@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@ import sys,os,time,json,yaml
from subprocess import run,PIPE,CalledProcessError
from decimal import Decimal
from collections import namedtuple
from mmgen.color import *
-from mmgen.util import die,fmt_list,msg,msg_r,suf,fmt
+from mmgen.util import msg,msg_r,Msg,die,Die,suf,fmt,fmt_list
homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
-cachedir = os.path.join(homedir,'.cache','mmgen-node-tools')
+dfl_cachedir = os.path.join(homedir,'.cache','mmgen-node-tools')
cfg_fn = 'ticker-cfg.yaml'
portfolio_fn = 'ticker-portfolio.yaml'
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ def gen_data(data):
die(1,'Missing data, exiting')
rows_want = {
- 'id': {r.id for r in cfg.rows if getattr(r,'id',None)} - {'usd-us-dollar'},
+ 'id': {r.id for r in cfg.rows if isinstance(r,tuple) and r.id} - {'usd-us-dollar'},
'symbol': {r.symbol for r in cfg.rows if isinstance(r,tuple) and r.id is None} - {'USD'},
usr_rate_assets = tuple(u.rate_asset for u in cfg.usr_rows + cfg.usr_columns if u.rate_asset)
@@ -100,24 +101,28 @@ def gen_data(data):
found = { 'id': set(), 'symbol': set() }
rate_assets = {}
- for k in ['id','symbol']:
- wants = rows_want[k] | usr_wants[k]
- if wants:
- for d in data:
- if d[k] in wants:
+ wants = {k:rows_want[k] | usr_wants[k] for k in ('id','symbol')}
+ for d in data:
+ if d['id'] == 'btc-bitcoin':
+ btcusd = Decimal(d['price_usd'])
+ break
+ for k in ('id','symbol'):
+ for d in data:
+ if wants[k]:
+ if d[k] in wants[k]:
if d[k] in found[k]:
yield (d['id'],d)
+ wants[k].remove(d[k])
if d[k] in usr_rate_assets_want[k]:
- rate_assets[d['symbol']] = d
- if k == 'id' and len(found[k]) == len(wants):
- break
+ rate_assets[d['symbol']] = d
+ else:
+ break
- for d in data:
- if d['id'] == 'btc-bitcoin':
- btcusd = Decimal(d['price_usd'])
- break
+ check_assets_found(usr_wants,found)
for asset in (cfg.usr_rows + cfg.usr_columns):
if asset.rate:
@@ -129,21 +134,21 @@ def gen_data(data):
yield ( _id, {
'symbol': asset.symbol,
'id': _id,
+ 'name': ' '.join(_id.split('-')[1:]),
'price_usd': str(Decimal(ra_rate/asset.rate)),
'price_btc': str(Decimal(ra_rate/asset.rate/btcusd)),
- 'last_updated': int(now),
+ 'last_updated': None,
yield ('usd-us-dollar', {
'symbol': 'USD',
'id': 'usd-us-dollar',
+ 'name': 'US Dollar',
'price_usd': '1.0',
'price_btc': str(Decimal(1/btcusd)),
- 'last_updated': int(now),
+ 'last_updated': None,
- check_assets_found(usr_wants,found)
def get_src_data(curl_cmd):
tor_captcha_msg = f"""
@@ -166,8 +171,8 @@ def get_src_data(curl_cmd):
('' if cfg.btc_only else ', or use --cached-data or --btc')
- if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
- os.makedirs(cachedir)
+ if not os.path.exists(cfg.cachedir):
+ os.makedirs(cfg.cachedir)
if cfg.btc_only:
fn = os.path.join(cfg.cachedir,'ticker-btc.json')
@@ -225,18 +230,18 @@ def get_src_data(curl_cmd):
return data
-def main(cfg_parm,cfg_in_parm):
+def main():
def update_sample_file(usr_cfg_file):
- src_data = files('mmgen_node_tools').joinpath('data',os.path.basename(usr_cfg_file)).read_text()
+ usr_data = files('mmgen_node_tools').joinpath('data',os.path.basename(usr_cfg_file)).read_text()
sample_file = usr_cfg_file + '.sample'
sample_data = open(sample_file).read() if os.path.exists(sample_file) else None
- if src_data != sample_data:
+ if usr_data != sample_data:
msg('{} {}'.format(
('Updating','Creating')[sample_data is None],
sample_file ))
- open(sample_file,'w').write(src_data)
+ open(sample_file,'w').write(usr_data)
def get_curl_cmd():
return ([
@@ -251,8 +256,6 @@ def main(cfg_parm,cfg_in_parm):
global cfg,cfg_in
- cfg = cfg_parm
- cfg_in = cfg_in_parm
from importlib.resources import files
@@ -272,21 +275,23 @@ def main(cfg_parm,cfg_in_parm):
Msg(curl_cmd + '\n' + ' '.join(curl_cmd))
- parsed_json = [get_src_data(curl_cmd)] if cfg.btc_only else get_src_data(curl_cmd)
+ src_data = [get_src_data(curl_cmd)] if cfg.btc_only else get_src_data(curl_cmd)
if gcfg.list_ids:
from mmgen.ui import do_pager
- do_pager('\n'.join(e['id'] for e in parsed_json))
+ do_pager('\n'.join(e['id'] for e in src_data))
global now
now = 1659465400 if gcfg.test_suite else time.time()
+ data = dict(gen_data(src_data))
- '\n'.join(getattr(Ticker,cfg.clsname)(dict(gen_data(parsed_json))).gen_output()) + '\n'
+ '\n'.join(getattr(Ticker,cfg.clsname)(data).gen_output()) + '\n'
-def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
+def make_cfg():
def get_rows_from_cfg(add_data=None):
def gen():
@@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
if add_data and k in add_data:
v += tuple(add_data[k])
for e in v:
- yield parse_asset_id(e,True)
+ yield parse_asset_id(e,require_label=True)
return tuple(gen())
def parse_asset_id(s,require_label=False):
@@ -304,7 +309,7 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
die(1,f'{s!r}: asset label is missing')
return asset_tuple( sym.upper(), (s.lower() if label else None) )
- def parse_usr_asset_arg(s):
+ def parse_usr_asset_arg(key,use_cf_file=False):
@@ -324,7 +329,9 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
Decimal(rate) ),
rate_asset = parse_asset_id(rate_asset) if rate_asset else None )
- return tuple(parse_parm(s2) for s2 in s.split(',')) if s else ()
+ cl_opt = getattr(gcfg,key)
+ cf_opt = cfg_in.cfg.get(key,[]) if use_cf_file else []
+ return tuple( parse_parm(s) for s in (cl_opt.split(',') if cl_opt else cf_opt) )
def parse_query_arg(s):
@@ -365,7 +372,7 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
def get_portfolio_assets(ret=()):
if cfg_in.portfolio and gcfg.portfolio:
- ret = (parse_asset_id(e,True) for e in cfg_in.portfolio)
+ ret = (parse_asset_id(e,require_label=True) for e in cfg_in.portfolio)
return ( 'portfolio', tuple(e for e in ret if (not gcfg.btc) or e.symbol == 'BTC') )
def get_portfolio():
@@ -410,15 +417,30 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
'portfolio' ])
+ global cfg_in,cfg
+ cmd_args = gcfg._args
+ cfg_in = get_cfg_in()
query_tuple = namedtuple('query',['asset','to_asset'])
asset_data = namedtuple('asset_data',['symbol','id','amount','rate','rate_asset'])
asset_tuple = namedtuple('asset_tuple',['symbol','id'])
- usr_rows = parse_usr_asset_arg(gcfg.add_rows)
- usr_columns = parse_usr_asset_arg(gcfg.add_columns)
+ usr_rows = parse_usr_asset_arg('add_rows')
+ usr_columns = parse_usr_asset_arg('add_columns',use_cf_file=True)
query = parse_query_arg(cmd_args[0]) if cmd_args else None
- return cfg_tuple(
+ def get_proxy(name):
+ proxy = getattr(gcfg,name)
+ return (
+ '' if proxy == '' else 'none' if (proxy and proxy.lower() == 'none')
+ else (proxy or cfg_in.cfg.get(name))
+ )
+ proxy = get_proxy('proxy')
+ proxy = None if proxy == 'none' else proxy
+ cfg = cfg_tuple(
rows = create_rows(),
usr_rows = usr_rows,
usr_columns = usr_columns,
@@ -427,8 +449,8 @@ def make_cfg(cmd_args,cfg_in):
clsname = 'trading' if query else 'overview',
btc_only = gcfg.btc,
add_prec = parse_add_precision(gcfg.add_precision),
- cachedir = gcfg.cachedir or cfg_in.cfg.get('cachedir') or cachedir,
- proxy = None if gcfg.proxy == '' else (gcfg.proxy or cfg_in.cfg.get('proxy')),
+ cachedir = gcfg.cachedir or cfg_in.cfg.get('cachedir') or dfl_cachedir,
+ proxy = proxy,
portfolio = get_portfolio() if cfg_in.portfolio and gcfg.portfolio and not query else None
@@ -489,13 +511,21 @@ class Ticker:
d = self.data
max_w = 0
- min_t = min( (int(d[a.id]['last_updated']) for a in cross_assets), default=None )
+ if cross_assets:
+ last_updated_x = [d[a.id]['last_updated'] for a in cross_assets]
+ min_t = min( (int(n) for n in last_updated_x if isinstance(n,int) ), default=None )
+ else:
+ min_t = None
for row in self.rows:
if isinstance(row,tuple):
- t = int(d[row.id]['last_updated'])
- except KeyError:
+ t = int( d[row.id]['last_updated'] )
+ except TypeError as e:
+ d[row.id]['last_updated_fmt'] = gray('--' if 'NoneType' in str(e) else str(e))
+ except KeyError as e:
+ msg(str(e))
t_fmt = d[row.id]['last_updated_fmt'] = fmt_func( (min(t,min_t) if min_t else t), now )
@@ -517,7 +547,7 @@ class Ticker:
return d['id']
def create_label(self,id):
- return ' '.join(id.split('-')[1:]).upper()
+ return self.data[id]['name'].upper()
def gen_output(self):
yield 'Current time: {} UTC'.format(time.strftime('%F %X',time.gmtime(now)))