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mmnode-ticker: add year and month percentage change columns

The MMGen Project 1 year ago
3 changed files with 56 additions and 18 deletions
  1. 35 7
  2. 15 6
  3. 6 5

+ 35 - 7

@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ portfolio_fn = 'ticker-portfolio.yaml'
 asset_tuple = namedtuple('asset_tuple',['symbol','id','source'])
 last_api_host = None
+percent_cols = {
+	'd': 'day',
+	'w': 'week',
+	'm': 'month',
+	'y': 'year',
 class DataSource:
 	source_groups = [
@@ -390,6 +397,8 @@ def gen_data(data):
 						d['price_btc'] = Decimal(str(d['quotes']['USD']['price'])) / btcusd
 						d['percent_change_24h'] = d['quotes']['USD']['percent_change_24h']
 						d['percent_change_7d']  = d['quotes']['USD']['percent_change_7d']
+						d['percent_change_30d'] = d['quotes']['USD']['percent_change_30d']
+						d['percent_change_1y']  = d['quotes']['USD']['percent_change_1y']
 						d['last_updated'] = int(datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(d['last_updated']).timestamp())
 					yield (d['id'],d)
@@ -497,6 +506,15 @@ def make_cfg(gcfg_arg):
 					yield parse_asset_id(e,require_label=True)
 		return tuple(gen())
+	def parse_percent_cols(arg):
+		if arg is None:
+			return []
+		res = arg.lower().split(',')
+		for s in res:
+			if s not in percent_cols:
+				die(1,f'{arg!r}: invalid --percent-cols parameter (valid letters: {fmt_list(percent_cols)})')
+		return res
 	def parse_usr_asset_arg(key,use_cf_file=False):
@@ -606,7 +624,8 @@ def make_cfg(gcfg_arg):
-		'portfolio' ])
+		'portfolio',
+		'percent_cols' ])
 	global gcfg,cfg_in,src_cls,cfg
@@ -645,7 +664,8 @@ def make_cfg(gcfg_arg):
 		cachedir    = gcfg.cachedir or cfg_in.cfg.get('cachedir') or dfl_cachedir,
 		proxy       = proxy,
 		proxy2      = None if proxy2 == 'none' else '' if proxy2 == '' else (proxy2 or proxy),
-		portfolio   = get_portfolio() if cfg_in.portfolio and gcfg.portfolio and not query else None
+		portfolio   = get_portfolio() if cfg_in.portfolio and gcfg.portfolio and not query else None,
+		percent_cols = parse_percent_cols(gcfg.percent_cols)
 def get_cfg_in():
@@ -802,7 +822,7 @@ class Ticker:
 				yield '-' * self.hl_wid
 				if not cfg.btc_only:
 					yield self.fs_num.format(
-						lbl = 'TOTAL', pc1='', pc2='', upd='', amt='',
+						lbl = 'TOTAL', pc3='', pc4='', pc1='', pc2='', upd='', amt='',
 						**{ k.replace('-','_'): v for k,v in self.prices['total'].items() }
@@ -851,6 +871,8 @@ class Ticker:
 				lbl = (self.create_label(d['id']) if gcfg.name_labels else d['symbol']),
 				pc1 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_7d')),
 				pc2 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_24h')),
+				pc3 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_1y')),
+				pc4 = fmt_pct(d.get('percent_change_30d')),
 				upd = d.get('last_updated_fmt'),
 				amt = amt_fmt,
 				**{ k.replace('-','_'): v * (1 if amt is None else amt) for k,v in p.items() }
@@ -873,8 +895,10 @@ class Ticker:
 			col_fs_data = {
 				'label':       fd(f'{{lbl:{self.col1_wid}}}',f'{{lbl:{self.col1_wid}}}',self.col1_wid),
-				'pct7d':       fd(' {pc1:7}', ' {pc1:7}', 8),
-				'pct24h':      fd(' {pc2:7}', ' {pc2:7}', 8),
+				'pct1y':       fd(' {pc3:7}', ' {pc3:7}', 8),
+				'pct1m':       fd(' {pc4:7}', ' {pc4:7}', 8),
+				'pct1w':       fd(' {pc1:7}', ' {pc1:7}', 8),
+				'pct1d':       fd(' {pc2:7}', ' {pc2:7}', 8),
 				'update_time': fd('  {upd}',  '  {upd}',  max((19 if cfg.portfolio else 0),self.upd_w) + 2),
 				'amt':         fd('  {amt}',  '  {amt}',  21),
@@ -891,8 +915,10 @@ class Ticker:
 				[ for asset in self.usr_col_assets] +
 				[a for a,b in (
 					( 'btc-bitcoin',  not cfg.btc_only ),
-					( 'pct7d', gcfg.percent_change ),
-					( 'pct24h', gcfg.percent_change ),
+					( 'pct1y', 'y' in cfg.percent_cols ),
+					( 'pct1m', 'm' in cfg.percent_cols ),
+					( 'pct1w', 'w' in cfg.percent_cols ),
+					( 'pct1d', 'd' in cfg.percent_cols ),
 					( 'update_time', gcfg.update_time ),
 				) if b]
@@ -915,6 +941,8 @@ class Ticker:
 				lbl = '',
 				pc1 = ' CHG_7d',
 				pc2 = 'CHG_24h',
+				pc3 = 'CHG_1y',
+				pc4 = 'CHG_30d',
 				upd = 'UPDATED',
 				amt = '         AMOUNT',
 				usd_us_dollar = 'USD',

+ 15 - 6

@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ mmnode-ticker: Display price information for cryptocurrency and other assets
 opts_data = {
 	'sets': [
-		('wide',   True, 'percent_change',  True),
+		('widest', True, 'percent_cols',    'd,w,m,y'),
+		('widest', True, 'name_labels',     True),
+		('widest', True, 'thousands_comma', True),
+		('widest', True, 'update_time',     True),
+		('wide',   True, 'percent_cols',    'd,w'),
 		('wide',   True, 'name_labels',     True),
 		('wide',   True, 'thousands_comma', True),
 		('wide',   True, 'update_time',     True),
@@ -45,7 +49,9 @@ opts_data = {
 -F, --portfolio       Display portfolio data
 -l, --list-ids        List IDs of all available assets
 -n, --name-labels     Label rows with asset names rather than symbols
--p, --percent-change  Add percentage change columns
+-p, --percent-cols=C  Add daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly percentage change
+                      columns ‘C’ (specify with comma-separated letters
+                      {pc})
 -P, --pager           Pipe the output to a pager
 -r, --add-rows=LIST   Add rows for asset specifiers in LIST (comma-separated,
                       see ASSET SPECIFIERS below). Can also be used to supply
@@ -54,7 +60,8 @@ opts_data = {
 -T, --thousands-comma Use comma as a thousands separator
 -u, --update-time     Include UPDATED (last update time) column
 -v, --verbose         Be more verbose
--w, --wide            Display all optional columns (equivalent to -punT)
+-w, --wide            Display most optional columns (same as -unT -p d,w)
+-W, --widest          Display all optional columns (same as -unT -p d,w,m,y)
 -x, --proxy=P         Connect via proxy ‘P’.  Set to the empty string to
                       completely disable or ‘none’ to allow override from
                       environment. Consult the curl manpage for --proxy usage.
@@ -169,9 +176,10 @@ $ mmnode-ticker -w -c eurusd=x,omr-omani-rial:2.59r -e2 -x http://vpnhost:8118
 # Wide display, elapsed update time, add EUR, BGN columns and BGN/EUR rate:
 $ mmnode-ticker -wE -c eurusd=x,bgn-bulgarian-lev:0.5113r:eurusd=x
-# Wide display, use cached data from previous network query, show portfolio
-# (see above), pipe output to pager, add DOGE row:
-$ mmnode-ticker -wCFP -r doge
+# Widest display with all percentage change columns, use cached data from
+# previous network query, show portfolio (see above), pipe output to pager,
+# add DOGE row:
+$ mmnode-ticker -WCFP -r doge
 # Display 17.234 XMR priced in all configured assets (‘trading’ mode):
 $ mmnode-ticker xmr:17.234
@@ -206,6 +214,7 @@ To add a portfolio, edit the file
 			dfl_cachedir = os.path.relpath(dfl_cachedir,start=homedir),
 			ds           = fmt_dict(DataSource.get_sources(),fmt='equal_compact'),
 			al           = DataSource.coinpaprika.dfl_asset_limit,
+			pc           = fmt_list(Ticker.percent_cols,fmt='bare'),
 		'notes': lambda s: s.format(
 			assets = fmt_list(assets_list_gen(cfg_in),fmt='col',indent='  '),

+ 6 - 5

@@ -138,15 +138,16 @@ class CmdTestScripts(CmdTestBase):
 	def ticker4(self):
 		return self.ticker(
-			['--wide','--add-columns=eurusd=x,inr-indian-rupee:79.5'],
+			['--widest','--add-columns=eurusd=x,inr-indian-rupee:79.5'],
 				r'EURUSD=X \(EUR/USD\) = 1.0642 USD ' +
 				r'INR \(INDIAN RUPEE\) = 0.012579 USD',
-				r'ETHEREUM 1,659.66 1,559.5846 131,943.14 0.07138094 \+21.42 \+1.82',
-				r'MONERO 158.97 149.3870 12,638.36 0.00683732 \+7.28 \+1.21 2022-08-02 18:25:59',
-				r'INDIAN RUPEE 0.01 0.0118 1.00 0.00000054 -- --',
+				r'ETHEREUM 1,659.66 1,559.5846 131,943.14 0.07138094 \+36.41 \+29.99 \+21.42 \+1.82',
+				r'MONERO 158.97 149.3870 12,638.36 0.00683732 \+12.38 \+10.19 \+7.28 \+1.21 2022-08-02 18:25:59',
+				r'S&P 500 4,320.06 4,059.5604 343,444.77 0.18580285 -- -- -- -0.23',
+				r'INDIAN RUPEE 0.01 0.0118 1.00 0.00000054 -- -- -- --',
 	def ticker5(self):