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various fixes and cleanups

The MMGen Project 2 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Display(PollDisplay):
 		if not term:
 			term = get_term()
-			term_width = g.columns or get_terminal_size()[0]
+			term_width = g.columns or get_terminal_size().width
 	async def get_info(self,rpc):

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# mmgen = Multi-Mode GENerator, command-line Bitcoin cold storage solution
-# Copyright (C)2013-2016 Philemon <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-mmgen_node_tools.Term: terminal routines for MMGen node tools
-import sys,os,termios
-def get_keypress(prompt="",esc_sequences=False):
-	import time,tty,select
-	sys.stderr.write(prompt)
-	fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
-#	old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) # see below
-	tty.setcbreak(fd) # must do this, even if it was set at program launch
-	def osread_chk(n):
-		while True:
-			try:
-				return,n)
-			except:
-				time.sleep(0.1)
-	# Must use for unbuffered read, otherwise select() will never return true
-	s = osread_chk(1)
-	if esc_sequences:
-		if s == '\x1b':
-			if[sys.stdin],[],[],0)[0]:
-				s += osread_chk(2)
-# Leave the term in cbreak mode, restore at exit
-#	termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
-	return s

+ 15 - 31

@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ opts.init({
 -P, --pager           Pipe the output to a pager
 -r, --ranges          Display fee brackets as ranges
 -s, --show-mb-col     Display column with each fee bracket’s megabyte count
--w, --width=W         Force output width of 'W' columns (default: term width)
 	'notes': """
 + By default, fee bracket row labels include only the top of the range.
@@ -83,16 +82,12 @@ if opt.ignore_below:
 		die(1,'Conflicting options: --ignore-below, --show-empty')
 	ignore_below = parse_bytespec(opt.ignore_below)
-if opt.precision:
-	precision = check_int_between(opt.precision,min_prec,max_prec,'--precision arg')
-	precision = dfl_prec
+precision = (
+	check_int_between(opt.precision,min_prec,max_prec,'--precision arg')
+	if opt.precision else dfl_prec )
-if opt.width:
-	width = check_int_between(opt.width,40,1024,'--width arg')
-	from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
-	width = get_terminal_size()[0]
+from mmgen.term import get_terminal_size
+width = g.columns or get_terminal_size().width
 class fee_bracket:
 	def __init__(self,top,bottom):
@@ -102,12 +97,6 @@ class fee_bracket:
 		self.tx_bytes_cum = 0
 		self.skip = False
-def get_fake_data(fn): # for debugging
-	import json
-	from mmgen.rpc import json_encoder
-	from decimal import Decimal
-	return json.loads(open(os.path.join(fn)).read(),parse_float=Decimal)
 def log(data,fn):
 	import json
 	from mmgen.rpc import json_encoder
@@ -129,9 +118,6 @@ def create_data(coin_amt,mempool):
 	while out and out[-1].tx_bytes == 0:
-	if not out:
-		die(1,'No data!')
 	out.reverse() # cumulative totals and display are top-down
 	# calculate cumulative byte totals, filter rows:
@@ -152,6 +138,7 @@ def gen_header(host,blockcount):
 	if opt.show_empty:
 		yield('Displaying all fee brackets')
 	elif opt.ignore_below:
@@ -159,29 +146,28 @@ def gen_header(host,blockcount):
 	if opt.include_current:
 		yield('Including transactions in current fee bracket in Total MB amounts')
 def fmt_mb(n):
-	return int2bytespec(n,'MB',f'0.{precision}',False)
+	return int2bytespec(n,'MB',f'0.{precision}',print_sym=False)
 def gen_body(data):
-	tx_bytes_max = max(i.tx_bytes for i in data)
-	top_max = max( for i in data if not i.skip)
-	bot_max = max(i.bottom for i in data if not i.skip)
+	tx_bytes_max = max((i.tx_bytes for i in data),default=0)
+	top_max = max(( for i in data),default=0)
+	bot_max = max((i.bottom for i in data),default=0)
 	col1_w = max(len(f'{bot_max}-{top_max}') if opt.ranges else len(f'{top_max}'),6)
 	col2_w = len(fmt_mb(tx_bytes_max)) if opt.show_mb_col else 0
-	col3_w = len(fmt_mb(data[-1].tx_bytes_cum))
+	col3_w = len(fmt_mb(data[-1].tx_bytes_cum)) if data else 0
 	col4_w = width - col1_w - col2_w - col3_w - (4 if col2_w else 3)
 	if opt.show_mb_col:
 		fs = '{a:<%i} {b:>%i} {c:>%i} {d}' % (col1_w,col2_w,col3_w)
 		fs = '{a:<%i} {c:>%i} {d}' % (col1_w,col3_w)
-	yield(
-		'\n' + fs.format(a='',      b='',                  c=f'{"Total":<{col3_w}}', d='') +
-		'\n' + fs.format(a='sat/B', b=f'{"MB":<{col2_w}}', c=f'{"MB":<{col3_w}}',    d='')
-	)
+	yield fs.format(a='',      b='',                  c=f'{"Total":<{col3_w}}', d='')
+	yield fs.format(a='sat/B', b=f'{"MB":<{col2_w}}', c=f'{"MB":<{col3_w}}',    d='')
 	for i in data:
 		if not i.skip:
@@ -195,7 +181,7 @@ def gen_body(data):
 		a = 'TOTAL',
 		b = '',
-		c = fmt_mb(data[-1].tx_bytes_cum + data[-1].tx_bytes),
+		c = fmt_mb(data[-1].tx_bytes_cum + data[-1].tx_bytes if data else 0),
 		d = '' ))
 async def main():
@@ -206,9 +192,7 @@ async def main():
 	from mmgen.rpc import rpc_init
 	c = await rpc_init(proto)
-#	pmsg(await'getmempoolinfo'))
 	mempool = await'getrawmempool',True)
-#	mempool = get_fake_data('test_data/mempool-sample.json')
 	if opt.log:

+ 17 - 16

@@ -297,25 +297,22 @@ class fake_data:
-	def make_address_data():
-		for line in fake_data.addresses.strip().split('\n'):
-			data = line.split(maxsplit=2)
-			yield (data[0], {k:v for k,v in zip(('id','addr','subver'),data)})
+	def make_data():
-	def make_iterations_data():
-		for line in fake_data.iterations.strip().split('\n'):
-			data = line.split(maxsplit=1)
-			yield (data[0], data[1].split())
+		def gen_address_data():
+			for line in fake_data.addresses.strip().split('\n'):
+				data = line.split(maxsplit=2)
+				yield (data[0], {k:v for k,v in zip(('id','addr','subver'),data)})
-	def make_blocks_data(iterations):
-		for peer,blocks_str in fake_data.blocks.items():
-			iter_strs = dict([s.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1) for s in blocks_str.strip().split('\n') if ' ' in s])
-			yield (peer,dict((i,iter_strs.get(i,'').split()) for i in iterations))
+		def gen_iterations_data():
+			for line in fake_data.iterations.strip().split('\n'):
+				data = line.split(maxsplit=1)
+				yield (data[0], data[1].split())
-	def make_data():
-		address_data = dict(fake_data.make_address_data())
-		iterations_data = dict(fake_data.make_iterations_data())
-		blocks_data = dict(fake_data.make_blocks_data(iterations_data))
+		def gen_blocks_data(iterations):
+			for peer,blocks_str in fake_data.blocks.items():
+				iter_strs = dict([s.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1) for s in blocks_str.strip().split('\n') if ' ' in s])
+				yield (peer,dict((i,iter_strs.get(i,'').split()) for i in iterations))
 		def make_peerinfo(peer_id,blocks,iter_no):
 			d = address_data[peer_id]
@@ -334,6 +331,10 @@ class fake_data:
 						if peer_id in iterations_data[iter_no] ]
+		address_data = dict(gen_address_data())
+		iterations_data = dict(gen_iterations_data())
+		blocks_data = dict(gen_blocks_data(iterations_data))
 		fake_data.peerinfo = dict(gen_data())
 	async def get_info(self,rpc):

+ 1 - 1

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ groups_desc="
 	default  - All tests minus the extra tests
 	extra    - All tests minus the default tests
 	noalt    - BTC-only tests
-	quick    - Default tests minus btc_tn, bch, bch_rt, ltc and ltc_rt
+	quick    - Default tests minus bch_rt and ltc_rt
 	qskip    - The tests skipped in the 'quick' test group

+ 2 - 0

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from mmgen.globalvars import g
 from mmgen.opts import opt
 from mmgen.util import die,gmsg
 from mmgen.protocol import init_proto
+from mmgen.proto.btc.regtest import MMGenRegtest
 from ..include.common import *
 from .common import *
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ class TestSuiteRegtest(TestSuiteBase):
 			die(2,'--testnet and --regtest options incompatible with regtest test suite')
 		self.proto = init_proto(self.proto.coin,network='regtest',need_amt=True)
 		self.addrs = gen_addrs(self.proto,'regtest',[1,2,3,4,5])
+		self.regtest = MMGenRegtest(self.proto.coin)
 	def setup(self):