3 Commits 963ab45f55 ... 17a1273e1f

Author SHA1 Message Date
  The MMGen Project 17a1273e1f armbian_rootenc_setup.sh: support bootloader config via extlinux.conf 3 weeks ago
  The MMGen Project 826a28f8e0 armbian_rootenc_setup.sh: minor fixes 3 weeks ago
  The MMGen Project 4adfb68a3d armbian_rootenc_setup.sh: whitespace 3 weeks ago
1 changed files with 72 additions and 12 deletions
  1. 72 12

+ 72 - 12

@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ print_help() {
      are desired, they must precede the device name.
   If the board has an eMMC, it may be used as the target device instead of
-  an SD card." | less
+  an SD card.  Depending on your platform, you may need to run ‘armbian-config’
+  and select ‘Install to internal storage’ -> ‘Install/Update the bootloader
+  on eMMC’ to enable booting from the eMMC" | less
 pause() {
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ check_sdcard_name_and_params() {
 		if [ "$non_removable" ]; then warn "      $non_removable"; fi
 		if [ "$nodos" ]; then warn "      $nodos"; fi
 		if [ "$oversize" ]; then warn "      $oversize"; fi
-		_user_confirm '  Are you sure this is the correct device of your blank SD card?' 'no'
+		_user_confirm '  Are you sure this is the device you want to install on?' 'no'
 	[ "${SDCARD_DEVNAME%[0-9]}" == $SDCARD_DEVNAME ] || part_sep='p'
@@ -919,14 +921,39 @@ copy_etc_files() {
 _set_target_vars() {
 	target_distro=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'lsb_release' '--short' '--codename')
 	target_kernel=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'ls' '/boot' | egrep '^vmlinu[xz]')
 	case $target_distro in
-		bionic|buster|focal) eth_dev='eth0' dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear-initramfs' dropbear_conf='config' ;;
-		bullseye|jammy)      eth_dev='eth0' dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear/initramfs' dropbear_conf='config' ;;
-		bookworm|noble|*)    eth_dev='end0' dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear/initramfs' dropbear_conf='dropbear.conf' target_armbian_keyring_signed='y' ;;
+		bionic|buster|focal)
+			eth_dev='eth0'
+			dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear-initramfs'
+			dropbear_conf='config' ;;
+		bullseye|jammy)
+			eth_dev='eth0'
+			dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear/initramfs'
+			dropbear_conf='config' ;;
+		bookworm|noble|*)
+			eth_dev='end0'
+			dropbear_dir='/etc/dropbear/initramfs'
+			dropbear_conf='dropbear.conf'
+			target_armbian_keyring_signed='y' ;;
+	local net_dev
+	for net_dev in eth0 end0 enp1s0 enp2s0; do
+		if ip -br link | grep -q ^$net_dev; then
+			host_eth_dev=$net_dev
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	[ "$host_eth_dev" ] || die 'Unable to find default wired network device'
+	_distros_match && eth_dev=$host_eth_dev
 	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' ''        'Host'       'Target')"
 	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' ''        '----'       '------')"
 	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' 'distro:' $host_distro $target_distro)"
@@ -980,8 +1007,7 @@ _display_file() {
 edit_armbianEnv() {
-	local file text console_arg
-	file="$TARGET_ROOT/boot/armbianEnv.txt"
+	local file=$TARGET_ROOT/$1 text console_arg
 	ed $file <<-'EOF'
@@ -998,6 +1024,32 @@ edit_armbianEnv() {
 	echo "$text" >> $file
+	_display_file $file
+edit_extlinux_conf() {
+	local file=$TARGET_ROOT/$1 text console_arg
+	/bin/cp $SRC_ROOT/$1 $TARGET_ROOT/$1
+		'yes') console_pat='console=tty1' ;;
+		*)     console_pat='console=ttyS\S+' ;;
+	esac
+	ed --extended-regexp $file <<-EOF
+		s/root=\S+/root=\/dev\/mapper\/$ROOTFS_NAME/
+		s/$console_pat *//
+		wq
+	if grep -q 'splash plymouth' $file; then
+		ed --extended-regexp $file <<-EOF
+			s/splash plymouth\S+/splash=verbose/
+			wq
+		EOF
+	fi
 	_display_file $file
@@ -1157,10 +1209,10 @@ exit 0'
 # begin chroot functions:
 apt_remove_target_pkgs() {
-	set +e
-	if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then apt --yes purge 'dropbear-initramfs'; fi
-	apt --yes purge 'bash-completion' 'command-not-found'
-	set -e
+	if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then
+		apt --yes purge 'dropbear-initramfs' || :
+	fi
+	apt --yes purge 'bash-completion' 'command-not-found' || :
 apt_install_target_pkgs() {
@@ -1238,7 +1290,15 @@ configure_target() {
 	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || create_cryptroot_unlock_sh
-	edit_armbianEnv
+	armbian_env="boot/armbianEnv.txt"
+	extlinux_conf="boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf"
+	if [ -e $SRC_ROOT/$armbian_env ]; then
+		edit_armbianEnv $armbian_env
+	elif [ -e $SRC_ROOT/$extlinux_conf ]; then
+		edit_extlinux_conf $extlinux_conf
+	else
+		die "could not find $SRC_ROOT/$armbian_env or $SRC_ROOT/$extlinux_conf"
+	fi
 	_show_output # this must be done before entering chroot