_vars: pass
-class BlocksInfo:
-	total_bytes = 0
-	total_weight = 0
-	total_solve_time = 0
-	step = None
-	bf = namedtuple('block_info_fields',['hdr1','hdr2','fs','bs_key','varname','deps','key'])
-	# bs=getblockstats(), bh=getblockheader()
-	# If 'bs_key' is set, it's included in self.bs_keys instead of 'key'
-	fields = {
-		'block':     bf('',     'Block',    '{:<6}',  None,                 'height',[],     None),
-		'hash':      bf('',     'Hash',     '{:<64}', None,                 'H',     [],     None),
-		'date':      bf('',     'Date',     '{:<19}', None,                 'df',    [],     None),
-		'interval':  bf('Solve','Time ',    '{:>8}',  None,                 'td',    [],     None),
-		'size':      bf('',     'Size',     '{:>7}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'total_size'),
-		'weight':    bf('',     'Weight',   '{:>7}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'total_weight'),
-		'utxo_inc':  bf(' UTXO',' Incr',    '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'utxo_increase'),
-		'fee10':     bf('10%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 0),
-		'fee25':     bf('25%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 1),
-		'fee50':     bf('50%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 2),
-		'fee75':     bf('75%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 3),
-		'fee90':     bf('90%',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  'feerate_percentiles','fp',    ['bs'], 4),
-		'fee_avg':   bf('Avg',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'avgfeerate'),
-		'fee_min':   bf('Min',  'Fee',      '{:>3}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'minfeerate'),
-		'fee_max':   bf('Max',  'Fee',      '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'maxfeerate'),
-		'totalfee':  bf('',     'Total Fee','{:>10}', 'totalfee',           'tf',    ['bs'], None),
-		'outputs':   bf('Out-', 'puts',     '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'outs'),
-		'inputs':    bf('In- ', 'puts',     '{:>5}',  None,                 'bs',    [],     'ins'),
-		'version':   bf('',     'Version',  '{:8}',   None,                 'bh',    [],     'versionHex'),
-		'nTx':       bf('',     ' nTx ',    '{:>5}',  None,                 'bh',    [],     'nTx'),
-		'subsidy':   bf('Sub-', 'sidy',     '{:5}',   'subsidy',            'su',    ['bs'],  None),
-		'difficulty':bf('Diffi-','culty',   '{:8}',   None,                 'di',    [],      None),
-	}
-	dfl_fields  = [
-		'block',
-		'date',
-		'interval',
-		'subsidy',
-		'totalfee',
-		'size',
-		'weight',
-		'fee50',
-		'fee25',
-		'fee10',
-		'fee_avg',
-		'fee_min',
-		'version',
-	]
-	fixed_fields = [
-		'block',      # until ≈ 09/01/2028 (block 1000000)
-		'hash',
-		'date',
-		'size',       # until ≈ 6x block size increase
-		'weight',     # until ≈ 2.5x block size increase
-		'version',
-		'subsidy',    # until ≈ 01/04/2028 (increases by 1 digit per halving until 9th halving [max 10 digits])
-		'difficulty', # until 1.00e+100 (i.e. never)
-	]
-	# column width adjustment data:
-	fs_lsqueeze = ['totalfee','inputs','outputs','nTx']
-	fs_rsqueeze = []
-	fs_groups = [
-		('fee10','fee25','fee50','fee75','fee90','fee_avg','fee_min','fee_max'),
-	]
-	fs_lsqueeze2 = ['interval']
-	funcs = {
-		'df': lambda self,loc: strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',gmtime(self.t_cur)),
-		'td': lambda self,loc: (
-			'-{:02}:{:02}'.format(abs(self.t_diff)//60,abs(self.t_diff)%60) if self.t_diff < 0 else
-			' {:02}:{:02}'.format(self.t_diff//60,self.t_diff%60) ),
-		'tf': lambda self,loc: '{:.8f}'.format(["totalfee"] * Decimal('0.00000001')),
-		'fp': lambda self,loc:['feerate_percentiles'],
-		'su': lambda self,loc: str(['subsidy'] * Decimal('0.00000001')).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'),
-		'di': lambda self,loc: '{:.2e}'.format(['difficulty']),
-	}
-	def __init__(self):
-		def get_fields():
-			if opt.fields:
-				ufields = opt.fields.lstrip('+').split(',')
-				for field in ufields:
-					if field not in self.fields:
-						die(1,f'{field!r}: unrecognized field')
-				return self.dfl_fields + ufields if opt.fields[0] == '+' else ufields
-			else:
-				return self.dfl_fields
-		def gen_fs(fnames):
-			for i in range(len(fnames)):
-				name = fnames[i]
-				ls = (' ','')[name in self.fs_lsqueeze + self.fs_lsqueeze2]
-				rs = (' ','')[name in self.fs_rsqueeze]
-				if i < len(fnames) - 1 and fnames[i+1] in self.fs_lsqueeze2:
-					rs = ''
-				if i:
-					for group in self.fs_groups:
-						if name in group and fnames[i-1] in group:
-							ls = ''
-							break
-				yield ls + self.fields[name].fs + rs
-		self.block_list,self.first,self.last = self.parse_block_range(cmd_args)
-		fnames     = get_fields()
-		self.fvals = list(self.fields[name] for name in fnames)
-		self.fs    = ''.join(gen_fs(fnames)).strip()
-		self.deps  = set(' '.join(v.varname + ' ' + ' '.join(v.deps) for v in self.fvals).split())
-		self.bs_keys = [(v.bs_key or v.key) for v in self.fvals if v.bs_key or v.varname == 'bs']
-		self.bs_keys.extend(['total_size','total_weight'])
-		self.ufuncs = {v.varname:self.funcs[v.varname] for v in self.fvals if v.varname in self.funcs}
-		if opt.miner_info:
-			self.fs += '  {}'
-			self.miner_pats = [re.compile(pat) for pat in (
-				rb'[\xe3\xe4\xe5][\^/](.*?)\xfa',
-				rb'([a-zA-Z0-9&. -]+/Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
-				rb'\x08/(.*Mined by [a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
-				rb'Mined by ([a-zA-Z0-9. ]+)',
-				rb'[`]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)[/\xfa]',
-				rb'[/^]([a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]{5,})',
-				rb'[/^]([_a-zA-Z0-9&. #/-]+)/',
-			)]
-		else:
-			self.miner_pats = None
-	def parse_block_range(self,args):
-		def conv_blkspec(arg):
-			if arg == 'cur':
-				return c.blockcount
-			elif is_int(arg):
-				if int(arg) < 0:
-					die(1,f'{arg}: block number must be non-negative')
-				elif int(arg) > c.blockcount:
-					die(1,f'{arg}: requested block height greater than current chain tip!')
-				else:
-					return int(arg)
-			else:
-				die(1,f'{arg}: invalid block specifier')
-		def check_nblocks(arg):
-			if arg <= 0:
-				die(1,'nBlocks must be a positive integer')
-			if arg > c.blockcount:
-				die(1, f"'{arg}': nBlocks must be less than current chain height")
-			return arg
-		def parse_rangespec(arg):
-			class RangeParser:
-				debug = True
-				def __init__(self,arg):
-					self.arg = self.orig_arg = arg
-				def parse(self,target):
-					ret = getattr(self,'parse_'+target)()
-					if self.debug: print(f'arg after parse({target}): {self.arg}')
-					return ret
-				def finalize(self):
-					if self.arg:
-						die(1,f'{self.orig_arg!r}: invalid range specifier')
-				def parse_from_tip(self):
-					m = re.match(r'-([0-9]+)(.*)',self.arg)
-					if m:
-						res,self.arg = (m[1],m[2])
-						return check_nblocks(int(res))
-				def parse_abs_range(self):
-					m = re.match(r'([^+-]+)(-([^+-]+)){0,1}(.*)',self.arg)
-					if m:
-						if self.debug: print(f'abs_range parse: first={m[1]}, last={m[3]}')
-						self.arg = m[4]
-						return (
-							conv_blkspec(m[1]),
-							conv_blkspec(m[3]) if m[3] else None
-						)
-					return (None,None)
-				def parse_add(self):
-					m = re.match(r'\+([0-9*]+)(.*)',self.arg)
-					if m:
-						res,self.arg = (m[1],m[2])
-						if res.strip('*') != res:
-							die(1,f"'+{res}': malformed nBlocks specifier")
-						if len(res) > 30:
-							die(1,f"'+{res}': overly long nBlocks specifier")
-						return check_nblocks(eval(res)) # res is only digits plus '*', so eval safe
-			range_data = namedtuple('parsed_range_data',['first','last','from_tip','nblocks','step'])
-			p = RangeParser(arg)
-			from_tip   = p.parse('from_tip')
-			first,last = (c.blockcount-from_tip,None) if from_tip else p.parse('abs_range')
-			add1       = p.parse('add')
-			add2       = p.parse('add')
-			p.finalize()
-			if add2 and last is not None:
-				die(1,f'{arg!r}: invalid range specifier')
-			nblocks,step = (add1,add2) if last is None else (None,add1)
-			if p.debug: print(range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
-			if nblocks:
-				if first == None:
-					first = c.blockcount - nblocks + 1
-				last = first + nblocks - 1
-			first = conv_blkspec(first)
-			last  = conv_blkspec(last or first)
-			if p.debug: print(range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step))
-			if first > last:
-				die(1,f'{first}-{last}: invalid block range')
-			return range_data(first,last,from_tip,nblocks,step)
-		# return (block_list,first,last)
-		if not args:
-			return (None,c.blockcount,c.blockcount)
-		elif len(args) == 1:
-			r = parse_rangespec(args[0])
-			return (
-				list(range(r.first,r.last+1,r.step)) if r.step else None,
-				r.first,
-				r.last
-			)
-		else:
-			return ([conv_blkspec(a) for a in args],None,None)
-	async def run(self):
-		heights = self.block_list or range(self.first,self.last+1)
-		hashes = await c.gathered_call('getblockhash',[(height,) for height in heights])
-		self.hdrs = await c.gathered_call('getblockheader',[(H,) for H in hashes])
-		async def init(count):
-			h0 = (
-				self.hdrs[count] if heights[count] == 0 else
-				await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',heights[count]-1))
-			)
-			self.t_cur = h0['time']
-			if count == 0:
-				self.first_prev_hdr = h0
-		if not self.block_list:
-			await init(0)
-		for n in range(len(heights)):
-			if self.block_list:
-				await init(n)
-			await self.process_block(heights[n],hashes[n],self.hdrs[n])
-	async def process_block(self,height,H,hdr):
-		loc = local_vars()
-		loc.height = height
-		loc.H = H
- = hdr
-		self.t_diff = hdr['time'] - self.t_cur
-		self.t_cur  = hdr['time']
-		self.total_solve_time += self.t_diff
-		if 'bs' in self.deps:
- = genesis_stats if height == 0 else await'getblockstats',H,self.bs_keys)
-			self.total_bytes +=['total_size']
-			self.total_weight +=['total_weight']
-		if opt.summary:
-			return
-		for varname,func in self.ufuncs.items():
-			setattr(loc,varname,func(self,loc))
-		if opt.miner_info:
-			miner_info = '-' if height == 0 else await self.get_miner_string(H)
-		def gen():
-			for v in self.fvals:
-				if v.key is None:
-					yield getattr(loc,v.varname)
-				else:
-					yield getattr(loc,v.varname)[v.key]
-			if opt.miner_info:
-				yield miner_info
-		Msg(self.fs.format(*gen()))
-	async def get_miner_string(self,H):
-		tx0 = (await'getblock',H))['tx'][0]
-		bd = await'getrawtransaction',tx0,1)
-		if type(bd) == tuple:
-			return '---'
-		else:
-			cb = bytes.fromhex(bd['vin'][0]['coinbase'])
-			if opt.raw_miner_info:
-				return repr(cb)
-			else:
-				for pat in self.miner_pats:
-					m =
-					if m:
-						return ''.join(chr(b) for b in m[1] if 31 < b < 127).strip('^').strip('/').replace('/',' ')
-	def print_header(self):
-		hdr1 = [v.hdr1 for v in self.fvals]
-		hdr2 = [v.hdr2 for v in self.fvals]
-		if opt.miner_info:
-			hdr1.append('     ')
-			hdr2.append('Miner')
-		if ''.join(hdr1).replace(' ',''):
-			Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr1))
-		Msg(self.fs.format(*hdr2))
-	async def print_range_stats(self):
-		# These figures don’t include the Genesis Block:
-		elapsed = self.hdrs[-1]['time'] - self.first_prev_hdr['time']
-		nblocks = self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.first_prev_hdr['height']
-		Msg('Range:      {}-{} ({} blocks [{}])'.format(
-			self.hdrs[0]['height'],
-			self.hdrs[-1]['height'],
-			self.hdrs[-1]['height'] - self.hdrs[0]['height'] + 1, # includes Genesis Block
-			secs_to_hms(elapsed) ))
-		if elapsed:
-			avg_bdi = int(elapsed / nblocks)
-			if 'bs' in self.deps:
-				total_blocks = len(self.hdrs)
-				rate = (self.total_bytes / 10000) / (self.total_solve_time / 36)
-				Msg_r(fmt(f"""
-					Avg size:   {self.total_bytes//total_blocks} bytes
-					Avg weight: {self.total_weight//total_blocks} bytes
-					MB/hr:      {rate:0.4f}
-					"""))
-			Msg(f'Avg BDI:    {avg_bdi/60:.2f} min')
-	async def print_diff_stats(self):
-		tip = c.blockcount
-		# Only display stats if user-requested range ends with chain tip
-		if self.last != tip:
-			return
-		cur_diff_disp = 'Cur difficulty:    {:.2e}'.format(self.hdrs[-1]['difficulty'])
-		rel = tip % 2016
-		if rel:
-			rel_hdr = await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',tip-rel))
-			tip_time = (
-				self.hdrs[-1]['time'] if self.hdrs[-1]['height'] == tip else
-				(await'getblockheader',await'getblockhash',tip)))['time']
-			)
-			tdiff = tip_time - rel_hdr['time']
-			if tdiff: # if the 2 timestamps are equal (very unlikely), skip display to avoid div-by-zero error
-				bdi = tdiff / rel
-				adj_pct = ((600 / bdi) - 1) * 100
-				Msg_r(fmt(f"""
-					Current height:    {tip}
-					Next diff adjust:  {tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks [{((2016-rel)*bdi)/86400:.2f} days])
-					BDI (cur period):  {bdi/60:.2f} min
-					{cur_diff_disp}
-					Est. diff adjust: {adj_pct:+.2f}%
-					"""))
-		else:
-			Msg_r(fmt(f"""
-				Current height:    {tip}
-				{cur_diff_disp}
-				Next diff adjust:  {tip-rel+2016} (in {2016-rel} blocks)
-				"""))
+from mmgen.node_tools.BlocksInfo import BlocksInfo
 opts_data = {
 	'sets': [
@@ -496,46 +108,13 @@ This program requires a txindex-enabled daemon for correct operation.
 cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data)
-# 'getblockstats' RPC raises exception on Genesis Block, so provide our own stats:
-genesis_stats = {
-	'avgfee': 0,
-	'avgfeerate': 0,
-	'avgtxsize': 0,
-	'feerate_percentiles': [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
-	'height': 0,
-	'ins': 0,
-	'maxfee': 0,
-	'maxfeerate': 0,
-	'maxtxsize': 0,
-	'medianfee': 0,
-	'mediantxsize': 0,
-	'minfee': 0,
-	'minfeerate': 0,
-	'mintxsize': 0,
-	'outs': 1,
-	'subsidy': 5000000000,
-	'swtotal_size': 0,
-	'swtotal_weight': 0,
-	'swtxs': 0,
-	'total_out': 0,
-	'total_size': 0,
-	'total_weight': 0,
-	'totalfee': 0,
-	'txs': 1,
-	'utxo_increase': 1,
-	'utxo_size_inc': 117
 async def main():
 	from mmgen.protocol import init_proto_from_opts
 	proto = init_proto_from_opts()
 	from mmgen.rpc import rpc_init
-	global c
-	c = await rpc_init(proto)
-	m = BlocksInfo()
+	m = BlocksInfo( cmd_args, opt, await rpc_init(proto) )
 	if not (opt.summary or opt.no_header):

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+export PYTHONPATH=.
+RED="\e[31;1m" GREEN="\e[32;1m" YELLOW="\e[33;1m" BLUE="\e[34;1m" MAGENTA="\e[35;1m" CYAN="\e[36;1m"
+set -o errtrace
+set -o functrace
+trap 'echo -e "${GREEN}Exiting at user request$RESET"; exit' INT
+trap 'echo -e "${RED}Node tools test suite exited with error$RESET"' ERR
+umask 0022
+unit_tests_py='test/ --names --quiet'
+PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
+while getopts hv OPT
+	case "$OPT" in
+	h)  printf "  %-16s The MMGen node tools test suite\n" "${PROGNAME}:"
+		echo   "  USAGE:           $PROGNAME [options] [tests or test group]"
+		echo   "  OPTIONS: '-h'  Print this help message"
+		echo   "           '-v'  Run commands with '--verbose' switch"
+		exit ;;
+	v)  VERBOSE=1
+		unit_tests_py="${unit_tests_py/--quiet/--verbose}" ;;
+	*)  exit ;;
+	esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+die()   { echo -e $YELLOW$1$RESET; false; }
+gecho() { echo -e $GREEN$1$RESET; }
+pecho() { echo -e $MAGENTA$1$RESET; }
+becho() { echo -e $BLUE$1$RESET; }
+check_mmgen_repo() {
+	( cd $mm_repo; python3 ./ --url | grep -iq 'mmgen' )
+create_links() {
+	( cd 'mmgen'; [ -L 'node_tools' ] || ln -s "../$nt_repo/mmgen/node_tools" )
+	(
+		cd 'test/unit_tests_d'
+		for fn in ../../$nt_repo/test/unit_tests_d/nt_*.py; do
+			[ -L "$(basename $fn)" ] || ln -s "$fn"
+		done
+	)
+run_unit_tests() {
+	pecho 'Running unit tests:'
+	$unit_tests_py --node-tools
+	pecho 'Completed unit tests'
+# start execution
+set -e
+becho 'Starting node tools test suite (WIP)'
+check_mmgen_repo || die "No MMGen repository found at $mm_repo!"
+cd $mm_repo
+becho 'Node tools test suite completed successfully'

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+  BlocksInfo unit test for the MMGen Node Tools suite
+from mmgen.common import *
+from mmgen.exception import *
+from mmgen.node_tools.BlocksInfo import BlocksInfo
+tip = 50000
+vecs = (
+	#                  First     Last FromTip nBlocks Step    First      Last    BlockList
+	( (),              (),                                    (tip,      tip,    None) ),
+	( (199,2,37),      (),                                    (None,     None,   [199,2,37]) ),
+	( '0',             (0,        0,      None, None, None),  (0,        0,      None) ),
+	( '0-0',           (0,        0,      None, None, None),  (0,        0,      None) ),
+	(f'-{tip}',        (0,        0,      tip,  None, None),  (0,        0,      None) ),
+	( '0-10',          (0,        10,     None, None, None),  (0,        10,     None) ),
+	( '0+10',          (0,        9,      None, 10,   None),  (0,        9,      None) ),
+	( '0+10+2',        (0,        9,      None, 10,   2   ),  (0,        9,      [0,2,4,6,8]) ),
+	( '1',             (1,        1,      None, None, None),  (1,        1,      None) ),
+	( '1-1',           (1,        1,      None, None, None),  (1,        1,      None) ),
+	( '1-10',          (1,        10,     None, None, None),  (1,        10,     None) ),
+	( '1+10',          (1,        10,     None, 10,   None),  (1,        10,     None) ),
+	( '1+10+2',        (1,        10,     None, 10,   2   ),  (1,        10,     [1,3,5,7,9]) ),
+	( '+1',            (tip,      tip,    None, 1,    None),  (tip,      tip,    None) ),
+	( '+10',           (tip-9,    tip,    None, 10,   None),  (tip-9,    tip,    None) ),
+	( '-1',            (tip-1,    tip-1,  1,    None, None),  (tip-1,    tip-1,  None) ),
+	( '-1+1',          (tip-1,    tip-1,  1,    1,    None),  (tip-1,    tip-1,  None) ),
+	( '-1+2',          (tip-1,    tip,    1,    2,    None),  (tip-1,    tip,    None) ),
+	( '-10',           (tip-10,   tip-10, 10,   None, None),  (tip-10,   tip-10, None) ),
+	( '-10+11',        (tip-10,   tip,    10,   11,   None),  (tip-10,   tip,    None) ),
+	( '-10+11+2',      (tip-10,   tip,    10,   11,   2   ),  (tip-10,   tip,    list(range(tip-10,tip+1,2))) ),
+	( 'cur',           (tip,      tip,    None, None, None),  (tip,      tip,    None) ),
+	( 'cur-cur',       (tip,      tip,    None, None, None),  (tip,      tip,    None) ),
+	( '0-cur',         (0,        tip,    None, None, None),  (0,        tip,    None) ),
+	(f'{tip-1}-cur',   (tip-1,    tip,    None, None, None),  (tip-1,    tip,    None) ),
+	( '0-cur+3000',    (0,        tip,    None, None, 3000 ), (0,        tip,    list(range(0,tip+1,3000))) ),
+	( '+1440+144',     (tip-1439, tip,    None, 1440, 144 ),  (tip-1439, tip,    list(range(tip-1439,tip+1,144))) ),
+	( '+144*10+12*12', (tip-1439, tip,    None, 1440, 144 ),  (tip-1439, tip,    list(range(tip-1439,tip+1,144))) ),
+class dummyRPC:
+	blockcount = tip
+class dummyOpt:
+	fields = None
+	miner_info = None
+class unit_tests:
+	def rangespec(self,name,ut):
+		b = BlocksInfo(0,dummyOpt(),dummyRPC())
+		def test(spec,chk,foo):
+			ret = b.parse_rangespec(spec)
+			vmsg(f'{spec:13} => {BlocksInfo.range_data(*chk)}')
+			assert ret == chk, f'{ret} != {chk}'
+		for vec in vecs:
+			if vec[1]:
+				test(*vec)
+		return True
+	def parse_cmd_args(self,name,ut):
+		def test(spec,foo,chk):
+			b = BlocksInfo(spec if type(spec) == tuple else [spec],dummyOpt(),dummyRPC())
+			ret = (b.first,b.last,b.block_list)
+			vmsg('{:13} => {}'.format(repr(spec) if type(spec) == tuple else spec,chk))
+			assert ret == chk, f'{ret} != {chk}'
+		for vec in vecs:
+			test(*vec)
+		return True