#!/bin/bash PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin" RED="\e[31;1m" GREEN="\e[32;1m" YELLOW="\e[33;1m" BLUE="\e[34;1m" PURPLE="\e[35;1m" RESET="\e[0m" PROGNAME=$(basename $0) TITLE='Armbian Encrypted Root Filesystem Setup' CONFIG_VARS=' ARMBIAN_IMAGE BOOTPART_LABEL ROOTFS_NAME DISK_PASSWD UNLOCKING_USERHOST SERIAL_CONSOLE IP_ADDRESS NETMASK ADD_ALL_MODS ADD_MODS USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS USB_GADGET ' STATES=' card_partitioned bootpart_copied bootpart_label_created rootpart_copied target_configured ' USER_OPTS_INFO=" NO_CLEANUP - no cleanup of mounts after program run FORCE_REBUILD - force full rebuild FORCE_RECONFIGURE - force reconfiguration FORCE_REFORMAT_ROOT - force reformat of encrypted root partition ADD_ALL_MODS - add all currently loaded modules to initramfs ADD_MODS y add specified modules to initramfs USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS - use local 'authorized_keys' file PARTITION_ONLY - partition and create filesystems only ERASE - zero boot sector, boot partition and beginning of root partition ROOTENC_REUSE_FS - reuse existing filesystems (for development only) ROOTENC_TESTING - developer tweaks ROOTENC_PAUSE - pause along the way ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS - continue even if apt update fails SERIAL_CONSOLE - enable disk unlocking via serial console USB_GADGET - enable disk unlocking via SSH over USB (g_ether) VERBOSE - produce verbose output " RSYNC_VERBOSITY='--info=progress2' print_help() { echo " ${PROGNAME^^}: Create an Armbian image with encrypted root filesystem USAGE: $PROGNAME [options] OPTIONS: '-h' Print this help message '-C' Don't perform unmounts or clean up build directory at exit '-d' Produce tons of debugging output '-f' Force reconfiguration of target system '-F' Force a complete rebuild of target system '-m' Add all currently loaded modules to the initramfs (may help fix blank screen on bootup issues) '-o' Add specified modules to the initramfs (comma-separated list) '-M' Mount source and target systems and exit '-U' Unmount source and target systems and exit '-p' Partition and create filesystems only. Do not copy data '-R' Force reformat of encrypted root partition '-s' Use 'authorized_keys' file from working directory, if available (see below) '-v' Be more verbose '-u' Perform an 'apt upgrade' after each 'apt update' '-z' Erase boot sector and first partition of SD card before partitioning (an extra paranoia step, but it can’t hurt) For non-interactive operation, set the following variables in your environment or on the command line: ROOTFS_NAME - device mapper name of target root filesystem IP_ADDRESS - IP address of target (set to 'dhcp' for dynamic IP or 'none' to disable remote SSH unlocking support) BOOTPART_LABEL - Boot partition label of target DISK_PASSWD - Disk password of target root filesystem UNLOCKING_USERHOST - USER@HOST of remote unlocking host SERIAL_CONSOLE - Set this to 'y' to enable disk unlocking from the serial console INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This script must be invoked as superuser on a running Armbian system. Packages will be installed using APT, so the system must be Internet- connected and its clock correctly set. If remote unlocking via SSH is desired, the unlocking host must be reachable. Alternatively, SSH public keys for the unlocking host or hosts may be provided in the file 'authorized_keys' in the current directory. This file has the same format as a standard SSH 'authorized_keys' file. Architecture of host and target (e.g. 64-bit or 32-bit ARM) must be the same. For best results, the host and target hardware should also be identical or similar. Building on a host with more memory than the target, for example, may lead to disk unlocking failure on the target. For most users, who’ll be building for the currently-running board, this point is a non-issue. 1. Place an Armbian boot image file for the target system in the current directory. For best results, the image file should match the Debian or Ubuntu release of the host system. 2. Insert a USB card reader with a blank micro-SD card for the target system into the host’s USB port. 3. Determine the SD card’s device name using 'dmesg' or 'lsblk'. 4. Invoke the script with the device name as argument. If any options are desired, they must precede the device name. If the board has an eMMC, it may be used as the target device instead of an SD card." | less } pause() { echo -ne $GREEN'(Press any key to continue)'$RESET >&$stderr_dup read no_fmsg=1 } _debug_pause() { [ "$ROOTENC_PAUSE" ] && pause; true; } imsg() { echo -e "$1" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } imsg_nonl() { echo -ne "$1" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } tmsg() { no_fmsg=1 [ "$ROOTENC_TESTING" ] || return 0 echo -e "$1" >&$stdout_dup } warn() { echo -e "$YELLOW$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } warn_nonl() { echo -ne "$YELLOW$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } rmsg() { echo -e "$RED$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } gmsg() { echo -e "$GREEN$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } pu_msg() { echo -e "$PURPLE$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; } do_partprobe() { if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then partprobe; else partprobe 2>/dev/null; fi no_fmsg=1 } _show_output() { [ "$VERBOSE" ] || exec 1>&$stdout_dup 2>&$stderr_dup; } _hide_output() { [ "$VERBOSE" ] || exec &>'/dev/null'; } bail() { exit; } die() { echo -e "$RED$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup no_fmsg=1 exit 1 } _return_handler() { local funcname=${FUNCNAME[1]} exitval=$? res if [ "${funcname:0:1}" == '_' -o "$no_fmsg" ]; then no_fmsg= return 0 fi if [ "$exitval" -eq 0 ]; then res='OK'; else res="False ($exitval)"; fi printf "$BLUE%-32s $res$RESET\n" "$funcname" >&$stdout_dup } _sigint_handler() { warn "\nExiting at user request" exit 1 } _error_handler() { local exitval=$? warn "$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}):${BASH_LINENO[0]}: ${FUNCNAME[1]}() failed at command '$BASH_COMMAND'" rmsg "$SCRIPT_DESC exiting with error ($exitval)" } _do_header() { echo local reply if banner=$(toilet --filter border --filter gay --width 51 -s -f smbraille "$TITLE" 2>/dev/null); then while read reply; do echo -e " $reply" done <<-EOF $banner EOF else echo -n ' ' echo $TITLE echo fi echo " For detailed usage information," echo " invoke with the '-h' switch" echo } _warn_user_opts() { local out opt have_optarg text while read opt have_optarg text; do [ "$opt" ] || continue if [ "${!opt}" ]; then if [ $have_optarg == 'y' ]; then out+=" + $text (${!opt})\n" else out+=" + $text\n" fi fi done <<<$USER_OPTS_INFO if [ "$out" ]; then warn "\n The following user options are in effect:" warn_nonl "${out}" fi } _set_host_vars() { BUILD_DIR='armbian_rootenc_build' SRC_ROOT="$BUILD_DIR/src" BOOT_ROOT="$BUILD_DIR/boot" TARGET_ROOT="$BUILD_DIR/target" CONFIG_VARS_FILE="$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_config_vars" host_distro=$(lsb_release --short --codename) host_kernel=$(ls '/boot' | egrep '^vmlinu[xz]') # allow 'vmlinux' or 'vmlinuz' } check_sdcard_name_and_params() { local dev chk dev=$1 [ "$dev" ] || die "You must supply a device name" [ "${dev:0:5}" == '/dev/' ] || dev="/dev/$dev" [ -e "$dev" ] || die "$dev does not exist" chk="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=TYPE $dev 2>/dev/null)" [ "$chk" != 'disk' -a "$chk" != 'loop' ] && { [ "$chk" == 'part' ] && die "$dev is a partition, not a block device!" die "$dev is not a block device!" } local pttype size nodos oversize removable non_removable part_sep pttype=$(blkid --output=udev $dev | grep TYPE | cut -d '=' -f2) size="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=SIZE --bytes $dev 2>/dev/null)" removable="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=RM $dev 2>/dev/null)" nodos=$([ "$pttype" -a "$pttype" != 'dos' ] && echo "Partition type is ${pttype^^}") || true oversize=$([ $size -gt 137438953472 ] && echo 'Size is > 128GiB') || true non_removable=$([ $removable -ne 0 ] || echo 'Device is non-removable') SD_INFO="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=VENDOR,MODEL,SIZE $dev 2>/dev/null)" SD_INFO=${SD_INFO// / } if [ "$nodos" -o "$oversize" -o "$non_removable" ]; then warn " $dev ($SD_INFO) doesn’t appear to be an SD card" warn " for the following reasons:" if [ "$non_removable" ]; then warn " $non_removable"; fi if [ "$nodos" ]; then warn " $nodos"; fi if [ "$oversize" ]; then warn " $oversize"; fi _user_confirm ' Are you sure this is the correct device of your blank SD card?' 'no' fi SDCARD_DEVNAME=${dev:5} [ "${SDCARD_DEVNAME%[0-9]}" == $SDCARD_DEVNAME ] || part_sep='p' BOOT_DEVNAME=$SDCARD_DEVNAME${part_sep}1 ROOT_DEVNAME=$SDCARD_DEVNAME${part_sep}2 [ "$SDCARD_DEVNAME" ] || die 'You must supply a device name for the SD card!' pu_msg "Will write to target $dev ($SD_INFO)" } _get_user_var() { local var desc dfl prompt pat pat_errmsg vtest cprompt seen_prompt reply redo var=$1 desc=$2 dfl=$3 prompt=$4 pat=$5 pat_errmsg=$6 vtest=$7 [ "$MOUNT_TARGET_ONLY" ] && [[ ! $var =~ ^(DISK_PASSWD|ROOTFS_NAME)$ ]] && { eval "$var=$dfl" return 0 } if [ "$pat" == 'bool' ]; then READOPTS='-n1' READNL="\n"; else READOPTS='' READNL=''; fi while true; do if [ -z "${!var}" -o "$seen_prompt" -o "$redo" ]; then if [ "$seen_prompt" ]; then echo -n " Enter $desc: " else cprompt= while read reply; do cprompt+=" ${reply## }\n" done <<-EOF $prompt EOF echo if [ "$dfl" ]; then printf "${cprompt:0:-2} " "$dfl" else echo -ne "${cprompt:0:-2} " fi seen_prompt=1 fi eval "read $READOPTS $var"; echo -ne "$READNL" fi redo=1 if [ -z "${!var}" -a "$dfl" ]; then eval "$var=$dfl"; fi [ "${!var}" ] || { rmsg " $desc must not be empty" continue } if [ "$pat" ]; then local rpat=$pat if [ "$pat" == 'bool' ]; then rpat='^[ynYN]*$' pat_errmsg="You must type 'y' or 'n'" fi echo "${!var}" | egrep -qi "$rpat" || { rmsg " ${!var}: $pat_errmsg" continue } if [ "$pat" == 'bool' ]; then if [[ ${!var} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then eval "$var=yes"; else eval "$var="; fi fi fi if [ "$vtest" ]; then $vtest || continue fi break done } _get_user_vars() { local dq='[0-9]{1,3}' _get_user_var 'IP_ADDRESS' 'IP address' '' \ "Enter the IP address of the target machine. Enter 'dhcp' for a dynamic IP or 'none' for no remote SSH unlocking support IP address:" \ "^(dhcp|none|$dq\.$dq\.$dq\.$dq)$" \ 'malformed IP address' IP_ADDRESS=${IP_ADDRESS,,} [[ $IP_ADDRESS =~ ^(dhcp|none)$ ]] || { _get_user_var 'NETMASK' 'netmask' '' \ "Enter the netmask of the target machine, or hit ENTER for the default (%s): " \ "^($dq\.$dq\.$dq\.$dq)$" \ 'malformed netmask' } _get_user_var 'BOOTPART_LABEL' 'boot partition label' 'ARMBIAN_BOOT' \ "Enter a boot partition label for the target machine, or hit ENTER for the default (%s): " \ '^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16}$' \ "Label must contain no more than 16 characters in the set 'A-Za-z0-9_'" _get_user_var 'ROOTFS_NAME' 'root filesystem device name' 'rootfs' \ "Enter a device name for the encrypted root filesystem, or hit ENTER for the default (%s):" \ '^[a-z0-9_]{1,48}$' \ "Name must contain no more than 48 characters in the set 'a-z0-9_'" \ '_test_rootfs_mounted' if [ "$MOUNT_TARGET_ONLY" ]; then local pw_prompt="Enter disk password:" else local pw_prompt="Choose a simple disk password for the installation process. Once your encrypted system is up and running, you can change the password using the 'cryptsetup' command. Enter password:" fi _get_user_var 'DISK_PASSWD' 'disk password' '' "$pw_prompt" \ '^[A-Za-z0-9_ ]{1,10}$' \ "Temporary disk password must contain no more than 10 characters in the set 'A-Za-z0-9_ '" if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then UNLOCKING_USERHOST= elif [ -e 'authorized_keys' -a "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ]; then UNLOCKING_USERHOST= else _get_user_var 'UNLOCKING_USERHOST' 'USER@HOST' '' \ "Enter the user@host of the machine you'll be unlocking from:" \ '\S+@\S+' \ 'malformed USER@HOST' \ '_test_unlocking_host_available' fi _get_user_var 'SERIAL_CONSOLE' 'serial console unlocking' '' \ "Unlock the disk from the serial console. WARNING: enabling this will make it impossible to unlock the disk using the keyboard and monitor, though unlocking via SSH will still work. Enable unlocking via serial console? (y/n):" \ 'bool' _get_user_var 'USB_GADGET' 'disk unlocking via SSH over USB (g_ether)' '' \ "Unlock the disk via SSH over USB (g_ether). Enable this only if your board supports USB gadget mode, i.e. if it has a USB OTG port. WARNING: enabling this will make it impossible to unlock the disk over the Ethernet interface (eth0). Enable unlocking via SSH over USB? (y/n):" \ 'bool' true } _test_rootfs_mounted() { [ -e "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" ] && { local mnt=$(lsblk --list --noheadings --output=MOUNTPOINT /dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME) [ "$mnt" ] && { rmsg " Device '$ROOTFS_NAME' is in use and mounted on $mnt" return 1 } } return 0 } _test_unlocking_host_available() { local ul_host=${UNLOCKING_USERHOST#*@} ping -c1 $ul_host &>/dev/null || { rmsg " Unable to ping host '$ul_host'" return 1 } } _test_sdcard_mounted() { local chk="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=MOUNTPOINT /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME)" [ -z "$chk" ] || { lsblk --output=NAME,SIZE,TYPE,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME die "Device /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME has mounted partitions!" } } get_authorized_keys() { [ -e 'authorized_keys' -a "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ] || { rsync "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST:.ssh/id_*.pub" 'authorized_keys' } } _apt_update() { [ "$ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS" ] && set +e apt --yes update [ "$APT_UPGRADE" ] && apt --yes upgrade [ "$ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS" ] && set -e true } _print_pkgs_to_install() { local pkgs pkgs_ssh case $1 in 'host') case "$host_distro" in bionic|buster|focal|bullseye|jammy) pkgs='cryptsetup-bin ed' ;; *) pkgs='cryptsetup-bin ed' warn "Warning: unrecognized host distribution '$host_distro'" ;; esac ;; 'target') case "$target_distro" in buster|focal|bullseye|jammy) pkgs='cryptsetup-initramfs' pkgs_ssh='dropbear-initramfs' ;; bionic) pkgs='cryptsetup' pkgs_ssh='dropbear-initramfs' ;; *) pkgs='cryptsetup-initramfs' pkgs_ssh='dropbear-initramfs' warn "Warning: unrecognized target distribution '$target_distro'" ;; esac [ "$IP_ADDRESS" != 'none' ] && pkgs+=" $pkgs_ssh" ;; esac for i in $pkgs; do dpkg -l $i 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^ii || echo $i done } apt_install_host() { local pkgs=$(_print_pkgs_to_install 'host') [ "$pkgs" ] && { _apt_update apt --yes install $pkgs } true } create_build_dir() { mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR mkdir -p $SRC_ROOT mkdir -p $BOOT_ROOT mkdir -p $TARGET_ROOT } umount_target() { for i in $BOOT_ROOT $TARGET_ROOT; do while mountpoint -q $i; do umount -Rl $i done done } remove_build_dir() { [ -d $TARGET_ROOT ] && rmdir $TARGET_ROOT [ -d $BOOT_ROOT ] && rmdir $BOOT_ROOT [ -d $SRC_ROOT ] && rmdir $SRC_ROOT [ -d $BUILD_DIR ] && rmdir $BUILD_DIR true } _get_device_maps() { local dm_type=$1 varname="device_maps_$1" dm_name ls mp eval "$varname=" while read dm_name; do [ "$dm_name" == 'No devices found' ] && break fstype="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps -o fstype "/dev/mapper/$dm_name")" [ "$fstype" == 'ext4' ] || continue ls=$(findmnt -n --source "/dev/mapper/$dm_name" | cut -f 1 -d ' ') if [ "$ls" -a "$dm_type" == 'mounted_on_target' ]; then while read mp; do if [ "${mp: -${#TARGET_ROOT}}" == "$TARGET_ROOT" ]; then eval "$varname+='$dm_name '" fi done <<<"$ls" elif [ -z "$ls" -a "$dm_type" == 'unmounted' ]; then eval "$varname+='$dm_name '" fi done <<<$(dmsetup ls | cut -f 1) tmsg "$varname=[${!varname}]" } _close_device_maps() { local dm_type=$1 local varname="device_maps_${dm_type}" for i in ${!varname}; do tmsg "closing $i" cryptsetup status $i > '/dev/null' && cryptsetup luksClose $i done true } _preclean() { close_loopmount _get_device_maps 'unmounted' _close_device_maps 'unmounted' _get_device_maps 'mounted_on_target' umount_target _close_device_maps 'mounted_on_target' remove_build_dir } _clean() { pu_msg "Cleaning up, please wait..." _show_output close_loopmount _get_device_maps 'mounted_on_target' umount_target update_config_vars_file _close_device_maps 'mounted_on_target' [ -e 'authorized_keys' -a -z "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ] && shred -u 'authorized_keys' remove_build_dir } get_armbian_image() { ARMBIAN_IMAGE="$(ls *.img)" [ "$ARMBIAN_IMAGE" ] || die 'You must place an Armbian image in the current directory!' local count=$(echo "$ARMBIAN_IMAGE" | wc -l) [ "$count" == 1 ] || die "More than one image file present!:\n$ARMBIAN_IMAGE" } _confirm_user_vars() { echo echo " Armbian image: $ARMBIAN_IMAGE" echo " Target device: /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME ($SD_INFO)" echo " Root filesystem device name: /dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" echo " Target IP address: $IP_ADDRESS" [ "$NETMASK" ] && echo " Target netmask: $NETMASK" echo " Boot partition label: $BOOTPART_LABEL" echo " Disk password: $DISK_PASSWD" [ "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST" ] && echo " user@host of unlocking host: $UNLOCKING_USERHOST" echo " Serial console unlocking: ${SERIAL_CONSOLE:-no}" echo " SSH over USB unlocking: ${USB_GADGET:-no}" echo _user_confirm ' Are these settings correct?' 'yes' } setup_loopmount() { LOOP_DEV=$(losetup -f) losetup -P $LOOP_DEV $ARMBIAN_IMAGE mount ${LOOP_DEV}p1 $SRC_ROOT START_SECTOR=$(fdisk -l $LOOP_DEV -o Start | tail -n1 | tr -d ' ') # usually 32768 BOOT_SECTORS=409600 # 200MB } _umount_with_check() { mountpoint -q $1 && umount $1 } update_config_vars_file() { mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT _print_config_vars $CONFIG_VARS_FILE umount $BOOT_ROOT } _print_states() { for i in $STATES; do echo $i: ${!i} done } _update_state_from_config_vars() { [ -e $CONFIG_VARS_FILE ] || return 0 local reply while read reply; do eval "c$reply" done <<<$(cat $CONFIG_VARS_FILE) local saved_states cfgvar_changed saved_states="$(_print_states)" cfgvar_changed= [ $cARMBIAN_IMAGE != $ARMBIAN_IMAGE ] && cfgvar_changed+=' ARMBIAN_IMAGE' card_partitioned='n' [ $cBOOTPART_LABEL != $BOOTPART_LABEL ] && cfgvar_changed+=' BOOTPART_LABEL' bootpart_label_created='n' [ $cROOTFS_NAME != $ROOTFS_NAME ] && cfgvar_changed+=' ROOTFS_NAME' target_configured='n' [ $cDISK_PASSWD != $DISK_PASSWD ] && cfgvar_changed+=' DISK_PASSWD' rootpart_copied='n' [ "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST" -a "$cUNLOCKING_USERHOST" != "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST" ] && { cfgvar_changed+=' UNLOCKING_USERHOST' target_configured='n' } [ "$cSERIAL_CONSOLE" != "$SERIAL_CONSOLE" ] && { cfgvar_changed+=' SERIAL_CONSOLE' target_configured='n' } [ $cIP_ADDRESS != $IP_ADDRESS ] && cfgvar_changed+=' IP_ADDRESS' target_configured='n' [ "$cNETMASK" != "$NETMASK" ] && cfgvar_changed+=' NETMASK' target_configured='n' [ "$cADD_ALL_MODS" != "$ADD_ALL_MODS" ] && cfgvar_changed+=' ADD_ALL_MODS' target_configured='n' [ "$cADD_MODS" != "$ADD_MODS" ] && cfgvar_changed+=' ADD_MODS' target_configured='n' [ "$cUSB_GADGET" != "$USB_GADGET" ] && cfgvar_changed+=' USB_GADGET' target_configured='n' [ "$IP_ADDRESS" -a "$cUSE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" != "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ] && { cfgvar_changed+=' USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS' target_configured='n' } [ $card_partitioned == 'n' ] && { bootpart_copied='n' bootpart_label_created='n' rootpart_copied='n' target_configured='n' } [ $bootpart_copied == 'n' ] && bootpart_label_created='n' [ $rootpart_copied == 'n' ] && target_configured='n' [ "$saved_states" != "$(_print_states)" ] && { warn "Install state altered due to changed config vars:$cfgvar_changed" for i in $STATES; do if [ "${!i}" == 'n' ]; then imsg " $i: ${RED}no$RESET" else imsg " $i: ${GREEN}yes$RESET" fi done _delete_state_files } true } _add_state_file() { local state=$1 cmd=$2 if [ "$cmd" == 'target' ]; then touch "$TARGET_ROOT/boot/.rootenc_install_state/$state" else [ "$cmd" == 'mount' ] && mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT mkdir -p "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state" touch "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$state" [ "$cmd" == 'mount' ] && umount $BOOT_ROOT fi eval "$state='y'" tmsg "added state file '$state'" } _delete_state_files() { for i in $STATES; do local fn="$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i" [ ${!i} == 'n' -a -e $fn ] && /bin/rm $fn done true } _get_state_from_state_files() { for i in $STATES; do if [ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i" ]; then eval "$i=y" else eval "$i=n" fi done } _print_state_from_state_files() { imsg 'Install state:' for i in $STATES; do if [ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i" ]; then imsg " $i: ${GREEN}yes$RESET" else imsg " $i: ${RED}no$RESET" fi done } check_install_state() { for i in $STATES; do eval "$i=n"; done if [ "$FORCE_REBUILD" ]; then return else do_partprobe lsblk --noheadings --list /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME -o 'NAME' | grep -q $BOOT_DEVNAME || return 0 lsblk --noheadings --list /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME -o 'FSTYPE' | grep -q 'ext4' || return 0 mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT _get_state_from_state_files if [ "$target_configured" == 'y' -a "$FORCE_RECONFIGURE" ]; then target_configured='n' _delete_state_files fi _print_state_from_state_files _update_state_from_config_vars _umount_with_check $BOOT_ROOT fi } close_loopmount() { while mountpoint -q $SRC_ROOT; do umount $SRC_ROOT done for i in $(losetup --noheadings --raw --list -j $ARMBIAN_IMAGE | awk '{print $1}'); do losetup -d $i done } _user_confirm() { local prompt1 prompt2 dfl_action reply prompt1=$1 dfl_action=$2 if [ "$dfl_action" == 'yes' ]; then prompt2='(Y/n)' else prompt2='(y/N)' fi imsg_nonl "$prompt1 $prompt2 " read -n1 reply [ "$reply" ] && imsg '' [ "$dfl_action" == 'yes' -a -z "$reply" ] && return [ "$reply" == 'y' -o "$reply" == 'Y' ] && return warn "Exiting at user request" exit 1 } erase_boot_sector_and_first_partition() { local sectors count sectors=$((START_SECTOR+BOOT_SECTORS+100)) count=$(((sectors/8192)+1)) pu_msg "Erasing up to beginning of second partition ($sectors sectors, ${count}M):" _show_output dd if=/dev/zero \ of=/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME \ status=progress \ bs=$((512*8192)) \ count=$count _hide_output } create_partition_label() { pu_msg "Creating new partition label on /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME" local fdisk_cmds="o\nw\n" set +e echo -e "$fdisk_cmds" | fdisk "/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME" set -e do_partprobe } copy_boot_loader() { local count count=$((START_SECTOR/2048)) pu_msg "Copying boot loader ($START_SECTOR sectors, ${count}M):" _show_output dd if=$ARMBIAN_IMAGE \ of=/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME \ status=progress \ bs=$((512*2048)) \ count=$count _hide_output do_partprobe } _print_config_vars() { local outfile=$1 local data="$(for i in $CONFIG_VARS; do echo "$i='${!i}'"; done)" if [ "$outfile" ]; then echo "$data" > $outfile; else echo "$data"; fi } partition_sd_card() { local p1_end p2_start fdisk_cmds bname rname fstype p1_end=$((START_SECTOR+BOOT_SECTORS-1)) p2_start=$((p1_end+1)) fdisk_cmds="o\nn\np\n1\n$START_SECTOR\n$p1_end\nn\np\n2\n$p2_start\n\nw\n" set +e; trap - ERR # fdisk exits with error if partition table cannot be re-read echo -e "$fdisk_cmds" | fdisk "/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME" set -e; trap '_error_handler' ERR do_partprobe bname="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=NAME /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME)" [ "$bname" == $BOOT_DEVNAME ] || die 'Partitioning failed!' rname="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=NAME /dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME)" [ "$rname" == $ROOT_DEVNAME ] || die 'Partitioning failed!' # filesystem is required by call to _add_state_file(), so we must create it here fstype=$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=FSTYPE "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME") [ "$fstype" == 'ext4' -a "$ROOTENC_REUSE_FS" ] || mkfs.ext4 -F "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" do_partprobe _add_state_file 'card_partitioned' 'mount' } _do_partition() { imsg "All data on /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME ($SD_INFO) will be destroyed!!!" _user_confirm 'Are you sure you want to continue?' 'no' if [ "$ERASE" ]; then erase_boot_sector_and_first_partition else create_partition_label fi copy_boot_loader partition_sd_card } copy_system_boot() { [ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] && { _add_state_file 'bootpart_copied' 'mount' return } mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT pu_msg "Copying files to boot partition:" _show_output rsync $RSYNC_VERBOSITY --archive $SRC_ROOT/boot/* $BOOT_ROOT _hide_output [ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/boot" ] || (cd $BOOT_ROOT && ln -s . 'boot') _add_state_file 'bootpart_copied' umount $BOOT_ROOT } create_bootpart_label() { e2label "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" "$BOOTPART_LABEL" do_partprobe _add_state_file 'bootpart_label_created' 'mount' } copy_system_root() { if [ "$FORCE_REFORMAT_ROOT" ] || ! cryptsetup isLuks "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME"; then pu_msg "Formatting encrypted root partition:" echo -n $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksFormat "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" '-' fi echo $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" $ROOTFS_NAME local fstype=$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=FSTYPE "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME") [ "$fstype" == 'ext4' -a "$ROOTENC_REUSE_FS" ] || mkfs.ext4 -F "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" [ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] || { mount "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" $TARGET_ROOT pu_msg "Copying system to encrypted root partition:" _show_output rsync $RSYNC_VERBOSITY --archive --exclude=boot $SRC_ROOT/* $TARGET_ROOT _hide_output sync mkdir -p "$TARGET_ROOT/boot" touch "$TARGET_ROOT/root/.no_rootfs_resize" umount $TARGET_ROOT } cryptsetup luksClose $ROOTFS_NAME do_partprobe _add_state_file 'rootpart_copied' 'mount' } mount_target() { echo $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" $ROOTFS_NAME mount "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" $TARGET_ROOT mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" "$TARGET_ROOT/boot" local src dest args while read src dest args; do mount $args $src $TARGET_ROOT/$dest done <<-EOF udev dev -t devtmpfs -o rw,relatime,nosuid,mode=0755 devpts dev/pts -t devpts tmpfs dev/shm -t tmpfs -o rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime proc proc -t proc sys sys -t sysfs EOF } _copy_to_target() { local fn=$1 if [ -e $fn ]; then echo "Copying '$fn'" cat $fn > $TARGET_ROOT/$fn else imsg "Unable to copy '$fn' to target (file does not exist)" false fi } create_etc_crypttab() { local root_uuid="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --nodeps --output=UUID /dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME)" echo "$ROOTFS_NAME UUID=$root_uuid none initramfs,luks" > "$TARGET_ROOT/etc/crypttab" _display_file "$TARGET_ROOT/etc/crypttab" } copy_etc_files() { _copy_to_target '/etc/resolv.conf' _copy_to_target '/etc/hosts' set +e _copy_to_target /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*proxy set -e } _set_target_vars() { target_distro=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'lsb_release' '--short' '--codename') target_kernel=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'ls' '/boot' | egrep '^vmlinu[xz]') imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' '' 'Host' 'Target')" imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' '' '----' '------')" imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' 'distro:' $host_distro $target_distro)" imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' 'kernel:' $host_kernel $target_kernel)" } _distros_match() { [ $host_distro == $target_distro ] } _kernels_match() { [ ${host_kernel%.*} == ${target_kernel%.*} ] || return 1 [ ${host_kernel##*-} == ${target_kernel##*-} ] } copy_etc_files_distro_specific() { local files='/etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list' if _distros_match; then for i in $files; do _copy_to_target $i; done else warn 'Warning: host and target distros do not match:' for i in $files; do imsg " not copying $i"; done fi } _display_file() { local name text reply if [ "$2" ]; then name="$1" text="$2" else name=${1#$TARGET_ROOT} text="$(cat $1)" fi hl='────────────────────────────────────────' hl="$hl$hl$hl" hls=${hl:0:${#name}+1} echo "┌─$hls─┐" echo "│ $name: │" echo "├─$hls─┘" echo "$text" | sed 's/^/│ /' } edit_armbianEnv() { local file text console_arg file="$TARGET_ROOT/boot/armbianEnv.txt" ed $file <<-'EOF' g/^\s*rootdev=/d g/^\s*console=/d g/^\s*bootlogo=/d wq EOF case $SERIAL_CONSOLE in 'yes') console_arg='serial' ;; *) console_arg='display' ;; esac text="rootdev=/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME console=$console_arg bootlogo=false" echo "$text" >> $file _display_file $file } # Add the following lines to '/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf'. If # your board’s IP address will be statically configured, substitute the # correct static IP address after 'IP='. If it will be configured via # DHCP, omit the IP line entirely: edit_initramfs_conf() { local file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf" dev='eth0' [ "$USB_GADGET" ] && dev='usb0' ed $file <<-'EOF' g/^\s*IP=/s/^/# / g/^\s*DEVICE=/d wq EOF [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'dhcp' -o "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || { echo "IP=$IP_ADDRESS:::$NETMASK::$dev:off" >> $file } [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || echo "DEVICE=$dev" >> $file _display_file $file } edit_initramfs_modules() { local modlist file hdr [ "$ADD_ALL_MODS" -o "$ADD_MODS" -o "$USB_GADGET" ] && { if ! _kernels_match; then warn 'Host and target kernels do not match. Not adding modules to initramfs' elif ! _distros_match; then warn 'Host and target distros do not match. Not adding modules to initramfs' else local g_mods='libcomposite u_ether usb_f_rndis g_ether usb_f_eem' [ "$ADD_ALL_MODS" ] && modlist=$(lsmod | cut -d ' ' -f1 | tail -n+2) [ "$ADD_MODS" ] && modlist+=$(echo; for m in ${ADD_MODS//,/ }; do echo $m; done) [ "$USB_GADGET" ] && modlist+=$(echo; for m in $g_mods; do echo $m; done) fi } file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" hdr="# List of modules that you want to include in your initramfs. # They will be loaded at boot time in the order below. # # Syntax: module_name [args ...] # # You must run update-initramfs(8) to effect this change. # " echo "$hdr$modlist" > $file _display_file $file } copy_authorized_keys() { local dest="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/dropbear-initramfs" mkdir -p $dest /bin/cp 'authorized_keys' $dest _display_file "$dest/authorized_keys" } create_fstab() { local boot_uuid file text boot_uuid="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=UUID /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME)" file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/fstab" text="/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1 UUID=$boot_uuid /boot ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 2 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0" echo "$text" > $file _display_file $file } edit_dropbear_cfg() { local dest file text dest="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/dropbear-initramfs" file="$dest/config" text='DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 2222" DROPBEAR=y' if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then [ -e $file ] && rm -v $file true else mkdir -p $dest [ -e $file ] && grep -q '^DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 2222"' $file || echo "$text" >> $file _display_file $file fi } netman_manage_usb0() { local file bu_file text file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" bu_file="$file.rootenc.orig" text=' [device] match-device=interface-name:eth0 managed=0 match-device=interface-name:usb0 managed=1' if [ -e $file ]; then if [ "$USB_GADGET" ]; then grep -q '^match-device=interface-name:usb0' $file || { /bin/cp $file $bu_file echo "$text" >> $file } else [ -e $bu_file ] && /bin/mv $bu_file $file fi _display_file $file else warn "$file does not exist, not enabling managed usb0" fi } ifupdown_config_usb0() { local file bu_file text file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/network/interfaces" bu_file="$file.rootenc.orig" text=" auto usb0 iface usb0 inet static address $IP_ADDRESS netmask $NETMASK " if [ -e $file ]; then if [ "$USB_GADGET" -a "$IP_ADDRESS" != 'dhcp' ]; then grep -q '^auto usb0' $file || { /bin/cp $file $bu_file echo "$text" >> $file } systemctl mask network-manager else [ -e $bu_file ] && /bin/mv $bu_file $file systemctl unmask network-manager fi _display_file $file else warn "$file does not exist, not configuring static usb0" fi } create_cryptroot_unlock_sh() { local dest file text dest="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks" file="$dest/cryptroot-unlock.sh" text='#!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = "prereqs" ]; then echo "dropbear-initramfs"; exit 0; fi . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions source="/tmp/cryptroot-unlock-profile" root_home=$(echo $DESTDIR/root-*) root_home=${root_home#$DESTDIR} echo "if [ \"\$SSH_CLIENT\" ]; then /usr/bin/cryptroot-unlock; fi" > $source copy_file ssh_login_profile $source $root_home/.profile exit 0' mkdir -p $dest echo "$text" > $file chmod 755 $file _display_file $file } # begin chroot functions: apt_install_target() { local pkgs=$(_print_pkgs_to_install 'target') [ "$pkgs" ] && { echo "target packages to install: $pkgs" local ls1 ls2 _show_output ls1=$(ls -l /boot/initrd.img-*) # DEBUG: # dpkg-reconfigure $pkgs # doesn't work in chroot # apt --yes purge $pkgs # apt-get --yes --purge autoremove dpkg --configure --pending --force-confdef set +e apt --yes purge 'bash-completion' apt --yes purge 'command-not-found' set -e _apt_update echo 'force-confdef' > /root/.dpkg.cfg apt --yes install $pkgs rm /root/.dpkg.cfg apt --yes autoremove ls2=$(ls -l /boot/initrd.img-*) [ "$ls1" != "$ls2" ] && initramfs_updated='y' _hide_output } true } update_initramfs() { [ "$ROOTENC_TESTING" ] && return 0 _show_output local ver=$(echo /boot/vmlinu?-* | sed 's/.boot.vmlinu.-//') update-initramfs -k $ver -u _hide_output } check_initramfs() { local text chk count text="$(lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img*)" set +e chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'cryptsetup') count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l) [ "$count" -gt 5 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'Cryptsetup scripts missing in initramfs image'; } _display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'cryptsetup'" "$chk" [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || { chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'dropbear') count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l) [ "$count" -gt 5 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'Dropbear scripts missing in initramfs image'; } _display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'dropbear'" "$chk" chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'authorized_keys') count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l) [ "$count" -eq 1 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'authorized_keys missing in initramfs image'; } _display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'authorized_keys'" "$chk" } set -e } configure_target() { [ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] && return mount_target _set_target_vars copy_etc_files copy_etc_files_distro_specific edit_initramfs_conf edit_initramfs_modules [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || copy_authorized_keys create_etc_crypttab create_fstab edit_dropbear_cfg netman_manage_usb0 ifupdown_config_usb0 [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || create_cryptroot_unlock_sh edit_armbianEnv _debug_pause _show_output # this must be done before entering chroot /bin/cp $0 $TARGET_ROOT export 'ROOTFS_NAME' 'IP_ADDRESS' 'target_distro' 'ROOTENC_TESTING' 'ROOTENC_PAUSE' 'ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS' 'APT_UPGRADE' chroot $TARGET_ROOT "./$PROGNAME" $ORIG_OPTS 'in_target' /bin/cp -a '/etc/resolv.conf' "$TARGET_ROOT/etc" # this could be a symlink /bin/rm "$TARGET_ROOT/$PROGNAME" _add_state_file 'target_configured' 'target' } _set_env_vars() { shopt -s extglob local name val while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do name=${1%=?*} val=${1#+([A-Z_])=} [ "$name" == "$1" -o "$val" == "$1" ] && die "$1: illegal argument (must be in format 'NAME=value')" eval "$name=$val" shift done shopt -u extglob } _mount_target_and_exit() { setup_loopmount mount_target _set_target_vars rmdir $BOOT_ROOT exit } # begin execution set -e while getopts hCfFmo:MUpRsudvz OPT do case "$OPT" in h) print_help; exit ;; C) NO_CLEANUP='y' ;; f) FORCE_RECONFIGURE='y' ;; F) FORCE_REBUILD='y' ;; m) ADD_ALL_MODS='y' ;; o) ADD_MODS=$OPTARG ;; M) MOUNT_TARGET_ONLY='y' ;; U) UMOUNT_TARGET_ONLY='y' ;; p) PARTITION_ONLY='y' ;; R) FORCE_REFORMAT_ROOT='y' ;; s) USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS='y' ;; u) APT_UPGRADE='y' ;; d) DEBUG='y' ;& v) VERBOSE='y' RSYNC_VERBOSITY='--verbose' ;; z) ERASE='y' ;; *) exit ;; esac ORIG_OPTS+="-$OPT $OPTARG " done shift $((OPTIND-1)) trap '_return_handler' RETURN trap '_sigint_handler' INT trap '_error_handler' ERR set -o functrace set -o errtrace exec {stdout_dup}>&1 exec {stderr_dup}>&2 [ $UID == 0 -o $EUID == 0 ] || die 'This program must be run as root!' export HOME='/root' [ "$DEBUG" ] && set -x ARG1=$1; shift _set_env_vars $@ if [ "$ARG1" == 'in_target' ]; then SCRIPT_DESC='Target script' _hide_output [ "$target_distro" == 'bionic' ] && { echo 'export CRYPTSETUP=y' > '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptsetup' } apt_install_target [ "$initramfs_updated" ] || update_initramfs check_initramfs else SCRIPT_DESC='Host script' _do_header _set_host_vars get_armbian_image apt_install_host # _preclean requires cryptsetup _preclean [ "$UMOUNT_TARGET_ONLY" ] && exit check_sdcard_name_and_params $ARG1 create_build_dir [ "$MOUNT_TARGET_ONLY" ] && warn 'Mounting source and target and exiting at user request' _get_user_vars _test_sdcard_mounted [ "$MOUNT_TARGET_ONLY" ] && _mount_target_and_exit _warn_user_opts _confirm_user_vars [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || get_authorized_keys [ "$NO_CLEANUP" ] || trap '_clean' EXIT setup_loopmount _debug_pause check_install_state _hide_output [ "$card_partitioned" == 'n' ] && _do_partition _debug_pause [ "$bootpart_copied" == 'n' ] && copy_system_boot [ "$bootpart_label_created" == 'n' ] && create_bootpart_label [ "$rootpart_copied" == 'n' ] && copy_system_root [ "$target_configured" == 'n' ] && configure_target sync gmsg 'All done!' if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" != 'none' ]; then imsg "To unlock the target disk, execute the following from the unlocking host:" imsg " ssh -p 2222 root@${IP_ADDRESS/dhcp/TARGET_IP}" fi fi