Forráskód Böngészése


The MMGen Project 3 éve
2 módosított fájl, 1169 hozzáadás és 2 törlés
  1. 7 2
  2. 1162 0

+ 7 - 2

@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
-# mmgen-geek-tools
-Random scripts to make a geek’s life easier
+## Random scripts to make a geek’s life easier
+Linux-only.  No guarantee provided.  Use at your own risk.
+* [][ars]

+ 1162 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+RED="\e[31;1m" GREEN="\e[32;1m" YELLOW="\e[33;1m" BLUE="\e[34;1m" PURPLE="\e[35;1m" RESET="\e[0m"
+PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
+TITLE='Armbian Encrypted  Root Filesystem          Setup'
+	card_partitioned
+	bootpart_copied
+	bootpart_label_created
+	rootpart_copied
+	target_configured
+	NO_CLEANUP                 no cleanup of mounts after program run
+	FORCE_REBUILD              force full rebuild
+	FORCE_RECONFIGURE          force reconfiguration
+	ADD_ALL_MODS               add all currently loaded modules to initramfs
+	USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS  use local 'authorized_keys' file
+	PARTITION_ONLY             partition and create filesystems only
+	ERASE                      zero boot sector, boot partition and beginning of root partition
+	ROOTENC_REUSE_FS           reuse existing filesystems (for development only)
+	ROOTENC_TESTING            developer tweaks
+	ROOTENC_PAUSE              pause along the way
+	ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS  continue even if apt update fails
+print_help() {
+	echo "  ${PROGNAME^^}: Create an Armbian image with encrypted root filesystem
+  USAGE:           $PROGNAME [options] <SD card device name>
+  OPTIONS:   '-h'  Print this help message
+             '-C'  Don't perform unmounts or clean up build directory at exit
+             '-d'  Produce tons of debugging output
+             '-f'  Force reconfiguration of target system
+             '-F'  Force a complete rebuild of target system
+             '-m'  Add all currently loaded modules to the initramfs (may help
+                   fix blank screen on bootup issues)
+             '-p'  Partition and create filesystems only.  Do not copy data
+             '-s'  Use 'authorized_keys' file from working directory, if available
+             '-v'  Be more verbose
+             '-u'  Perform an 'apt upgrade' after each 'apt update'
+             '-z'  Erase boot sector and first partition of SD card before partitioning
+  For non-interactive operation, set the following variables in your environment
+  or on the command line:
+      ROOTFS_NAME        - device mapper name of target root filesystem
+      IP_ADDRESS         - IP address of target (set to 'dhcp' for dynamic IP
+                           or 'none' to disable remote SSH unlocking support)
+      BOOTPART_LABEL     - Boot partition label of target
+      DISK_PASSWD        - Disk password of target root filesystem
+      UNLOCKING_USERHOST - USER@HOST of remote unlocking host
+                            INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
+  This script must be invoked as superuser on a running Armbian system.
+  Packages will be installed using APT, so the system must be Internet-
+  connected and its clock correctly set.
+  If remote unlocking via SSH is desired, the unlocking host must be reachable.
+  Alternatively, SSH public keys for the unlocking host or hosts may be placed
+  in the file 'authorized_keys' in the current directory.
+  Architecture of host and target (e.g. 64-bit or 32-bit ARM) must be the same.
+  For best results, the host and target hardware should also be identical or
+  similar.  Building on a host with more memory than the target, for example,
+  may lead to disk unlocking failure on the target.  For most users, who’ll be
+  building for the currently-running board, this point is a non-issue.
+  1. Place an Armbian boot image file for the target system in the current
+     directory.  For best results, the image file should match the Debian
+     or Ubuntu release of the host system.
+  2. Insert a USB card reader with a blank micro-SD card for the target
+     system into the host’s USB port.
+  3. Determine the SD card’s device name using 'dmesg' or 'lsblk'.
+  4. Invoke the script with the device name as argument.  If any options
+     are desired, they must precede the device name.
+  If the board has an eMMC, it may be used as the target device instead of
+  an SD card." | less
+pause() {
+	echo -ne $GREEN'(Press any key to continue)'$RESET >&$stderr_dup
+	read
+	no_fmsg=1
+_debug_pause() { [ "$ROOTENC_PAUSE" ] && pause; true; }
+imsg()      { echo -e "$1" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+imsg_nonl() { echo -ne "$1" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+tmsg()      {
+	no_fmsg=1
+	[ "$ROOTENC_TESTING" ] || return 0
+	echo -e "$1" >&$stdout_dup
+warn()      { echo -e "$YELLOW$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+warn_nonl() { echo -ne "$YELLOW$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+rmsg()      { echo -e "$RED$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+gmsg()      { echo -e "$GREEN$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+pu_msg()    { echo -e "$PURPLE$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup; no_fmsg=1; }
+do_partprobe() {
+	if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then partprobe; else partprobe 2>/dev/null; fi
+	no_fmsg=1
+_show_output() { [ "$VERBOSE" ] || exec 1>&$stdout_dup 2>&$stderr_dup; }
+_hide_output() { [ "$VERBOSE" ] || exec &>'/dev/null'; }
+bail() { exit; }
+die() {
+	echo -e "$RED$1$RESET" >&$stdout_dup
+	no_fmsg=1
+	exit 1
+_fmsg() {
+	local funcname=$1 errval=$2 res
+	if [ "${funcname:0:1}" == '_' -o "$no_fmsg" ]; then
+		no_fmsg=
+		return 0
+	fi
+	if [ "$errval" -eq 0 ]; then res='OK'; else res="False ($errval)"; fi
+	printf "$BLUE%-32s $res$RESET\n" "$funcname" >&$stdout_dup
+_sigint_handler() {
+	warn "\nExiting at user request"
+	usr_exit=1
+	exit 1
+_exit_handler() {
+	_show_output
+	local err=$?
+	[ $err -ne 0 -a -z "$usr_exit" ] && {
+		rmsg "$SCRIPT_DESC exiting with error (exit code $err)"
+	}
+	return $err
+_do_header() {
+	echo
+	local reply
+	if banner=$(toilet --filter border --filter gay --width 51 -s -f smbraille "$TITLE" 2>/dev/null); then
+		while read reply; do
+			echo -e "             $reply"
+		done <<-EOF
+			$banner
+		EOF
+	else
+		echo -n '                  '
+		echo $TITLE
+		echo
+	fi
+	echo "                      For detailed usage information,"
+	echo "                        invoke with the '-h' switch"
+	echo
+_warn_user_opts() {
+	local out
+	while read opt text; do
+		[ "$opt" ] || continue
+		[ $(eval echo -n \$$opt) ] && out+="  + $text\n"
+	done <<-EOF
+	[ "$out" ] && {
+		warn      "  The following user options are in effect:"
+		warn_nonl "${out}"
+	}
+_set_host_vars() {
+	BUILD_DIR='armbian_rootenc_build'
+	CONFIG_VARS_FILE="$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_config_vars"
+	host_distro=$(lsb_release --short --codename)
+	host_kernel=$(ls '/boot' | egrep '^vmlinu[xz]') # allow 'vmlinux' or 'vmlinuz'
+check_sdcard_name_and_params() {
+	local dev chk
+	dev=$1
+	[ "$dev" ] || die "You must supply a device name"
+	[ "${dev:0:5}" == '/dev/' ] || dev="/dev/$dev"
+	[ -e "$dev" ] || die "$dev does not exist"
+	chk="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=TYPE $dev 2>/dev/null)"
+	[ "$chk" != 'disk' ] && {
+		[ "$chk" == 'part' ] && die "$dev is a partition, not a block device!"
+		die "$dev is not a block device!"
+	}
+	local pttype size nodos oversize removable non_removable part_sep
+	pttype=$(blkid --output=udev $dev | grep TYPE | cut -d '=' -f2)
+	size="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=SIZE --bytes $dev 2>/dev/null)"
+	removable="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=RM $dev 2>/dev/null)"
+	nodos=$([ "$pttype" -a "$pttype" != 'dos' ] && echo "Partition type is ${pttype^^}")
+	oversize=$([ $size -gt 137438953472 ] && echo 'Size is > 128GiB')
+	non_removable=$([ $removable -ne 0 ] || echo 'Device is non-removable')
+	SD_INFO="$(lsblk --noheadings --nodeps --list --output=VENDOR,MODEL,SIZE $dev 2>/dev/null)"
+	SD_INFO=${SD_INFO//  / }
+	[ "$nodos" -o "$oversize" -o "$non_removable" ] && {
+		warn "  $dev ($SD_INFO) doesn’t appear to be an SD card"
+		warn "  for the following reasons:"
+		[ "$non_removable" ] && warn "      $non_removable"
+		[ "$nodos" ] && warn "      $nodos"
+		[ "$oversize" ] && warn "      $oversize"
+		_user_confirm '  Are you sure this is the correct device of your blank SD card?' 'no'
+	}
+	[ "${SDCARD_DEVNAME%[0-9]}" == $SDCARD_DEVNAME ] || part_sep='p'
+	[ "$SDCARD_DEVNAME" ] || die 'You must supply a device name for the SD card!'
+	pu_msg "Will write to target $dev ($SD_INFO)"
+_get_user_var() {
+	local var desc dfl prompt pat pat_errmsg vtest cprompt seen_prompt reply redo
+	var=$1 desc=$2 dfl=$3 prompt=$4 pat=$5 pat_errmsg=$6 vtest=$7
+	while true; do
+		[ -z "${!var}" -o "$seen_prompt" -o "$redo" ] && {
+			if [ "$seen_prompt" ]; then
+				echo -n "  Enter $desc: "
+			else
+				cprompt=
+				while read reply; do
+					cprompt+="  ${reply## }\n"
+				done <<-EOF
+					$prompt
+				EOF
+				echo
+				if [ "$dfl" ]; then
+					printf "${cprompt:0:-2} " "$dfl"
+				else
+					echo -ne "${cprompt:0:-2} "
+				fi
+				seen_prompt=1
+			fi
+			eval "read $var"
+		}
+		redo=1
+		[ -z "${!var}" -a "$dfl" ] && eval "$var=$dfl"
+		[ "${!var}" ] || {
+			rmsg "  $desc must not be empty"
+			continue
+		}
+		[ "$pat" ] && {
+			echo "${!var}" | egrep -qi "$pat" || {
+				rmsg "  ${!var}: $pat_errmsg"
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		[ "$vtest" ] && {
+			$vtest || continue
+		}
+		break
+	done
+_get_user_vars() {
+	_get_user_var 'IP_ADDRESS' 'IP address' '' \
+		"Enter the IP address of the target machine.
+		Enter 'dhcp' for a dynamic IP or 'none' for no remote SSH unlocking support
+		IP address:" \
+		'^(dhcp|none|[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]{1,3})$' \
+		'malformed IP address'
+	_get_user_var 'BOOTPART_LABEL' 'boot partition label' 'ARMBIAN_BOOT' \
+		"Enter a boot partition label for the target machine,
+		 or hit ENTER for the default (%s): " \
+		'^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16}$' \
+		"Label must contain no more than 16 characters in the set 'A-Za-z0-9_'"
+	_get_user_var 'ROOTFS_NAME' 'root filesystem device name' 'rootfs' \
+		"Enter a device name for the encrypted root filesystem,
+		or hit ENTER for the default (%s):" \
+		'^[a-z0-9_]{1,48}$' \
+		"Name must contain no more than 48 characters in the set 'a-z0-9_'" \
+		'_test_rootfs_mounted'
+	_get_user_var 'DISK_PASSWD' 'disk password' '' \
+		"Choose a simple disk password for the installation process.
+		Once your encrypted system is up and running, you can change
+		the password using the 'cryptsetup' command.
+		Enter password:" \
+		'^[A-Za-z0-9_ ]{1,10}$' \
+		"Temporary disk password must contain no more than 10 characters in the set 'A-Za-z0-9_ '"
+	if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then
+	elif [ -e 'authorized_keys' -a "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ]; then
+	else
+		_get_user_var 'UNLOCKING_USERHOST' 'USER@HOST' '' \
+			"Enter the user@host of the machine you'll be unlocking from:" \
+			'\S+@\S+' \
+			'malformed USER@HOST' \
+			'_test_unlocking_host_available'
+	fi
+	true
+_test_rootfs_mounted() {
+	[ -e "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" ] && {
+		local mnt=$(lsblk --list --noheadings --output=MOUNTPOINT /dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME)
+		[ "$mnt" ] && {
+			rmsg "  Device '$ROOTFS_NAME' is in use and mounted on $mnt"
+			return 1
+		}
+	}
+	return 0
+_test_unlocking_host_available() {
+	local ul_host=${UNLOCKING_USERHOST#*@}
+	ping -c1 $ul_host &>/dev/null || {
+		rmsg "  Unable to ping host '$ul_host'"
+		return 1
+	}
+_test_sdcard_mounted() {
+	local chk="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=MOUNTPOINT /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME)"
+	[ -z "$chk" ] || {
+		die "Device /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME has mounted partitions!"
+	}
+get_authorized_keys() {
+	[ -e 'authorized_keys' -a "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ] || {
+		rsync "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST:.ssh/id_*.pub" 'authorized_keys'
+	}
+_apt_update() {
+	[ "$ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS" ] && set +e
+	apt --yes update
+	[ "$APT_UPGRADE" ] && apt --yes upgrade
+	[ "$ROOTENC_IGNORE_APT_ERRORS" ] && set -e
+	true
+_print_pkgs_to_install() {
+	local pkgs pkgs_ssh
+	case $1 in
+		'host')
+			case "$host_distro" in
+				focal|bionic|buster) pkgs='cryptsetup-bin ed' ;;
+				*)                   pkgs='cryptsetup ed'
+                                     warn "Warning: unrecognized host distribution '$host_distro'" ;;
+			esac ;;
+		'target')
+			case "$target_distro" in
+				focal|buster) pkgs='cryptsetup-initramfs' pkgs_ssh='dropbear-initramfs' ;;
+				bionic)       pkgs='cryptsetup'           pkgs_ssh='dropbear-initramfs' ;;
+				*)            pkgs='cryptsetup'           pkgs_ssh='dropbear'
+                              warn "Warning: unrecognized target distribution '$target_distro'" ;;
+			esac
+			[ "$IP_ADDRESS" != 'none' ] && pkgs+=" $pkgs_ssh" ;;
+	esac
+	for i in $pkgs; do
+		dpkg -l $i 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^ii || echo $i
+	done
+apt_install_host() {
+	local pkgs=$(_print_pkgs_to_install 'host')
+	[ "$pkgs" ] && {
+		_apt_update
+		apt --yes install $pkgs
+	}
+	true
+create_build_dir() {
+	mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
+	mkdir -p $SRC_ROOT
+	mkdir -p $BOOT_ROOT
+	mkdir -p $TARGET_ROOT
+umount_target() {
+	for i in $BOOT_ROOT $TARGET_ROOT; do
+		while mountpoint -q $i; do
+			umount -Rl $i
+		done
+	done
+remove_build_dir() {
+	[ -d $TARGET_ROOT ] && rmdir $TARGET_ROOT
+	[ -d $BOOT_ROOT ] && rmdir $BOOT_ROOT
+	[ -d $SRC_ROOT ] && rmdir $SRC_ROOT
+	[ -d $BUILD_DIR ] && rmdir $BUILD_DIR
+	true
+_get_device_maps() {
+	local dm_type=$1
+	local varname="device_maps_${dm_type}"
+	eval "$varname="
+	local data=$(lsblk --list --noheadings --output=KNAME,MOUNTPOINT | egrep '^dm-[0-9]')
+	while read kname mountpoint; do
+		[ "$dm_type" == 'unmounted' -a "$mountpoint" ] && continue
+		[ "$dm_type" == 'mounted_on_target' -a \
+			"${mountpoint: -${#TARGET_ROOT}}" != "$TARGET_ROOT" ] && continue
+		eval "$varname+=/dev/$kname "
+	done <<-EOF
+		$data
+	tmsg "$varname=[${!varname}]"
+_close_device_maps() {
+	local dm_type=$1
+	local varname="device_maps_${dm_type}"
+	for i in ${!varname}; do
+		tmsg "closing $i"
+		cryptsetup status $i > '/dev/null' && cryptsetup luksClose $i
+	done
+_preclean() {
+	close_loopmount
+	_get_device_maps 'unmounted'
+	_close_device_maps 'unmounted'
+	_get_device_maps 'mounted_on_target'
+	umount_target
+	_close_device_maps 'mounted_on_target'
+	remove_build_dir
+_clean() {
+	local err=$?
+	[ $err -ne 0 -a -z "$usr_exit" ] && rmsg "$SCRIPT_DESC exiting with error (exit code $err)"
+	pu_msg "Cleaning up, please wait..."
+	_show_output
+	close_loopmount
+	_get_device_maps 'mounted_on_target'
+	umount_target
+	update_config_vars_file
+	_close_device_maps 'mounted_on_target'
+	[ -e 'authorized_keys' -a -z "$USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" ] && shred -u 'authorized_keys'
+	remove_build_dir
+get_armbian_image() {
+	ARMBIAN_IMAGE="$(ls *.img)"
+	[ "$ARMBIAN_IMAGE" ] || die 'You must place an Armbian image in the current directory!'
+	local count=$(echo "$ARMBIAN_IMAGE" | wc -l)
+	[ "$count" == 1 ] || die "More than one image file present!:\n$ARMBIAN_IMAGE"
+_confirm_user_vars() {
+	echo
+	echo "  Armbian image:                $ARMBIAN_IMAGE"
+	echo "  Target device:                /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME ($SD_INFO)"
+	echo "  Root filesystem device name:  /dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME"
+	echo "  Target IP address:            $IP_ADDRESS"
+	echo "  Boot partition label:         $BOOTPART_LABEL"
+	echo "  Disk password:                $DISK_PASSWD"
+	[ "$UNLOCKING_USERHOST" ] && echo "  user@host of unlocking machine: $UNLOCKING_USERHOST"
+	echo
+	_user_confirm '  Are these settings correct?' 'yes'
+setup_loopmount() {
+	LOOP_DEV=$(losetup -f)
+	mount ${LOOP_DEV}p1 $SRC_ROOT
+	START_SECTOR=$(fdisk -l $LOOP_DEV -o Start | tail -n1 | tr -d ' ') # usually 32768
+	BOOT_SECTORS=409600 # 200MB
+_umount_with_check() {
+	mountpoint -q $1 && umount $1
+update_config_vars_file() {
+	mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT
+	_print_config_vars $CONFIG_VARS_FILE
+	umount $BOOT_ROOT
+_print_states() {
+	for i in $STATES; do
+		echo $i: ${!i}
+	done
+_update_state_from_config_vars() {
+	[ -e $CONFIG_VARS_FILE ] || return 0
+	local reply
+	while read reply; do eval "c$reply"; done <<-EOF
+	local saved_states cfgvar_changed
+	saved_states="$(_print_states)"
+	cfgvar_changed=
+	[ $cARMBIAN_IMAGE != $ARMBIAN_IMAGE ]    && cfgvar_changed+=' ARMBIAN_IMAGE' card_partitioned='n'
+	[ $cBOOTPART_LABEL != $BOOTPART_LABEL ]  && cfgvar_changed+=' BOOTPART_LABEL' bootpart_label_created='n'
+	[ $cROOTFS_NAME != $ROOTFS_NAME ]        && cfgvar_changed+=' ROOTFS_NAME' target_configured='n'
+	[ $cDISK_PASSWD != $DISK_PASSWD ]        && cfgvar_changed+=' DISK_PASSWD' rootpart_copied='n'
+		cfgvar_changed+=' UNLOCKING_USERHOST' target_configured='n'
+	}
+	[ $cIP_ADDRESS != $IP_ADDRESS ]          && cfgvar_changed+=' IP_ADDRESS' target_configured='n'
+	[ "$cADD_ALL_MODS" != "$ADD_ALL_MODS" ]  && cfgvar_changed+=' ADD_ALL_MODS' target_configured='n'
+		cfgvar_changed+=' USE_LOCAL_AUTHORIZED_KEYS' target_configured='n'
+	}
+	[ $card_partitioned == 'n' ] && {
+		bootpart_copied='n'
+		bootpart_label_created='n'
+		rootpart_copied='n'
+		target_configured='n'
+	}
+	[ $bootpart_copied == 'n' ] && bootpart_label_created='n'
+	[ $rootpart_copied == 'n' ] && target_configured='n'
+	[ "$saved_states" != "$(_print_states)" ] && {
+		warn "Install state altered due to changed config vars:$cfgvar_changed"
+		for i in $STATES; do
+			if [ "${!i}" == 'n' ]; then
+				imsg "  $i: ${RED}no$RESET"
+			else
+				imsg "  $i: ${GREEN}yes$RESET"
+			fi
+		done
+		_delete_state_files
+	}
+	true
+_add_state_file() {
+	local state=$1 cmd=$2
+	if [ "$cmd" == 'target' ]; then
+		touch "$TARGET_ROOT/boot/.rootenc_install_state/$state"
+	else
+		[ "$cmd" == 'mount' ] && mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT
+		mkdir -p "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state"
+		touch "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$state"
+		[ "$cmd" == 'mount' ] && umount $BOOT_ROOT
+	fi
+	eval "$state='y'"
+	tmsg "added state file '$state'"
+_delete_state_files() {
+	for i in $STATES; do
+		local fn="$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i"
+		[ ${!i} == 'n' -a -e $fn ] && /bin/rm $fn
+	done
+	true
+_get_state_from_state_files() {
+	for i in $STATES; do
+		if [ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i" ]; then
+			eval "$i=y"
+		else
+			eval "$i=n"
+		fi
+	done
+_print_state_from_state_files() {
+	imsg 'Install state:'
+	for i in $STATES; do
+		if [ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/.rootenc_install_state/$i" ]; then
+			imsg "  $i: ${GREEN}yes$RESET"
+		else
+			imsg "  $i: ${RED}no$RESET"
+		fi
+	done
+check_install_state() {
+	for i in $STATES; do eval "$i=n"; done
+	if [ "$FORCE_REBUILD" ]; then
+		return
+	else
+		do_partprobe
+		lsblk --noheadings --list /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME -o 'NAME' | grep -q $BOOT_DEVNAME || return 0
+		lsblk --noheadings --list /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME -o 'FSTYPE' | grep -q 'ext4' || return 0
+		mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT
+		_get_state_from_state_files
+		if [ "$target_configured" == 'y' -a "$FORCE_RECONFIGURE" ]; then
+			target_configured='n'
+			_delete_state_files
+		fi
+		_print_state_from_state_files
+		_update_state_from_config_vars
+		_umount_with_check $BOOT_ROOT
+	fi
+close_loopmount() {
+	while mountpoint -q $SRC_ROOT; do
+		umount $SRC_ROOT
+	done
+	for i in $(losetup --noheadings --raw --list -j $ARMBIAN_IMAGE | awk '{print $1}'); do
+		losetup -d $i
+	done
+_user_confirm() {
+	local prompt1 prompt2 dfl_action reply
+	prompt1=$1 dfl_action=$2
+	if [ "$dfl_action" == 'yes' ]; then
+		prompt2='(Y/n)'
+	else
+		prompt2='(y/N)'
+	fi
+	imsg_nonl "$prompt1 $prompt2 "
+	read -n1 reply
+	[ "$reply" ] && imsg ''
+	[ "$dfl_action" == 'yes' -a -z "$reply" ] && return
+	[ "$reply" == 'y' -o "$reply" == 'Y' ] && return
+	warn "Exiting at user request"
+	usr_exit=1
+	exit 1
+erase_boot_sector_and_first_partition() {
+	local sectors count
+	sectors=$((START_SECTOR+BOOT_SECTORS+100))
+	count=$(((sectors/2048)+1))
+	pu_msg "Erasing up to beginning of second partition ($sectors sectors, ${count}M):"
+	_show_output
+	dd  if=/dev/zero \
+		of=/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME \
+		status=progress \
+		bs=$((512*2048)) \
+		count=$count
+	_hide_output
+create_partition_label() {
+	pu_msg "Creating new partition label on /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME"
+	local fdisk_cmds="o\nw\n"
+    set +e
+	echo -e "$fdisk_cmds" | fdisk "/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME"
+    set -e
+	do_partprobe
+copy_boot_loader() {
+	local count
+	count=$((START_SECTOR/2048))
+	pu_msg "Copying boot loader ($START_SECTOR sectors, ${count}M):"
+	_show_output
+	dd  if=$ARMBIAN_IMAGE \
+		of=/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME \
+		status=progress \
+		bs=$((512*2048)) \
+		count=$count
+	_hide_output
+	do_partprobe
+_print_config_vars() {
+	local outfile=$1
+	local data="$(for i in $CONFIG_VARS; do echo "$i=${!i}"; done)"
+	if [ "$outfile" ]; then echo "$data" > $outfile; else echo "$data"; fi
+partition_sd_card() {
+	local p1_end p2_start fdisk_cmds bname rname fstype
+	p2_start=$((p1_end+1))
+	fdisk_cmds="o\nn\np\n1\n$START_SECTOR\n$p1_end\nn\np\n2\n$p2_start\n\nw\n"
+	set +e
+	echo -e "$fdisk_cmds" | fdisk "/dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME"
+	set -e
+	do_partprobe
+	bname="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=NAME /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME)"
+	[ "$bname" == $BOOT_DEVNAME ] || die 'Partitioning failed!'
+	rname="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=NAME /dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME)"
+	[ "$rname" == $ROOT_DEVNAME ] || die 'Partitioning failed!'
+	# filesystem is required by call to _add_state_file(), so we must create it here
+	fstype=$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=FSTYPE "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME")
+	[ "$fstype" == 'ext4' -a "$ROOTENC_REUSE_FS" ] || mkfs.ext4 -F "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME"
+	do_partprobe
+	_add_state_file 'card_partitioned' 'mount'
+_do_partition() {
+	imsg "All data on /dev/$SDCARD_DEVNAME ($SD_INFO) will be destroyed!!!"
+	_user_confirm 'Are you sure you want to continue?' 'no'
+	if [ "$ERASE" ]; then
+		erase_boot_sector_and_first_partition
+	else
+		create_partition_label
+	fi
+	copy_boot_loader
+	partition_sd_card
+copy_system_boot() {
+	[ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] && {
+		_add_state_file 'bootpart_copied' 'mount'
+		return
+	}
+	mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" $BOOT_ROOT
+	pu_msg "Copying files to boot partition:"
+	_show_output
+	rsync $RSYNC_VERBOSITY --archive $SRC_ROOT/boot/* $BOOT_ROOT
+	_hide_output
+	[ -e "$BOOT_ROOT/boot" ] || (cd $BOOT_ROOT && ln -s . 'boot')
+	_add_state_file 'bootpart_copied'
+	umount $BOOT_ROOT
+create_bootpart_label() {
+	e2label "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" "$BOOTPART_LABEL"
+	do_partprobe
+	_add_state_file 'bootpart_label_created' 'mount'
+copy_system_root() {
+	if ! cryptsetup isLuks "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME"; then
+		pu_msg "Formatting encrypted root partition:"
+		echo -n $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksFormat "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" '-'
+	fi
+	echo $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" $ROOTFS_NAME
+	local fstype=$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=FSTYPE "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME")
+	[ "$fstype" == 'ext4' -a "$ROOTENC_REUSE_FS" ] || mkfs.ext4 -F "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME"
+	[ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] || {
+		mount "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" $TARGET_ROOT
+		pu_msg "Copying system to encrypted root partition:"
+		_show_output
+		rsync $RSYNC_VERBOSITY --archive --exclude=boot $SRC_ROOT/* $TARGET_ROOT
+		_hide_output
+		sync
+		mkdir -p "$TARGET_ROOT/boot"
+		touch "$TARGET_ROOT/root/.no_rootfs_resize"
+		umount $TARGET_ROOT
+	}
+	cryptsetup luksClose $ROOTFS_NAME
+	do_partprobe
+	_add_state_file 'rootpart_copied' 'mount'
+mount_target() {
+	echo $DISK_PASSWD | cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME" $ROOTFS_NAME
+	mount "/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME" $TARGET_ROOT
+	mount "/dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME" "$TARGET_ROOT/boot"
+	mount -o rbind /dev "$TARGET_ROOT/dev"
+	mount -t proc proc "$TARGET_ROOT/proc"
+	mount -t sysfs sys "$TARGET_ROOT/sys"
+_copy_to_target() {
+	local fn=$1
+	if [ -e $fn ]; then
+		echo "Copying '$fn'"
+		cat $fn > $TARGET_ROOT/$fn
+	else
+		imsg "Unable to copy '$fn' to target (file does not exist)"
+		false
+	fi
+create_etc_crypttab() {
+	local root_uuid="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --nodeps --output=UUID /dev/$ROOT_DEVNAME)"
+	echo "$ROOTFS_NAME UUID=$root_uuid none initramfs,luks" > "$TARGET_ROOT/etc/crypttab"
+	_display_file "$TARGET_ROOT/etc/crypttab"
+copy_etc_files() {
+	_copy_to_target '/etc/resolv.conf'
+	_copy_to_target '/etc/hosts'
+	set +e
+	_copy_to_target /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*proxy
+	set -e
+_set_target_vars() {
+	target_distro=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'lsb_release' '--short' '--codename')
+	target_kernel=$(chroot $TARGET_ROOT 'ls' '/boot' | egrep '^vmlinu[xz]')
+	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' ''        'Host'       'Target')"
+	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' ''        '----'       '------')"
+	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' 'distro:' $host_distro $target_distro)"
+	imsg "$(printf '%-8s %-28s %s' 'kernel:' $host_kernel $target_kernel)"
+_distros_match() {
+	[ $host_distro == $target_distro ]
+_kernels_match() {
+	[ ${host_kernel%.*} == ${target_kernel%.*} ] || return 1
+	[ ${host_kernel##*-} == ${target_kernel##*-} ]
+copy_etc_files_distro_specific() {
+	local files='/etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list'
+	if _distros_match; then
+		for i in $files; do _copy_to_target $i; done
+	else
+		warn 'Warning: host and target distros do not match:'
+		for i in $files; do imsg "  not copying $i"; done
+	fi
+_display_file() {
+	local name text reply
+	if [ "$2" ]; then
+		name="$1"
+		text="$2"
+	else
+		name=${1#$TARGET_ROOT}
+		text="$(cat $1)"
+	fi
+	hl='────────────────────────────────────────'
+	hl="$hl$hl$hl"
+	hls=${hl:0:${#name}+1}
+	echo "┌─$hls─┐"
+	echo "│ $name: │"
+	echo "├─$hls─┘"
+	while read reply; do
+		echo "│ $reply"
+	done <<-EOF
+	$text
+edit_armbianEnv() {
+	local file text
+	file="$TARGET_ROOT/boot/armbianEnv.txt"
+	ed $file <<-'EOF'
+		g/^\s*rootdev=/d
+		g/^\s*console=/d
+		g/^\s*bootlogo=/d
+		wq
+	text="rootdev=/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME
+	echo "$text" >> $file
+	_display_file $file
+edit_boot_cmd() {
+	local file="$TARGET_ROOT/boot/boot.cmd"
+	ed $file <<-'EOF'
+		g/^\s*setenv rootdev/d
+		g/^\s*setenv console/d
+		g/^\s*setenv bootlogo/d
+		wq
+	_display_file $file
+# Add the following lines to '/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf'. If
+# your board’s IP address will be statically configured, substitute the
+# correct static IP address after 'IP='.  If it will be configured via
+# DHCP, omit the IP line entirely:
+edit_initramfs_conf() {
+	local file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf"
+	ed $file <<-'EOF'
+		g/^\s*IP=/s/^/# /
+		g/^\s*DEVICE=/d
+		wq
+	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'dhcp' -o "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || {
+		echo "IP=$IP_ADDRESS:::" >> $file
+	}
+	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || echo "DEVICE=eth0" >> $file
+	_display_file $file
+edit_initramfs_modules() {
+	local modlist file hdr
+	[ "$ADD_ALL_MODS" ] && {
+		if ! _kernels_match; then
+			warn 'Host and target kernels do not match.  Not adding modules to initramfs'
+		elif ! _distros_match; then
+			warn 'Host and target distros do not match.  Not adding modules to initramfs'
+		else
+			modlist=$(lsmod | cut -d ' ' -f1 | tail -n+2)
+		fi
+	}
+	file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/initramfs-tools/modules"
+	hdr="# List of modules that you want to include in your initramfs.
+# They will be loaded at boot time in the order below.
+# Syntax:  module_name [args ...]
+# You must run update-initramfs(8) to effect this change.
+	echo "$hdr$modlist" > $file
+	_display_file $file
+copy_authorized_keys() {
+	local dest="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/dropbear-initramfs"
+	mkdir -p $dest
+	/bin/cp 'authorized_keys' $dest
+	_display_file "$dest/authorized_keys"
+create_fstab() {
+	local boot_uuid file text
+	boot_uuid="$(lsblk --noheadings --list --output=UUID /dev/$BOOT_DEVNAME)"
+	file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/fstab"
+	text="/dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_NAME / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1
+UUID=$boot_uuid /boot ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 2
+tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0"
+	echo "$text" > $file
+	_display_file $file
+edit_dropbear_cfg() {
+	local file text
+	file="$TARGET_ROOT/etc/dropbear-initramfs/config"
+	if [ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ]; then
+		[ -e $file ] && rm -v $file
+		true
+	else
+		mkdir -p '/etc/dropbear-initramfs'
+		text='DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 2222"
+		[ -e $file ] && grep -q '^DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 2222"' $file || echo "$text" >> $file
+		_display_file $file
+	fi
+# begin chroot functions:
+make_image() {
+	local cmd text
+	cmd="mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr"
+	local text=$($cmd)
+	_display_file "$cmd" "$text"
+apt_install_target() {
+	local pkgs=$(_print_pkgs_to_install 'target')
+	[ "$pkgs" ] && {
+		echo "target packages to install: $pkgs"
+		local ls1 ls2
+		_show_output
+		ls1=$(ls -l /boot/initrd.img-*)
+#		dpkg-reconfigure $pkgs # doesn't work in chroot
+#		apt --yes purge $pkgs
+#		apt-get --yes --purge autoremove
+		dpkg --configure --pending --force-confdef
+		set +e
+		apt --yes purge 'bash-completion'
+		apt --yes purge 'command-not-found'
+		set -e
+		_apt_update
+		echo 'force-confdef' > /root/.dpkg.cfg
+		apt --yes install $pkgs
+		rm /root/.dpkg.cfg
+		apt --yes autoremove
+		ls2=$(ls -l /boot/initrd.img-*)
+		[ "$ls1" != "$ls2" ] && initramfs_updated='y'
+		_hide_output
+	}
+	true
+update_initramfs() {
+	[ "$ROOTENC_TESTING" ] && return 0
+	_show_output
+	local ver=$(echo /boot/vmlinu?-* | sed 's/.boot.vmlinu.-//')
+	update-initramfs -k $ver -u
+	_hide_output
+check_initramfs() {
+	local text chk count
+	text="$(lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img*)"
+	set +e
+	chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'cryptsetup')
+	count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l)
+	[ "$count" -gt 5 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'Cryptsetup scripts missing in initramfs image'; }
+	_display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'cryptsetup'" "$chk"
+	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || {
+		chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'dropbear')
+		count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l)
+		[ "$count" -gt 5 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'Dropbear scripts missing in initramfs image'; }
+		_display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'dropbear'" "$chk"
+		chk=$(echo "$text" | grep 'authorized_keys')
+		count=$(echo "$chk" | wc -l)
+		[ "$count" -eq 1 ] || { echo "$text"; die 'authorized_keys missing in initramfs image'; }
+		_display_file "lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img* | grep 'authorized_keys'" "$chk"
+	}
+	set -e
+configure_target() {
+	[ "$PARTITION_ONLY" ] && return
+	mount_target
+	_set_target_vars
+	copy_etc_files
+	copy_etc_files_distro_specific
+	edit_boot_cmd
+	edit_initramfs_conf
+	edit_initramfs_modules
+	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || copy_authorized_keys
+	create_etc_crypttab
+	create_fstab
+	edit_dropbear_cfg
+	edit_armbianEnv
+	_debug_pause
+	_show_output # this must be done before entering chroot
+	/bin/cp $0 $TARGET_ROOT
+	chroot $TARGET_ROOT $0 $ORIG_OPTS 'in_target'
+	/bin/cp -a '/etc/resolv.conf' "$TARGET_ROOT/etc" # this could be a symlink
+	/bin/rm "$TARGET_ROOT/$0"
+	_add_state_file 'target_configured' 'target'
+_set_env_vars() {
+	shopt -s extglob
+	local name val
+	while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+		name=${1%=?*} val=${1#+([A-Z_])=}
+		[ "$name" == "$1" -o "$val" == "$1" ] && die "$1: illegal argument (must be in format 'NAME=value')"
+		eval "$name=$val"
+		shift
+	done
+	shopt -u extglob
+# begin execution
+while getopts hCdmfFpsuvz OPT
+		case "$OPT" in
+			h)  print_help; exit ;;
+			C)  NO_CLEANUP='y' ;;
+			F)  FORCE_REBUILD='y' ;;
+			f)  FORCE_RECONFIGURE='y' ;;
+			m)  ADD_ALL_MODS='y' ;;
+			p)  PARTITION_ONLY='y' ;;
+			u)  APT_UPGRADE='y' ;;
+			d)  DEBUG='y' ;&
+			v)  VERBOSE='y' RSYNC_VERBOSITY='--verbose' ;;
+			z)  ERASE='y' ;;
+			*)  exit ;;
+		esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+trap '_fmsg "$FUNCNAME" $?' RETURN
+trap '_sigint_handler' INT
+trap '_exit_handler' EXIT
+set -o functrace
+exec {stdout_dup}>&1
+exec {stderr_dup}>&2
+[ $UID == 0 -o $EUID == 0 ] || die 'This program must be run as root!'
+export HOME='/root'
+[ "$DEBUG" ] && set -x
+ARG1=$1; shift
+_set_env_vars $@
+if [ "$ARG1" == 'in_target' ]; then
+	SCRIPT_DESC='Target script'
+	set -e
+	_hide_output
+	make_image
+	[ "$target_distro" == 'bionic' ] && {
+		echo 'export CRYPTSETUP=y' > '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptsetup'
+	}
+	apt_install_target
+	[ "$initramfs_updated" ] || update_initramfs
+	check_initramfs
+	SCRIPT_DESC='Host script'
+	_do_header
+	_set_host_vars
+	get_armbian_image
+	apt_install_host # we need cryptsetup in next cmd
+	_preclean
+	check_sdcard_name_and_params $ARG1
+	_get_user_vars
+	_test_sdcard_mounted
+	_warn_user_opts
+	_confirm_user_vars
+	set -e
+	[ "$IP_ADDRESS" == 'none' ] || get_authorized_keys
+	create_build_dir
+	[ "$NO_CLEANUP" ] || trap '_clean' EXIT
+	setup_loopmount
+	_debug_pause
+	check_install_state
+	_hide_output
+	[ "$card_partitioned" == 'n' ]       && _do_partition
+	_debug_pause
+	[ "$bootpart_copied" == 'n' ]        && copy_system_boot
+	[ "$bootpart_label_created" == 'n' ] && create_bootpart_label
+	[ "$rootpart_copied" == 'n' ]        && copy_system_root
+	[ "$target_configured" == 'n' ]      && configure_target
+	gmsg 'All done!'